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A new chromatin core particle characterized by a half-proteolyzed octamer is obtained by controlled digestion of the native core particle by clostripain. The proteolyzed histones correspond to four polypeptide fragments which are tentatively assigned to H2A[4-129], H2B[1-125], H3[27-135] and H4[18-102] on the basis of electrophoretic evidence and the known specificity of clostripain for arginyl residues. Despite the loss of the N-terminal regions of histones H3 and H4, the partially proteolyzed core particle retains the structural conformation of the native one as shown by circular dichroism. As expected, this half-proteolyzed core particle presents an intermediate accessibility to polycations, such as spermidine, in comparison with that observed with the native core particle and a fully proteolyzed core particle. The latter includes the polypeptide fragments H2A[12-129], H2B[21-125], H3[27-135] and H4[20-102].  相似文献   

Rat liver chromatin core particles digested with clostripain yield a structurally well-defined nucleoprotein particle with an octameric core made up of fragmented histone species (designated H'2A, H'2B, H'3 and H'4, respectively) after selective loss of a sequence segment located in the N-terminal region of each core histone. Sequential Edman degradation and carboxypeptidase digestion unambiguously establish that histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 are selectively cleaved at the carboxyl side of Arg 11, Lys 20, Arg 26 and Arg 19 respectively and that the C-terminal sequences remain unaffected. Despite the loss of the highly basic N-terminal regions, including approximately 17% of the total amino acids, the characteristic structural organization of the nucleosome core particle appears to be fully retained in the proteolyzed core particle, as judged by physicochemical and biochemical evidence. Binding of spermidine to native and proteolyzed core particles shows that DNA accessibility differs markedly in both structures. As expected the proteolyzed particle, which has lost all the in vivo acetylation sites, is not enzymatically acetylated, in contrast to the native particle. However, proteolyzed histones act as substrates of the acetyltransferase in the absence of DNA, as a consequence of the occurrence of potential acetylation sites in the core histones thus rendered accessible. The possible role of the histone N-terminal regions on chromatin structure and function is discussed in the light of the present observations with the new core particle obtained by clostripain proteolysis.  相似文献   

Chromatin is composed of genomic DNA and histones, forming a hierarchical architecture in the nucleus. The chromatin hierarchy is common among eukaryotes despite different intrinsic properties of the genome. To investigate an effect of the differences in genome organization, chromatin unfolding processes were comparatively analyzed using Schizosaccaromyces pombe, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and chicken erythrocyte. NaCl titration showed dynamic changes of the chromatin. 400-1000 mM NaCl facilitated beads with approximately 115 nm in diameter in S. pombe chromatin. A similar transition was also observed in S. cerevisiae chromatin. This process did not involve core histone dissociation from the chromatin, and the persistence length after the transition was approximately 26 nm for S. pombe and approximately 28 nm for S. cerevisiae, indicating a salt-induced unfolding to "beads-on-a-string" fibers. Reduced salt concentration recovered the original structure, suggesting that electrostatic interaction would regulate this discrete folding-unfolding process. On the other hand, the linker histone was extracted from chicken chromatin at 400 mM NaCl, and AFM observed the "beads-on-a-string" fibers around a nucleus. Unlike yeast chromatin, therefore, this unfolding was irreversible because of linker histone dissociation. These results indicate that the chromatin unfolding and refolding depend on the presence and absence of the linker histone, and the length of the linker DNA.  相似文献   

A direct correlation exists between the level of histone H4 hyperacetylation induced by sodium butyrate and the extent to which nucleosomes lose their compact shape and become elongated (62.0% of the particles have a length/width ratio over 1.6; overall mean in the length/width ratio = 1.83 +/- 0.48) when bound to electron microscope specimen grids at low ionic strength (1mM EDTA, 10mM Tris, pH 8.0). A marked proportion of elongated core particles is also observed in the naturally occurring hyperacetylated chicken testis chromatin undergoing spermatogenesis when analyzed at low ionic strength (36.8% of the particles have a length/width ratio over 1.6). Core particles of elongated shape (length/width ratio over 1.6) generated under low ionic strength conditions are absent in the hypoacetylated chicken erythrocyte chromatin and represent only 2.3% of the untreated Hela S3 cell core particles containing a low proportion of hyperacetylated histones. The marked differences between control and hyperacetylated core particles are absent if the particles are bound to the carbon support film in the presence of 0.2 M NaCl, 6mM MgCl2 and 10mM Tris pH 8.0, conditions known to stabilize nucleosomes. A survey of the published work on histone hyperacetylation together with the present results indicate that histone hyperacetylation does not produce any marked disruption of the core particle 'per se', but that it decreases intranucleosomal stabilizing forces as judged by the lowered stability of the hyperacetylated core particle under conditions of shearing stress such as cationic competition by the carbon support film of the EM grid for DNA binding.  相似文献   

Linker DNA bending induced by the core histones of chromatin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J Yao  P T Lowary  J Widom 《Biochemistry》1991,30(34):8408-8414
We have previously reported that ionic conditions that stabilize the folding of long chromatin into 30-nm filaments cause linker DNA to bend, bringing the two nucleosomes of a dinucleosome into contact [Yao, J., Lowary, P. T., & Widom, J. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 7603-7607]. Dinucleosomes are studied because they allow the unambiguous detection of linker DNA bending through measurement of their nucleosome-nucleosome distance. Because of the large resistance of DNA to bending, the observed compaction must be facilitated by the histones. We have now tested the role of histone H1 (and its variant, H5) in this process. We find that dinucleosomes from which the H1 and H5 have been removed are able to compact to the same extent as native dinucleosomes; the transition is shifted to higher salt concentrations. We conclude that histone H1 is not essential for compacting the chromatin filament. However, H1 contributes to the free energy of compaction, and so it may select a single, ordered, compact state (the 30-nm filament, in long chromatin) from a family of compact states which are possible in its absence.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the chromatin core particle reassembly reaction in solution were quantitatively studied under conditions such that nucleohistone aggregation did not occur. Core particles, salt-jumped rapidly by dilution from 2.5 m-NaCl (in which DNA and histones do not interact) to 0.6 m-NaCl (in which core particles are nearly intact), reassemble in two distinct time ranges. Approximately 75% of the DNA refolds into core particle-like structures “instantaneously” as measured by several physical and chemical techniques with dead times in the seconds to minutes time range. The remaining DNA refolds with relaxation times ranging from 250 minutes at 0 °C to 80 minutes at 37 °C; this slow effect cannot be attributed to sample heterogeneity. The fraction of slowly refolding DNA and the slow relaxation time are independent of the core particle concentration. Transient intermediates present during the slow phase of refolding were identified as free DNA and core particle-like structures containing excess histone. Mixing experiments with DNA, histones, and core particles showed that core particle-histone interactions are responsible for the slow kinetics of DNA refolding. Upon treatment of reassembling core particles with the protein crosslinking reagent, dimethylsuberimidate, the slow phase of the reassembly reaction was arrested and a 13 S particle containing DNA and two octamers of histone was isolated. Consistent with the nature of this kinetic intermediate, it is shown that in 0.6 m-NaCl, core particles co-operatively bind at least one additional equivalent of histones with high affinity in the form of excess octamers. Also, core particles continue to adsorb considerably more histones with a weaker association constant of the order 105m?1 (in units of octamers) to a maximum value of 12 ± 2 equivalents (octamers) per core particle. The sedimentation coefficient increases with the two-thirds power of the molecular weight of the complex, as it would in the case of clustered spheres.A reassembly mechanism consistent with the data is presented, and other simple mechanisms are excluded. In the proposed mechanism, core particles reassemble very rapidly and compete effectively with DNA for histones such that approximately one-third of the particles initially formed are complexed with an excess octamer of histones, and 25% of the total DNA remains uncomplexed. The amount of this unusual reaction intermediate decays slowly to an equilibrium value of about 10%, thereby leaving 9% of the total DNA uncomplexed. Approximate values are calculated for the free energies, rate constants, and two of the activation energies which characterize this migrating octamer mechanism. This mechanism provides a means whereby histone octamers can be temporarily stripped off DNA at a modest free energy cost, approximately 2.6 kcal per nucleosome. Also, the properties of excess histone adsorption by chromatin and octamer migration suggest an efficient mechanism, consistent with observations by others, for nucleosome assembly in vivo during replication.  相似文献   

Chromatin unfolding and activation by HMGN(*) chromosomal proteins.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Giardia lamblia is a pathogenic unicellular eukaryotic parasite that causes giardiasis. Its genome encodes the canonical histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4, which share low amino acid sequence identity with their human orthologues. We determined the structure of the G. lamblia nucleosome core particle (NCP) at 3.6 Å resolution by cryo-electron microscopy. G. lamblia histones form a characteristic NCP, in which the visible 125 base-pair region of the DNA is wrapped in a left-handed supercoil. The acidic patch on the G. lamblia octamer is deeper, due to an insertion extending the H2B α1 helix and L1 loop, and thus cannot bind the LANA acidic patch binding peptide. The DNA and histone regions near the DNA entry-exit sites could not be assigned, suggesting that these regions are asymmetrically flexible in the G. lamblia NCP. Characterization by thermal unfolding in solution revealed that both the H2A–H2B and DNA association with the G. lamblia H3–H4 were weaker than those for human H3–H4. These results demonstrate the uniformity of the histone octamer as the organizing platform for eukaryotic chromatin, but also illustrate the unrecognized capability for large scale sequence variations that enable the adaptability of histone octamer surfaces and confer internal stability.  相似文献   

1. The electrophoretically fast (F) and slow (S) fragments obtained by tryptic cleavage of bovine iron-saturated transferrin differed in carbohydrate content and peptide 'maps'. 2. A fragment capable of binding one Fe3+ ion per molecule was isolated after brief tryptic digestion of bovine apotransferrin and shown closely to resemble the S fragment obtained from the iron-saturated protein. 3. Fragments F and S are probably derived from the N- and C-terminal halves of the transferrin molecule respectively. 4. Bovine transferrin could donate iron to rabbit reticulocytes, but the monoferric fragments possessed little iron-donating ability.  相似文献   

Histones from the parasitic platyhelminthes, Echinococcus granulosus and Fasciola hepatica, were systematically characterized. Core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, which were identified on the basis of amino acid sequencing and mass spectrometry data, showed conserved electrophoretic patterns. Histones H1, identified on the basis of physicochemical properties, amino acid composition and amino acid sequencing, showed divergence, both in their number and electrophoretic mobilities, between the two species and among other organisms. According to these data, core histones but not H1 histones, would be stabilized during evolution at the level of platyhelminthes.  相似文献   

Methylation of accessible DNA within chromatin by restriction modification methylases from Haemophilus influenzae was used to detect movement of histones along the DNA strand during chromatin manipulation. Methylation at different stages of chromatin preparation was followed by titration of the nucleoprotein with ploy(D-lysine), digestion of chromosomal proteins with pronase and analysis of the DNA-poly(D-lysine) complex in steep cesium chloride gradients. Comparison of the specific radioactivities in the peak fractions of the free DNA and the DNA-poly(D-lysine) complex, respectively, reveals that lateral movement of histones, relative to specific sites in the DNA marked by restriction methylases, occurs during manipulation and fragmentation of chromatin.  相似文献   

Just in the course of unfolding of chromosomal deoxyribonucleoproteins performed in the absence of magnesium ions all DNA-bound histones may be redistributed. This type of redistribution is completely blocked in already unfolded DNP preparations. If the unfolding-induced histone redistribution is allowed it leads to a significant decrease of the average length of free DNA segments in the unfolded, histone F1-depleted DNP. The implications of these data on the mode of DNA packing in chromatin are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent studies report that the frictional resistance of partially acetylated core particles increases when the number of acetyl groups/particle exceeds 10 (Bode, J., Gomez-Lira, M. M. & Schr?ter, H. (1983) Eur. J. Biochem. 130, 437-445). This was attributed to an opening of the core particle though other explanations, e.g. unwinding of the DNA ends were also suggested. Another possible explanation is that release of the core histone N-terminal domains by acetylation increased the frictional resistance of the particle. Neutron scatter studies have been performed on core particles acetylated to different levels up to 2.4 acetates/H4 molecule. Up to this level of acetylation the neutron scatter data show no evidence for unfolding of the core particle. The fundamental scatter functions for the envelope shape and internal structure are identical to those obtained previously for bulk core particles. The structure that gave the best fit to these fundamental scatter functions was a flat disc of diameter 11-11.5 nm and of thickness 5.5-6 nm with 1.7 +/- 0.2 turns of DNA coiled with a pitch of 3.0 nm around a core of the histone octamer. The data analysis emphasizes the changes in pair distance distribution functions at relatively low contrasts, particularly when the protein is contrast matched and DNA dominates the scatter. Under these conditions there is no evidence for the unwinding of long DNA ends in the hyperacetylated core particles. The distance distribution functions go to zero between 11.5 and 12 nm which gives the maximum chord length in a particle of dimension, 11 nm X 5.5 nm. The distance distribution function for the histone octamer contains 85% of the vectors within the 7.0-nm diameter of the histone core. 15% of the histone vectors lie between 7.0 and 12.0 nm, and these are attributed to the N-terminal domains of the core histones which extend out from the central histone core. Histone vectors extending beyond 7.0 nm are necessary to account for the measured radius of gyration of the histone core of 3.3 nm. A similar value of 3.2 nm is calculated for the recent ellipsoidal shape of 11.0 X 6.5 X 6.5 nm from the crystal structure of the octamer. However, the nucleosome model based on this structure is globular, roughly 11 nm in diameter, which does not accord with the flat disc shape core particle obtained from detailed neutron scatter data nor with the cross-section radii of gyration of the histone and DNA found previously for extended chromatin in solution.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase epsilon, formerly known as a proliferating cell nuclear antigen-independent form of DNA polymerase delta, has been shown elsewhere to be catalytically and structurally distinct from DNA polymerase delta. The catalytic activity of HeLa DNA polymerase epsilon, an enzyme consisting of greater than 200- and 55-kDa polypeptides, was assigned to the larger polypeptide by polymerase trap reaction. This catalytic polypeptide was cleaved by incubation with trypsin into two polypeptide fragments with molecular masses of 122 and 136 kDa, the former of which was relatively resistant to further proteolysis and possessed the polymerase activity. The cleavage increased the polymerase and exonuclease activities of the enzyme some 2-3-fold. DNA polymerase epsilon was also purified in a smaller 140-kDa form from calf thymus. The digestion of this form of the enzyme by trypsin also generated a 122-kDa polypeptide. These results suggest that the catalytic core of DNA polymerase epsilon is a 258-kDa polypeptide that is composed of two segments linked with a protease-sensitive area. One of the segments harbors both DNA polymerase and 3'----5' exonuclease activities. In spite of the different polypeptide structures, the catalytic properties of the HeLa enzyme, its trypsin-digested form, and the calf thymus enzyme remained essentially the same.  相似文献   

The kinetics of actin unfolding induced by guanidine hydrochloride has been studied. On the basis of obtained experimental data a new kinetic pathway of actin unfolding was proposed. We have shown that the transition from native to inactivated actin induced by guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl) passes through essential unfolding of the protein. This means that inactivated actin should be considered as the off-pathway species rather than an intermediate conformation between native and completely unfolded states of actin, as has been assumed earlier. The rate constants of the transitions that give rise to the inactivated actin were determined. At 1.0-2.0 M GdnHCl the value of the rate constant of the transition from native to essentially unfolded actin exceeds that of the following step of inactivated actin formation. It leads to the accumulation of essentially unfolded macromolecules early in the unfolding process, which in turn causes the minimum in the time dependencies of tryptophan fluorescence intensity, parameter A, characterizing the intrinsic fluorescence spectrum position, and tryptophan fluorescence anisotropy.  相似文献   

We present here an attempt to build up a space-filling model of the nucleosome core particle based on the chemical crosslinking data of Mirzabekov and coworkers (23). It is shown that the models proposed earlier are inconsistent with the results of these authors. The main characteristics of our model are as follows: a) the DNA superhelix contains at least 90 base pairs (bp) per turn; b) the particle has a dyad axis of symmetry; c) the histone octamer may be regarded as consisting of two heterotypic tetramers. The possible shape and function of core histones are discussed in the light of the model.  相似文献   

When nucleosomal core histones were isolated from rat liver nuclei incubated with [14C]NAD+ and fractionated into the individual components (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4), [14C]adenosine diphosphate ribose (ADP-Rib) was found to be associated with all of them. However, while about 15% of the H2B molecules were modified, less than 2% of the other fractions contained radioactive ADP-Rib. The nucleotide attached to H2B was identified as a single monomer of ADP-Rib. On subjectint H2B to electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing 2.5 M urea and 0.9 N acetic acid, one single band of H2B with 5% less mobility than the unomdified control was obtained. The linkage between H2B and ADP-Rib was rapidly hydrolyzed with 0.1 N NaOH or with 1 M neutral hydroxylamine. Hydrolysis of ADP-ribosylated H2B with trypsin generated a single peptide linked to ADP-Rib, which corresponded to the sequence Pro-Glu-Pro-Ala-Lys. We were able to dansylate the NH2-terminal proline, which proved that the imino group of this amino acid was not substituted. These findings, together with the chemical properties of the linkage, which were typical of those of an ester-like bond, strongly suggest that the ADP-Rib residue was linked to the gamma-COOH group of the glutamic acid in position 2 of H2B.  相似文献   

Full-length masses of histones were analyzed by mass spectrometry to characterize post-translational modifications of bulk histones and their changes induced by cell stimulation. By matching masses of unique peptides with full-length masses, H4 and the variants H2A.1, H2B.1, and H3.1 were identified as the main histone forms in K562 cells. Mass changes caused by covalent modifications were measured in a dose- and time-dependent manner following inhibition of phosphatases by okadaic acid. Histones H2A, H3, and H4 underwent changes in mass consistent with altered acetylation and phosphorylation, whereas H2B mass was largely unchanged. Unexpectedly, histone H4 became almost completely deacetylated in a dose-dependent manner that occurred independently of phosphorylation. Okadaic acid also partially blocked H4 hyperacetylation induced by trichostatin-A, suggesting that the mechanism of deacetylation involves inhibition of H4 acetyltransferase activity, following perturbation of cellular phosphatases. In addition, mass changes in H3 in response to okadaic acid were consistent with phosphorylation of methylated, acetylated, and phosphorylated forms. Finally, kinetic differences were observed with respect to the rate of phosphorylation of H2A versus H4, suggesting differential regulation of phosphorylation at sites on these proteins, which are highly related by sequence. These results provide novel evidence that global covalent modifications of chromatin-bound histones are regulated through phosphorylation-dependent mechanisms.  相似文献   

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