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Resveratrol promotes clearance of Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptides   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Several epidemiological studies indicate that moderate consumption of wine is associated with a lower incidence of Alzheimer's disease. Wine is enriched in antioxidant compounds with potential neuroprotective activities. However, the exact molecular mechanisms involved in the beneficial effects of wine intake on the neurodegenerative process in Alzheimer's disease brain remain to be clearly defined. Here we show that resveratrol (trans-3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene), a naturally occurring polyphenol mainly found in grapes and red wine, markedly lowers the levels of secreted and intracellular amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptides produced from different cell lines. Resveratrol does not inhibit Abeta production, because it has no effect on the Abeta-producing enzymes beta- and gamma-secretases, but promotes instead intracellular degradation of Abeta via a mechanism that involves the proteasome. Indeed, the resveratrol-induced decrease of Abeta could be prevented by several selective proteasome inhibitors and by siRNA-directed silencing of the proteasome subunit beta5. These findings demonstrate a proteasome-dependent anti-amyloidogenic activity of resveratrol and suggest that this natural compound has a therapeutic potential in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Accumulation of the amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) in the brain is crucial for development of Alzheimer's disease. Expression of transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), an immunosuppressive cytokine, has been correlated in vivo with Abeta accumulation in transgenic mice and recently with Abeta clearance by activated microglia. Here, we demonstrate that TGF-beta1 drives the production of Abeta40/42 by astrocytes leading to Abeta production in TGF-beta1 transgenic mice. First, TGF-beta1 induces the overexpression of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) in astrocytes but not in neurons, involving a highly conserved TGF-beta1-responsive element in the 5'-untranslated region (+54/+74) of the APP promoter. Second, we demonstrated an increased release of soluble APP-beta which led to TGF-beta1-induced Abeta generation in both murine and human astrocytes. These results demonstrate that TGF-beta1 potentiates Abeta production in human astrocytes and may enhance the formation of plaques burden in the brain of Alzheimer's disease patients.  相似文献   

Amyloid-beta (Abeta) the primary component of the senile plaques found in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is generated by the rate-limiting cleavage of amyloid precursor protein (APP) by beta-secretase followed by gamma-secretase cleavage. Identification of the primary beta-secretase gene, BACE1, provides a unique opportunity to examine the role this unique aspartyl protease plays in altering Abeta metabolism and deposition that occurs in AD. The current experiments seek to examine how modulating beta-secretase expression and activity alters APP processing and Abeta metabolism in vivo. Genomic-based BACE1 transgenic mice were generated that overexpress human BACE1 mRNA and protein. The highest expressing BACE1 transgenic line was mated to transgenic mice containing human APP transgenes. Our biochemical and histochemical studies demonstrate that mice overexpressing both BACE1 and APP show specific alterations in APP processing and age-dependent Abeta deposition. We observed elevated levels of Abeta isoforms as well as significant increases of Abeta deposits in these double transgenic animals. In particular, the double transgenics exhibited a unique cortical deposition profile, which is consistent with a significant increase of BACE1 expression in the cortex relative to other brain regions. Elevated BACE1 expression coupled with increased deposition provides functional evidence for beta-secretase as a primary effector in regional amyloid deposition in the AD brain. Our studies demonstrate, for the first time, that modulation of BACE1 activity may play a significant role in AD pathogenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

ABCA1-deficient mice have low levels of poorly lipidated apolipoprotein E (apoE) and exhibit increased amyloid load. To test whether excess ABCA1 protects from amyloid deposition, we crossed APP/PS1 mice to ABCA1 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenic mice. Compared with wild-type animals, the ABCA1 BAC led to a 50% increase in cortical ABCA1 protein and a 15% increase in apoE abundance, demonstrating that this BAC supports modest ABCA1 overexpression in brain. However, this was observed only in animals that do not deposit amyloid. Comparison of ABCA1/APP/PS1 mice with APP/PS1 controls revealed no differences in levels of brain ABCA1 protein, amyloid, Abeta, or apoE, despite clear retention of ABCA1 overexpression in the livers of these animals. To further investigate ABCA1 expression in the amyloid-containing brain, we then compared ABCA1 mRNA and protein levels in young and aged cortex and cerebellum of APP/PS1 and ABCA1/APP/PS1 animals. Compared with APP/PS1 controls, aged ABCA1/APP/PS1 mice exhibited increased ABCA1 mRNA, but not protein, selectively in cortex. Additionally, ABCA1 mRNA levels were not increased before amyloid deposition but were induced only in the presence of extensive Abeta and amyloid levels. These data suggest that an induction of ABCA1 expression may be associated with late-stage Alzheimer's neuropathology.  相似文献   

There have been several reports on the use of beta-amyloid (Abeta ) vaccination in different mouse models of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and its effects on pathology and cognitive function. In this report, the histopathologic findings in the APP+PS1 doubly transgenic mouse were compared after three, five, or nine Abeta inoculations. The number of inoculations influenced the effects of vaccination on Congo red levels, microglia activation, and anti-Abeta antibody titers. After three inoculations, the antibody titer of transgenic mice was substantially lower than that found in nontransgenic animals. However, after nine inoculations, the levels were considerably higher in both genotypes and no longer distinguishable statistically. The number of inoculations influenced CD45 expression, an indicator of microglial activation. There was an initial upregulation, which was significant after five inoculations, but by nine inoculations, the extent of microglial activation was equivalent to that in mice given control vaccinations. Along with this increased CD45 expression, there was a correlative reduction in staining by Congo red, which stains compact plaques. When data from the mice from all groups were combined, there was a significant correlation between activation of microglia and Congo red levels, suggesting that microglia play a role in the clearance of compact plaque.  相似文献   

The pathology of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by the presence of extracellular deposits of misfolded and aggregated amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide and intraneuronal accumulation of tangles comprised of hyperphosphorylated Tau protein. For several years, the natural compound curcumin has been proposed to be a candidate for enhanced clearance of toxic Aβ amyloid. In this study we have studied the potency of feeding curcumin as a drug candidate to alleviate Aβ toxicity in transgenic Drosophila. The longevity as well as the locomotor activity of five different AD model genotypes, measured relative to a control line, showed up to 75% improved lifespan and activity for curcumin fed flies. In contrast to the majority of studies of curcumin effects on amyloid we did not observe any decrease in the amount of Aβ deposition following curcumin treatment. Conformation-dependent spectra from p-FTAA, a luminescent conjugated oligothiophene bound to Aβ deposits in different Drosophila genotypes over time, indicated accelerated pre-fibrillar to fibril conversion of Aβ(1-42) in curcumin treated flies. This finding was supported by in vitro fibrillation assays of recombinant Aβ(1-42). Our study shows that curcumin promotes amyloid fibril conversion by reducing the pre-fibrillar/oligomeric species of Aβ, resulting in a reduced neurotoxicity in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Until recently, the study of hormonal influences in Alzheimer disease was limited to the role of sex steroids. Despite numerous epidemiological studies supporting a protective role for estrogen in Alzheimer disease, recent studies show that estrogen administration in elderly women increases the risk of disease. Reconciling these contradictory reports, we previously hypothesized that other hormones of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, such as luteinizing hormone, may be involved in the onset and development of the disease. In this regard, luteinizing hormone is elevated in Alzheimer disease and is known to modulate amyloidogenic processing of amyloid-beta protein precursor. Therefore, in this study, to evaluate the therapeutic potential of luteinizing hormone ablation, we administered a gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue, leuprolide acetate, to an aged transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer disease (Tg 2576) and measured cognitive Y-maze performance and amyloid-beta deposition after 3 months of treatment. Our data indicate that luteinizing hormone ablation significantly attenuated cognitive decline and decreased amyloid-beta deposition as compared to placebo-treated animals. Importantly, leuprolide acetate-mediated reduction of amyloid-beta correlated with improved cognition. Since both cognitive loss and amyloid-beta deposition are features of Alzheimer disease, leuprolide acetate treatment may prove to be a useful therapeutic strategy for this disease.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) promotes or inhibits cell proliferation and induces fibrotic processes and extracellular matrix production in numerous cell types. Several cardiac diseases are associated with an increased expression of TGF-beta(1) mRNA, particularly during the transition from stable cardiac hypertrophy to heart failure. In vitro studies suggest a link between TGF-beta(1) signaling and the beta-adrenergic system. However, the in vivo effects of this growth factor on myocardial tissue have been poorly identified. In transgenic mice overexpressing TGF-beta(1) (TGF-beta), we investigated the in vivo effects on cardiac morphology, beta-adrenergic signaling, and contractile function. When compared with nontransgenic controls (NTG), TGF-beta mice revealed significant cardiac hypertrophy (heart weight, 164 +/- 7 vs. 130 +/- 3 mg, P < 0.01; heart weight-to-body weight ratio, 6.8 +/- 0.3 vs. 5.1 +/- 0.1 mg/g, P < 0.01), accompanied by interstitial fibrosis. These morphological changes correlated with an increased expression of hypertrophy-associated proteins such as atrial natriuretic factor (ANF). Furthermore, overexpression of TGF-beta(1) led to alterations of beta-adrenergic signaling as myocardial beta-adrenoceptor density increased from 7.3 +/- 0.3 to 11.2 +/- 1.1 fmol/mg protein (P < 0.05), whereas the expression of beta-adrenoceptor kinase-1 and inhibitory G proteins decreased by 56 +/- 9.7% and 58 +/- 7.6%, respectively (P < 0.05). As a consequence of altered beta-adrenergic signaling, hearts from TGF-beta showed enhanced contractile responsiveness to isoproterenol stimulation. In conclusion, we conclude that TGF-beta(1) induces cardiac hypertrophy and enhanced beta-adrenergic signaling in vivo. The morphological alterations are either induced by direct effects of TGF-beta(1) or may at least in part result from increased beta-adrenergic signaling, which may contribute to excessive catecholamine stimulation during the transition from compensated hypertrophy to heart failure.  相似文献   

Blood–brain barrier (BBB) breakdown and mitochondrial dysfunction have been implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer''s disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease characterized by cognitive deficits and neuronal loss. Besides vitamin C being as one of the important antioxidants, recently, it has also been reported as a modulator of BBB integrity and mitochondria morphology. Plasma levels of vitamin C are decreased in AD patients, which can affect disease progression. However, investigation using animal models on the role of vitamin C in the AD pathogenesis has been hampered because rodents produce with no dependence on external supply. Therefore, to identify the pathogenic importance of vitamin C in an AD mouse model, we cross-bred 5 familial Alzheimer''s disease mutation (5XFAD) mice (AD mouse model) with ι-gulono-γ-lactone oxidase (Gulo) knockout (KO) mice, which are unable to synthesize their own vitamin C, and produced Gulo KO mice with 5XFAD mice background (KO-Tg). These mice were maintained on either low (0.66 g/l) or high (3.3 g/l) supplementation of vitamin C. We found that the higher supplementation of vitamin C had reduced amyloid plaque burden in the cortex and hippocampus in KO-Tg mice, resulting in amelioration of BBB disruption and mitochondrial alteration. These results suggest that intake of a larger amount of vitamin C could be protective against AD-like pathologies.  相似文献   

Immunization with amyloid-beta (Abeta) prevents the deposition of Abeta in the brain and memory deficits in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease (AD), opening the possibility for immunotherapy of AD in humans. Unfortunately, the first human trial of Abeta vaccination was complicated, in a small number of vaccinees, by cell-mediated meningoencephalitis. To develop an Abeta vaccine that lacks the potential to induce autoimmune encephalitis, we have generated papillomavirus-like particles (VLP) that display 1-9 aa of Abeta protein repetitively on the viral capsid surface (Abeta-VLP). This Abeta peptide was chosen because it contains a functional B cell epitope, but lacks known T cell epitopes. Rabbit and mouse vaccinations with Abeta-VLP were well tolerated and induced high-titer autoAb against Abeta, that inhibited effectively assembly of Abeta(1-42) peptides into neurotoxic fibrils in vitro. Following Abeta-VLP immunizations of APP/presenilin 1 transgenic mice, a model for human AD, we observed trends for reduced Abeta deposits in the brain and increased numbers of activated microglia. Furthermore, Abeta-VLP vaccinated mice also showed increased levels of Abeta in plasma, suggesting efflux from the brain into the vascular compartment. These results indicate that the Abeta-VLP vaccine induces an effective humoral immune response to Abeta and may thus form a basis to develop a safe and efficient immunotherapy for human AD.  相似文献   

We have undertaken an integrated chemical and morphological comparison of the amyloid-beta (Abeta) molecules and the amyloid plaques present in the brains of APP23 transgenic (tg) mice and human Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. Despite an apparent overall structural resemblance to AD pathology, our detailed chemical analyses revealed that although the amyloid plaques characteristic of AD contain cores that are highly resistant to chemical and physical disruption, the tg mice produced amyloid cores that were completely soluble in buffers containing SDS. Abeta chemical alterations account for the extreme stability of AD plaque core amyloid. The corresponding lack of post-translational modifications such as N-terminal degradation, isomerization, racemization, pyroglutamyl formation, oxidation, and covalently linked dimers in tg mouse Abeta provides an explanation for the differences in solubility between human AD and the APP23 tg mouse plaques. We hypothesize either that insufficient time is available for Abeta structural modifications or that the complex species-specific environment of the human disease is not precisely replicated in the tg mice. The appraisal of therapeutic agents or protocols in these animal models must be judged in the context of the lack of complete equivalence between the transgenic mouse plaques and the human AD lesions.  相似文献   

Accumulation of cerebral amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) is believed to be part of the pathogenic process in Alzheimer's disease. Abeta is derived by proteolytic cleavage from a precursor protein, the amyloid precursor protein (APP). APP is a type-1 membrane-spanning protein, and its carboxyl-terminal intracellular domain binds to X11beta, a neuronal adaptor protein. X11beta has been shown to inhibit the production of Abeta in transfected non-neuronal cells in culture. However, whether this is also the case in vivo in the brain and whether X11beta can also inhibit the deposition of Abeta as amyloid plaques is not known. Here we show that transgenic overexpression of X11beta in neurons leads to a decrease in cerebral Abeta levels in transgenic APPswe Tg2576 mice that are a model of the amyloid pathology of Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, overexpression of X11beta retards amyloid plaque formation in these APPswe mice. Our findings suggest that modulation of X11beta function may represent a novel therapeutic approach for preventing the amyloid pathology of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Members of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade such as extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 are implicated as important regulators of cardiomyocyte hypertrophic growth in culture. However, the role that individual MAPK pathways play in vivo has not been extensively evaluated. Here we generated nine transgenic mouse lines with cardiac-restricted expression of an activated MEK1 cDNA in the heart. MEK1 transgenic mice demonstrated concentric hypertrophy without signs of cardiomyopathy or lethality up to 12 months of age. MEK1 transgenic mice showed a dramatic increase in cardiac function, as measured by echocardiography and isolated working heart preparation, without signs of decompensation over time. MEK1 transgenic mice and MEK1 adenovirus-infected neonatal cardiomyocytes each demonstrated ERK1/2, but not p38 or JNK, activation. MEK1 transgenic mice and MEK1 adenovirus-infected cultured cardiomyocytes were also partially resistant to apoptotic stimuli. The results of the present study indicate that the MEK1-ERK1/2 signaling pathway stimulates a physiologic hypertrophy response associated with augmented cardiac function and partial resistance to apoptotsis.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor BI (SR-BI) is a multi-ligand lipoprotein receptor that mediates selective lipid uptake from HDL, and plays a central role in hepatic HDL metabolism. In this report, we investigated the extent to which SR-BI selective lipid uptake contributes to LDL metabolism. As has been reported for human LDL, mouse SR-BI expressed in transfected cells mediated selective lipid uptake from mouse LDL. However, LDL-cholesteryl oleoyl ester (CE) transfer relative to LDL-CE bound to the cell surface (fractional transfer) was approximately 18-fold lower compared with HDL-CE. Adenoviral vector-mediated SR-BI overexpression in livers of human apoB transgenic mice ( approximately 10-fold increased expression) reduced plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) and apolipoprotein (apo)A-I concentrations to nearly undetectable levels 3 days after adenovirus infusion. Increased hepatic SR-BI expression resulted in only a modest depletion in LDL-C that was restricted to large LDL particles, and no change in steady-state concentrations of human apoB. Kinetic studies showed a 19% increase in the clearance rate of LDL-CE in mice with increased SR-BI expression, but no change in LDL apolipoprotein clearance. Quantification of hepatic uptake of LDL-CE and LDL-apolipoprotein showed selective uptake of LDL-CE in livers of human apo B transgenic mice. However, such uptake was not significantly increased in mice over-expressing SR-BI. We conclude that SR-BI-mediated selective uptake from LDL plays a minor role in LDL metabolism in vivo.  相似文献   

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease resulting from motor neuron loss in the spinal cord and brain stem. In the present study, we found that systemic administration of recombinant vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) significantly diminished astrogliosis and increased the number of neuromuscular junctions in a Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) transgenic mouse model of ALS. Our results thus demonstrate a novel regulatory role of VEGF on astrocytes and are suggestive of protective effects of VEGF both in the peripheral and central nervous system in the SOD1 transgenic mouse model. These findings warrant further evaluation of the mechanism(s) of regulatory effects of VEGF on neuronal and non-neuronal cells, and the relation of these events to motor neuron degeneration and the onset and progression of ALS.  相似文献   

Most C57BL/6 mice infected i.p. with Plasmodium berghei ANKA (PbA) die between 7 and 14 days with neurologic signs, and the remainder die later (>15 days) with severe anemia. Daily i.p. injections of a recombinant human IFN-alpha (active on mouse cells) prevented death by cerebral malaria (87% deaths in the control mice vs 6% in IFN-alpha-treated mice). The mechanisms of this IFN-alpha protective effect were multiple. IFN-alpha-treated, PbA-infected mice showed 1) a marked decrease in the number of PbA parasites in the blood mediated by IFN-gamma, 2) less sequestered parasites in cerebral vessels, 3) reduced up-regulation of ICAM-1 expression in brain endothelial cells, 4) milder rise of blood levels of TNF, 5) increased levels of IFN-gamma in the blood resulting from an increased production by splenic CD8+ T cells, and 6) fewer leukocytes (especially CD8+ T cells) sequestered in cerebral vessels. On the other hand, IFN-alpha treatment did not affect the marked anemia observed in PbA-infected mice. Survival time in IFN-alpha-treated mice was further increased by performing three blood transfusions over consecutive days.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease is a large and growing health problem. Several lines of transgenic mice overexpressing the amyloid precursor protein (APP) develop both diffuse and compacted amyloid deposits which increase in size and number with age. In the vicinity of compacted deposits, these mice develop neuritic dystrophy and activation of glia. Ultimately, these mice also develop memory deficits. Immunotherapy against the Abeta peptide has been effective in both clearing amyloid deposits from the brain, and improving the mnemonic performance of the transgenic mice. Associated with these actions, are changes in the expression of microglial markers. In some cases, the glial activation markers decline, consistent with reduced provocation from amyloid deposits. However, in a time course study, we found that some markers of microglial activation increase transiently once the immunotherapy is initiated. Still another marker continues to rise for up to 3 months of treatment, and remains elevated even after the parenchymal amyloid deposits are largely removed. These changes are consistent with a shift in the microglial phenotype, transitioning from a condition associated with inflammation and ineffective in clearing Abeta deposits to one with reduced inflammation, and capable of clearing deposited amyloid.  相似文献   

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