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The dynamics of spontaneous electrical activity of the rostral, dorsal, ventral, and caudal parts of the claustrum were studied in chronic experiments on 12 dogs with implanted electrodes during extinction of orienting reactions and during biologically meaningful changes in the animals' functional state. In the animal at rest, electrical activity of the claustrum was similar to that of subcortical structures, but in a state of attention, its activity began to resemble that of the electrocorticogram, in agreement with the view that this nucleus occupies an intermediate position between cortical and subcortical structures. Enhancement of fast activity in the claustrum with the appearance of orienting reactions was expressed more intensively, and during extinction it was preserved for a longer time, in the dorsal and ventral parts of the claustrum than in the rostral and caudal parts, evidence of structural heterogeneity of the nucleus. Under conditions of increased food excitability the amplitude and frequency of the fast waves recorded from the rostral and caudal parts of the claustrum were selectively increased, whereas during reflexes to a rejected stimulus (acids) and in defensive reflexes they were increased in recordings from the dorsal and ventral parts, on which basis the existence of specialized efferent zones participating in biologically different types of activity can be postulated. Enhancement of fast activity in the claustrum during reflexes to food and acid differed in its genesis: The switch from the first to the second took place through a phase of suppression of the first. Differentiation of a food-conditioned stimulus was accompanied by the development of active inhibition in the "food zones" of the claustrum and by enhancement of activity in the "zones of orienting reactions."A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 155–164, March–April, 1980.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) A17, A19, A20, A29, A44, 2OH-GA44 (tentative) and GA29-catabolite were identified in 21-day-old seeds of Pisum sativum cv. Alaska (tall). These GAs are qualitatively similar to those in the dwarf cultivar Progress No. 9 with the exception of GA19 which does not accumulate in Progress seeds. There was no evidence for the presence of 3-hydroxylated GAs in 21 day-old Alaska seeds. Dark-grown shoots of the cultivar Alaska contein GA1, GA8, GA20, GA29, GA8-catabolite and GA29-catabolite. Dark-grown shoots of the cultivar Progress No.9 contain GA8, GA20, GA29 and GA29-catabolite, and the presence of GA1 was strongly indicated. Quantitation using GAs labelled with stable isotope showed the level of GA1 in dark-grown shoots of the two cultivars to be almost identical, whilst the levels of GA20, GA29 and GA29-catabolite were significantly lower in Alaska than in Progress No. 9. The levels of these GAs in dark-grown shoots were 102- to 103-fold less than the levels in developing seeds. The 2-epimer of GA29 is present in dark-grown-shoot extracts of both cultivars and is not thought to be an artefact.Abbreviations cv cultivar - GAn gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - GC-MS combined gas chromatographymass spectrometry - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography - KRI Kovats retention index - MeTMSi methyl ester trimethylsilyl ether  相似文献   

Smooth muscle electrical activity was recorded with suction electrodes from the partly or completely uncoiled epididymal duct of the rat in vitro. The electrical activity of the cauda epididymidis consisted of one or few spikes followed by a plateau of 1-2 sec. The frequency of electrical activity declined from the thicker-walled initial segment of the thin-walled initial segment, was increased to the level seen in the initial segment in the thicker, major portion of the caput epididymidis, declined in the corpus and fell steeply in the cauda epididymidis towards the vas deferens. Electrical activity spread over long distances in the distal cauda and epididymal vas. Elsewhere in the epididymis activity remained synchronous only for a short period in short segments.  相似文献   

α-1,4-Glucan phosphorylase (EC forms from light or dark grown shoots of Pisum sativum L. cv. 'Kleine Rheinländerin' have been studied using various electrophoretic techniques. The phosphorylase patterns of green and etiolated shoots differed. Etiolated shoots contained two enzyme forms, one residing inside and the other outside the etioplast; this was shown by electrophoresis of extracts of isolated etioplasts. Purity and intactness of the organelle preparation were ascertained by electron microscopy. Light-grown shoots contained, in addition to these two enzyme forms, a third phosphorylase which appears to be chloroplast-specific. The two plastidic phosphorylase forms differed slightly in their apparent molecular masses (as determined by non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) and in their affinities towards branched polyglucans (as revealed by affinity electrophoresis). The apparent affinity of the extrachloroplastic phosphorylase form to these polyglucans was orders of magnitude higher than that of the two plastidic enzyme forms. The development of the chloroplast-specific phosphorylase pattern is under photocontrol. Investigations performed with red or far-red illuminated wild-type plants and with a pale mutant which has a highly reduced pigment and thylakoid content suggest that this photocontrol is mediated by phytochrome.  相似文献   

The 49 kD apyrase (EC, streptavidin-binding proteins, and antimicrobial activity in the subcellular fractions from different seed parts of Pisum sativum L. var. Alaska were examined. Except cotyledons, all subcellular fractions contained 49 kD apyrase, and a considerable relationship was found between 49 kD apyrase and NTPase activities that increased with increasing time of germination. The bulk of 49 kD apyrase and NTPase activities was found in the nucleus pellets and cytoskeleton-enriched fraction, indicating their physiological importance. At 72 h of germination, all subcellular fractions of primary stems have a greater amount of 49 kD apyrase and NTPase than primary leaves and much more than primary roots and cotyledonary stalks. All seed parts showed antimicrobial activities, and the bulk of inhibition activities was found in the cytoskeleton-enriched and nucleus pellets, which was greater in the primary stems and leaves than in other parts. Current findings reveal that apyrases have important roles in metabolic activities in all parts of the pea plants except cotyledons. Cotyledons contained much streptavidin-binding proteins, which might have different physiological roles than apyrases.  相似文献   

An improved system involving a modification of the bead culture system was developed for culturing pea protoplasts. Using this method, sustained divisions and callus growth could be obtained in all 10 cultivars tested. In the best responding cultivar division frequency could be raised from 17% in liquid culture to 80% in the bead system. Shoot regeneration with a reproducible frequency of about 1% could be obtained from protoplast-derived calli in two of the tested cultivars.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA N6-benzyladenine - NAA -naphthylacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid  相似文献   

A sequential indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-zeatin treatment was applied to Pisum sativum hypocotyl explants, resulting in shoot formation from 50% of the explants. Shoots were easily rooted and transplantable plants could be obtained in 3 months. The method has been applicable to the 5 cultivars tested. Histological examination of explants suggests the shoots to be of de novo origin, which would make the system suitable for transformation experiments.  相似文献   

Activation of aspartate-specific cysteine proteases (caspases) plays a crucial role in programmed cell death (PCD) in animals. Although to date caspases have not been identified in plants, caspase-like activity was described in tobacco during a hypersensitive response to pathogens and in Arabidopsis and tomato cell cultures during chemical-induced PCD. Caspase-like activity was also detected in the course of plant development during petal senescence and endosperm PCD. It is shown here that caspase-like proteases play a crucial role in the developmental cell death of secondary shoots of pea seedlings that emerge after removal of the epicotyl. Caspase-like activity was induced in senescing secondary shoots, but not in dominant growing shoots, in contrast to the papain-like cysteine protease activity that was stronger in the dominant shoot. Revitalization of the senescing shoot by cutting of the dominant shoot reduced the caspase-like activity. Injection of caspase or cysteine protease inhibitors into the remaining epicotyl tissue suppressed the death of the secondary shoots, producing seedlings with two equal shoots. These results suggest that shoot selection in pea seedlings is controlled by PCD, through the activation of caspase-like proteases.  相似文献   

Whilst many classes of insecticides target the insect central nervous system (CNS), their effects in the CNS of pest aphids have not been demonstrated. In this report, we describe an electrophysiological method for recording spontaneous neuronal activity from the giant willow aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus). Using extracellular recording electrodes and two analysis methods (threshold and template search), spontaneous spike activity was shown to exhibit sensitivity to the neuroexcitatory insecticide imidacloprid. This method allows changes in the frequency of action-potentials to be monitored during direct bath exposure to chemical agents, enabling a means of assessing and comparing neurotoxic effects of insecticides in a previously inaccessible superfamily of pest insects.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of Fe‐deficiency tolerance and signaling were investigated in shoots of Santi (deficiency tolerant) and Parafield (deficiency intolerant) pea genotypes using metabolomic and physiological approaches. From metabolomic studies, Fe deficiency induced significant increases in N‐, S‐ and tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites in Santi but not in Parafield. Elevated N metabolites reflect an increase in N‐recycling processes. Increased glutathione and S‐metabolites suggest better protection of pea plants from Fe‐deficiency‐induced oxidative stress. Furthermore, Fe‐deficiency induced increases in citrate and malate in leaves of Santi suggests long‐distance transport of Fe is promoted by better xylem unloading. Supporting a role of citrate in the deficiency tolerance mechanism, physiological experiments showed higher Fe and citrate in the xylem of Santi. Reciprocal‐grafting experiments confirm that the Fe‐deficiency signal driving root Fe reductase and proton extrusion activity is generated in the shoot. Finally, our studies show that auxin can induce increased Fe‐reductase activity and proton extrusion in roots. This article identifies several mechanisms in shoots associated with the differential Fe‐deficiency tolerance of genotypes within a species, and provides essential background for future efforts to improve the Fe content and deficiency tolerance in peas.  相似文献   

A study was made of changes in spontaneous electrical activity of rat brain cortex induced by a single exposure to microwave radiation (electromagnetic fields of 0.1, 1.0, 10, and 35 mW/cm2). The animals were exposed in anechoic chambers to continuous waves at 2450 MHz in conditions of continuous generation. The data obtained indicate that the EEG parameters change under the effect of microwave radiation. The technique applied permits to study the occurrence and development of the CNS reactions to microwave radiation at the time of action of the factor.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal aspects of luminous responses in several common species of Southern California lanternfish (Myctophidae) were analyzed using T.V. image intensifier and photomultiplier techniques.The two principal types of luminous tissue, photophores and luminous tissue patches, responded in strikingly and consistently different ways to both mechanical and electrical stimulation. While typically producing a variable intensity glow spontaneously, the entire photophore array proved capable of coordinated, simultaneous activation by electrical stimulation. Although never active in undisturbed shipboard animals, luminous tissue patches, primarily, supra- and infracaudal organs, produced brilliant, rapid, transient displays to both mechanical and electrical stimulation. Light from the supra- and infracaudal organs is produced by 3–9 visually distinct subunits capable of both simultaneous and temporally variable activation.Electrical excitation gave maximum response rates of up to 30 flashes/sec in the luminous patches of all the species tested, whether tissue was from caudal organs or ventral or supraorbital patches. Chemical stimulation never triggered luminous responses from luminous tissue patches, and gave only ambiguous results with photophores.The results are discussed in terms of effector control and functional potential of the various luminous displays.  相似文献   

V. M. Sponsel 《Planta》1986,168(1):119-129
The stem growth in darkness or in continuous red light of two pea cultivars, Alaska (Le Le, tall) and Progress No. 9 (le le, dwarf), was measured for 13 d. The lengths of the first three internodes in dark-grown seedlings of the two cultivars were similar, substantiating previous literature reports that Progress No. 9 has a tall phenotype in the dark. The biological activity of gibberellin A20 (GA20), which is normally inactive in le le geno-types, was compared in darkness and in red light. Alaska seedlings, regardless of growing conditions, responded to GA20. Dark-grown seedlings of Progress No. 9 also responded to GA20, although red-light-grown seedlings did not. Gibberellin A1 was active in both cultivars, in both darkness and red light. The metabolism of [13C3H]GA20 has also been studied. In dark-grown shoots of Alaska and Progress No. 9 [13C3H]GA20 is converted to [13C3H]GA1, [13C3H]GA8, [13C]GA29, its 2-epimer, and [13C3H]GA29-catabolite. [13C3H] Gibberellin A1 was a minor product which appeared to be rapidly turned over, so that in some feeds only its metabolite, [13C3H]GA8, was detected. However results do indicate that the tall growth habit of Progress No. 9 in the dark, and its ability to respond to GA20 in the dark may be related to its capacity to 3-hydroxylate GA20 to give GA1. In red light the overall metabolism of [13C3H]GA20 was reduced in both cultivars. There is some evidence that 3-hydroxylation of [13C3H]GA20 can occur in red light-grown Alaska seedlings, but no 3-hydroxylated metabolites of [13C3H]GA20 were observed in red light-grown Progress. Thus the dwarf habit of Progress No. 9 in red light and its inability to respond to GA20 may be related, as in other dwarf genotypes, to its inability to 3-hydroxylate GA20 to GA1. However identification and quantification of native GAs in both cultivars showed that red-light-grown Progress does contain native GA1. Thus the inability of red light-grown Progress No. 9 seedlings to respond to, and to 3-hydroxylate, applied GA20 may be due to an effect of red light on uptake and compartmentation of GAs.Abbreviations AMO-1618 2-isopropyl-4-(trimethylammonium chloride)-5-methylphenyl piperidine-1-carboxylate - cv. cultivar - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - GA(n) gibberellin A(n) - HPLC high-pressure liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Dichloromethane extracts from Xanthium spinosum L. were fractionated and the fractions tested for their bactericidal and fungicidal activity. From the active fraction, a compound was isolated and identified as xanthatin (I). Xanthatin was active against Colletotrichum gloesporoides, Trichothecium roseum, Bacillus cereus and Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

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