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-Amino acids have been widely used as synthetic materials for various compounds such as pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. The manufacture of -amino acids by fermentation is difficult, and enzymatic methods are mainly employed. At present, the optical resolution method using N-acyl- -amino acid amidohydrolase is the most useful and convenient. In this review, the application of N-acyl- -amino acid amidohydrolase to the production of -amino acids and recent progress in the study of structure–function relationships from the standpoint of improving this enzyme for industrial application are discussed.  相似文献   

Two approaches, based on imino-aldol additions, to the asymmetric synthesis of cyclic β-amino acids are reported. In each case a chiral auxiliary was employed attached either to the enolate or to the imine. The relative efficacy of these two synthetic methods is also briefly compared with the former still the preferred route as the latter is currently limited to the preparation of N-sulfonyl β-amino acids.  相似文献   

Sophorolipids are surface-active compounds synthesized by a selected number of yeast species. They have been known for over 40 years, but because of growing environmental awareness, they recently regained attention as biosurfactants due to their biodegradability, low ecotoxicity, and production based on renewable resources. In this paper, an overview is given of the producing yeast strains and various aspects of fermentative sophorolipid production. Also, the biochemical pathways and regulatory mechanisms involved in sophorolipid biosynthesis are outlined. To conclude, a summary is given on possible applications of sophorolipids, either as native or modified molecules.  相似文献   

Optically pure chiral amino acids and their derivatives can be efficiently synthesised by the biocatalytic conversion of 5-substituted hydantoins in reactions catalysed by stereo-selective microbial enzymes: initially a hydantoinase catalyses the cleavage of the hydantoin producing an N-carbamyl amino acid. In certain bacteria where an N-carbamyl amino acid amidohydrolase (NCAAH) is present, the N-carbamyl amino acid intermediate is further converted to amino acid, ammonia and CO2. In this study we report on a novel Pseudomonas putida strain which exhibits high levels of hydantoin-converting activity, yielding -amino acid products including alanine, valine, and norleucine, with bioconversion yields between 60% and 100%. The preferred substrates are generally aliphatic, but not necessarily short chain, 5-alkylhydantoins. In characterizing the enzymes from this microorganism, we have found that the NCAAH has -selectivity, while the hydantoinase is non-stereoselective. In addition, resting cell reactions under varying conditions showed that the hydantoinase is highly active, and is not subject to substrate inhibition, or product inhibition by ammonia. The rate-limiting reaction appears to be the NCAAH-catalysed conversion of the intermediate. Metal-dependence studies suggest that the hydantoinase is dependent on the presence of magnesium and cobalt ions, and is strongly inhibited by the presence of copper ions. The relative paucity of -selective hydantoin-hydrolysing enzyme systems, together with the high level of hydantoinase activity and the unusual substrate selectivity of this P. putida isolate, suggest that is has significant potential in industrial applications.  相似文献   

A number of bacteria belonging to the genera Proteus, Providencia, Pseudomonas and Erwinia have been tested for their capacity to oxidize -amino acids to their corresponding α-keto acids. Members of the Proteus and the Providencia genera were active towards various -amino acids. Immobilized cell preparations of Providencia sp. PCM 1298 were shown to form up to 80 mg α-keto-γ-methiol butyric acid from -methionine per g of gel preparation (containing 4% w/w cells) per day. The productivity was highly dependent on the size of the beads. Oxygen appeared to be the rate-limiting substrate and oxygen transfer rates of 3–4 μmol cm−2 h−1 were calculated. The entrapment of activated charcoal to remove H2O2 formed during the oxidation extended the half-life of the immobilized biocatalyst considerably. A decrease in -amino acid oxidase [ -amino acid: oxygen oxidoreductase (deaminating); EC] activity during operation could be compensated for by reinoculation of the alginate-entrapped cells in fresh growth medium, allowing use of these preparations of immobilized bacterial cells for more than one month.  相似文献   

The anamorphic basidomycetous yeast Cryptococcus humicolus was shown by hydride generation-gas chromatography-atomic absorption spectrometry to methylate inorganic antimony compounds to mono-, di-, and trimethylantimony species under oxic growth conditions. Methylantimony levels were positively correlated with initial substrate concentrations up to 300 mg Sb l–1 as potassium antimony tartrate (K-Sb-tartrate). Increasing concentrations of K-Sb-tartrate increased the ratio of di- to trimethylantimony species, indicating that methylation of dimethylantimony was rate limiting. Antimony methylation capability in C. humicolus was developed after the exponential growth phase and was dependent upon protein synthesis in the early stationary phase. Inclusion of inorganic arsenic (III) or (V) species alongside antimony in culture incubations enhanced antimony methylation. Pre-incubation of cells with inorganic arsenic (III) further induced antimony methylation capability, whereas pre-incubation with inorganic antimony (III) did not. Exposure of cells to inorganic arsenic—either through pre-incubation or provision during cultivation—influenced the antimony speciation; involatile trimethylantimony species was the sole methylated antimony species detected, i.e. mono- and dimethylantimony species were not detected. Competitive inhibition of antimony methylation was observed at high arsenic loadings. These data indicate that antimony methylation is a fortuitous process, catalysed at least in part by enzymes responsible for arsenic methylation.  相似文献   

Attemps were made to demonstrate the role of yeasts in the degradation of benzene compounds under natural soil conditions. Yeasts were isolated from acidic sandy soil supplied with benzene compounds. For this purpose the slant culture method was used. Growth on the benzene compounds took place on solid growth media at 10°C. Several yeast species were isolated: Leucosporidium scottii, Rhodotorula aurantiaca, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Trichosporon dulcitum, Trichosporon moniliiforme and Schizoblastosporion starkeyi-henricii. Cryptococcus humicolus and Cryptococcus laurentii were isolated from liquid enrichment cultures. All these strains assimilated several benzene compounds in pure culture.Cresol removal from contaminated soil was speeded up by inoculation with Rhodotorula aurantiaca G36. It was demonstrated that this yeast utilized this compound in competition with the soil microflora.  相似文献   

Slocum RD  Furey MJ 《Planta》1991,183(3):443-450
An electron-microscopic cytochemical method was used to localize diamine oxidase (DAO) in pea and polyamine oxidase (PAO) in maize (Zea mays L.). The method, based on the precipitation of amine-oxidase-generated H2O2 by CeCl3, was shown to be specific for DAO and PAO and permitted their localization in plant tissues with a high degree of resolution. Both enzymes are localized exclusively in the cell wall. Both DAO- and PAO-activity staining is most intense in the middle lamellar region of the wall and in cells exhibiting highly lignified walls. The oxidases could provide H2O2 for peroxidase-mediated cross-linking reactions in the cell wall and may, in this capacity, play a role in the regulation of plant growth.Abbreviations AG 1-aminoguanidine - AT 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole - -HEH -hydroxyethylhydrazine - DAO(s) diamine oxidase(s) - PAO(s) polyamine oxidase(s) - Put putrescine - Spd spermidine - Spm spermine The authors wish to thank Nancy Piatczyc for the technical assistance with electron-microscopy studies. We are grateful to Dr. Stanley J. Roux, University of Texas at Austin, for providing us with samples of maize cell-wall exudates. This work was supported by grants to R.D.S from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NAGW-1049 and NAGW-1382).  相似文献   

N-acyl- -amino acid amidohydrolases can be classified into three types based on substrate specificity. -aminoacylase has been reported to occur in a very few bacteria such as Pseudomonas, Streptomyces, and Alcaligenes. N-acyl- -aspartate amidohydrolase ( -AAase) has been reported in only Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6 (Alcaligenes A-6) while N-acyl- -glutamate amidohydrolase ( -AGase) has been isolated in two stains of Pseudomonas sp. 5f-1 and Alcaligenes A-6. The physiological roles of these enzymes in these microbes are not clear. They are individually characteristic in their substrate specificities, inducer profiles, inhibitors, isoelectric points, metal dependency, and some physicochemical properties. The primary structures of all the three types of N-acyl- -amino acid amidohydrolases from Alcaligenes A-6 were determined from their nucleotide sequences. Comparison of their primary structures revealed high homology (46–56%) between the different enzymes. The three enzymes showed 26–27% sequence homology with -aminoacylases from Bacillus stearothermophilus, porcine, and human. Chemical modification and site-directed mutagenesis identified the histidyl residues essential for catalysis. The Alcaligenes N-acyl- -amino acid amidohydrolases share significant sequence similarities with some members of the urease-related amidohydrolase superfamily proposed by Holm and Sander [L. Holm, C. Sander, Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics 28 (1997) 72].  相似文献   

D-Amino acid oxidase (DAAO) is a biotechnologically relevant enzyme that is used in a variety of applications. DAAO is a flavine adenine dinucleotide-containing flavoenzyme that catalyzes the oxidative deamination of D-isomer of uncharged aliphatic, aromatic, and polar amino acids yielding the corresponding imino acid (which hydrolyzes spontaneously to the α-keto acid and ammonia) and hydrogen peroxide. This enzymatic activity is produced by few bacteria and by most eukaryotic organisms. In the past few years, DAAO from mammals has been the subject of a large number of investigations, becoming a model for the dehydrogenase-oxidase class of flavoproteins. However, DAAO from microorganisms show properties that render them more suitable for the biotechnological applications, such as a high level of protein expression (as native and recombinant protein), a high turnover number, and a tight binding of the coenzyme. Some important DAAO-producing microorganisms include Trigonopsis variabilis, Rhodotorula gracilis, and Fusarium solani. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the main biotechnological applications of DAAO (ranging from biocatalysis to convert cephalosporin C into 7-amino cephalosporanic acid to gene therapy for tumor treatment) and to illustrate the advantages of using the microbial DAAOs, employing both the native and the improved DAAO variants obtained by enzyme engineering.   相似文献   

Hydrogels based on high molecular weight poly(ethylene oxide) were synthesized by u.v.-irradiation of aqueous solutions in presence of the photoinitiator, (4-benzoylbenzyl)trimethylammonium chloride and different crosslinkers, poly(ethylene glycol), diacrylates and N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide. Candida boidinii cells were immobilized in these hydrogels and the gels were characterized in regards to gel fraction yield, degree of equilibrium swelling, shear storage and loss moduli. In addition, the number average molecular weight between crosslinks and the mesh size were estimated. The incorporated yeast cells considerably affected the viscoelastic properties of the gels. Immobilized C. boidinii cells were used for conversion of xylose to xylitol. Of the immobilized systems tested, only the system with poly(ethylene oxide) crosslinked with N,N′-methylenebisacrylamide exhibited xylitol production. The operational stability of this system was evaluated by seven repeated-batch runs performed in Erlenmeyer flasks in duration of 55 days. The progressive improvement of xylose consumption, up to 73.5%, stopped in the fifth cycle, after which it dropped to 42.7%. Although xylitol concentration never reached more than 4.2 g l−1, xylitol was produced in each of the seven cycles. The cell leakage of 1.8 g l−1 during the first 45 days, indicated very good stability of the system.  相似文献   

Candida boidinii NRRL Y-17213 produced more xylitol thanC. magnolia (NRRL Y-4226 and NRRL Y-7621),Debaryomyces hansenii (C-98 M-21, C-56 M-9 and NRRL Y-7425), orPichia (Hansenula) anomala (NRRL Y-366). WithC. boidinii, highest xylitol productivity was at pH 7 but highest yield was at pH 8, using 5 g urea and 5 g Casamino acids/I. Decreasing the aeration rate decreased xylose consumption and cell growth but increased the xylitol yield. When an initial cell density of 5.1 g/l was used instead of 1.3 g/l, xylitol yield and the specific xylitol production rate doubled. Substrate concentration had the greatest effect on xylitol production; increasing xylose concentration 7.5-fold (to 150 g/l) gave a 71-fold increase in xylitol production (53 g/l) and a 10-fold increase in xylitol/ethanol ratio. The highest xylitol yield (0.47 g/g), corresponding to 52% of the theoretical yield, was obtained with 150 g xylose/l after 14 days. Xylose at 200 g/l inhibited xylitol production.E. Vandeska and S. Kuzmanova were and S. Amartey and T. Jeffries are with the Forest Products Laboratory, Institute for Microbial and Biochemical Technology, 1 Gifford Pinchot Drive, Madison, WI 53703, USA. E. Vandeska and S. Kuzmanova are now with the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Rudjer Boskovic 16, 91000 Skopje, Macedonia  相似文献   

Auxotrophic mutations in the methylotrophic yeast strainCandida boidinii 11Bh were induced by different mutagens and their combinations (nitrosoguanidine, UV light, HNO2+UV). Majority of the mutants obtained carried defects in histidine, arginine, proline and/or adenine biosynthetic pathways. His- mutants were distributed into four complementation groups using the protoplasts fusion technique. Ploidy determination ofCandida boidinii 11Bh was performed by measuring its DNA content and by following its survival after chemical mutagens treatment. The DNA content of this strain was found to be similar to that of aSaccharomyces cerevisiae diploid strain. Also the kinetics of survival ofCandida boidinii cells indicate thatCandida boidinii 11Bh is a diploid.  相似文献   

The potential role of diamine oxidase (DAO) and polyamine oxidase (PAO) in relation to polyamines was investigated in epicotyls, roots and leaf blades at 3 and 6 days after gibberellic acid (GA) application in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings of cvs. Maythorpe (non-mutant parent) and Golden Promise (semi-dwarf mutant). There was a significant increase in epicotyl and leaf-blade elongation rates in GA-treated seedlings of cv. Maythorpe as compared to cv. Golden Promise. DAO and PAO were detectable in all segments of the leaf blade, but the highest activities were present in basal segments. These enzymes, which are thought to have a role in the elimination of cellular polyamines, increased in activity following GA application compared to controls. Application of 10−6 M GA to the first leaf, significantly increased endogenous bound putrescine (Put) levels in both the epicotyl and leaf blade of cv. Maythorpe. In contrast, there was only a slight increase in cv. Golden Promise. Levels of soluble Put increased in roots and leaf blades of both cultivars following GA treatment but the effect was greatest in leaves of cv. Maythorpe. It is suggested that polyamines may play a role in GA-induced epicotyl and leaf-blade elongation in barley.  相似文献   

Degradation of microbiodies in the methanolutilizing yeastCandida boidinii was mainly studies by electron microscopical observation. The yeast cells precultured on methanol medium contained five to six microbodies per section and showed high activities of alcohol oxidase, catalase, formaldehyde dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase. When the precultured cells were transferred into an ethanol medium the number of microbodies and concomitantly the activities of alcohol oxidase and catalase decreased. After 6 h of cultivation microbodies were hardly detected. Also the activity of alcohol oxidase was not measurable and catalase activity was reduced to one tenth, whereas the activities of formaldehyde dehydrogenase and formate dehydrogenase decreased only to about 70%. Experiments with methanol-grown cells transferred into an ethanol medium without nitrogen source indicated that the inactivation of alcohol oxidase and catalase does not require protein synthesis. However, the reappearance of these enzymes is presumably due to de novo protein synthesis as shown by experiments with cycloheximide.  相似文献   

-Amino acid deaminase ( -AAD) from Proteus myxofaciens was cloned and over-expressed in Escherichia coli K12. This enzyme has a broad substrate specificity, working on both natural and unnatural -amino acids. Of the 20 naturally occurring -amino acids, -AAD prefers amino acid substrates that have aliphatic, aromatic or sulfur-containing side chains; those with charged side chains (–CO2 or –NH3+) are poor or non-substrates. Enzyme activity was monitored using a microtiter-plate-based assay, which measures the formation of phenylpyruvic acid from -phenylalanine. The reaction has an absolute requirement for O2, releases NH3 and does not produce H2O2. Substrate comparisons were carried out by using an O2 electrode to measure the O2 utilization rates. Studies on partially purified enzyme show a pH optimum of 7.5 with a subunit molecular weight of approximately 51 kDa. Additional purification and characterization strategies will be presented. The use of whole cells containing -AAD will be discussed to prepare chiral pharmaceutical intermediates.  相似文献   

To explore a new approach of high expression of -amino acid oxidase (DAAO) in Pichia pastoris, a gene encoding DAAO from Trigonopsis variabilis (TvDAAO gene) deleted intron was prepared by PCR amplification and cloned into the intracellular expression vector pPIC3.5K. The expression plasmid pPIC3.5K-DAAO linearized by SalI was transformed into Pichia pastoris strain GS115 (hismut+). By means of MM and MD plates and PCR, the recombinant P. pastoris strains (his+mut+) were obtained. Activity assay and SDS-PAGE demonstrated that DAAO was intracellularly expressed in P. pastoris with the induction of methanol. The recombinant strain PD27 with the highest expression of DAAO was screened through activity assay and its high-density fermentation was carried out in a 1-l fermentor. Activity assay and SDS-PAGE demonstrated that DAAO was intracellularly expressed in P. pastoris with the induction of methanol. The recombinant cells with high expression of DAAO were screened and the high-density fermentation was carried out in a 1-l fermentor. Interestingly, the DAAO expression level reached up to 473 U/g dry cell weight in fermentation yield. Finally, 1-hexanol was used to break recombinant cells and the specific activity of DAAO was 1.46 U/mg protein in crude extraction.  相似文献   

Summary The Wolff rearrangement of α-diazoketones, derived from Fmoc-α-amino acids, under no base conditions on exposure to microwave irradiation for 40 to 60 sec to Fmoc-β-amino acids with retention of configuration in good yield (91–95%) is described.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding -amino acid oxidase (DAO;EC has been isolated from a BALB/c mouse kidney cDNA library by hybridization with the cDNA for the porcine enzyme. Analysis of the nucleotide (nt) sequence of the clone revealed that it has a 1647-nt sequence with a 5′-terminal untranslated region of 68 nt that encodes 345 amino acids (aa), and a 3′-terminal untranslated region of 544 nt that contains the polyadenylation signal sequence ATTAAA. The deduced aa sequence showed 77 and 78% aa identity with the porcine and human enzymes, respectively. Two catalytically important aa residues, Tyr228 and His307, of the porcine enzyme, were both conserved in these three species. RNA blot hybridization analysis indicated that a DAO mRNA, of 2 kb, exists in mouse kidney and brain, but not liver. Synthesis of a functional mouse enzyme in Escherichia coli was achieved through the use of a vector constructed to insert the coding sequence of the mouse DAO cDNA downstream from the tac promoter of plasmid pKK223-3, which was designed so as to contain the lac repressor gene inducible by isopropyl-β- -thiogalactopyranoside. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the synthesis and induction of the mouse DAO protein, and the molecular size of the recombinant mouse DAO was found to be identical to that of the mouse kidney enzyme. Moreover, the maximum activity of the mouse recombinant DAO was estimated to be comparable with that of the porcine DAO synthesized in E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Labrou NE 《Bioseparation》2000,9(2):99-104
Formate dehydrogenase (FDH, EC from Candida boidinii was purified to homogeneity. The two step procedure comprised anion exchange chromatography (2.9-fold purification, 85% step yield, elution with 35 mM KCl), followed by dye-ligand affinity chromatography on immobilized Cibacron Blue 3GA (1.4-fold purification, 75% step yield, elution with 0.15 mM NAD+/2 mM Na2SO3). The procedure afforded FDH at 63.8% overall yield and a specific activity of 7.2 units/mg. The purity of the final FDH preparation was evaluated by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), high performance gel filtration liquid chromatography (gfHPLC) and N-terminal amino acid sequencing. The analytical techniques showed the presence of a single polypeptide chain that corresponds to the molecular weight of 41 kDa (as determined by SDS-PAGE) and 81 kDa (as determined by gfHPLC).  相似文献   

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