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Nearly 100% protection against malaria infection can be achieved in humans by immunization with P. falciparum radiation-attenuated sporozoites (RAS). Although it is thought that protection is mediated by T cell and antibody responses, only a few of the many pre-erythrocytic (sporozoite and liver stage) antigens that are targeted by these responses have been identified.


Twenty seven P. falciparum pre-erythrocytic antigens were selected using bioinformatics analysis and expression databases and were expressed in a wheat germ cell-free protein expression system. Recombinant proteins were recognized by plasma from RAS-immunized subjects, and 21 induced detectable antibody responses in mice and rabbit and sera from these immunized animals were used to characterize these antigens. All 21 proteins localized to the sporozoite: five localized to the surface, seven localized to the micronemes, cytoplasm, endoplasmic reticulum or nucleus, two localized to the surface and cytoplasm, and seven remain undetermined. PBMC from RAS-immunized volunteers elicited positive ex vivo or cultured ELISpot responses against peptides from 20 of the 21 antigens.


These T cell and antibody responses support our approach of using reagents from RAS-immunized subjects to screen potential vaccine antigens, and have led to the identification of a panel of novel P. falciparum antigens. These results provide evidence to further evaluate these antigens as vaccine candidates.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00870987 ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00392015  相似文献   

Considerable sectioning was required to demonstrate the mitochondrial cristae of pre-erythrocytic Plasmodium berghei in rat liver. The cristae vary from thin, budding tubules to dilated cisternae and most are obliquely and tangentially sectioned. These factors give the impression of an unusually small number of cristae. Numerous variations of fixation protocols failed to alter significantly the appearance of pre-erythrocytic parasite membranes. The data confirm previous suppositions that certain cytoplasmic bodies noted in pre-erythrocytic mammalian malarial parasites are indeed mitochondria. The term “acristate mitochondria” should be used with great caution in that it raises a serious semantic problem.  相似文献   

Pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccines, including those based on whole-parasite approaches, have shown protective efficacy in animal and human studies. However few pre-erythocytic antigens other than the immunodominant circumsporozoite protein (CSP) have been studied in depth with the goal of developing potent subunit malaria vaccines that are suited for use in endemic areas. Here we describe a novel technique to identify pre-erythrocytic malaria antigens that contribute to protection elicited by whole-parasite vaccination in the mouse model. Our approach combines immunization with genetically attenuated parasites and challenge with DNA plasmids encoding for potential protective pre-erythrocytic malaria antigens as luciferase fusions by hydrodynamic tail vein injection. After optimizing the technique, we first showed that immunization with Pyfabb/f, a P. yoelii genetically attenuated parasite, induces killing of CSP-presenting hepatocytes. Depletion of CD8+ but not CD4+ T cells diminished the killing of CSP-expressing hepatocytes, indicating that killing is CD8+ T cell-dependent. Finally we showed that the use of heterologous prime/boost immunization strategies that use genetically attenuated parasites and DNA vaccines enabled the characterization of a novel pre-erythrocytic antigen, Tmp21, as a contributor to Pyfabb/f induced protection. This technique will be valuable for identification of potentially protective liver stage antigens and has the potential to contribute to the understanding of immunity elicited by whole parasite vaccination, as well as the development of effective subunit malaria vaccines.  相似文献   

Identification of CD8+ T cell antigens/epitopes expressed by human pathogens with large genomes is especially challenging, yet necessary for vaccine development. Immunity to tuberculosis, a leading cause of mortality worldwide, requires CD8+ T cell immunity, yet the repertoire of CD8 antigens/epitopes remains undefined. We used integrated computational and proteomic approaches to screen 10% of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) proteome for CD8 Mtb antigens. We designed a weighting schema based upon a Multiple Attribute Decision Making:framework to select 10% of the Mtb proteome with a high probability of containing CD8+ T cell epitopes. We created a synthetic peptide library consisting of 15-mers overlapping by 11 aa. Using the interferon-γ ELISPOT assay and Mtb-infected dendritic cells as antigen presenting cells, we screened Mtb-specific CD8+ T cell clones restricted by classical MHC class I molecules (MHC class Ia molecules), that were isolated from Mtb-infected humans, against this library. Three novel CD8 antigens were unambiguously identified: the EsxJ family (Rv1038c, Rv1197, Rv3620c, Rv2347c, Rv1792), PE9 (Rv1088), and PE_PGRS42 (Rv2487c). The epitopes are B5701-restricted EsxJ24–34, B3905-restricted PE953–67, and B3514-restricted PE_PGRS4248–56, respectively. The utility of peptide libraries in identifying unknown epitopes recognized by classically restricted CD8+ T cells was confirmed, which can be applied to other intracellular pathogens with large size genomes. In addition, we identified three novel Mtb epitopes/antigens that may be evaluated for inclusion in vaccines and/or diagnostics for tuberculosis.  相似文献   

Vaccination against Schistosomiasis: The case for Lung-stage Antigens   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The development of an effective vaccine against human schistosomiasis remains a highly desirable yet elusive goal. In this article, Adrian Mountford and Richard Harrop focus attention on an approach that aims to identify proteins from Schistosoma mansoni that are capable of stimulating protective Th1 cell-mediated immune responses. They propose that the most likely source of such antigens is the lung-stage schistosomulum.  相似文献   

The liver stages of Plasmodium parasites are important targets for the development of anti-malarial vaccine candidates and chemoprophylaxis approaches that aim to prevent clinical infection. Analyzing the impact of interventions on liver stages in the murine malaria model system Plasmodium yoelii has been cumbersome and requires terminal procedures. In vivo imaging of bioluminescent parasites has previously been shown to be an effective and non-invasive alternative to monitoring liver stage burden in the Plasmodium berghei model. Here we report the generation and characterization of a transgenic P. yoelii parasite expressing the reporter protein luciferase throughout the parasite life cycle. In vivo bioluminescent imaging of these parasites allows for quantitative analysis of P. yoelii liver stage burden and parasite development, which is comparable to quantitative RT-PCR analysis of liver infection. Using this system, we show that both BALB/cJ and C57BL/6 mice show comparable susceptibility to P. yoelii infection with sporozoites and that bioluminescent imaging can be used to monitor protective efficacy of attenuated parasite immunizations. Thus, this rapid, simple and noninvasive method for monitoring P. yoelii infection in the liver provides an efficient system to screen and evaluate the effects of anti-malarial interventions in vivo and in real-time.  相似文献   

The existence of cytotoxic T cells (CTL) cross-reacting with the human major histocompatibility antigens HLA-B14 and HLA-B27 suggests that their alloreactivity could be due to presentation of shared peptides in similar binding modes by these molecules. We therefore determined the crystal structures of the subtypes HLA-B*1402, HLA-B*2705, and HLA-B*2709 in complex with a proven self-ligand, pCatA (peptide with the sequence IRAAPPPLF derived from cathepsin A (residues 2–10)), and of HLA-B*1402 in complex with a viral peptide, pLMP2 (RRRWRRLTV, derived from latent membrane protein 2 (residues 236–244) of Epstein-Barr virus). Despite the exchange of 18 residues within the binding grooves of HLA-B*1402 and HLA-B*2705 or HLA-B*2709, the pCatA peptide is presented in nearly identical conformations. However, pLMP2 is displayed by HLA-B*1402 in a conformation distinct from those previously found in the two HLA-B27 subtypes. In addition, the complexes of HLA-B*1402 with the two peptides reveal a nonstandard, tetragonal mode of the peptide N terminus anchoring in the binding groove because of the exchange of the common Tyr-171 by His-171 of the HLA-B*1402 heavy chain. This exchange appears also responsible for reduced stability of HLA-B14-peptide complexes in vivo and slow assembly in vitro. The studies with the pCatA peptide uncover that CTL cross-reactive between HLA-B14 and HLA-B27 might primarily recognize the common structural features of the bound peptide, thus neglecting amino acid replacements within the rim of the binding grooves. In contrast, structural alterations between the three complexes with the pLMP2 peptide indicate how heavy chain polymorphisms can influence peptide display and prevent CTL cross-reactivity between HLA-B14 and HLA-B27 antigens.T cells possessing the ability to recognize major histocompatibility complex (MHC)2 molecules from another individual of the same species, also termed alloreactive T cells, may constitute up to 10% of the T cell pool of an individual, and their precursor frequency can be 100–1,000-fold higher than that of self-restricted T cells directed against a foreign peptide (1, 2). The ability of alloreactive T cells to cross-react with nonself-MHC molecules is a major obstacle preventing successful organ transplantations (35). Two mechanisms, direct or indirect allorecognition, can be responsible for the rejection of a transplant by alloreactive T cells (6). In the first case, donor cells expressing MHC molecules are directly recognized by host T cells (7), whereas indirect allorecognition involves the presentation of peptides derived from donor proteins by MHC molecules of the host, followed by the detection of the complexes by the host T cells (8). However, although alloreactive T cells are very common and of great clinical importance, neither the primary basis for their existence nor the reasons underlying their cross-reactivity are sufficiently understood to draw general conclusions (911). Only very few studies have addressed the structural basis for the recognition of distinct MHC antigens by cross-reactive T cells (1218). One of the most important questions regards the individual contribution of the bound peptide and binding groove residues of the heavy chain (HC) of MHC class I antigens to the interaction with T cell receptors (TCR).Here we analyze an HLA-B14 subtype, HLA-B*1402 (named B*1402), as well as two HLA-B27 subtypes, HLA-B*2705 and HLA-B*2709 (named B*2705 and B*2709), to shed light on the structural basis of peptide presentation and T cell alloreactivity among these HLA-B molecules. The amino acid sequences of B*1402 and B*2705 HC differ from each other at 18 positions, all of which are part of the peptide-binding groove (Fig. 1). These amino acid exchanges result in different repertoires of bound peptides; B*1402 and B*2705 share only about 4% of their peptides (19), whereas this value rises to 88% for the B*2705 and B*2709 subtypes (20), which are distinguished only by a single residue at the floor of the binding groove (B*2705, Asp-116; B*2709, His-116). The structural similarities between the two HLA-B27 subtypes (2127) permit extensive cross-reactivity (up to 90%) of cytotoxic T cells (CTL) (28), whereas CTL alloreactivity between B*1402 and B*2705 is drastically reduced (to about 3%) (19), in line with the very limited overlap of their peptide repertoires.Open in a separate windowFIGURE 1.Amino acid sequence differences among B*1402 and B*2705 HC. The 18 residues distinguishing the two subtypes are all located in or in the immediate vicinity of the peptide-binding groove. B*2705 differs from B*2709 only by a D116H exchange (not shown). The residues are indicated by spheres with volumes roughly proportional to the volumes of the respective amino acid side chain in solution (77). The spheres are colored according to the biochemical properties of the respective amino acids, as indicated at the bottom of the image.The HLA-B14 and HLA-B27 subtypes are distinguished from most other HLA class I molecules in their requirement for an arginine at anchor position 2 of the bound peptide (p2) (20, 29, 30). This preference is nearly absolute in B*2705 and B*2709 (31), whereas B*1402 tolerates also glutamine, glutamate, and proline as p2 anchors (19, 29). Statistically significant differences between B*1402 and B*2705 are also found at several other peptide positions (19). Previous structural and cellular studies of the HLA-B27 subtypes have suggested that molecular mimicry between the viral peptide pLMP2 (RRRWRRLTV, derived from Epstein-Barr virus latent membrane protein 2, residues 236–244) and the self-peptide pVIPR (RRKWRRWHL, derived from vasoactive intestinal peptide type 1 receptor, residues 400–408), when bound to B*2705, serves as an example of how a cellular immune response could be triggered that might contribute to the onset of ankylosing spondylitis (AS) through an autoimmune mechanism (22, 24). CTL that recognize the B*2705 and the B*2709 subtypes in complex with the self-peptide pVIPR (22) exemplify alloreactivity in this system, although the D116H micropolymorphism is deeply buried and not directly accessible to a TCR.Alloreactive T cells are known to recognize a very diverse array of alloantigen-bound peptides (32, 33), so that virtually each T cell clone can be assumed to be specific for a distinct peptide. For this reason, the substantial correlation found in previous studies between peptide and the alloreactive T cell epitope sharing among HLA-B27 (reviewed in Ref. 34) or HLA-B14 subtypes (only 28.4% partial or full cross-reactivity, similar to peptide overlapping between the subtypes B*1402 and B*1403, see Ref. 19) supports a prominent role of peptides in determining alloreactive T cell cross-reaction, and it suggests that many shared ligands adopt antigenically similar conformations when bound to distinct HLA-B molecules. On the other hand, the results reported by Merino et al. (19) also demonstrate that the few CTL that cross-react with B*1402 and B*2705 did not exhibit cross-reactivity with B*1403, which is distinguished from B*1402 only by a single amino acid exchange in the α2-helix. Furthermore, they show that alloreactive CTL from various donors directed against B*2705 did not lyse cells expressing either B*1402 or B*1403, although the number of CTL tested might not have been high enough to detect a presumably low degree of cross-reactivity. Without structural data from HLA-B14 subtypes, however, these results are difficult to interpret.The pCatA peptide (IRAAPPPLF, derived from the signal sequence of cathepsin A, residues 2–10) is among the very few known common ligands of B*1402, B*2705 (19), and B*27093 and can thus serve to study how a very different (B*1402) and two very similar subtypes (B*2705 and B*2709) handle a common ligand. On the other hand, the pLMP2 peptide is a proven natural ligand only of B*2705, whose possible presentation in vivo by B*2709 and HLA-B14 is not yet known, although this peptide can be complexed in vitro with B*2709 (24) and also with B*1402 (35). From previous crystallographic studies, it was known that pLMP2 is presented by the two HLA-B27 antigens in very different conformations (24). We expected that the pronounced sequence differences between B*1402 and the HLA-B27 alloantigens (Fig. 1) might even enhance the conformational dissimilarities that are observed when two very closely related subtypes such as B*2705 and B*2709 are compared. Discrepancies in peptide display could reasonably be expected to prevent CTL cross-reaction, so that pLMP2 might be considered as a representative of the vast majority of HLA-B14- and HLA-B27-presented ligands that must be responsible for the low degree of CTL cross-reactivity between these alloantigens. Despite these presumed differences between pCatA and pLMP2, both peptides may be seen as examples of ligands that could principally allow direct allorecognition.Here we report the crystal structures of B*1402·pCatA, B*2705·pCatA, B*2709·pCatA, and B*1402·pLMP2, and we compare them with each other and with the previously reported structures of B*2705·pLMP2 and B*2709·pLMP2 (24).  相似文献   

Direct modulation of the non-kinase functions of cyclin and CDK-cyclin complexes poses challenges. We utilize hydrophobic tag (HyT) based small-molecule degraders induced degradation of cyclin T1 and its corresponding kinase partner CDK9. LL-CDK9-12 demonstrated the most potent and selective degradation ability, with DC50 values of 0.362 μM against CDK9 and 0.680 μM against cyclin T1. In prostate cancer cells, LL-CDK9-12 showed enhanced anti-proliferative activity than its parental molecule SNS032 and LL-K9-3, the previous reported CDK9-cyclin T1 degrader. Moreover, LL-CDK9-12 suppressed the downstream signaling of CDK9 and AR efficiently. Altogether, LL-CDK9-12 was an effective dual degrader of CDK9-cyclin T1 and helped study the unknown function of CDK9-cyclin T1. These results suggest that HyT-based degraders could be used as a strategy to induce the degradation of protein complexes, providing insights for the design of protein complexes′ degraders.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of target cell major histocompatibility complex antigens (MHC-Ag) in nonspecific lectin-dependent lymphocyte-mediated cytolysis (LDCC). In contrast to previous reports, we provide evidence that in LDCC the lectin Concanavalin A (Con A) does not mediate lysis by simply bridging cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and targets via cell surface sugars or by activating the lytic function of CTLs attached to targets via the lectin. Lysis occurs when target cells are pretreated with lectin, but not when CTL are pretreated. Moreover, when CTL populations are used as both aggressors and targets, and only one is pretreated with lectin, lysis occurs only in the direction of the pretreated CTL target. We have observed that in LDCC, as in specific CTL-mediated killing, target recognition proceeds through interaction of CTL receptors (distinct from sugar moieties) and target cell surface determinants perhaps modified by, but distinct from, the lectin itself. We present evidence that the target determinants recognized in LDCC are MHC-Ag: 1) Cells that display reduced amounts of MHC-Ag are poor targets in LDCC; 2) removal of MHC-Ag by papain renders targets refractory to LDCC, however susceptibility is regained upon regeneration of MHC-Ag; and 3) antisera to target cell MHC-Ag block LDCC. The latter finding is also observed in oxidation-dependent CTL-mediated cytotoxicity. Involvement of MHC proteins in both specific and nonspecific CTL-mediated lysis reconciles an apparent fundamental distinction between these two processes and suggests a possible role for MHC proteins in a postrecognition step(s) leading to lysis.  相似文献   

Diverse Ag-specific memory TCR repertoires are essential for protection against pathogens. Subunit vaccines that combine peptide or protein Ags with TLR agonists are very potent at inducing T cell immune responses, but their capacity to elicit stable and diverse memory CD4 T cell repertoires has not been evaluated. In this study, we examined the evolution of a complex Ag-specific population during the transition from primary effectors to memory T cells after peptide or protein vaccination. Both vaccination regimens induced equally diverse effector CD4 TCR repertoires, but peptide vaccines skewed the memory CD4 TCR repertoire toward high-affinity clonotypes whereas protein vaccines maintained low-affinity clonotypes in the memory compartment. CD27-mediated signaling was essential for the maintenance of low-affinity clonotypes after protein vaccination but was not sufficient to promote their survival following peptide vaccination. The rapid culling of the TCR repertoire in peptide-immunized mice coincided with a prolonged proliferation phase during which low-affinity clonotypes disappeared despite exhibiting no sign of enhanced apoptosis. Our study reveals a novel affinity threshold for memory CD4 T cell differentiation following vaccination and suggests a role for nonapoptotic cell death in the regulation of CD4 T cell clonal selection.  相似文献   



T cells producing multiple factors have been shown to be required for protection from disease progression in HIV but we have recently shown this not to be the case in TB. Subjects with active disease had a greater proportion of polyfunctional cells responding to ESAT-6/CFP-10 stimulation than their infected but non-diseased household contacts (HHC). We therefore wanted to assess this profile in subjects who had successfully completed standard TB chemotherapy.


We performed a cross-sectional study using PBMC from TB cases (pre- and post-treatment) and HHC. Samples were stimulated overnight with TB antigens (ESAT-6/CFP-10 and PPD) and their CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were assessed for production of CD107a, IFN-γ, IL-2 and TNF-α and the complexity of the responses was determined using SPICE and PESTLE software.

Results and Conclusions

We found that an increase in complexity (i.e., production of more than 1 factor simultaneously) of the T cell profile was associated with TB disease and that this was significantly reduced following TB treatment. This implies that T cells are able to respond adequately to TB antigens with active disease (at least initially) but the ability of this response to protect the host from disease progression is hampered, presumably due to immune evasion strategies by the bacteria. These findings have implications for the development of new diagnostics and vaccine strategies.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival in cells requires mycobactin siderophores. Recently, the search for lipid antigens presented by the CD1a antigen-presenting protein led to the discovery of a mycobactin-like compound, dideoxymycobactin (DDM). Here we synthesize DDMs using solution phase and solid phase peptide synthesis chemistry. Comparison of synthetic standards to natural mycobacterial mycobactins by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry allowed identification of an unexpected α-methyl serine unit in natural DDM. This finding further distinguishes these pre-siderophores as foreign compounds distinct from conventional peptides, and we provide evidence that this chemical variation influences the T cell response. One synthetic DDM recapitulated natural structures and potently stimulated T cells, making it suitable for patient studies of CD1a in infectious disease. DDM analogs differing in the stereochemistry of their butyrate or oxazoline moieties were not recognized by human T cells. Therefore, we conclude that T cells show precise specificity for both arms of the peptide, which are predicted to lie at the CD1a-T cell receptor interface.Pathogens are detected by the host when antigenic molecules directly contact immune receptors during the early stages of infection. The strategy of intracellular infection allows viruses, certain bacteria and protozoa to partially cloak themselves from the immune response by physically encapsulating their antigens within host cells. Intracellular residence also takes advantage of immune tolerance mechanisms that prevent autoimmune destruction of self. T cells play a central role in immunity to intracellular pathogens because they can respond to antigens that are generated inside cells and then transported to the surface of infected cells after binding to antigen-presenting molecules. The antigen-presenting molecules encoded in the major histocompatibility complex are widely known for presenting peptide fragments of proteins (1). More recently, human and mouse members of the CD1 (cluster of differentiation 1) system have been shown to present small amphipathic molecules, including a variety of membrane lipids, glycolipids, and lipopeptides, greatly expanding the molecular structures recognized by the cellular immune system (2, 3).Among human CD1 proteins (CD1a, CD1b, CD1c, CD1d, and CD1e), each CD1 isoform is expressed on a different spectrum of antigen-presenting cells. Human CD1a proteins are distinguished from other CD1 proteins by high expression levels on the surface of intradermal Langerhans cells, which play a role in barrier immune function (4). Human T cell clones have been shown to directly recognize CD1a proteins in the presence of exogenous foreign antigens (5) or in the presence of sulfatide and other self lipids (6, 7), suggesting a role for CD1a in T cell activation. In addition, mycobacteria and other intracellular pathogens have been shown to increase CD1a expression in lesions found in leprosy and tuberculosis patients, implying a possible role for CD1a in the response to infection, especially at mucosal or skin sites (810). Analysis of the molecular target recognized by CD1a-restricted T cell clone (CD8-2) allowed the identification of a foreign antigen presented by CD1a as dideoxymycobactin (DDM) (11).2Mycobactin binds iron to promote Mycobacterium tuberculosis survival. DDM was initially isolated (11) from antigenic lipid extracts of M. tuberculosis, a pathogen that kills ∼1.7 million humans annually on a worldwide basis (12). The determination of DDM structure was based on mass spectrometric and NMR studies of limiting amounts of natural material derived from the pathogenic organisms, so that not all elements of its chemical structure could be formally determined. Instead, its assigned structure was facilitated by obvious parallels of dideoxymycobactin with mycobactin, a lipopeptide siderophore (13, 14). Iron is required for reduction-oxidation reactions involving respiration and other basic metabolic pathways in bacterial pathogens (13). Environmental mycobacteria have at least two iron uptake pathways, but mycobactin and the related molecule carboxymycobactin represent the only known dedicated iron uptake pathway for pathogenic species like M. tuberculosis (15, 16). Highlighting the physiological importance of the mycobactin pathway, deletion of mycobactin synthase B limits M. tuberculosis survival in cells (13, 14). Also, mammalian innate immune systems produce siderocalin, a 20-kDa lipocalin that binds both ferric and apo siderophores, preventing their uptake and subsequent iron delivery to microbes (1720). The small available yields of natural material highlighted the need for a straightforward method to synthesize DDM for studies of its role in mycobacterial iron acquisition and testing T cell responses in human populations, as well as to provide authentic standards to investigate unknown aspects of natural DDM stereochemistry. Here we report two syntheses for production of DDM in solution phase and solid phase. Comparison of synthetic and natural DDMs gives unexpected insight into the stereochemical structures of the methylserine, oxazoline, and butyrate moieties of DDM and provides direct evidence that the T cell response is highly specific for a unique aspect of DDM structure that protrudes from the surface of the CD1a-DDM complexes.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that therapeutic vaccination against HIV-1 can increase the frequency and suppressive function of regulatory, CD4+ T cells (Treg), thereby masking enhancement of HIV-1-specific CD8+ T cell response. HIV-1-infected subjects on antiretroviral therapy (N = 17) enrolled in a phase I therapeutic vaccine trial received 2 doses of autologous dendritic cells (DC) loaded with HIV-1 peptides. The frequency of CD4+CD25hiFOXP3+ Treg in blood was determined prior to and after vaccination in subjects and normal controls. Polyfunctional CD8+ T cell responses were determined pre- and post-vaccine (N = 7) for 5 immune mediators after in vitro stimulation with Gag peptide, staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), or medium alone. Total vaccine response (post-vaccine–pre-vaccine) was compared in the Treg(+) and Treg-depleted (Treg-) sets. After vaccination, 12/17 subjects showed a trend of increased Treg frequency (P = 0.06) from 0.74% to 1.2%. The increased frequency did not correlate with CD8+ T cell vaccine response by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for interferon γ production. Although there was no significant change in CD8+ T cell polyfunctional response after vaccination, Treg depletion increased the polyfunctionality of the total vaccine response (P = 0.029), with a >2-fold increase in the percentage of CD8+ T cells producing multiple immune mediators. In contrast, depletion of Treg did not enhance polyfunctional T cell response to SEB, implying specificity of suppression to HIV-1 Gag. Therapeutic immunization with a DC-based vaccine against HIV-1 caused a modest increase in Treg frequency and a significant increase in HIV-1-specific, Treg suppressive function. The Treg suppressive effect masked an increase in the vaccine-induced anti-HIV-1-specific polyfunctional response. The role of Treg should be considered in immunotherapeutic trials of HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Reports have shown that activation of tumor-specific CD4+ helper T (Th) cells is crucial for effective anti-tumor immunity and identification of Th-cell epitopes is critical for peptide vaccine-based cancer immunotherapy. Although computer algorithms are available to predict peptides with high binding affinity to a specific HLA class II molecule, the ability of those peptides to induce Th-cell responses must be evaluated. We have established HLA-DR4 (HLA-DRA*01:01/HLA-DRB1*04:05) transgenic mice (Tgm), since this HLA-DR allele is most frequent (13.6%) in Japanese population, to evaluate HLA-DR4-restricted Th-cell responses to tumor-associated antigen (TAA)-derived peptides predicted to bind to HLA-DR4. To avoid weak binding between mouse CD4 and HLA-DR4, Tgm were designed to express chimeric HLA-DR4/I-Ed, where I-Ed α1 and β1 domains were replaced with those from HLA-DR4. Th cells isolated from Tgm immunized with adjuvant and HLA-DR4-binding cytomegalovirus-derived peptide proliferated when stimulated with peptide-pulsed HLA-DR4-transduced mouse L cells, indicating chimeric HLA-DR4/I-Ed has equivalent antigen presenting capacity to HLA-DR4. Immunization with CDCA155-78 peptide, a computer algorithm-predicted HLA-DR4-binding peptide derived from TAA CDCA1, successfully induced Th-cell responses in Tgm, while immunization of HLA-DR4-binding Wilms'' tumor 1 antigen-derived peptide with identical amino acid sequence to mouse ortholog failed. This was overcome by using peptide-pulsed syngeneic bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BM-DC) followed by immunization with peptide/CFA booster. BM-DC-based immunization of KIF20A494-517 peptide from another TAA KIF20A, with an almost identical HLA-binding core amino acid sequence to mouse ortholog, successfully induced Th-cell responses in Tgm. Notably, both CDCA155-78 and KIF20A494-517 peptides induced human Th-cell responses in PBMCs from HLA-DR4-positive donors. Finally, an HLA-DR4 binding DEPDC1191-213 peptide from a new TAA DEPDC1 overexpressed in bladder cancer induced strong Th-cell responses both in Tgm and in PBMCs from an HLA-DR4-positive donor. Thus, the HLA-DR4 Tgm combined with computer algorithm was useful for preliminary screening of candidate peptides for vaccination.  相似文献   



Complement (C) is a crucial part of the innate immune system and becomes over activated during malaria, resulting in depletion of C components, especially those for lectin pathway (LP), thereby compromising the host''s innate defense. In this study, involvement of P. falciparum antigens in C activation was investigated.


A highly synchronous culture of the Dd2 clone of P. falciparum was established in a serum free medium. Supernatants harvested from rings, trophozoites and schizonts at various parasite densities were tested for ability to activate C by quantifying amount of C3b deposited on erythrocytes (E). Uninfected sham culture was used as control. Remnants of each C pathway were determined using Wieslab complement System Screenkit (Euro-diagnostica, Sweden). To identify MBL binding antigens of LP, culture supernatants were added to MBL sepharose columns and trapped antigens eluted with increasing concentrations of EDTA (10 mM, 50 mM and 100 mM) and then desalted before being tested for ability to activate C. The EDTA eluate with highest activity was run on a polyacrylamide gel and silver stained proteins analyzed by mass spectroscopy.


Antigens released by P. falciparum growing in culture activated C leading to C3b deposition on E. Maximal activation at 7% parasitemia was associated with schizont stage (36.7%) compared to 22% for rings, 21% for trophozoites and 3% for sham culture. All the three pathways of C were activated, with highest activation being for the alternative pathway (only 6% of C activation potential remained), 65% for classiical and 43% for the LP. Seven MBL binding merozoite proteins were identified by mass spectrometry in the 50 mM EDTA eluate.


MBL binding merozoite adhesins with ability to activate C pathway were identified. The survival advantage for such pronounced C activation is unclear, but opsonisation could facilitate recognition and invasion of E.  相似文献   

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