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Nakamura HK  Sasai M 《Proteins》2001,43(3):280-291
A simple lattice model of protein folding is studied in order to analyze the kinetic partitioning phenomena in the energy landscape perspective. By restricting the area of conformational space, it becomes possible to follow many Monte Carlo trajectories until they reach equilibrium. Alteration of population of trajectories is monitored and the relations between the energy landscape and kinetics are examined. Kinetic partitioning phenomena are categorized into different types in terms of characteristic time constants and partitioning ratio. In a specific partitioning process, refolding proceeds along the parallel pathways; the time constants have a temperature dependence similar to that observed in hen lysozyme. High-energy conformations are classified into groups according to the probability that the trajectories starting from those conformations will reach each energy valley. The partitioning ratio is determined by the way in which the conformational space is organized into these groups.  相似文献   

We report a new free energy decomposition that includes structure-derived atomic contact energies for the desolvation component, and show that it applies equally well to the analysis of single-domain protein folding and to the binding of flexible peptides to proteins. Specifically, we selected the 17 single-domain proteins for which the three-dimensional structures and thermodynamic unfolding free energies are available. By calculating all terms except the backbone conformational entropy change and comparing the result to the experimentally measured free energy, we estimated that the mean entropy gain by the backbone chain upon unfolding (delta Sbb) is 5.3 cal/K per mole of residue, and that the average backbone entropy for glycine is 6.7 cal/K. Both numbers are in close agreement with recent estimates made by entirely different methods, suggesting a promising degree of consistency between data obtained from disparate sources. In addition, a quantitative analysis of the folding free energy indicates that the unfavorable backbone entropy for each of the proteins is balanced predominantly by favorable backbone interactions. Finally, because the binding of flexible peptides to receptors is physically similar to folding, the free energy function should, in principle, be equally applicable to flexible docking. By combining atomic contact energies, electrostatics, and sequence-dependent backbone entropy, we calculated a priori the free energy changes associated with the binding of four different peptides to HLA-A2, 1 MHC molecule and found agreement with experiment to within 10% without parameter adjustment.  相似文献   

Side-chain conformational entropy in protein folding.   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
An important, but often neglected, contribution to the thermodynamics of protein folding is the loss of entropy that results from restricting the number of accessible side-chain conformers in the native structure. Conformational entropy changes can be found by comparing the number of accessible rotamers in the unfolded and folded states, or by estimating fusion entropies. Comparison of several sets of results using different techniques shows that the mean conformational free energy change (T delta S) is 1 kcal.mol-1 per side chain or 0.5 kcal.mol-1 per bond. Changes in vibrational entropy appear to be negligible compared to the entropy change resulting from the loss of accessible rotamers. Side-chain entropies can help rationalize alpha-helix propensities, predict protein/inhibitor complex structures, and account for the distribution of side chains on the protein surface or interior.  相似文献   

We have used molecular dynamics simulations restrained by experimental phi values derived from protein engineering experiments to determine the structures of the transition state ensembles of ten proteins that fold with two-state kinetics. For each of these proteins we then calculated the average contact order in the transition state ensemble and compared it with the corresponding experimental folding rate. The resulting correlation coefficient is similar to that computed for the contact orders of the native structures, supporting the use of native state contact orders for predicting folding rates. The native contacts in the transition state also correlate with those of the native state but are found to be about 30% lower. These results show that, despite the high levels of heterogeneity in the transition state ensemble, the large majority of contributing structures have native-like topologies and that the native state contact order captures this phenomenon.  相似文献   

A Mathematica package (ALASKA) has been developed to simplify the measurement of protein folding kinetics by analysis of 1H NMR lineshape analysis. This package reads NMR data in ASCII format and can simulate an aromatic 1 NMR spectrum with or without lineshape broadening from chemical exchange. We describe the analysis of a urea denaturation series of a fast-folding protein, the G46A/G48A variant of monomeric repressor.  相似文献   

As proteins fold, a progressive structuring, immobilization and eventual exclusion of water surrounding backbone hydrogen bonds takes place. This process turns hydrogen bonds into major determinants of the folding pathway and compensates for the penalty of desolvation of the backbone polar groups. Taken as an average over all hydrogen bonds in a native fold, this extent of protection is found to be nearly ubiquitous. It is dynamically crucial, determining a constraint in the long-time limit behavior of coarse-grained ab initio simulations. Furthermore, an examination of one of the longest available (1micros) all-atom simulations with explicit solvent reveals that this average extent of protection is a constant of motion for the folding trajectory. We propose how such a stabilization is best achieved by clustering five hydrophobes around the backbone hydrogen bonds, an arrangement that yields the optimal stabilization. Our results support and clarify the view that hydrophobic surface burial should be commensurate with hydrogen-bond formation and enable us to define a basic desolvation motif inherent to structure and folding dynamics.  相似文献   

The role of local interactions in protein folding has recently been the subject of some controversy. Here we investigate an extension of Zwanzig's simple and general model of folding in which local and nonlocal interactions are represented by functions of single and multiple conformational degrees of freedom, respectively. The kinetics and thermodynamics of folding are studied for a series of energy functions in which the energy of the native structure is fixed, but the relative contributions of local and nonlocal interactions to this energy are varied over a broad range. For funnel shaped energy landscapes, we find that 1) the rate of folding increases, but the stability of the folded state decreases, as the contribution of local interactions to the energy of the native structure increases, and 2) the amount of native structure in the unfolded state and the transition state vary considerably with the local interaction strength. Simple exponential kinetics and a well-defined free energy barrier separating folded and unfolded states are observed when nonlocal interactions make an appreciable contribution to the energy of the native structure; in such cases a transition state theory type approximation yields reasonably accurate estimates of the folding rate. Bumps in the folding funnel near the native state, which could result from desolvation effects, side chain freezing, or the breaking of nonnative contacts, significantly alter the dependence of the folding rate on the local interaction strength: the rate of folding decreases when the local interaction strength is increased beyond a certain point. A survey of the distribution of strong contacts in the protein structure database suggests that evolutionary optimization has involved both kinetics and thermodynamics: strong contacts are enriched at both very short and very long sequence separations. Proteins 29:282–291, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new residue contact potantial derived by statistical analysis of protein crystal structures. This gives mean hydrophobic and pairwise contact energies as a function of residue type and distance interval. To test the accuracy of this potential we generate model structures by “threading” different sequences through backbone folding motifs found in the structural data base. We find that conformational energies calculated by summing contact potentials show perfect specificity in matching the correct sequences with each globular folding motif in a 161-protcin data set. They also identify correct models with the core folding motifs of heme-rythrin and immunoglobulin McPC603 V1-do- main, among millions of alternatives possible when we align subsequences with α-helices and β-strands, and allow for variation in the lengths of intervening loops. We suggest that contact potentials reflect important constraints on nonbonded interaction in native proteins, and that “threading” may be useful for structure prediction by recognition of folding motif. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Lu HM  Liang J 《Proteins》2008,70(2):442-449
To study protein nascent chain folding during biosynthesis, we investigate the folding behavior of models of hydrophobic and polar (HP) chains at growing length using both two-dimensional square lattice model and an optimized three-dimensional 4-state discrete off-lattice model. After enumerating all possible sequences and conformations of HP heteropolymers up to length N = 18 and N = 15 in two and three-dimensional space, respectively, we examine changes in adopted structure, stability, and tolerance to single point mutation as the nascent chain grows. In both models, we find that stable model proteins have fewer folded nascent chains during growth, and often will only fold after reaching full length. For the few occasions where partial chains of stable proteins fold, these partial conformations on average are very similar to the corresponding parts of the final conformations at full length. Conversely, we find that sequences with fewer stable nascent chains and sequences with native-like folded nascent chains are more stable. In addition, these stable sequences in general can have many more point mutations and still fold into the same conformation as the wild type sequence. Our results suggest that stable proteins are less likely to be trapped in metastable conformations during biosynthesis, and are more resistant to point-mutations. Our results also imply that less stable proteins will require the assistance of chaperone and other factors during nascent chain folding. Taken together with other reported studies, it seems that cotranslational folding may not be a general mechanism of in vivo protein folding for small proteins, and in vitro folding studies are still relevant for understanding how proteins fold biologically.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that the recently proposed pruned-enriched Rosenbluth method (PERM) (Grassberger, Phys. Rev. E 56:3682, 1997) leads to extremely efficient algorithms for the folding of simple model proteins. We test it on several models for lattice heteropolymers, and compare it to published Monte Carlo studies of the properties of particular sequences. In all cases our method is faster than the previous ones, and in several cases we find new minimal energy states. In addition to producing more reliable candidates for ground states, our method gives detailed information about the thermal spectrum and thus allows one to analyze thermodynamic aspects of the folding behavior of arbitrary sequences. Proteins 32:52–66, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structure, equilibria, and folding kinetics of an engineered 35-residue subdomain of the chicken villin headpiece, an ultrafast-folding protein. Substitution of two buried lysine residues by norleucine residues stabilizes the protein by 1 kcal/mol and increases the folding rate sixfold, as measured by nanosecond laser T-jump. The folding rate at 300 K is (0.7 micros)(-1) with little or no temperature dependence, making this protein the first sub-microsecond folder, with a rate only twofold slower than the theoretically predicted speed limit. Using the 70 ns process to obtain the effective diffusion coefficient, the free energy barrier height is estimated from Kramers theory to be less than approximately 1 kcal/mol. X-ray crystallographic determination at 1A resolution shows no significant change in structure compared to the single-norleucine-substituted molecule and suggests that the increased stability is electrostatic in origin. The ultrafast folding rate, very accurate X-ray structure, and small size make this engineered villin subdomain an ideal system for simulation by atomistic molecular dynamics with explicit solvent.  相似文献   

The homochirality, or isotacticity, of the natural amino acids facilitates the formation of regular secondary structures such as alpha-helices and beta-sheets. However, many examples exist in nature where novel polypeptide topologies use both l- and d-amino acids. In this study, we explore how stereochemistry of the polypeptide backbone influences basic properties such as compactness and the size of fold space by simulating both lattice and all-atom polypeptide chains. We formulate a rectangular lattice chain model in both two and three dimensions, where monomers are chiral, having the effect of restricting local conformation. Syndiotactic chains with alternating chirality of adjacent monomers have a very large ensemble of accessible conformations characterized predominantly by extended structures. Isotactic chains on the other hand, have far fewer possible conformations and a significant fraction of these are compact. Syndiotactic chains are often unable to access maximally compact states available to their isotactic counterparts of the same length. Similar features are observed in all-atom models of isotactic versus syndiotactic polyalanine. Our results suggest that protein isotacticity has evolved to increase the enthalpy of chain collapse by facilitating compact helical states and to reduce the entropic cost of folding by restricting the size of the unfolded ensemble of competing states.  相似文献   

Probing the energy landscape of protein folding/unfolding transition states   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the thermal denaturation of chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI2) have provided atomic-resolution models of the transition state ensemble that is well supported by experimental studies. Here, we use simulations to further investigate the energy landscape around the transition state region. Nine structures within approximately 35 ps and 3 A C(alpha) RMSD of the transition state ensemble identified in a previous 498 K thermal denaturation simulation were quenched under the quasi-native conditions of 335 K and neutral pH. All of the structures underwent hydrophobically driven collapse in response to the drop in temperature. Structures less denatured than the transition state became structurally more native-like, while structures that were more denatured than the transition state tended to show additional loss of native structure. The structures in the immediate region of the transition state fluctuated between becoming more and less native-like. All of the starting structures had the same native-like topology and were quite similar (within 3.5 A C(alpha) RMSD). That the structures all shared native-like topology, yet diverged into either more or less native-like structures depending on which side of the transition state they occupied on the unfolding trajectory, indicates that topology alone does not dictate protein folding. Instead, our results suggest that a detailed interplay of packing interactions and interactions with water determine whether a partially denatured protein will become more native-like under refolding conditions.  相似文献   

A multi-site, time-resolved fluorescence resonance energy transfer methodology has been used to study structural heterogeneity in a late folding intermediate ensemble, IL, of the small protein barstar. Four different intra-molecular distances have been measured within the structural components of IL. The IL ensemble is shown to consist of different sub-populations of molecules, in each of which one or more of the four distances are native-like and the remaining distances are unfolded-like. In very stable conditions that favor formation of IL, all four distances are native-like in most molecules. In less stable conditions, one or more distances are unfolded-like. As stability is decreased, the proportion of molecules with unfolded-like distances increases. Thus, the results show that protein folding intermediates are ensembles of different structural forms, and they demonstrate that conformational entropy increases as structures become less stable. These observations provide direct experimental evidence in support of a basic tenet of energy landscape theory for protein folding, that available conformational space, as represented by structural heterogeneity in IL, becomes restricted as the stability is increased. The results also vindicate an important prediction of energy landscape theory, that different folding pathways may become dominant under different folding conditions. In more stable folding conditions, uniformly native-like compactness is achieved during folding to IL, whereas in less stable conditions, uniformly native-like compactness is achieved only later during the folding of IL to N.  相似文献   

Voelz VA  Dill KA 《Proteins》2007,66(4):877-888
It has been proposed that proteins fold by a process called "Zipping and Assembly" (Z&A). Zipping refers to the growth of local substructures within the chain, and assembly refers to the coming together of already-formed pieces. Our interest here is in whether Z&A is a general method that can fold most of sequence space, to global minima, efficiently. Using the HP model, we can address this question by enumerating full conformation and sequence spaces. We find that Z&A reaches the global energy minimum native states, even though it searches only a very small fraction of conformational space, for most sequences in the full sequence space. We find that Z&A, a mechanism-based search, is more efficient in our tests than the replica exchange search method. Folding efficiency is increased for chains having: (a) small loop-closure steps, consistent with observations by Plaxco et al. 1998;277;985-994 that folding rates correlate with contact order, (b) neither too few nor too many nucleation sites per chain, and (c) assembly steps that do not occur too early in the folding process. We find that the efficiency increases with chain length, although our range of chain lengths is limited. We believe these insights may be useful for developing faster protein conformational search algorithms.  相似文献   

Protein refolding/misfolding to an alternative form plays an aetiologic role in many diseases in humans, including Alzheimer's disease, the systemic amyloidoses, and the prion diseases. Here we have discovered that such refolding can occur readily for a simple lattice model of proteins in a propagatable manner without designing for any particular alternative native state. The model uses a simple contact energy function for interactions between residues and does not consider the peculiarities of polypeptide geometry. In this model, under conditions where the normal (N) native state is marginally stable or unstable, two chains refold from the N native state to an alternative multimeric energetic minimum comprising a single refolded conformation that can then propagate itself to other protein chains. The only requirement for efficient propagation is that a two-faced mode of packing must be in the ground state as a dimer (a higher-energy state for this packing leads to less efficient propagation). For random sequences, these ground-state dimeric configurations tend to have more beta-sheet-like extended structure than almost any other sort of dimeric ground-state assembly. This implies that propagating states (such as for prions) are beta-sheet rich because the only likely propagating forms are beta-sheet rich. We examine the details of our simulations to see to what extent the observed properties of prion propagation can be predicted by a simple protein folding model. The formation of the alternative state in the present model shows several distinct features of amyloidogenesis and of prion propagation. For example, an analog of the phenomenon of conformationally distinct strains in prions is observed. We find a parallel between 'glassy' behavior in liquids and the formation of a propagatable state in proteins. This is the first report of simulation of conformational propagation using any heteropolymer model. The results imply that some (but not most) small protein sequences must maintain a sequence signal that resists refolding to propagatable alternative native states and that the ability to form such states is not limited to polypeptides (or reliant on regular hydrogen bonding per se) but can occur for other protein-like heteropolymers.  相似文献   

The protein folding network   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The conformation space of a 20 residue antiparallel beta-sheet peptide, sampled by molecular dynamics simulations, is mapped to a network. Snapshots saved along the trajectory are grouped according to secondary structure into nodes of the network and the transitions between them are links. The conformation space network describes the significant free energy minima and their dynamic connectivity without requiring arbitrarily chosen reaction coordinates. As previously found for the Internet and the World-Wide Web as well as for social and biological networks, the conformation space network is scale-free and contains highly connected hubs like the native state which is the most populated free energy basin. Furthermore, the native basin exhibits a hierarchical organization, which is not found for a random heteropolymer lacking a predominant free-energy minimum. The network topology is used to identify conformations in the folding transition state (TS) ensemble, and provides a basis for understanding the heterogeneity of the TS and denatured state ensemble as well as the existence of multiple pathways.  相似文献   

Search and study of the general principles that govern kinetics and thermodynamics of protein folding generate a new insight into the factors controlling this process. Here, based on the known experimental data and using theoretical modeling of protein folding, we demonstrate that there exists an optimal relationship between the average conformational entropy and the average energy of contacts per residue-that is, an entropy capacity-for fast protein folding. Statistical analysis of conformational entropy and number of contacts per residue for 5829 protein structures from four general structural classes (all-alpha, all-beta, alpha/beta, alpha+beta) demonstrates that each class of proteins has its own class-specific average number of contacts (class alpha/beta has the largest number of contacts) and average conformational entropy per residue (class all-alpha has the largest number of rotatable angles phi, psi, and chi per residue). These class-specific features determine the folding rates: alpha proteins are the fastest folding proteins, then follow beta and alpha+beta proteins, and finally alpha/beta proteins are the slowest ones. Our result is in agreement with the experimental folding rates for 60 proteins. This suggests that structural and sequence properties are important determinants of protein folding rates.  相似文献   

Using a triangular lattice model to study the designability of protein folding, we overcame the parity problem of previous cubic lattice model and enumerated all the sequences and compact structures on a simple two-dimensional triangular lattice model of size 4 5 6 5 4. We used two types of amino acids, hydrophobic and polar, to make up the sequences, and achieved 223W212 different sequences excluding the reverse symmetry sequences. The total string number of distinct compact structures was 219,093, excluding reflection symmetry in the self-avoiding path of length 24 triangular lattice model. Based on this model, we applied a fast search algorithm by constructing a cluster tree. The algorithm decreased the computation by computing the objective energy of non-leaf nodes. The parallel experiments proved that the fast tree search algorithm yielded an exponential speed-up in the model of size 4 5 6 5 4. Designability analysis was performed to understand the search result.  相似文献   

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