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陈冬民   《广西植物》1985,(1):27-30
<正> 徐炳声先生等在“庭藤种综内分类群间变异式样的相关性”一文中运用散点图和柱状图等图解法较为清楚地显示了庭藤种综内四个分类群间变异式样,提出了北方庭藤(苏木蓝)(Indigofera carlesii Craib)降为亚种等级等观点。本文用数理统计中显著性检验、方  相似文献   

肉苁蓉(Cistanche deserticola)种内的变异式样   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用比较形态解剖学的方法对肉苁蓉的营养器官和繁殖器官进行比较,研究了名贵中药肉苁蓉营养器官和繁殖器官的变异式样。发现肉苁蓉种内具有不同形态特点的类型,造成中药肉苁蓉中在其药理、药效等方面也存在着差异。  相似文献   

马银花若干地方性群体内和群体间的变异式样的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以马银花(Phododendron ovatum)的属于六个省和自治区的七个地方性群体为对象,对群体内和鲜体间的变异式样进行了定量分析,以便在群体水平上探测该种种内之具有规律性的变异及其与地理分布的关系。根据所测定的十个单个性状和相关性状的数据绘制了以群体为单位的矩形图、多角形图和散点图。结果发现:(1)四川重庆的群体不论在叶顶端凹缺的深度和宽度(两者多少相关)上,还是在萼片形状上,都呈现与华东诸省明显不同的变异式样;(2)广西的群体的萼片缘毛数明显高于其他群体,(3)萼片的形状与其缘毛数分别与地理分布相关,不能作为分种的依据。  相似文献   

甘肃贝母性状变异式样的分析及分类处理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过实地调查和查阅标本,对甘肃贝母(Fritillaria przewalskii Maxim.)17个居群(包括2个暗紫贝母居群)性状的变异式样及变异规律进行了统计分析和研究。结果表明,各居群在性状上变异显著,并呈现连续变化的规律,其变化与地理分布和生境密切相关。本研究还对甘肃贝母分类群的分类地位予以讨论,认为陇南贝母(F.gansuensis)、无斑贝母(F.przewalskii form.emacula)、异色贝母(F.przewalskii var.discolor)及漳县贝母(F.przewalskii cv.Zhangxian)应归入甘肃贝母,格纹贝母(F.przewalskii var.tessellata)仍作为甘肃贝母的一个新变种。  相似文献   

南京两种半夏群体水平变异式样的比较   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
南京东郊灵谷寺山坡有一种半夏属Pinellia植物,它外观上与半夏P.ternata相似,但无珠芽;在形态上则更近似鹞落坪半夏P.yaoluopingensis,但缺少子块茎。本文以两个半夏群体和一个鹞落坪半夏(暂名)群体为对象,从生境的调查、形态性状的测量、花粉粒电镜扫描和显微观察以及染色体的计数人手,对两种半夏的变异式样进行比较。结果表明鹞落坪半夏群体与半夏群体的区别在于:(1)营养器官绝无珠芽,佛焰苞檐部边缘决非紫红色,雄花序长度比半夏短,雌花序和附属器长度均比半夏长;(2)花粉粒比半夏小,虽都呈圆球形,但小刺状纹饰较稀疏;(3)染色体2n=26,与半夏群体2n=72不同;(4)半夏具有一定杂草特性,在不同程度人为干扰的环境中能很好地生长和开花。鹞落坪半夏则常见于落叶阔叶林下层未受人为干扰的环境中。  相似文献   

酸模叶蓼性状变异式样的统计分析及分类处理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文采用统计分析的方法,结合引种栽培试验,对酸模叶蓼(Polygonum lapathifolium L.)性状变异的实质和规律进行了研究,证明酸模叶寥植株的高度和节部膨大程度明显受环境条件影响,且两者的变异是独立的,没有相关性,因而不宜作为分类的依据。根据对原始文献和大量标本的考证,作者提出将酸模叶蓼与节蓼(P. nodosum Pers.)归并,并取消变种绵毛酸模叶蓼(P.lapathifolium var. salicifolium Sibth.)。  相似文献   

杨继  汪劲武 《植物研究》1988,8(2):133-138
斑叶堇菜与近缘种细距堇莱之间有许多过渡类型存在, 很难依据少数几个关键性特征对它们进行明确的划分。本文运用形象化散点图和柱状图的方法, 对从不同地点、不同居群收集的80份标本进行分析, 测量若干性状上的数量变异, 分析这些性状之间变异的相关程度, 结果表明:斑叶堇菜和细距堇菜各自应为独立的种, 支持W.Beck.1916年所作的成立细距堇菜的毛萼亚种的处理。  相似文献   

本文着重对分布于中国的柳兰Epilobium angustifolium L.进行了细胞学,形态学,花粉 学及地理学研究,发现有二倍体(n=18)和四倍体(n=36)及其相关形态学性状和分布区, 认为把不同种宗处理作二个亚种——柳兰subsp.angustifolium(二倍体)和毛脉柳兰subsp. circumvagum Mosquin(多倍体)是适宜的。不同倍性柳兰的花粉直径、花粉孔数、叶背面中脉 毛被及叶片宽度不同(Mosquin,1966),我们还观察到叶片基部形状、叶缘、花序轴毛被等也 是区别不同倍性柳兰的好性状。柳兰的形态学差异是染色体倍性决定的,这是以多倍化形式 进化的又一例证。本文报道了11号柳兰样品染色体计数,其中6号为二倍体,5号为四倍体, 后者在亚洲为首次报道。柳兰的细胞地理学资料表明:柳兰可能是温带起源,在喜马拉雅地 区柳兰可能是从东西不同方向分别进入这个地区的。  相似文献   

研究了云南省昆明市西山和丽江市玉龙雪山的粉叶小檗(Berberis pruinosa Franch.)叶、花瓣和果实特征的变异式样.粉叶小檗幼叶背面具明显的白色粉霜,而成熟叶,尤其是秋冬季的老叶,叶片背面的白色粉霜几乎完全脱落,并呈灰绿色.虽然粉叶小檗花瓣先端存在缺裂和全缘两种变异式样,但是这些变异式样在居群内是连续的...  相似文献   

以沙坝国家云杉/落叶松良种基地苗圃的云杉属7个种(2007年移栽的欧洲云杉、西加云杉、红皮云杉、黑云杉、蓝云杉、白云杉和恩氏云杉)实生苗1 a针叶为对象,研究种间和种内针叶性状的遗传差异,为云杉苗期识别和进行适应性评价提供依据。结果表明:(1)云杉种间针叶长、宽、长/宽、鲜重、干重、冬季含水率差异达显著水平,且云杉针叶性状种间和种内都存在着丰富的遗传变异。(2)7个云杉种间针叶性状的变异系数从大到小依次为鲜重(47.65%)>干重(40.94%)>宽(24.98%)>长(22.39%)>长/宽(21.32%)>冬季含水率(12.75%),鲜重的变异系数最大,冬季含水率是最稳定的性状。(3)种内白云杉的鲜重、干重的变异系数最大,分别为50.85%和38.01%,蓝云杉针叶冬季含水率变异系数最小,为2.11%。(4)针叶性状间除长/宽与鲜重、干重、冬季含水率不相关外,其余性状间呈极显著相关关系;除针叶长/宽与苗高、当年高生长量不相关外,其余针叶性状与树高、当年高生长量呈显著或极显著正相关关系。(5)种间针叶干重与针叶长、宽回归方程的决定系数在0.793~0.993间,根据针叶长指标将7个云杉种划分为3类,并可根据云杉针叶长、宽、长/宽、鲜重、干重、颜色和气孔带等性状进行苗期识别和选择。  相似文献   

丛枝蓼和长鬃蓼鉴别性状变异式样的数量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Characters related to sex allocation and the mating system were studied in eight California taxa of the Mimulus guttatus complex: M. guttatus, M. nasutus, M. glaucescens, M. Tilingii, M. nudatus, M. laciniatus, M. platycalyx, and M. micranthus, ranked in approximate decreasing levels of outbreeding. Dry weights and lengths of floral parts, pollen and ovule number, and timing of stigmatic closure were measured on plants in the growth chamber. As percent of total flower weight, allocation to stamens and corollas was lowest in M. micranthus (28%), intermediate in M. platycalyx, M. Tilingii, and M. laciniatus (50%), and high in other taxa (60%). Among M. micranthus, M. platycalyx, and M. laciniatus, pollen–ovule ratios ranged from 3.9 to 12.0; ratios for other taxa were 19.3 to 26.6. Taxa with increased male biomass allocation generally show increased outcrossing and increased P/O ratios. Stigma-anther separation and closure of stigma lobes upon touch were positively correlated with outcrossing ratios, P/O ratios, and male allocation. Isozyme variation indicates the inbreeding taxa have been independently derived; thus, these associations of maleness with outbreeding are significant trends in the Mimulus guttatus complex.  相似文献   

In a published paper, a method for testing the correlation between two discrete characters was presented and applied to test whether in butterfly larvae origins of gregariousness are concentrated to lineages with aposematic coloration. The relationship was found to be nonsignificant. However, the butterfly data on which the test was applied had been compiled in another study to investigate evolutionary sequences and was biased, because there was an overrepresentation of aposematic, as compared to cryptic, branches in the sample. In the paper presented here, aposematic and cryptic clades of the original phylogeny were resolved to the same degree, and the resulting set of branches may be regarded as unbiased with respect to the hypothesis being tested. A method for testing the contingency of states in two characters was then applied to the new data set, resulting in a highly significant relationship between origins of gregariousness and aposematic coloration. I argue that when using statistical methods on phylogenetic data, it is crucial to resolve various parts of the phylogeny to the same comparable systematic unit in order not to get a distorted sample of taxa/branches.  相似文献   

In the midwestern United States the Daphnia pulex complex consists of a mosaic of sexual and asexual populations, providing a useful model system for studying the evolutionary forces underlying the maintenance of sex. One asexual and two sexual populations were surveyed for genetic variation for isozymes, mitochondrial DNA, and life-history characters. While the sexual populations exhibited substantial levels of genetic variance for fitness characters, no variation was detected in the asexual population at any level. However, a parallel survey among asexual clones derived from other ponds revealed large amounts of quantitative variation among clones, even among those with the same molecular profile. As a group, the asexuals are more variable for life histories than are the sexual populations. The molecular data indicate a relatively recent origin for the extant asexual D. pulex. The polyphyletic origin of these clones, combined with their microevolutionary potential, provides an explanation for their broad geographic distribution. The distribution of sex in the complex cannot be explained with the standard models that assume an invariant asexual population in reproductive isolation from the parental species. Although the frequency of asexuality may be driven by the spread of a sex-limited meiosis suppressor through sexual populations, the complete displacement of sexuality may be prevented by ecological distinctions between the two classes of individuals. On average, the asexuals are larger but produce smaller clutches than the sexuals.  相似文献   

Stebbins , G. L., and G. S. Khush . (U. California, Davis.) Variation in the organization of the stomatal complex in the leaf epidermis of monocotyledons and its bearing on their phylogeny. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(1): 51–59. Illus. 1961.—Using macerated pieces of epidermal tissue from living plants and herbarium specimens, stomatal complexes of 192 species belonging to 49 families of monocotyledons were studied. Four categories are recognized, 2 with 4 or more subsidiary cells surrounding the guard cells, 1 with 2 subsidiaries, and 1 with none. Development of the 2-subsidiary type, studied in acetocarmine preparations of Juncus effusus and Sagittaria montevidensis, resembles that in Gramineae previously described. No correlation was found between type of stomatal complex and either leaf shape or type of xylem vessel, but some correlation exists between this character and type of seed germination, vascular anatomy of seedling, growth habit of mature plant, and geographic distribution. Types with 4 or more subsidiaries are most commonly phanerophytes with tropical distribution, many vascular bundles in the cotyledon, and hypogeal germination. Complexes with 2 subsidiaries occur in many families of a diverse nature, but the most primitive plants with this type are hydrophytes or helophytes with tropical or temperate distribution, 1 vascular bundle in the cotyledon, and epigeal germination. Stomatal complexes without subsidiaries are almost confined to the Liliales and their more specialized derivatives. These plants are predominantly geophytes with temperate or tropical distribution, 2 bundles in the cotyledon, and epigeal germination. Reasons are advanced for suggesting that the type with many subsidiaries is the most primitive and the other 2 types have been derived from it independently by reduction of the number of subsidiary cells.  相似文献   

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