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Significance of predation by protists in aquatic microbial food webs   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Predation in aquatic microbial food webs is dominated by phagotrophic protists, yet these microorganisms are still understudied compared to bacteria and phytoplankton. In pelagic ecosystems, predaceous protists are ubiquitous, range in size from 2 μm flagellates to >100 μm ciliates and dinoflagellates, and exhibit a wide array of feeding strategies. Their trophic states run the gamut from strictly phagotrophic, to mixotrophic: partly autotrophic and partly phagotrophic, to primarily autotrophic but capable of phagotrophy. Protists are a major source of mortality for both heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria. They compete with herbivorous meso- and macro-zooplankton for all size classes of phytoplankton. Protist grazing may affect the rate of organic sinking flux from the euphotic zone. Protist excretions are an important source of remineralized nutrients, and of colloidal and dissolved trace metals such as iron, in aquatic systems. Work on predation by protists is being facilitated by methodological advances, e.g., molecular genetic analysis of protistan diversity and application of flow cytometry to study population growth and feeding rates. Examples of new research areas are studies of impact of protistan predation on the community structure of prey assemblages and of chemical communication between predator and prey in microbial food webs. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ecological and evolutionary mechanisms are increasingly thought to shape local community dynamics. Here, I evaluate if the local adaptation of a meso-predator to an apex predator alters local food webs. The marbled salamander (Ambystoma opacum) is an apex predator that consumes both the spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and shared zooplankton prey. Common garden experiments reveal that spotted salamander populations which co-occur with marbled salamanders forage more intensely than those that face other predator species. These foraging differences, in turn, alter the diversity, abundance and composition of zooplankton communities in common garden experiments and natural ponds. Locally adapted spotted salamanders exacerbate prey biomass declines associated with apex predation, but dampen the top-down effects of apex predation on prey diversity. Countergradient selection on foraging explains why locally adapted spotted salamanders exacerbate prey biomass declines. The two salamander species prefer different prey species, which explains why adapted spotted salamanders buffer changes in prey composition owing to apex predation. Results suggest that local adaptation can strongly mediate effects from apex predation on local food webs. Community ecologists might often need to consider the evolutionary history of populations to understand local diversity patterns, food web dynamics, resource gradients and their responses to disturbance.  相似文献   

Understanding the formation of feeding links provides insights into processes underlying food webs. Generally, predators feed on prey within a certain body-size range, but a systematic quantification of such feeding niches is lacking. We developed a size-constrained feeding-niche (SCFN) model and parameterized it with information on both realized and non-realized feeding links in 72 aquatic and 65 terrestrial food webs. Our analyses revealed profound differences in feeding niches between aquatic and terrestrial predators and variation along a temperature gradient. Specifically, the predator–prey body-size ratio and the range in prey sizes increase with the size of aquatic predators, whereas they are nearly constant across gradients in terrestrial predator size. Overall, our SCFN model well reproduces the feeding relationships and predation architecture across 137 natural food webs (including 3878 species and 136,839 realized links). Our results illuminate the organisation of natural food webs and enables novel trait-based and environment-explicit modelling approaches.  相似文献   

Jeff Scott Wesner 《Oikos》2010,119(1):170-178
Research over the past decade has established spatial resource subsidies as important determinants of food web dynamics. However, most empirical studies have considered the role of subsidies only in terms of magnitude, ignoring an important property of subsidies that may affect their impact in recipient food webs: the trophic structure of the subsidy relative to in situ resources. This may be especially important when subsidies are composed of organisms, as opposed to nutrient subsidies, because the trophic position of subsidy organisms may differ from in situ prey. I explored the relative magnitude and trophic structure of a cross-habitat prey subsidy, adult aquatic insects, in terrestrial habitats along three streams in the south–central United States. Overall, adult aquatic insects contributed more than one-third of potential insect prey abundance and biomass to the terrestrial habitat. This contribution peaked along a permanent spring stream, reaching as high as 94% of abundance and 86% of biomass in winter. Trophic structure of adult aquatic and terrestrial insects differed. Nearly all adult aquatic insects were non-consumers as adults, whereas all but one taxon of terrestrial insects were consumers. Such a difference created a strong relationship between the relative contribution of the prey subsidy and the trophic structure of the prey assemblage: as the proportion of adult aquatic insects increased, the proportion of consumers in the prey assemblage declined. Specific effects varied seasonally and with distance from the stream as the taxonomic composition of the subsidy changed, but general patterns were consistent. These findings show that adult aquatic insect subsidies to riparian food webs not only elevate prey availability, but also alter the trophic structure of the entire winged insect prey assemblage.  相似文献   

  1. Our project sought to determine ecological effects of adding low-head dams and levees to large rivers by examining potential changes to aquatic food webs over a 70-year period in the Lower Ohio River (LOR) and Upper Mississippi River (UMR).
  2. We employed museum collections of fish and compound specific stable isotope analysis of amino acids to evaluate long-term changes in primary food sources for multiple species of fish in each river.
  3. Fishes in both rivers depended more on autochthonous than allochthonous carbon sources throughout the 70-year period (based on measurements of isotopic signatures of algae, C3 plants, C4 plants, cyanobacteria, and fungi), but the relative use of different carbon sources differed between the UMR and LOR. Significant but opposite shifts in trophic positions (TP) between rivers over time (higher TP in the UMR; lower in the LOR) were correlated with major anthropogenic changes to habitat structure (e.g. slight decrease in abundance of side channels in the UMR; increase in pool water depth in the LOR) resulting from low-head dam construction. They may also have been influenced by likely increased primary productivity in the UMR from agricultural nitrogen inputs and by possible shifts in the importance of phytoplankton versus benthic algae in the LOR from changes in water depth. Shifts in trophic position and reliance on various food sources were not correlated with variation in discharge, gage height, or temperature.
  4. Although these two rivers have contrasting hydrogeomorphic complexity (UMR is an anastomosing river, while the LOR is a constricted channel river) and different discharge patterns (seasonal versus yearly operation in some cases), both differ substantially from rivers having hydrogeomorphic changes resulting from construction of high dams (>15 m). It is not surprising, therefore, that factors controlling trophic position and reliance on different carbon sources vary among different types of dams and river structures.

水生生态系统食物网复杂性与多样性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓晓  杨薇  孙涛  崔保山  邵冬冬 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3856-3864
探索食物网的复杂结构是生态学的中心问题之一。基于构建的黄河口海草床食物网并耦合实际食物网的数据集,整理了包含河口、湖泊、海洋和河流四种水生生态系统类型的48个实际食物网案例。以食物网的节点数反映食物网多样性,物种之间的营养链接数、链接密度和连通度来表示食物网的复杂性,采用营养缩尺模型描述水生生态系统食物网的复杂性特征与节点数的普适性规律。结果表明:所涉及的48个水生生态系统食物网的多样性和复杂性跨度较大,其中,节点数的分布范围为4-124,链接数为3-1830,链接密度为0.75-15.71,连通度为0.06-0.25。不同类型水生生态系统间的连通度存在显著性差异(P=0.01),节点数、链接数、链接密度不存在显著性差异。各类型生态系统的食物网链接数、链接密度均随节点数的增加而增加(R2=0.92,P<0.001和R2=0.82,P<0.001)。湖泊生态系统的连通度随节点数的变化不明显,围绕在0.20附近;而其他3种类型生态系统的食物网连通度随节点数的增加而降低(R2=0.06-0.41,P<0.001)。对全球尺度的水生食物网多样性和复杂性的定量化研究对于提升对食物网的复杂结构的科学认识,从系统尺度探究多样性和复杂性的关系提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

Abstract Changes in the abundance and biomass of aquatic and terrestrial aerial insects with distance (mid‐stream, 0, 10–15 and 160 m) from lowland streams were examined across the dry season landscape in Kakadu National Park, northern Australia. Malaise traps and sticky intercept traps were used to sample the insects at four streams, spaced over an area of 1650 km2. Malaise and intercept catches were dominated by Diptera (flies and midges), both numerically and by biomass. Chironomid midges were the most abundant taxon, making up 43.4 and 51.0% of the malaise and intercept trap catches, respectively. However, most chironomids were small (less than 3 mm body length), contributing 34.9% to intercept trap biomass, but only 5.2% in malaise traps. Ceratopogonid midges and caddisflies (Trichoptera) accounted for most of the remaining adult aquatic insects. Major terrestrial components were Diptera and Hymenoptera in malaise traps and Coleoptera and Diptera in intercept traps. The total abundance and biomass of insects were much greater over streams and along the water's edge than in riparian (10–15 m) and savanna (160 m) habitats primarily because of the presence of large numbers of adult aquatic insects. The abundance and biomass of terrestrial insects in malaise traps showed no relationship with distance, but intercept trap catches suggested slightly greater abundances over the water and at the water's edge. The great abundance of aquatic insects relative to terrestrial insects close to streams suggests that they have the potential to be an important component of the diets of riparian insectivores, and predation may be an important pathway by which aquatic nutrients and energy are moved into terrestrial food webs.  相似文献   

The diversity–stability hypothesis in ecology asserts that biodiversity begets stability of ecological systems. This hypothesis has been supported by field studies on primary producers in grasslands, in which the interaction between species is mostly competition. As to ecosystems with multitrophic predatory interaction, however, no definite consensus has been arrived at for the relation between trophic diversity and ecosystem stability. The stability index suitable to ecosystems with predatory interaction is given by MacArthurs idea of stability and its formulation by Rutledge et al. More suitable indices of stability (relative conditional entropy) are proposed in this study for the comparison of different ecosystems, and the validity of the diversity–stability hypothesis for food webs (networks of predation) with many trophic compartments in natural aquatic ecosystems is examined. Results reveal that an increase in the biomass diversity of trophic compartments causes an increase in the whole systemic stability of food webs in aquatic ecosystems. Hence, evidence of the whole systemic validity of the diversity–stability hypothesis for natural aquatic ecosystems with ubiquitous multitrophic predatory interaction was obtained for the first time.  相似文献   

1. Many studies indicate that biodiversity in ecosystems affects stability, either by promoting temporal stability of ecosystem attributes or by enhancing ecosystem resistance and resilience to perturbation. The effects on temporal stability are reasonably well understood and documented but effects on resistance and resilience are not. 2. Here, we report results from an aquatic mesocosm experiment in which we manipulated the species richness and composition of aquatic food webs (macrophytes, macro‐herbivores and invertebrate predators), imposed a pulse disturbance (acidification), and monitored the resistance (initial response) and resilience (recovery) of ecosystem productivity and respiration. 3. We found that species‐rich macroinvertebrate communities had higher resilience of whole‐ecosystem respiration, but were not more resistant to perturbations. We also found that resilience and resistance were unaffected by species composition, despite the strong role composition is known to play in determining mean levels of function in these communities. 4. Biodiversity’s effects on resilience were probably mediated through complex pathways affecting phytoplankton and microbial communities (e.g. via changes in nutrient regeneration, grazing or compositional changes) rather than through simpler effects (e.g. insurance effects, enhanced facilitation) although these simpler mechanisms probably played minor roles in enhancing respiration resilience. 5. Current mechanisms for understanding biodiversity’s effects on ecosystem stability have been developed primarily in the context of single‐trophic level communities. These mechanisms may be overly simplistic for understanding the consequences of species richness on ecosystem stability in complex, multi‐trophic food webs where additional factors such as indirect effects and highly variable life‐history traits of species may also be important.  相似文献   

Research on microbial loop organisms, heterotrophic bacteria and phagotrophic protists, has been stimulated in large measure by Pomeroy's seminal paper published in BioScience in 1974. We now know that a significant fate of bacterioplankton production is grazing by < 20-µm-sized flagellates. By selectively grazing larger, more rapidly growing and dividing cells in the bacterioplankton assemblage, bacterivores may be directly cropping bacterial production rather than simply the standing stock of bacterial cells. Protistan herbivory, however, is likely to be a more significant pathway of carbon flow in pelagic food webs than is bacterivory. Herbivores include both < 20-µm flagellates as well as > 20-µm ciliates and heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the microzooplankton. Protists can grow as fast as, or faster than their phytoplankton prey. Phototrophic cells grazed by protists range from bacterial-sized prochlorophytes to large diatom chains (which are preyed upon by extracellularly-feeding dinoflagellates). Recent estimates of microzooplankton herbivory in various parts of the sea suggest that protists routinely consume from 25 to 100% of daily phytoplankton production, even in diatom-dominated upwelling blooms. Phagotrophic protists should be viewed as a dominant biotic control of both bacteria and of phytoplankton in the sea.  相似文献   

Zooplankton grazing impact on algae, heterotrophic flagellates and bacteria, as well as invertebrate predation on herbivorous zooplankton, were investigated in two sub-Antarctic lakes with extremely simple food chains. The two species of herbivorous zooplankton present in the lakes (the copepods boeckella michaelseni and Pseudoboeckella poppei) exerted substantial grazing pressure on algae. However, the dominant algal species exhibited properties that enabled them to avoid (large size or extruding spines, e.g. Staurastrum sp., Tribonema sp.) or compensate (recruitment from the sediment, Mallomonas sp.) grazing. There are only two potential invertebrate predators on the herbivorous copepods in the two lakes: the copepod Parabroteas sarsi and the diving beetle Lancetes claussi. Vertebrate predators are entirely abscent from sub-Antarctic lakes. Based on our experiments, we estimated that the predators would remove at most about 0.4% of the herbivorous copepods per day, whereas planktivorous fish, if present in the lakes, would have removed 5–17% of the zooplankton each day. Consequently, the invertebrate predators in these high-latitude lakes had only a marginal predation impact compared to the predation pressure on zooplankton in the presence of vertebrate predators in temperate lakes. The study of these simple systems with only two quantitatively functionally important trophic links, suggests that high grazing pressure foreces the algal community towards forms with grazer resistant adaptations such as large size, recruitment from another habitat, and grazer avoidance spines. We propose that due to such adaptations, predictions from food web theory are only partly corroborated, i.e. algal biomass actually increases with increasing productivity, although the grazer community is released from predation. In more species-rich and complex systems, e.g temperate lakes with three functionally important links, such adaptations are likely to be even more important, and, consequently, the observable effects of trophic interactions from top predators on lower trophic levels even more obscured.  相似文献   

The structure of food webs along river networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Do changes in the species composition of riverine fish assemblages along river networks lead to predictable changes in food‐web structure? We assembled empirical “fish‐centered” river food webs for three rivers located along a latitudinal gradient in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB) that differ in land‐use impacts and geomorphology but flow through similar mountain, foothill, and prairie physiographic regions. We then calculated 17 food‐web properties to determine whether the nine river food webs differed according to physiographic region or river sub‐basin. There were no statistically significant differences in the 17 food‐web properties calculated among the rivers. In contrast, fish species richness, connectance, the proportion of herbivores, and the proportion of cannibals changed longitudinally along the river network. Our results suggest that regional changes in river geomorphology and physicochemistry play an important role in determining longitudinal variation in food‐web properties such as fish species richness and connectance. In contrast, the overall structure of river food webs may be relatively similar and insensitive to regional influences such as zoogeography. Further explorations of river and other food webs would greatly illuminate this suggestion.  相似文献   

Intraguild predation, which is common for generalist predators, is a specific form of omnivory that may suppress the biological control of a pest. The dietary flexibility of a given organism depends on the choice of the C3 (banana crop) and the C4 (weeds) pathways they use and on the trophic level on which they feed. Understanding the conditions in which intraguild predation decreases biological control is a major issue in agroecosystems. We tested whether the contribution of different primary producer pathways in diets of generalist predators mediates the level of intraguild predation. We studied 10 agroecosystems in which banana plants (C3 metabolism) were diversely associated with weeds (C4 metabolism). Diversity in litter macrofauna was relatively low, with a mean between three and eight species per trap. Measurement of stable isotopes showed a significant decrease in the δ15N values of generalist predators when the C4 pathway contributed more than the C3 pathway to their diet. We rejected hypotheses that an increase in the abundance of prey and that a decrease in prey's δ15N values occur when the C4 pathway contributes more than the C3 pathway to their diet. The results are consistent with the diet modification hypothesis, that is, intraguild predation is lower when the C4 (weeds) pathway is preferred to the C3 pathway. Our results suggest that when the C4 pathway of weeds is more exploited by herbivores (or detritivores), generalist predators tend to consume these herbivores and thus neglect the intraguild prey. The diverse C4 plant community probably supports a diverse herbivore community that provides alternative prey. Our results provide evidence that increasing plant diversity in agroecosystems should decrease intraguild predation of generalist predators and should therefore improve pest regulation. In an applied perspective, plant diversity could be increased by establishing a more diverse cover‐crop community.  相似文献   

Competition and predation are fundamental interactions structuring food webs. However, rather than always following these neat theoretical categories, mixed interactions are ubiquitous in nature. Of particular importance are omnivorous species, such as intra-guild predators that can both compete with and predate on their prey. Here, we examine trade-offs between competitive and predatory capacities by analysing the entire continuum of food web configurations existing between purely predator-prey and purely competitive interactions of two consumers subsisting on a single resource. Our results show that the range of conditions allowing for coexistence of the consumers is maximized at intermediately strong trade-offs. Even though coexistence under weak trade-offs and under very strong trade-offs is also possible, it occurs under much more restrictive conditions. We explain these findings by an intricate interplay between energy acquisition and interaction strength.  相似文献   

The top-down and bottom-up properties of model food webs that include intraguild predation and self-limiting factors such as cannibalism are investigated. Intraguild predation can dampen or even reverse the top-down effects predicted by food chain theory. The degree of self-limitation among the intraguild prey is a key factor in determining the direction and strength of the top-down response. Intraguild predation and self-limiting factors can also substantially alter the bottom-up effects of enrichment. These results can help explain the disparate results of trophic cascade experiments in lakes, where cascades are usually seen when large Daphnia are the primary herbivores, but not when smaller-bodied herbivores are dominant. Top-down manipulations should cascade at least modestly to phytoplankton in those lakes whose food web can be reasonably approximated by a chain (typically, those where Daphnia is the dominant herbivore), as predicted by food chain theory. On the other hand, smaller-bodied zooplankton are often preyed upon heavily by invertebrate predators as well as by planktivorous fish, thereby introducing elements of intraguild predation into these food webs. In this case, conventional food chain theory is likely to give incorrect predictions. Very large cascade effects may be due primarily to regime shifts between intraguild predation-dominated food webs and those that more resemble food chains, rather than due to the simple food chain cascade usually considered.  相似文献   

Large amounts of the greenhouse gas methane (CH(4)) are produced by anaerobic mineralization of organic matter in lakes. In spite of extensive freshwater CH(4) emissions, most of the CH(4) is typically oxidized by methane oxidizing bacteria (MOB) before it can reach the lake surface and be emitted to the atmosphere. In turn, it has been shown that the CH(4)-derived biomass of MOB can provide the energy and carbon for zooplankton and macroinvertebrates. In this study, we demonstrate the presence of specific fatty acids synthesized by MOB in fish tissues having low carbon stable isotope ratios. Fish species, zooplankton, macroinvertebrates and the water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes were collected from a shallow lake in Brazil and analyzed for fatty acids (FA) and carbon stable isotope ratios (δ(13)C). The fatty acids 16∶1ω8c, 16∶1ω8t, 16∶1ω6c, 16∶1ω5t, 18∶1ω8c and 18∶1ω8t were used as signature for MOB. The δ(13)C ratios varied from -27.7‰ to -42.0‰ and the contribution of MOB FA ranged from 0.05% to 0.84% of total FA. Organisms with higher total content of MOB FAs presented lower δ(13)C values (i.e. they were more depleted in (13)C), while organisms with lower content of MOB signature FAs showed higher δ(13)C values. An UPGMA cluster analysis was carried out to distinguish grouping of organisms in relation to their MOB FA contents. This combination of stable isotope and fatty acid tracers provides new evidence that assimilation of methane-derived carbon can be an important carbon source for the whole aquatic food web, up to the fish level.  相似文献   

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