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《本草纲目》中有关植物果实与鸟类之间的生态关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李时珍的《本草纲目》是我国古代伟大的本草学巨著,该书除了在中医药学、药用植物学、本草考证等方面的杰出成就外,在生态学方面也提供了许多有价值的科学资料。考察了《本草纲目》中有关鸟类对梧桐(Firmiana simplex)、楝(Melia azedarach)和乌桕(Sapium sebiferum)等9种植物果实的取食作用,以及鸟类取食果实对植物的影响等内容记载,并结合现代研究资料。分析了有关植物果实与鸟类之间的生态关系。  相似文献   

林有润 《植物研究》1996,16(4):405-412
本文初步考证了《本草纲目》中菊科植物,计有44属、78种、2变种。  相似文献   

以演变时间为生态位维 ,通过分析物种的生态位体积和生态位重叠 ,研究了荒漠生态系统恢复演变过程中固沙植物种间生态位关系的变化 ,同时也探讨了物种更替的生态学机制。这一研究对于实现沙区固沙植物群落的持续发展具有重要的指导意义  相似文献   

黄燮才   《广西植物》1982,(1):50-52+49
<正> 由广西壮族自治区卫生局主编,广西人民出版社(1974年)出版的《广西本草选编》上、下册,共收载药物一千种,每种均有学名和插图,书末还附有验方544条,是一本比较实用的本草书。为便于日常使用,特将该书中收载的现已更动了的植物学名加以整理列出。这些学名更动的原因,多数是原用的学名已经废弃,作为异名处理,现将其  相似文献   

报道草莓中黄酮类物质含量的测定方法,并比较了总抗氧化成分与抗氧化活性(DPPH,FRAP)之间的相互关系.黄酮类物质的水解随着HCl浓度和水解时间的不同发生较大的差异,结果表明,总多酚类物质和总黄酮类物质之间有很高的相关关系,总多酚类物质和总黄酮类物质对DPPH有很高的相关关系,而且总多酚类物质和总黄酮类物质对FRAP的相关关系各为r=0.958, P <0.05和r=0.936, P <0.05,从结果可以推测:草莓体现出很强的抗氧化活性,这与草莓中的总多酚类物质成分密不可分.  相似文献   

促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(MPK)级联途径是真核细胞中普遍存在且保守的信号传导通路,广泛参与植物生长发育和植物抵抗生物和非生物胁迫的防御反应。过氧化氢(H2O2)和一氧化氮(NO)作为重要的信使分子也广泛参与植物生长发育和防御反应的信号传导。近年来,研究也表明MPK信号通路与信号分子H2O2和NO之间存在着多种复杂的关系。一方面,在一些刺激的信号传递过程中,MPK信号通路参与了信号分子H2O2和NO的产生、清除或其信号的向下传递等过程;另一方面,在有些刺激的信号传递过程中,它们位于不同的信号传递途经中,行使不同的功能。本文就目前植物MPK信号通路与H2O2和NO之间相互关系的研究现状进行了综述和分析,并指出了该研究领域存在的问题。  相似文献   

食根动物是植物的主要危害者,植物与食根动物之间的相互作用一直备受关注.本文从食根动物与异质性土壤、根系的关系,以及食根动物对植物的影响等方面,探讨了食根动物与根系生物量的变化、再生能力、存活,植物化学物质与其他有机体之间的作用机理和食根动物对植物生理、种群动态、植物结构的影响.建议加强对植物控制食根动物取食时采取的对策、食根动物改变生态系统C、N循环的机制以及植物寄生性线虫存在的生态系统养分的动态变化等方面的研究.  相似文献   

主编按语: 本期发表的武秀之的文章《建立植物中文学名的构想》,作者本着规范植物学名的目的,提出了一种新的设想,即用四字法建立中文学名,并给出了部分中文学名示例。审稿专家对此有不同看法,作者针对审者意见对文稿做了适当修改,详见本期259-263页发表的武秀之文。希望这种同时发表不同学术观点的作法有益于争鸣和交流。  相似文献   

The survival possibilities of terrestrial plant species are determined by their competitive abilities. One factor that affects competitive ability is the community of microorganisms that lives in association with the plants. Microorganisms affect the competitive dominance among plants by means of their metabolites. In this paper, we study the multiple plant species coexistence mediated by interactions with endophytes (fungi). The population dynamics are described by a revised lottery competition model for multiple plant species, each of which is divided into two classes: plants with endophytes (denoted EP) and plants without endophytes (NEP). The model includes the transition of seeds from EP to NEP. We show multiple species of plants cannot coexist in a steady state if this transition is density independent, but can coexist in a steady state if this transition is an increasing function of population density.  相似文献   

The survival possibilities of terrestrial plant species are determined by their competitive abilities. One factor that affects competitive ability is the community of microorganisms that lives in association with the plants. Microorganisms affect the competitive dominance among plants by means of their metabolites. In this paper, we study the multiple plant species coexistence mediated by interactions with endophytes (fungi). The population dynamics are described by a revised lottery competition model for multiple plant species, each of which is divided into two classes: plants with endophytes (denoted EP) and plants without endophytes (NEP). The model includes the transition of seeds from EP to NEP. We show multiple species of plants cannot coexist in a steady state if this transition is density independent, but can coexist in a steady state if this transition is an increasing function of population density.  相似文献   

Using regression analysis a proof of the relation between the electric capacitance and the root surface in maize, sunflower, oats and onion plants was given. This dependence is possible to exploit in the selection of plants (of the same population grown under the same conditions) for a well—developed root system.  相似文献   

Most sucking bugs secrete a salivary phenolase, at least some together with a diphenolic substrate. No function for this system has yet been demonstrated, but phytopathological fungi also secrete phenolases, and there is evidence that attacks both by sedentary insects and by fungi stimulate a defence mechanism in plants based on the oxidation of phenols to quinones. Details of the interaction are uncertain, but it seems possible that some of the toxic reactions of plants to the feeding of sucking insects are similar biochemically to the toxic or hypersensitive reactions of plants to invading fungi.Insect galls are classically associated with tannins, and phenols have been implicated particularly in the resistance of plants to cecidogenic insects such as the grape phylloxera and the woolly aphis. It is suggested that the production of quinones by the oxidation of phenols was evolved by plants as a non-specific mechanism that resists invading organisms, and that the further oxidation of the quinones to non-toxic polymers is a means by which some invading organisms have overcome this resistance. Stimulation of the growth of some of the plant's cells as a by-product of the interaction is biochemically possible and is suggested as an explanation of how cecidogenesis by insects has evolved.
Zusammenfassung Die meisten pflanzensaftsaugenden Wanzen scheiden im Speichel eine Phenolase ab, zumindest einige bei einem diphenolischen Substrat. Bisher konnte keine Funktion dieses Systems nachgewiesen werden; jedoch schelden phytopathogene Pilze ebenfalls Phenolasen ab, und es besteht die Wahrscheinlichkeit, daß Angriffe sowohl von sessilen Insekten wie von Pilzen in den Pflanzen einen Abwehrmechanismus auslösen, der auf der Oxydation von Phenolen zu Chinonen beruht. Einzelheiten der Wechselwirkung sind unsicher, aber es scheint möglich, daß einige der toxischen Reaktionen der Pflanzen gegenüber beißenden oder saugenden Insekten biochemisch den toxischen oder Überempfindlichkeits-Reaktionen der Pflanzen gegenüber eindringenden Pilzen ähneln.Insektengallen sind gekennzeichnet durch ihre Verbindung mit Tanninen, und Phenole sind besonders mit der Resistenz von Pflanzen gegenüber cecidogenen Insekten, wie der Reblaus und der Blutlaus, in Beziehung gebracht worden. Es wird vermutet, daß die Produktion von Chinonen durch die Oxydation von Phenolen von den Pflanzen als ein unspezifischer Mechanismus entwickelt worden ist, der dem eindringenden Fremd-Organismus Widerstand leistet, und daß die weitere Oxydation der Chinone zu nicht-toxischen Polymeren ein Mittel ist, durch das einige eindringende Organismen diese Resistenz überwunden haben. Wachstumsanregung für einige der Pflanzenzellen als Nebenprodukt dieser Wechselwirkung ist biochemisch möglich und wird als Erklärung daf:ur vermutet, wie sich Gallenbildung durch Insekten entwickelt hat.

北京山区落叶阔叶林优势种叶片特点及其生理生态特性   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
荆条、山杏、辽东栎、北京丁香、大叶白蜡、核桃楸等6种植物在不同光照条件下的气孔导度,不同生境下叶片形态参数和叶片解剖特征进行了研究。扫描电子显微镜图片显示这片植物的气孔全着生在远轴面,气孔密度大小是:辽东栎〉山杏〉北京丁香〉核桃楸〉大叶白蜡,方差分析结果显示这5种植物叶片上气孔密度存在极显著差异,且叶片外表微观上差异比较明显。生境不仅影响叶片的气孔密度,而且也导气孔导度的差异,全光照条件下,山杏、  相似文献   

Abstract. The main question to be dealt with in the papers published in this Special Feature is to which extent plant species richness can be applied as a parameter in restoration projects to qualify the ecosystem's state. Before considering this problem, it should be recognized that this approach illuminates only one side of the coin; the other side is touched by the opposite question, asking which plant species are essential components of an ecosystem. These two approaches towards the relationship between species richness and ecosystem functioning are not mutually exclusive, but should not be confused either. In view of ecosystem functioning certain species may be considered redundant, while in view of evolutionary processes certain ecosystem processes may be considered redundant. Where do the two approaches meet and when should they be separated? This paper touches upon this question by referring to the dual hierarchy of ecological systems.  相似文献   

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