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The objective of this work was to produce doubled haploid plants from durum wheat through the induction of androgenesis. A microspore culture technique was developed and used to produce fertile doubled haploid plants of agronomic interest. Five cultivars, one selected line, plus a collection of 20 F1 crosses between different genotypes of high breeding value were used. Studies on several factors such as pre-treatments and media components were carried out in order to develop a protocol to regenerate green haploid plantlets. Anthers were pre-treated in 0.7 M mannitol. Microspores, from anther maceration, were plated on a C17 induction culture medium with ovary co-culture. The optimum regeneration medium J25–8 was used. From 35 microspore isolations, 407 green plantlets were obtained. With this technique mature embryos were obtained. Green plants were regenerated from all genotypes used and approximately 67% of them were spontaneously doubled haploids. Some haploids and a very few polyploids plants were obtained. From the 407 plants, 275 were completely fertile and gave enough seeds to be assayed in the field. This protocol could be used complementary to or instead of the intergeneric crossing with maize as an economically feasible method to obtain doubled haploids from most durum wheat genotypes.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to optimize the method of oat haploid production by pollination with maize. Seventeen oat genotypes were used in the experiment. Various factors influencing the growth and development of ovaries and embryo production were investigated: genotype, time of pollination, growth regulators and time of their application. Emasculated before anthesis, oat florets were pollinated with maize pollen after 0, 1 or 2 days. Next, one of two auxins analogues (2,4-D or dicamba) were applied to oat pistils. These auxins had no significant influence on the number of enlarged ovaries and embryos. The time of application of these growth regulators had a significant influence on embryo production. Haploid embryos were obtained from all used genotypes, although the frequency of enlarged ovaries and obtained embryos did not differ markedly between the genotypes. On average, 85% of ovaries were enlarged and 11.7% of them produced haploid embryos. Depending on the regeneration medium, 24–41% of embryos were germinated, of which 12% had developed into green plants. A strong significant difference in the number of germinating embryos and haploid plants was observed between the kind of regenerating medium used. There were no albino plants and all the obtained plants were haploid.  相似文献   


The efficiency of embryogenesis of anther culture was compared using four cultivars of oat (Avena sativa L.): ‘Akt’, ‘Bingo’, ‘Bajka’, and ‘Chwat’. Despite the high resistance of oat to the process of androgenesis, all tested cultivars produced embryo-like structures and only two of them, ‘Akt’ and ‘Chwat’, produced fertile doubled haploid plants. A strong cultivar dependency was observed during induction of androgenesis. Further, cold pretreatment together with high temperature shock enhanced the efficiency of this technique. The highest number of embryo-like structures and haploid plants was obtained from cv. ‘Chwat’ (3.6% and 0.8%, respectively). Embryo-like structure formation also depended on the distance from the base of the flag leaf to the penultimate leaf of the panicle. Most of them were observed on anthers harvested from panicles of which the distance from the base of the flag leaf to the penultimate leaf was less than 4 cm. The presence of the induction medium supplemented with different plant growth regulators was essential for the induction of embryo-like structures but did not increase the production of haploid plants and doubled haploid lines. The highest number of embryo-like structures and plants was obtained on W14 medium with the addition of 2.0 mg/dm3 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.5 mg/dm3 kinetin (2.7%). The low haploid plant regeneration rate (from 0.03 to 0.05%) still limits the practical application of anther culture for the production of doubled haploid lines in oat.



Background and aims

Enhanced aluminum (Al) resistance has been observed in dicots over-expressing enzymes involved in organic acid synthesis; however, this approach for improving Al resistance has not been investigated in monocots. Among the cereals, oat (Avena sativa L.) is considered to be Al resistant, but the basis of resistance is not known.


A hydroponic assay and hematoxylin staining for Al accumulation in roots were used to evaluate Al resistance in 15 oat cultivars. Malate and citrate release from roots was measured over a 24?h period. A malate dehydrogenase gene, neMDH, from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was used to transform oat.


Oat seedlings were highly resistant to Al, as a concentration of 325?μM AlK(SO4)2 was needed to cause a 50% decrease in root growth. Most oat cultivars tested are naturally resistant to high concentrations of Al and effectively excluded Al from roots. Al-dependent release of malate and Al-independent release of citrate was observed. Al resistance was enhanced in a transgenic oat line with the highest accumulation of neMDH protein. However, overall root growth of this line was reduced and expression of neMDH in transgenic oat did not enhance malate secretion.


Release of malate from oat roots was associated with Al resistance, which suggests that malate plays a role in Al resistance of oat. Over-expression of alfalfa neMDH enhanced Al resistance in some lines but was not effective alone for crop improvement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to optimize the in vitro chromosome-doubling procedure in wheat anther culture. Colchicine, at concentrations of 100–5000 mg/l, was added to the induction medium for 1–5 days. Beneficial effects were obtained with concentrations of 100 and 1000 mg/l colchicine. With time, significant reductions in embryo–like structures as well as higher doubling indices were found. Similar results were obtained with the high- and low-responding genotypes. Colchicine (100 mg/l), added 5 and 20 days after inoculation for 1 and 3 days increased the induction response, but this value was reduced when colchicine was added 10 or 15 days after inoculation. The doubling effect was similar to the control, except for a significant increase with the 3-day application 20 days after inoculation. The highest success index was reached when colchicine was added to the culture medium after 20 days.  相似文献   

《Plant science》2007,172(3):579-587
Tryptophanins (TRPs) are low molecular weight, tryptophan-rich, basic proteins found in oat (Avena sativa L.) seeds. Like their counterpart puroindolines (PINs) from wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), TRPs are thought to be involved in flour softness as well as disease resistance against phytopathogenic fungi. PINs are known to be the major components of ‘friabilin’ associated with the surface of water washed starch grains and possess lipid binding properties. Two polyclonal antisera against puroindoline-a (PIN-a), and puroindoline-b (PIN-b) respectively; and a monoclonal antiserum raised against ‘friabilin’ were used as primary antibodies in immunoblotting experiments. All antisera detected immunoreactive polypeptides, with approximate relative masses of 15–16 kDa, in oat, wheat, and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seed extracts but not in rice (Oryza sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), pea (Pisum sativum L.) and lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) seed extracts. Immunoreactive polypeptides were detected in aqueous ethanol [52% (v/v) ethanol] seed extracts. Both anti-‘friabilin’ monoclonal and anti-PIN-b polyclonal antisera recognized 15 as well as 16 kDa tryptophanins in oat seeds from different cultivars. On the other hand, anti-PIN-a polyclonal antiserum strongly cross-reacted with 16 kDa TRP and weakly with 15 kDa TRP. Tryptophanins were found to be associated with the surface of starch grains in oat endosperm tissue using both fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopies with anti-‘friabilin’ monoclonal antiserum. SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting assays revealed a gradual synthesis of TRPs as early as milk stage in developing oat seeds. On the other hand, TRPs tend to undergo degradation during seed germination.  相似文献   

An isolated microspore culture provides an excellent system for the study of microspore induction and embryogenesis, provides a platform for an ever-increasing array of molecular studies, and can produce doubled haploid (DH) plants, which are used to accelerate plant-breeding programs. Moreover, isolated microspore cultures have several advantages over anther culture, wherein presence of the anther walls can lead to the development of diploid, somatic calli and plants. Although protocols for isolated microspore culture vary from laboratory to laboratory, the basic steps of growing donor plants, harvesting floral organs, isolating microspores, culturing and inducing microspores, regenerating embryos, and doubling the chromosomes, remain the same. Over the past few years, a large proportion of the research reports on isolated microspore culture have focused on cereal and Brassica species. For some of these species, isolated microspore culture protocols are well established and routinely used in laboratories around the world for developing new varieties, as well as for basic research in areas such as genomics, gene expression, and genetic mapping. Although these species are considered highly responsive to microspore culture, improvements in efficiency are still being made. However, with many species, isolated microspore culture is simply not yet efficient enough at producing DH plants to be cost-effective for breeding programs. There has been a recent resurgence of haploidy research with response being reported in some species once considered recalcitrant. Future research programs aimed at elucidating pathways involved in microspore induction and embryogenesis will be of benefit, as will novel approaches to improve the efficiency of microspore culture for DH production. With many species, anther culture has proven to be more effective than isolated microspore culture, necessitating more research to clarify the contribution of the anther wall to embryogenesis. The development of molecular markers for use in determining the gametic origin of regenerated plants, irrespective of their ploidy, would also be beneficial. In this review, we aim to provide an overview of the basic isolated microspore culture protocol with an emphasis on recent progress in several crop species.  相似文献   

Comparing the results of genetic analysis of oat varieties with the method of diallel analysis of F1 hybrids and with the joint scaling test the spheres of optimal application of both methods were determined. Quantitative estimation of genetic parameters forming the phenotypic averages in scaling test develops the necessary base for involvement of marker genes for qualitative characters in search of QTLs controlling the traits with continuous variation. The crosses being the most suitable for further investigation with the aim to identify and to allocate the main genes of quantitative traits are indicated.  相似文献   


The development of embryos requires interaction of many endogenous hormones. The aim of the study was to determine which endogenous phytohormones are involved in the process of oat (Avena sativa L.) haploidization. Oat haploids were obtained by wide crossing with Zea mays L. The hormonal profiles of the ovaries with (OE) and without developed embryo (OWE) were compared. Phytohormone contents were measured by UHPLC coupled with mass spectrometer. The total content of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), trans-zeatin (tZ), and kinetin (KN) in OE was significantly higher than in OWE. 4-Chloroindole-3-acetic acid was detected only in OWE. There were no differences between OE and OWE in the content of gibberellins (GA1, GA3, GA4, GA6, GA7) and stress hormones (abscisic, salicylic, jasmonic acids). Content of endogenous KN was highly negatively correlated with the percentage of haploid embryos, germinated haploid embryos, haploid plants on MS (in vitro), haploid plants in soil (ex vitro), and doubled haploid lines. The tZ content negatively correlated with the frequency of haploid embryo formation, germination, and haploid plants obtained in vitro, as opposed to GA1, which correlated positively. A positive correlation was found between IAA and tZ in OE, whereas in OWE it was a negative correlation. The profiles of phytohormones in OE and OWE were determined; however, their mode of action needs to be clarified.


Globular-stage somatic embryos were isolated by vortexing friable, embryogenic callus of oat (Avena sativa L.) followed by fractionation based on size. Somatic embryos were most frequently found in the 300–380 m size fraction. Friable, embryogenic callus was reinitiated from 55% of isolated somatic embryos. Fertile plants were regenerated from 22% of isolated somatic embryos. Reinitiation of callus from somatic embryos and growth of friable, embryogenic callus was inhibited by the selective agents G418 and methotrexate. These results suggest that somatic embryos isolated from friable, embryogenic callus of oat may be useful totipotent targets for particle acceleration-mediated transformation.  相似文献   

Two oat varieties, Melys (spring variety) and Bulwark (winter variety) were transformed by particle bombardment of primary embryogenic callus using either a ubi-bar-ubi-gus co-integration vector or co-transformed (Melys) with a ubi-bar plasmid together with one of three plasmids containing the beta-glucuronidase (gus) gene under the control of either a rice actin promoter, a CaMV35S promoter or a wheat high molecular weight glutenin promoter. Morphologically normal and fertile transgenic plants were regenerated following callus selection with glufosinate ammonium. Evidence for the integration and functioning of the selectable (bar) and reporter (gus) genes in T0 and T1 plants was confirmed by PCR, Southern hybridisation, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH), histochemical assays, and by progeny analysis. Transformation rates varied from 0.2 to 5.0 lines/plate of callus bombarded, with co-transformation frequencies of 83 to 100%, and co-expression frequencies of 60 to 100%. Copy numbers for the bar and gus gene varied from 3 to 17 and from 2 to 20 respectively. Cell and tissue specific expression of the gus gene was evident from the different promoters, with the HMW glutenin promoter showing endosperm specific expression in T1 seed. No expression of the gus gene under the CaMV35S promoter was detected in any tissues. Progeny analysis provided evidence of Mendelian inheritance of the introduced genes suggesting either one or two unlinked integration sites. This was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridisation to chromosome spread preparations. No segregation of the gus gene from the bar gene was observed in any of the progeny derived from co-transformation.  相似文献   

Membranous fractions from leaves of oat seedlings readily convert cholesterol beta-D-glucoside into its 6'-O-acyl derivative using endogenous acyllipids as acyl sources. Experiments with delipidated enzyme preparations showed that among acyllipids present in oat leaves digalactosyldiacylglycerols are evidently the best acyl donors in this reaction. Beside of sterol glucosides, the enzyme can acylate beta-D-glucosides of several other steroids, although at very different rates.  相似文献   

 An isolated microspore culture and green plant regeneration method for rye (Secale cereale L.) was established. Rye isolated microspore androgenesis was genotype-dependent. PG-96M medium supplemented with 6% maltose gave the highest microspore survival rate after 48 h of culture and the highest embryo/callus yield (930 embryos/calli per 100 anthers from cv. Florida 401). Osmotic pressure in the induction medium played an important role. Pretreatment of the anthers with mannitol was beneficial for the microspore culture. Embryos/calli of a relatively younger age and smaller size had a higher regeneration ability, with the best green plant regeneration rate being 6%. Over 150 microspore-derived green plants have been obtained so far. About 90% of the regenerated plants were spontaneous doubled haploids. This is the first report of isolated microspore culture in true rye resulting in androgenic embryogenesis and plant regeneration. Received: 26 April 1999 / Accepted: 23 November 1999  相似文献   

The insertion of oat husk lignin onto chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP) fibers was studied to increase fiber hydrophobicity. The pretreated pulp samples were subsequently used for preparation of handsheets for characterization. Treatment of CTMP with laccase in the presence of oat husk lignin resulted in a significant increase in hydrophobicity of the handsheet surface, as indicated by dynamic contact angle analysis. Water absorption time of 8 s was obtained with initial contact angle of 118°. Although the handsheet's brightness was reduced by 33%, tensile index was only subtly decreased. Neither laccase nor oat husk lignin alone gave much improved water absorption times. Therefore, handsheets made of laccase-treated pulp with and without oat husk lignin were further examined by XPS, which suggested that both laccase and oat husk lignin were inserted onto CTMP fibers. The oat husk lignin was distributed as heterogeneous aggregates on the handsheet surface whereas laccase was uniformly distributed. Evidence was obtained that the adsorbed laccase layer formed a noncovalent base for the insertion of oat husk lignin onto fiber surfaces.  相似文献   

Oat seeds are susceptible to high temperature dormancy. Dormant grainsdo not germinate at 30 °C unless afterripened, dry, for severalweeks. Isolated embryos of dormant grains do germinate, especially ifGA3 is added to the germination medium. ABA inhibits germinationproportionally to the concentration applied and GA3 can overcome theABA inhibitory effect. Measurements of endogenous ABA and several GAs revealedthat the initial levels of ABA in dormant and non-dormant grains were quitesimilar. But, endogenous ABA in non-dormant seeds almost disappeared within thefirst 16 h of imbibition, while the amount in dormant grains haddecreased by less than 24%. The level of GA19 in non-dormant seedswas higher, and GA19 appears to be converted to GA20 within the first 16h. The GA20 was converted to GA1 at leastduring the first 48 h of the germination process. Bothphytohormones thus appear to be involved in the germination process ofnon-dormant seeds. ABA first declines, while GA1 is producedduring the first 16 h of imbibition to allow proper germination.Indormant grains the level of ABA remained high enough to prevent germinationduring at least a week and precursor GAs were not converted to GA1.  相似文献   

Summary In both radiated and non-radiated oat populations inbreeding coefficients increased more slowly than was expected on the assumption of full selfing and equal selective values for homozygotes and heterozygotes. Assuming 1% outcrossing for oats and a selective value of 1.0 for the mean, the heterozygotes for two loci governing crown rust reaction have an advantage of 50% over the homozygotes. This study supports previous observations that the heterozygote often has a decided advantage in predominantly self-pollinated crops.  相似文献   

Detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling complex traits followed by selection has become a common approach for selection in crop plants. The QTL are most often identified by linkage mapping using experimental F2, backcross, advanced inbred, or doubled haploid families. An alternative approach for QTL detection are genome-wide association studies (GWAS) that use pre-existing lines such as those found in breeding programs. We explored the implementation of GWAS in oat (Avena sativa L.) to identify QTL affecting β-glucan concentration, a soluble dietary fiber with several human health benefits when consumed as a whole grain. A total of 431 lines of worldwide origin were tested over 2?years and genotyped using Diversity Array Technology (DArT) markers. A mixed model approach was used where both population structure fixed effects and pair-wise kinship random effects were included. Various mixed models that differed with respect to population structure and kinship were tested for their ability to control for false positives. As expected, given the level of population structure previously described in oat, population structure did not play a large role in controlling for false positives. Three independent markers were significantly associated with β-glucan concentration. Significant marker sequences were compared with rice and one of the three showed sequence homology to genes localized on rice chromosome seven adjacent to the CslF gene family, known to have β-glucan synthase function. Results indicate that GWAS in oat can be a successful option for QTL detection, more so with future development of higher-density markers.  相似文献   

The uptake of [1-3H]geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGPP) into protoplasts and intact etioplasts and the metabolic interconversion therein was studied after a 2 min pulse of white light. The chlorophyll synthetase reaction, Chlide+GGPPChlGG, was taken as a natural probe for the etioplast compartment. This reaction yields labeled ChLGG and, by hydrogenation, labeled ChlP, when [1-3H]GGPP receives access to the etioplast stroma. It was found that penetration across the plastid envelope was rapid and that penetration across the plasma membrane of protoplasts, however, was slow. A cellular pool of soluble GGPP was detected. This pool was lost, in part, during preparation of the protoplasts and almost completely during preparation of the etioplasts. The membrane-bound phytol pool of etioplasts could not be replaced by exogenous [3H]GG. The endogenous GG and phytol pools of protoplasts, which were larger than those of etioplasts, could be replaced in part by exogenous [3H]GGPP. That part of this pool exists as soluble GGPP or as a direct precursor in the cytoplasm is discussed.Abbreviations GGPP geranylgeranyldiphosphate - ChlGG geranylgeranyl chlorophyllide a - ChlP phytyl chlorophyllide a - IPP isopentenyl diphosphate - Chlide chlorophyllide a  相似文献   

Phytochrome was partially purified from etiolated seedlings of Avena sativa L. Several properties of the red-absorbing (PR) and far-red absorbing (PFR) forms of the pigment were compared. The 2 forms could not be shown to differ with respect to their sedimentation velocity in sucrose density gradients, elution volume from Sephadex G-200 columns, binding properties on calcium phosphate, or electrophoretic mobility. PFR, however, was more labile than PR during precipitation with 50% ammonium sulfate. Sephadex G-200 elution diagrams obtained with fresh phytochrome preparations revealed 2 components of different molecular weights, 1 roughly 180,000, and 1 roughly 80,000. Native phytochrome had an absorption spectrum in vivo showing an absorption maximum for PR of 667 nm. Both the large and small forms of phytochrome mentioned above can be maintained with an absorption maximum for PR of 667 nm. However, allowing them to remain for several hours as PFR, even at 4°, shifted this peak to 660 nm. The protein conformational change during phytochrome transformation may be quite small, though the various comparative techniques used do not strictly rule out a fairly large one. The need for maintaining the pigment as PR during all steps of purification, but particularly during ammonium sulfate precipitation is underscored.  相似文献   

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