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Homologous recombination (HR) is important in repairing errors of replication and other forms of DNA damage. In mammalian cells, potential templates include the homologous chromosome, and after DNA replication, the sister chromatid. Previous work has shown that the mammalian recombination machinery is organized to suppress interchromosomal recombination while preserving intrachromosomal HR. In the present study, we investigated spontaneous intrachromosomal HR in mouse hybridoma cell lines in which variously numbered tandem repeats of the µ heavy chain constant (Cµ) region reside at the haploid, chromosomal immunoglobulin µ heavy chain locus. This organization provides the opportunity to investigate recombination between homologous gene repeats in a well-defined chromosomal locus under conditions in which recombinants are conveniently recovered. This system revealed several features about the mammalian intrachromosomal HR process: (i) the frequency of HR was high (recombinants represented as much as several percent of the total of recombinants and non-recombinants); (ii) the recombination process appeared to be predominantly non-reciprocal, consistent with the possibility of gene conversion; (iii) putative gene conversion tracts were long (up to 13.4 kb); (iv) the recombination process occurred with precision, initiating and terminating within regions of shared homology. The results are discussed with respect to mammalian intrachromosomal HR involving interactions both within and between sister chromatids.  相似文献   

Two mechanisms of telomere length maintenance are known to date. The first includes the use of a special enzymatic telomerase complex to solve the problems that arise during the replication of linear DNA in a normal diploid and part of tumor cells. Alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT), which is based on the homologous recombination of telomere DNA, represents the second mechanism. Until recently, ALT was assumed to be expressed only in 15–20% of tumors lacking active telomerase and,, together with telomerase reactivation represented one of two possibilities to overcome the replicative senescence observed in somatic mammalian cells due to aging or during cell culturing in vitro. Previously described sporadic cases of combinations of the two mechanisms of telomere length maintenance in several cell lines in vitro were attributed to the experimental design rather than to a real biological phenomenon, since active cellular division without active telomerase was considered to be the “gold standard” of ALT. The present review describes the morphological and functional reorganizations of mammalian telomeres observed with ALT activation, as well as recently observed and well-documented cases of combinations between ALT-like and telomerase-dependent mechanisms in mammalian cells. The possible role of telomere recombination in telomerase-dependent cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Centromeres are special structures of eukaryotic chromosomes that hold sister chromatid together and ensure proper chromosome segregation during cell division. Centromeres consist of repeated sequences, which have hindered the study of centromere mitotic recombination and its consequences for centromeric function. We use a chromosome orientation fluorescence in situ hybridization technique to visualize and quantify recombination events at mouse centromeres. We show that centromere mitotic recombination occurs in normal cells to a higher frequency than telomere recombination and to a much higher frequency than chromosome-arm recombination. Furthermore, we show that centromere mitotic recombination is increased in cells lacking the Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b DNA methyltransferases, suggesting that the epigenetic state of centromeric heterochromatin controls recombination events at these regions. Increased centromere recombination in Dnmt3a,3b-deficient cells is accompanied by changes in the length of centromere repeats, suggesting that prevention of illicit centromere recombination is important to maintain centromere integrity in the mouse.  相似文献   

Replicative polymerases (Pols) arrest at damaged DNA nucleotides, which induces ubiquitination of the DNA sliding clamp PCNA (PCNA-Ub) and DNA damage signaling. PCNA-Ub is associated with the recruitment or activation of translesion synthesis (TLS) DNA polymerases of the Y family that can bypass the lesions, thereby rescuing replication and preventing replication fork collapse and consequent formation of double-strand DNA breaks. Here, we have used gene-targeted mouse embryonic fibroblasts to perform a comprehensive study of the in vivo roles of PCNA-Ub and of the Y family TLS Pols η, ι, κ, Rev1 and the B family TLS Polζ in TLS and in the suppression of DNA damage signaling and genome instability after exposure to UV light. Our data indicate that TLS Pols ι and κ and the N-terminal BRCT domain of Rev1, that previously was implicated in the regulation of TLS, play minor roles in TLS of DNA photoproducts. PCNA-Ub is critical for an early TLS pathway that replicates both strongly helix-distorting (6-4) pyrimidine-pyrimidone ((6-4)PP) and mildly distorting cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) photoproducts. The role of Polη is mainly restricted to early TLS of CPD photoproducts, whereas Rev1 and, in particular, Polζ are essential for the bypass of (6-4)PP photoproducts, both early and late after exposure. Thus, structurally distinct photoproducts at the mammalian genome are bypassed by different TLS Pols in temporally different, PCNA-Ub-dependent and independent fashions.  相似文献   

Human leukemic T lymphocytes (Jurkat cells) were induced to undergo apoptosis by brief irradiation with ultraviolet C light (254 nm). This was accompanied by accumulation of lipid peroxidation products in the form of conjugated dienes, a decrease of total glutathione content, and a shift of its redox state towards the oxidized form. Preincubation of the cells with 1 mM pantothenate resulted in a significant elevation of total glutathione content of the cells, reaching its maximum level, 160% of the control, after 3 h. Similar increase was observed after preincubation with 5 mM N-acetylcysteine, a known precursor of glutathione. Both pantothenic acid and N-acetylcysteine alleviated the ultraviolet-induced decrease of glutathione content, diminished lipid peroxidation, and partly protected the cells against apoptosis produced by ultraviolet irradiation.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most serious DNA damage. Due to a great variety of factors causing DSBs, the efficacy of their repair is crucial for the cell's functioning and prevents DNA fragmentation, chromosomal translocation and deletion. In mammalian cells DSBs can be repaired by non-homologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination (HRR) and single strand annealing (SSA). HRR can be divided into the first and second phase. The first phase is initiated by sensor proteins belonging to the MRN complex, that activate the ATM protein which target HRR proteins to obtain the second response phase--repair. HRR is precise because it utilizes a non-damaged homologous DNA fragment as a template. The key players of HRR in mammalian cells are MRN, RPA, Rad51 and its paralogs, Rad52 and Rad54.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields on the induction of genetic damage. In general, mutational studies involving ELF magnetic fields have proven negative. However, studies examining sister-chromatid exchange and chromosome aberrations have yielded conflicting results. In this study, we have examined whether 60-Hz magnetic fields are capable of inducing mutation or mitotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In addition we determined whether magnetic fields were capable of altering the genetic response of S. cerevisiae to UV (254 nm). We measured the frequencies of induced mutation, gene conversion and reciprocal mitotic crossing-over for exposures to magnetic fields alone (1 mT) or in combination with various UV exposures (2-50 J/m2). These experiments were performed using a repair-proficient strain (RAD+), as well as a strain of yeast (rad3) which is incapable of excising UV-induced thymine dimers. Magnetic field exposures did not induce mutation, gene conversion or reciprocal mitotic crossing-over in either of these strains, nor did the fields influence the frequencies of UV-induced genetic events.  相似文献   

Ouabain-resistant mutations in Chinese hamster cells have been quantitatively characterized. The mutation frequencies were found to be induced curvilinearly with treatments of increasing doses of ultraviolet light (UV). For the range of UV doses tested (5--20 J/m(2)), the observed frequency, Y, as a function of UV dose X, follows a curvilinear function, Y = (-28 + 13.37 X--1.52X(2) + 0.08X(3)) . 10(-6). The frequencies of UV-induced mutations were directly correlated with cell survival, indicating a similar causal relationship between cell killing and mutation induction. Under the same experimental conditions, X-rays induced 6--thioguanine-, but not ouabain-, resistant mutations. UV-induced ouabain-resistant (ouar) mutants exhibit a selection disadvantage. Their phenotypic expressions are modifiable by various agents. Wild type and 16 ouar mutants were compared with respect to their sensitivity to ouabain inhibition of 86Rb uptake by whole cells. All the ouar mutants assayed are less sensitive to the drug than are wild-type cells. In the absence of ouabain, the Na+--K+--ATPase activities can be significantly higher or lower than that of the wild-type cells.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of nonhomologous recombination in mammalian cells.   总被引:49,自引:25,他引:49       下载免费PDF全文
The primary mechanism of nonhomologous recombination in transfected DNA involves breakage followed by end joining. To probe the joining step in more detail, linear simian virus 40 genomes with mismatched ends were transfected into cultured monkey cells, and individual viable recombinants were analyzed. The transfected genomes carried mismatched ends as a result of cleavage with two restriction enzymes, the recognition sites of which are located in the intron of the gene encoding the T antigen. Because the T antigen gene was split by this cleavage, the transfected genomes were inert until activated by cell-mediated end joining. Clonal descendants of the original recombinants were isolated from 122 plaques and were grouped into four classes based on the electrophoretic mobility of the junction fragment. The structures of representative junctions were determined by nucleotide sequencing. The spectrum of nonhomologous junctions analyzed here along with a large number of previously reported junctions suggest that there are two mechanisms for the linkage of DNA molecules: (i) direct ligation of ends and (ii) repair synthesis primed by terminal homologies of a few nucleotides. A paired-priming model of nonhomologous recombination is discussed.  相似文献   

Recombination between direct repeats has been studied in Penicillium chrysogenum using strain TD7-88 (lys? pyr+), which contains two inactive copies of the lys2 gene separated by 4.5?kb of DNA (including the pyrG gene) in its genome. Gene conversion leading to products with the lys+ pyr+ phenotype was observed at a frequency of 1 in 3.2?×?103 viable spores. Two types of deletion events giving rise to lys+ pyr? and lys? pyr? phenotypes were obtained with different frequencies. Southern analysis revealed that gene conversion occurs mainly as a result of crossing over events that remove the BamHI frameshift mutation present in one of the repeats. In lys? pyr? recombinants, the deletion events do not affect the frameshift mutation in the BamHI site, while lys+ pyr? recombinants showed repair of the BamHI frameshift mutation and the genotype of the parental non-disrupted strain was restored. In summary, deletion events in P. chrysogenum tend to favor the restoration of the phenotype and genotype characteristic of the parental non-disrupted strain.  相似文献   

We used a simian virus 40-based shuttle vector plasmid, pZ189, to determine the role of pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers in UV light-induced mutagenesis in monkey cells. The vector DNA was UV irradiated and then introduced into monkey cells by transfection. After replication, vector DNA was recovered from the cells and tested for mutations in its supF suppressor tRNA marker gene by transformation of Escherichia coli carrying a nonsense mutation in the beta-galactosidase gene. When the irradiated vector was treated with E. coli photolyase prior to transfection, pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers were removed selectively. Removal of approximately 90% of the pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers increased the biological activity of the vector by 75% and reduced its mutation frequency by 80%. Sequence analysis of 72 mutants recovered indicated that there were significantly fewer tandem double-base changes and G X C----A X T transitions (particularly at CC sites) after photoreactivation of the DNA. UV-induced photoproducts remained (although at greatly reduced levels) at all pyr-pyr sites after photoreactivation, but there was a relative increase in photoproducts at CC and TC sites and a relative decrease at TT and CT sites, presumably due to a persistence of (6-4) photoproducts at some CC and TC sites. These observations are consistent with the fact that mutations were found after photoreactivation at many sites at which only cyclobutane dimers would be expected to occur. From these results we conclude that UV-induced pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers are mutagenic in DNA replicated in monkey cells.  相似文献   

DNA site-specific recombinases (SSRs) such as Cre, FLPe, and phiC31, are powerful tools for analyzing gene function in vertebrates. While the availability of multiple high-efficiency SSRs would facilitate a wide array of genomic engineering possibilities, efficient recombination in mammalian cells has only been observed with Cre recombinase. Here we report the de novo synthesis of mouse codon-optimized FLP (FLPo) and PhiC31 (PhiC31o) SSRs, which result in recombination efficiencies similar to Cre.  相似文献   

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