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质膜H+-ATPase与环境胁迫   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
植物根系质膜H -ATPase在调节细胞内pH值,促进养分吸收、同化物运输等方面具有重要作用。对质膜H -ATPase的结构、功能和分子机制进行综述,并讨论了质膜H -ATPase在信号传递过程及植物适应环境胁迫中的作用,最后就植物质膜H -ATPase的研究及应用提出几点看法。  相似文献   

以湿地挺水植物七叶红色大花美人蕉(Cana generalis Bailey)幼苗为实验材料,在温室中用150μmol/L氯化镁溶液预处理12h,然后置于硝态氮(NO3--N)浓度为10mg/L的农田废水中处理,考察氯化镁预处理对美人蕉吸收农田废水中硝态氮效率的影响,以及处理期间根部质膜H+-ATPase活性、H+-泵活性、14-3-3蛋白与质膜H+-ATPase相互作用。结果显示:经过150μmol/L氯化镁溶液预处理12h后,美人蕉吸收农田废水中硝态氮的效率比对照增加11%;与没有预处理的植株相比,氯化镁预处理美人蕉根中质膜H+-ATPase和H+-泵的活性均显著提高,质膜H+-ATPase和14-3-3蛋白的相互作用显著增强。研究表明,氯化镁能够通过增强质膜H+-ATPase与14-3-3蛋白的相互作用来提高质膜H+-ATPase的活性,从而增加美人蕉对硝态氮的吸收效率。  相似文献   

大豆下胚轴质膜H+-ATPase质子转运的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以大豆下胚轴为材料,采用改进的匀浆介质,通过两相法制得具有质子转运活力的高纯度质膜微囊.并且发现冻融处理可以促进质膜微囊的翻转而提高荧光猝灭效率.质子载体和质子转运特性分析表明,由Mg2+-ATP引发的荧光猝灭可以被质子载体CCCP恢复,并被质子通道抑制剂DCCD抑制;并且发现质膜H-ATPase专一抑制剂钒酸钠可以完全抑制荧光猝灭,同时发现荧光猝灭依赖于Mg2+,并受K刺激,最适pH为6.5.以上证明所测荧光猝灭是由质膜H-ATPase所进行的质子转运引起的.结果同时表明,维持H-ATPase合适构象和提高质膜微囊封闭性是制备具有H转运活力质膜微囊的两个关键因素.  相似文献   

胡杨质膜的纯化及其H-ATPase活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用Dextran T-500, PEG 3350两相分配法分离并纯化了悬浮培养的胡杨细胞质膜.不同聚合物浓度(5.5%、5.7%、5.9%、6.1%、6.3%、6.5%)和KCl浓度(0、5、10、15 mmol/L)对分离效果影响的研究结果表明, 采用聚合物浓度为5.9%和无盐存在的两相分配体系可获得纯度较高的胡杨细胞质膜.纯化的质膜H-ATPase的活力提高8倍,且酶定向程度较高,这为进一步研究胡杨细胞质膜特性及获得高纯度H-ATPase提供了良好基础.  相似文献   

质膜Ca2+-ATPase(PMCA)是P型ATPase家族的一员,在真核细胞中主要负责信号刺激后胞内高浓度Ca2+的清除扫尾工作,并对维持静息状态下较低Ca2+浓度起着重要的调节作用.PMCA的一级结构已被确定,拓扑学结构显示,它有10个跨膜区和3个胞浆功能区.它的4个编码基因可产生4种亚型(PMCA 1~4),这些亚型在功能与分布上存在差异.PMCA的活性可被钙调蛋白等多种因素调节,这与其结构特征息息相关.近年来,PMCA已被证实与脂筏结构有一定关联,它在信号传导和细胞凋亡中的作用也成为目前科学研究的焦点.本文主要对PMCA的结构、亚型和功能的研究现状进行综述.  相似文献   

以蚕豆叶片下表皮为材料,将荧光探针HPTS导入蚕豆气孔保卫细胞内,利用荧光光谱和激光共聚焦显微技术,检测了ABA诱导蚕豆气孔关闭过程中H  相似文献   

为了证实在谷氨酸棒杆菌中,利用H+-ATPase基因失活构建高产谷氨酸基因工程菌的应用可行性,通过重组PCR技术部分缺失H+-ATPaseγ亚基基因序列,采用插入失活方法构建H+-ATPase失活的谷氨酸棒杆菌。考察了其谷氨酸产生能力及对生长速率的影响。实验结果表明,H+-ATPase失活的谷氨酸棒杆菌在含有100g/L的葡萄糖培养基中摇瓶发酵,其谷氨酸最大累积量为51.6g/L, 比野生菌株提高了42.9%。生长速率研究结果表明,H+-ATPase失活的谷氨酸棒杆菌生长速率略低于野生谷氨酸棒杆菌。证实了H+-ATPase基因失活对提高谷氨酸产量的作用,为利用H+-ATPase基因构建高产谷氨酸基因工程菌株提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)促进绿豆下胚轴质膜H+-ATPase水解活性.活体条件下,50μmol·L-1 MeJA处理7 h的酶活性提高30%;离体条件下,10 μmol·L-1 MeJA处理2 h的酶活性最大,即提高30%.壳梭孢素(FC)和MeJA在离体条件下对H+-ATPase活性的促进效应相同,均提高30%左右,无协同效应;活体条件下,FC促进质膜H+-ATPase水解活性可达70%,而MeJA仅为30%.离体条件下,脱落酸(ABA)对H+-ATPase水解活性无明显促进;而活体条件下则有一定的抑制.  相似文献   

空泡膜类型H+-ATPase的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
真核细胞内空泡细胞器,如高尔基体、内质网、溶酶体等,膜上存在的质子泵ATPase 与线粒体类型的质子泵 ATPase 类似.近几年对该类型 H+-ATPase 的结构、作用机制进行了深入的研究,证明这是一类新型质子泵,在进化的过程中与线粒体类型的 H+-ATPase 有密切的亲缘关系.  相似文献   

以不同发育时期灵武长枣(Ziziphus jujuba cv.Lingwuchangzao)的果实为材料,通过测定与分析果肉组织中细胞质膜、液泡膜H+-ATPase和H+-PPase活性、果实糖分含量变化,研究了灵武长枣果实质膜、液泡膜H+-ATPase和H+-PPase活性与糖积累特性的关系。结果表明:(1)果实第二次快速生长期之前主要积累葡萄糖和果糖,之后果实迅速积累蔗糖,葡萄糖和果糖含量则逐渐下降,成熟期果实主要积累蔗糖。(2)在果实发育的缓慢生长期S1,质膜H+-ATPase活性最低;第一次快速生长期,质膜H+-ATPase活性最高;缓慢生长期S2,其活性降低;第二次快速生长期,质膜H+-ATPase活性升至次高;完熟期,质膜H+-ATPase活性下降幅度较大。(3)在果实发育过程中,液泡膜H+-ATPase和H+-PPase活性的变化趋势相似。缓慢生长期S1,液泡膜H+-ATPase和H+-PPase活性较低;从缓慢生长期S1至第一次快速生长期缓慢下降至最低;从第一次快速生长期开始,液泡膜H+-ATPase和H+-PPase活性呈现为逐渐增高的变化趋势;除第二次快速生长期以外,液泡膜H+-PPase活性始终高于H+-ATPase。由此推测,质膜H+-ATPase和液泡膜H+-ATPase、H+-PPase对灵武长枣果实糖分的跨膜次级转运起到重要的调控作用。  相似文献   

大豆液泡膜H+-ATPase功能与构象关系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大豆液泡膜V型H+-ATPase是ATPases中的一种,它在植物细胞的生长发育中有重要的作用.利用竹红菌乙素(HB)和KI这两种分别猝灭蛋白质疏水区域内源荧光和亲水区域内源荧光的荧光猝灭剂,在不同pH值、温度条件下对纯化的大豆液泡膜V型ATPase进行荧光猝灭实验,初步探讨了V型H+-ATPase的水解活性同其蛋白质折叠状态间的关系.研究表明,通过比较不同pH值、温度条件下蛋白质疏水区域和亲水区域内源荧光的荧光猝灭常数(KSV),发现当环境pH值、温度偏离酶的最适pH值和温度时,蛋白质的内源荧光强度降低且疏水区域和亲水区域内源荧光的荧光猝灭常数(KSV)降低,说明伴随着酶的水解活性降低,蛋白质的折叠状态发生了变化.我们认为蛋白质在膜内的折叠状态变化是酶失活机制的一个重要方面,为植物的抗冻和抗盐研究提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane H+-ATPases in Arabidopsis thaliana represent the largest family of cation translocating P-type ATPases identified in plants or animals. We report here seven new isoforms, which were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of genomic DNA. Amplifications were performed with degenerate primers corresponding to two short conserved sequence motifs (CSDK and GDGV) found in most P-type ATPases. A comparison was made of three CSDK-side primers, which were used either as totally degenerate mixtures or rendered less degenerate by substitution with deoxyinosine or fluorodeoxyuridine. Amplified genomic fragments were cloned, partially sequenced and shown to correspond to Arabidopsis genes by Southern blot analysis with gene-specific probes. One newly identified isoform, AHA10, was isolated as a cosmid clone and sequenced. The 5 and 3 ends of the gene were determined by comparison with the AHA10 cDNA sequence. AHA10 is the most divergent isoform characterized in the Arabidopsis family. AHA10 appears to be expressed primarily in developing seeds, as indicated by Northern blot analysis of AHA10 mRNA and by the analysis of transgenic plants expressing a -glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene fused to an AHA10 promoter. Our results indicate that one function of this unusually large H+-ATPase gene family is to allow for expression of different isoforms in different cell types.  相似文献   

该实验以烟草悬浮细胞 BY 2 为材料,在烟草悬浮细胞中分别加入0.05、0.10、0.15、0.20 mmol·L-1AlCl3,以等体积去离子水处理的悬浮细胞液为对照,并依据前述实验结果选择0.15 mmol·L-1 AlCl3,分别添加5 mmol·L-1 DMTU(H2O2 抑制剂)、20 μmol·L-1CaCl2、15 μmol·L-1 LaCl3(Ca2+通道抑制剂)和50 μmol·L-1 ATP设计多项处理,分析胞外ATP(eATP)对铝离子(Al3+)胁迫引起的植物细胞死亡及其胞内H2O2、Ca2+的影响,以揭示Al3+胁迫下植物调节细胞死亡的可能机制,进一步扩展对eATP功能的认知。结果显示:(1)随着 AlCl3 胁迫浓度的提高,细胞死亡水平和胞内H2O2水平上升,而胞内Ca2+和eATP水平则逐渐降低。(2)外援施加H2O2抑制剂 DMTU(二甲基硫脲)和Ca2+能够有效缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡水平的上升;而Ca2+通道抑制剂LaCl3(三氯化镧)则加剧了AlCl3胁迫下的细胞死亡。(3)在AlCl3胁迫下对细胞添加外源ATP,能够缓解AlCl3胁迫下胞内H2O2水平上升和Ca2+水平下降的同时,并显著降低AlCl3胁迫导致的细胞死亡。研究表明, Al3+以剂量依赖的模式提升细胞死亡和细胞内H2O2的水平并降低胞内Ca2+和eATP水平,AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡受到H2O2和Ca2+水平变化的调节,eATP可以通过调节H2O2与Ca2+水平缓解AlCl3诱导的细胞死亡。推测Al3+胁迫可能通过抑制钙离子通道而破坏了细胞内H2O2和Ca2+之间的协同关系,外源ATP对Al3+诱导H2O2上升的缓解作用可能是由于其提升了细胞的抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

Mutations in the GEF2 gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have pleiotropic effects. The gef2 mutants display a petite phenotype. These cells grow slowly on several different carbon sources utilized exclusively or primarily by respiration. This phenotype is suppressed by adding large amounts of iron to the growth medium. A defect in mitochondrial function may be the cause of the petite phenotype: the rate of oxygen consumption by intact gef2 cells and by mitochondrial fractions isolated from gef2 mutants was reduced 60%–75% relative to wild type. Cytochrome levels were unaffected in gef2 mutants, indicating that heme accumulation is not significantly altered in these strains. The gef2 mutants were also more sensitive than wild type to growth inhibition by several divalent cations including Cu. We found that the cup5 mutation, causing Cu sensitivity, is allelic to gef2 mutations. The GEF2 gene was isolated, sequenced, and found to be identical to VMA3, the gene encoding the vacuolar H +-ATPase proteolipid subunit. These genetic and biochemical analyses demonstrate that the vacuolar H +-ATPase plays a previously unknown role in Cu detoxification, mitochondrial function, and iron metabolism.  相似文献   

Quercetin is a potent antioxidant and has been extensively used as a therapy intervention to prevent age-associated diseases. However, emerging studies showed it can also act as a prooxidant and induce H2O2 under certain conditions. In the current study, our results showed that quercetin contributed to the pathogen resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) in response to the infection of virulent strain Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato DC3000 (Pst). Various defense responses, such as H2O2 burst, callose deposition, cell death, PR1 (pathogenesis-related 1) and PAL1 (Phe ammonia-lyase 1) gene expression, have been investigated in quercetin-pretreated Pst-inoculated Arabidopsis Col-0 and there was a strong defensive response in quercetin-pretreated Arabidopsis against virulent Pst. However, with the presence of catalase, the protective effects of quercetin on pathogen resistance to virulent Pst disappeared in Arabidopsis, suggesting that H2O2 may play a key role in plant defense responses. In addition, we confirmed that quercetin did not show any beneficial effect on pathogen-free leaves in Arabidopsis, indicating that pathogen challenge is also required to induce the defense responses in quercetin-pretreated Arabidopsis. Furthermore, strong defense responses have been observed in quercetin-pretreated Arabidopsis mutant jar1, ein2, and abi1-2 under Pst challenge, whereas no protective effect has been observed in quercetin-pretreated Arabidopsis mutant NahG and npr1. These findings indicate that quercetin induces the resistance to Pst in Arabidopsis via H2O2 burst and involvement of SA and NPR1.  相似文献   

A new supermolecular assembly crystal, [C6H8N2]6H3[PW12O40]·2H2O (DMB-PWA), was synthesized with phosphotungstic acid (PWA) and 1,2-diaminobenzene (DMB) under hydrothermal conditions and was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectra (FTIR) and single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. DMB-PWA could effectively catalyze oxidative degradation of chitosan with H2O2 in the heterogeneous phase. The optimum degradation conditions were determined by orthogonal tests as follows: amount of chitosan 1.00 g, 30% (wt %); H2O2, 3.0 mL; dosage of catalyst, 0.06 g; reaction temperature, 85 °C; and reaction time, 30 min. The water-soluble chitosan with a viscosity-average molecular weight (Mv) of 4900 was obtained under the optimum degradation conditions and was characterized by FTIR, ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflection spectra (UV-vis DRS), and X-ray powder diffraction analysis.  相似文献   

NO (nitric oxide) and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) are important signaling molecule in plants. Brassica napus L. was used to understand oligochitosan inducing production of NO (nitric oxide) and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) and their physiological function. The result showed that the production of NO and H2O2 in epidermal cells of B. napus L. was induced with oligochitosan by fluorescence microscope. And it was proved that there was an interaction between NO and H2O2 with L-NAME (NG-nitro-l-arg-methyl eater), which is an inhibitor of NOS (NO synthase) in mammalian cells that also inhibits plant NO synthesis, and CAT (catalase), which is an important H2O2 scavenger, respectively. It was found that NO and H2O2 induced by oligochitosan took part in inducing reduction in stomatal aperture and LEA protein gene expression of leaves of B. napus L. All these results showed that oligochitosan have potential activities of improving resistance to water stress.  相似文献   

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