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C. K. Chai 《Immunogenetics》1974,1(1):126-132
Histocompatibility was investigated by skin grafting in F2 and F3 hybrid generations from a cross of two related inbred lines of rabbits. The results suggested that two loci (RbH- 1, RbH- 2), in addition to a number of minor loci contributing weak effects on histocompatibility, are segregating in these generations.RbH- 1 may correspond or be homologous to the complex locus found in a number of mammalian species.  相似文献   

The finding that two subunits of the proteasome, LMP2 and LMP7, are encoded in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has linked the proteasome which represents a major extralysosomal proteolytic system to the processing of intracellular antigens. Here we describe a second form of the human LMP7 cDNA, LMP7-E2, which has been identified during the characterization of novel genes in the MHC. The analysis of the genome organization of LMP7 revealed that LMP7-E1 and LMP7-E2 arise by alternative exon usage. Using specific antibodies against LMP2 and LMP7, we show that they are co-expressed with class I MHC molecules as well as a putative peptide transporter. The polypeptides encoded by LMP7 and LMP2 undergo proteolytic processing when incorporated into proteasomes, and the LMP7 precursor is derived mainly from LMP7-E2. Furthermore, our data suggest that LMP7 and LMP2 are mutually dependent for their incorporation into the proteasomal complex.  相似文献   

H-2b-restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated against H-1, H-3, and H-4 antigens and tested against target cells of F1 hybrids between wild mice and inbred H-2 b mice. The congenic strain combinations for the CTL production were such that they tested one allele each at the H-1 and H-4 loci and four alleles at the H-3 locus. Most of the wild mice tested came from Southern Germany, but a few mice came from other European countries and Egypt and Israel. Virtually all wild mice typed as positive with CTL directed against H-3b and H-4b antigens; 32% of the F1 hybrids tested reacted with anti-H-1cCTL and 9% reacted with anti-H-3d CTL. The positive results were not caused by cross-reaction with allogeneic H-2 antigens controlled by the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) genes of the wild mice. At least some of the H-3 and H-4 antigens detected by the CTL in the F1 hybrid were not identical with antigens of the immunizing strains. These results suggest a relatively low degree of polymorphism of the tested minor H loci in wild mice and further support the notion that minor H loci are unrelated to the Mhc.  相似文献   

A definite cytotoxic activity was developed in a BALB/c (H-2d) anti-DBA/2 primary mixed leukocyte culture (MLC), which received interleukin 2 (IL-2) on day 3 of culture. This cytotoxic activity was minor histocompatibility antigens (MIHA)-specific at the stimulator level, and was not developed in a syngeneic (BALB/c anti-BALB/c) MLC. The addition of IL-2 on day 3 of culture was crucial; no or very weak cytotoxic activity was developed in MLC receiving IL-2 on day 0 or on both day 0 and day 3. Only appropriate MIHA-allogeneic tumor cells were lysed as the target of the cytotoxic activity. The cytotoxic activity seemed MIHA-specific also at the target level; it lysed tumor cells of DBA/2 mouse origin but not those of BALB/c (syngeneic) origin. Phenotypes of the cytotoxic effector cell were Thy-1+ Lyt-2+. We concluded from these results that MIHA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated in the MIHA-allogeneic primary MLC. In this newly developed system, we studied genetic and antigenic requirements for primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro. We demonstrated; among spleen cells (SC) of seven B10 H-2-congenic strains only SC of B10.D2 strain whose major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (H-2d) was compatible with the responder MHC effectively stimulated responder BALB/c (H-2d) SC for an anti-MIHA (DBA-C57BL-common) CTL response. Similarly, only SC of two out of seven C x B recombinant inbred strains (C x B.H and C x B.D), which were compatible at the MHC with responder SC, activated responder BALB/c SC for the response. The possibility that cells responding to H-2 alloantigens suppressed the anti-MIHA response was ruled out. Additional experiments showed that compatibility at the H-2K-end or the H-2D-end of the MHC was sufficient for a definite anti-MIHA response. These provided formal evidence that primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro were MHC-restricted at the stimulator level. We then showed that sonication-disrupted SC or Sephadex G-10 column-passed nonadherent SC failed to stimulate responder SC for a primary anti-MIHA CTL response, whereas G-10-passed nonadherent SC responded well to adherent stimulator cells. Further study demonstrated that Ia+ adherent cells were the most active cell type as stimulator. Finally, we confirmed that the primary anti-MIHA CTL responses to adherent stimulator cells was MHC-restricted.  相似文献   

Although crucial for the understanding of adaptive evolution, genetically resolved examples of local adaptation are rare. To maximize survival and reproduction in their local environment, hosts should resist their local parasites and pathogens. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) with its key function in parasite resistance represents an ideal candidate to investigate parasite-mediated local adaptation. Using replicated field mesocosms, stocked with second-generation lab-bred three-spined stickleback hybrids of a lake and a river population, we show local adaptation of MHC genotypes to population-specific parasites, independently of the genetic background. Increased allele divergence of lake MHC genotypes allows lake fish to fight the broad range of lake parasites, whereas more specific river genotypes confer selective advantages against the less diverse river parasites. Hybrids with local MHC genotype gained more body weight and thus higher fitness than those with foreign MHC in either habitat, suggesting the evolutionary significance of locally adapted MHC genotypes.  相似文献   

Regulation of the immune response by macrophages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Regulation of the immune response by macrophages was studied with cellular resistance to Listeria monocytogenes as parameter. The use of agents which suppress macrophage activity during the induction-phase of immunity enabled the induction of protective immunity with killed listeria. Fractionation of the cell content of listeria yielded an RNA'se sensitive fraction which in a dose of 300 ng and in combination with the cationic surfactant dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide induced protective immunity against listeria.  相似文献   

An antiserum was produced by reciprocal immunization of congenic resistent inbred strains of mice which differed only with respect to theI andS regions of theH- 2 complex. This antiserum permitted the serological detection of lymphocyte alloantigens, designated Ia (=I region associated antigens). Ia determinants are only present on mature B lymphocytes. They could not be found on thymocytes, splenic or lymph node T cells, or on the majority of bone marrow cells. Absorption studies demonstrated existence of several Ia specificities which are associated with differentI region types. Thus, theI region of theH- 2 complex appears to control not only T-cellexpressed antigen specific immune response genes, but also B-cell-expressed Ia determinants. The relevance of the Ia alloantigen system for cellular interaction in immune reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

The C-terminal domains of the mouse transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) were expressed as soluble proteins in Drosophila melanogaster cells and labeled by [-32P]8-azido-ATP after UV-irradiation. The relative potencies of the nucleotides in preventing azido-ATP labeling were in the order of ATP> GTP> CTP> ITP> UTP for both the TAP1 and TAP2 C-terminal domains, suggesting ATP to be the natural substrate of the transporter. Our data provide the first evidence that the individual C-terminal domain of either TAP1 or TAP2 can be expressed as a functional ATP-binding protein.  相似文献   

The regulation of CD28/B7 is important in T-cell activation. It has been argued that its aberrant expression is involved in the radiosensitivity of B-cell-stimulated T-cell response. Here, this possibility is studied in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) induced by minor lymphocyte-stimulating (Mls) antigen-presenting irradiated B cells. By using anti-CD28 antibody, the CD28/B7-2-, LFA-1/ICAM-1-dependent Mls-MLR was found to be restored. By flow cytometry, approximately 70% B cells were lost but with unaffected B7-2 expression, indicating that the moderate CD28 costimulation was caused by mortality of antigen presenting cells. Despite of costimulatory deficiency, T cells were shown primed. However, the expression of early activation markers CD25 and CD69, which was shown unaffected by B7/CD28 blocking, was found partially inhibited. To further understand the regulation, we examined the ICAM-1 expression, and found that it was again not altered on irradiated B cells. Thus, the radiation-induced rapid loss of resting B cells may be the basic mechanism causing insufficient costimulatory activity in radiosensitive B-T interaction. Furthermore, the presence of an element, other than B7-2, involving in controlling early T-cell response is suggested.  相似文献   

River buffalo is an agriculturally important species with many traits, such as disease tolerance, which promote its use worldwide. Highly contiguous genome assemblies of the river buffalo, goat, pig, human and two cattle subspecies were aligned to study gene gains and losses and signs of positive selection. The gene families that have changed significantly in river buffalo since divergence from cattle play important roles in protein degradation, the olfactory receptor system, detoxification and the immune system. We used the branch site model in PAML to analyse single-copy orthologs to identify positively selected genes that may be involved in skin differentiation, mammary development and bone formation in the river buffalo branch. The high contiguity of the genomes enabled evaluation of differences among species in the major histocompatibility complex. We identified a Babesia-like L1 LINE insertion in the DRB1-like gene in the river buffalo and discuss the implication of this finding.  相似文献   

Normal mouse lymphocytes are not capable of mounting a primary cytotoxic T cell response to Mls encoded, non H-2, allodeterminants, although a strong lymphoproliferative response is observed in primary MLR between Mls incompatible cells. In this study it is reported that in the supernatant of primary cultures between AKR macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 identical, incompatible for Mls and other minor antigens) a suppressor of T cell proliferation in MLR is detected. By contrast, a suppressor is not detected in supernatants from primary cultures between BALB/C macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 incompatible, Mls identical), B10.BR macrophages and CBA/H macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (syngeneic) suggesting that the production of the suppressor factor occurs only when an Mls incompatibility exists. The suppressive activity of the Mls incompatible culture supernatant upon MLR between incompatible macrophages and lymphocytes is neither antigen specific nor Mls or H-2 restricted, nor is it due to an irreversible toxic effect on T lymphocytes or macrophages. The inhibition of T cell proliferation could be explained by inhibition of IL 2 production, by blocking its union to T cells or by a combination of both effects. Our findings could help explain previous observations that lymphocytes from mice preimmunized with Mls incompatible cells have a depressed proliferative response as well as depressed cytotoxicity against alloantigens.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex genes of the sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The class II genes of the sheep major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been cloned from two unrelated heterozygous sheep into cosmid vectors. By restriction mapping and hybridization with a number of class II probes of human and mouse origin, the cloned genetic material has been assigned to seven distinct alpha genes, 10 distinct beta genes and 14 beta-related sequences. It was difficult to identify homologues of specific HLA class II genes because of a tendency for the ovine genes to cross-hybridize between HLA probes representing different loci. Such cross-hybridization was especially marked among the beta genes. While DQ and DR homologues have been tentatively identified by several criteria, no genes corresponding to DP have been identified. Cosmids containing class II alpha and beta genes have been transfected into mouse LTK- cells, and surface expression of a sheep class II molecule has been obtained.  相似文献   

Vertebrate cells contain at least 12 different genes for Hsp70 proteins, 3 of which are encoded in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class III region. In the human MHC, these are named Hsp70-1, -2, and -Hom. To characterize these proteins, we have determined their substrate binding specificity, their cellular and tissue distribution, and the regulation of their expression. We show for the first time (1) peptide binding specificity of Hsp70-Hom; (2) endogenous expression of Hsp70-Hom in human cell lines; (3) cytoplasmic location of Hsp70-Hom protein under basal conditions and concentration in the nucleus after heat shock; (4) unique RNA expression profiles in human tissues for each of the MHC-encoded Hsp70s, significantly different from that for the constitutive Hsc70; (5) a relative increase in levels of Hsp70-Hom protein, compared with other Hsp70s, in response to interferon gamma; and (6) a specific increase on lipopolysaccharide (LPS) treatment of in vivo messenger RNA levels for the MHC-encoded Hsp70s and the DnaJ homologue, hdj2, relative to other chaperones. The unique tissue distributions and specific up-regulation by LPS of the MHC-encoded Hsp70s suggest some specialization of functions for these members of the Hsp70 family, possibly in the inflammatory response.  相似文献   

Microbes and other particulate antigens (Ags) are internalized by phagocytosis and then reside in plasma membrane-derived phagosomes. The contribution of phagosomes to the degradation of Ags has long been appreciated. It has been unclear, however, whether peptides derived from these degraded antigens bind class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) molecules within phagosomes or within endocytic compartments that receive Ag fragments from phagosomes. Recent experiments have demonstrated that phagosomes containing Ag- conjugated latex beads express a full complement of Ag-processing molecules, e.g. MHC-II molecules, invariant chain, H2-DM and proteases sufficient to degrade bead- associated Ag. These phagosomes mediate the formation of peptide–MHC-II complexes, which are transported to the cell surface and presented to T cells. Phagosomes acquire both newly synthesized and plasma membrane-derived MHC-II molecules, but the formation of peptide–MHC-II complexes in phagosomes primarily involves newly synthesized MHC-II molecules. The content and traffic of phagosomal proteins vary considerably with the type of Ag ingested. Pathogenic microbes can alter phagosome composition and function to reduce Ag processing. For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis blocks the maturation of phagosomes and reduces the ability of infected cells to present exogenous soluble protein Ags.  相似文献   

The mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) m152- and m06-encoded glycoproteins gp40 and gp48, respectively, independently downregulate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I surface expression during the course of productive MCMV infection in fibroblasts. As a result, presentation of an immediate-early protein pp89-derived nonapeptide to H-2L(d)-restricted CD8(+) cytotoxic T cells is completely prevented in fibroblasts. Here we demonstrate that MCMV-infected primary bone marrow macrophages and the macrophage cell line J774 constitutively present pp89 peptides during permissive MCMV infection to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). In contrast to fibroblasts, expression of the m152 and m06 genes in macrophages does not affect surface expression of MHC class I. Assessment of pp89 synthesis and quantification of extracted peptide revealed a significantly higher efficiency of macrophages than of fibroblasts to process pp89 into finally trimmed peptide. The yield of pp89 peptide determined in MCMV-infected tissues of bone marrow chimeras confirmed that bone marrow-derived cells represent a prime source of pp89 processing in parenchymal organs. The finding that macrophages resist the viral control of MHC I-dependent antigen presentation reconciles the paradox of efficient induction of CMV-specific CD8(+) CTL in vivo despite extensive potential of CMVs to subvert MHC class I.  相似文献   

The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC), on the short arm of chromosome 6, represents one of the most extensively characterised regions of the human genome. This approximately 4 Mb segment of DNA contains genes encoding the polymorphic MHC class I and class II molecules which are involved in antigen presentation during an immune response. Recently the whole of the MHC has been cloned in cosmids and/or yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) and large portions have been characterised for the presence of novel genes. Many unrelated genes, both housekeeping and tissue specific, have been identified and the gene density in some regions is now approaching one gene every few kilobases. Some of the novel genes encode proteins involved in the intracellular processing and transport of antigens that are presented by MHC class I molecules. Others, however, have no obvious role in the immune response. The MHC is located in the chromosome band 6p21.3 which is a Giemsa (G)-light band. The detection of such a large number of functional genes (at least 70) in this region is compatible with the idea that both housekeeping and tissue-specific genes are localised predominantly in G-light bands.  相似文献   

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