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Four cultivars of lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., were evaluated for their resistance to the adult banded cucumber beetle, Diabrotica balteata LeConte, under laboratory conditions. When paired with each of the other three cultivars, leaf consumption in all possible combinations of short-term (48 h) two-choice tests among the cultivars was significantly reduced only for 'Valmaine'. However, in a 48-h no-choice situation, beetles fed Valmaine or 'Short Guzmaine' had similarly low leaf consumption, followed by 'Parris White', with the greatest consumption occurring on 'Tall Guzmaine'. In longer term experiments, female beetles fed Valmaine for 10, 13, or 16 d generally had lower survival and the lowest body weights compared with beetles fed any of the other three cultivars. No mature eggs were found in the ovaries of females fed Valmaine, whereas from 14% (Short Guzmaine, day 10) to 100% (Tall Guzmaine, day 13) of females fed the other cultivars produced mature eggs. In a starvation test, most D. balteata of either sex did not survive after 7 d with access only to water. Moreover, starved females did not produce mature eggs. Thus, food consumption by adult D. balteata is very important to their survival and reproductive performance, and it is likely that females fed Valmaine failed to produce mature eggs because they did not consume a sufficient amount of this cultivar. However, because Valmaine-fed beetles maintained their body weight and lived significantly longer than starved beetles, it appears that they can obtain some nourishment from their limited feeding on this cultivar. Overall, these results suggest that Valmaine, and to a lesser extent short Guzmaine (a cultivar produced by crossing Valmaine with two other cultivars), exhibit antixenosis-based resistance against D. balteata.  相似文献   

Many plants subjected to herbivore damage exude latex, a rich source of biochemicals, which plays important roles in host plant resistance. Our previous studies showed that fresh latex from Valmaine, a resistant cultivar of romaine lettuce Lactuca sativa L., applied to artificial diet is highly deterrent to feeding by banded cucumber beetle, Diabrotica balteata LeConte, compared to the latex of a closely related susceptible cultivar Tall Guzmaine. The deterrent factor(s) could be extracted from Valmaine latex with water–methanol (20:80). In this study, further fractionation of the methanolic crude extract of Valmaine latex was performed using reverse-phase and ion-exchange solid-phase extraction to isolate the deterrent compounds. Retention of deterrent compounds on anion and cation exchange resin suggested the presence of highly polar compounds with both carboxylic and amine groups in Valmaine latex. Further bioassay-directed fractionation of cation exchange extract using LC/MS indicated the presence of at least 3 major and an unknown number of minor compounds in the bioactive fraction between 3 and 4 min. The m/z 210 out of the 3 major compounds showed strong amino acid characteristics (glutamine and/or glutamic acid) when subjected to further MS n degradation. Our studies suggest that nitrogenous ingredients of latex play a key role in Valmaine resistance to D. balteata, and latex may be a source of bioactive compounds with a potential use in pest management.  相似文献   

Males of the spotted cucumber beetle (Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi) rhythmically stroke females with their antennae during copulation. Males that stroke quickly have a higher probabilityof being accepted as a mate. We determined (1) the mechanismby which females prevent unattractive males from passing spermatophores,(2) whether antennal stroking signals to females the likelihoodof receiving a nuptial gift, and (3) if other male traits inaddition to stroking are subjected to sexual selection fromfemale preference. Dissections of pairs flash-frozen in copuladuring and after antennal stroking showed musculature that,when contracted, folded the vaginal duct leading to the female'sbursa copulatrix in a way that prevented complete penetrationby the aedeagus. These muscles were always contracted whilemales were stroking and always relaxed after stroking had ceased.Males accepted as mates did not differ from males that failedto pass a spermatophore in either absolute or relative bodyweight, aedeagus length, or the amount of cucurbitacins (potentialnuptial gifts) sequestered in their spermatophores. Although99% of the beetles that came to cucurbitacin-rich Cucurbitafruits in the field were males, males that had sequestered cucurbitacins did not stroke females faster than males withno cucurbitacins, and fast-stroking males were not more likelyto find and sequester cucurbitacins than were males that strokedmore slowly. Males with a cucurbitacin slurry painted on theirantennae had no mating advantage over controls. We concludethat females discriminate among males after copulation hasbegun on the basis of antennal stroking displays (or some traitcorrelated with stroking speed) that males perform to enticefemales to relax their bursal sphincter.  相似文献   

The western spotted cucumber beetle, Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata Mannerheim, is an important pest of melons (Cucurmis melo L.) in northern California. Recent observations indicate that adults are using alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) as a feeding host and larvae may be developing on the roots. Greenhouse studies were conducted during the winters of 2009 and 2010 in which larval development was compared on the roots of six field and vegetable crops commonly grown in the southern Sacramento Valley. The growth parameters used to evaluate the hosts were larval and pupal head capsule width, body width, and body length as well as total survival percentage and survival percentage to the third instar. According to larval growth and survivorship in 2009, maize (Zea mays L.) was the best host, followed by alfalfa and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) that were roughly equivalent to one another. Melon was a slightly weaker host than alfalfa and tomato; sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) was a completely incompatible host and thus dropped from the 2010 study. In 2010, melon was the weakest host for larval development. Maize was the superior host again followed closely by alfalfa that performed slightly better than tomato and lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.). Data suggest that larval western spotted cucumber beetles may primarily develop outside of melon fields and the adults emigrate to melons.  相似文献   

Field and laboratory studies were conducted to identify potential resistance among crape myrtles, Lagerstroemia spp., to Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman and to flea beetles, Altica spp. Damage ratings revealed variation among cultivars in susceptibility to beetle feeding. Cultivars with Lagerstroemia fauriei Koehne in their parentage exhibited the least amount of damage in choice and no-choice experiments, with few exceptions. The data indicate that both beetle species cause more feeding damage on certain cultivars of Lagerstroemia indica L., such as 'Country Red', 'Twilight', and 'Carolina Beauty' than interspecific cultivars with L. fauriei in their parentage, such as 'Natchez', 'Tonto', and 'Muskogee'. When comparing the effect of parentage on all of the major pests of crape myrtle, L. faurei confers resistance to all pests except crape myrtle aphid. No correlation was found between leaf toughness, leaf color, and leaf nutrients in estimating flea beetle cultivar preference. With this information, growers can more effectively target scouting measures to the most susceptible cultivars. and breeders can select plants that will require the fewest chemical inputs.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of yellow sticky traps as an alternative sampling technique for striped, Acalymma vittatum (F.), and spotted, Diabrotica undecimpunctata howardi Barber, cucumber beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the diurnal beetle activity on muskmelon, Cucumis melo L., near Vincennes, IN, in 2003 and 2004. The experimental design included six replications of seven 20-m-long rows each of muskmelon with 1.5 m between rows. On each sampling date, two yellow sticky traps were placed randomly between rows in each replication. One sticky trap was placed vertically with the lower edge even with the top of the canopy, whereas the other trap was placed horizontally, even with the top of the canopy. After traps were placed in the field, number of beetles on plants was counted in situ from 0800 to 1600 hours at 2-h intervals the next day. After 48 h in the field, the number of cucumber beetles adhering on traps was counted. Analyses of variance and Tukey's multiple comparison procedure were used to compare the densities of beetles among sampling times, and regression analyses were applied to correlate the numbers of beetles on traps and the numbers of in situ counts. Results show that both species of cucumber beetles were most active from 1200 to 1400 hours, and 20 beetles on the vertically positioned sticky trap were equivalent to one beetle per plant in the field. The application of the sampling technique and scouting time for cucumber beetle management are discussed.  相似文献   

The bitter plant-derived compounds cucurbitacins are known to stimulate feeding of adult cucumber beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). A cucurbitacin-based gustatory stimulant applied as a flowable bait combined with either spinosad or carbaryl was compared with foliar sprays of spinosad and carbaryl for controlling two cucumber beetle species (Diabrotica undecimpunctata undecimpunctata Mannerheim and Acalymma trivittatum Mannerheim) in honeydew melons (Cucumis melo L.). Field studies were conducted on the University of California-Davis plant pathology farm in 2008 and 2009. Beetle densities after applications and fruit damage from beetle feeding were compared among treatments. In addition, beetle survival was compared within field cages placed over the treated foliage infested with beetles. Using all three measures of efficacy, we determined that the addition of cucurbitacin bait had no effect on the level of cucumber beetle control with carbaryl in either 2008 or 2009. In both years, spinosad did not significantly reduce cucumber beetle densities in either field cages or field plots and did not reduce fruit damage relative to the untreated control. The addition of the bait to spinosad did not improve its efficacy. A laboratory bioassay of the spinosad formulation used in the field showed it had significant lethal effects on adults of both cucumber beetle species. Results indicated that the bait formulation used did not improve cucumber beetle control but may benefit from the addition of floral attractants or using a different type of cucurbitacin.  相似文献   

Novaluron (Rimon 10 EC), a novel insect growth regulator, could play an important role in future management programs for Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). Studies were conducted to determine the potential of Colorado potato beetle to develop resistance to novaluron before its widespread use in Colorado potato beetle management. Second instars of an imidacloprid-resistant Colorado potato beetle strain exhibited reduced susceptibility (2.5-fold) to novaluron. The toxicity of novaluron to this strain was synergized by S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) but not by piperonyl butoxide (PBO), suggesting that esterase-based detoxification mechanisms were responsible for novaluron resistance. Bioassays with treated potato foliage found that a single low- or medium-rate novaluron application was highly persistent under field conditions, resulting in up to 85% mortality of second instars 5 wk after treatment. Thus, intense selection pressure for novaluron-resistant Colorado potato beetle may continue long after population densities have been reduced below an economic threshold level. In a national survey, the susceptibility of second instars to a novaluron diagnostic dose was determined for 27 different field populations collected from six Canadian provinces in summer 2003. Despite no previous exposure to novaluron, mortalities at the diagnostic dose ranged from 55 to 100%. Although novaluron has several characteristics that should delay resistance development in insect pests, these results highlight the need for judicious use of the compound in management of Colorado potato beetle.  相似文献   

Cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus (L.), invaded northern Alabama and Georgia more than a decade ago and since has become an economic pest of winter wheat and other cereal crops in the southeastern United States. A series of trials was conducted beginning in 1995 to determine optimal rate and timing of applications of selected foliar insecticides for managing cereal leaf beetle in soft red winter wheat. These trials, cage studies with larvae, and a manual defoliation experiment were used to provide information on cereal leafbeetle yield loss relationships and to develop economic decision rules for cereal leaf beetle in soft red winter wheat. Malathion, methomyl, carbaryl, and spinosad effectively controlled larval infestations when treatments were applied after most eggs had hatched. Encapsulated endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis, methyl parathion, and disulfoton applied at the lowest labeled rates were not effective treatments. Organophosphate insecticides generally were not effective when applied before most eggs had hatched. The most effective treatments were the low rates of lambda cyhalothrin when applied early while adults were still laying eggs and before or near 50% egg hatch. These early applications applied at or before spike emergence virtually eliminated cereal leaf beetle injury. The manual defoliation study demonstrated that defoliation before spike emergence has greater impact on grain yield and yield components than defoliation after spike emergence. Furthermore, flag leaf defoliation causes more damage than injury to lower leaves. Grain test weight and kernel weight were not affected by larval injury in most trials. Regression of larval numbers and yield losses calculated a yield loss of 12.65% or 459 kg/ha per larva per stem, which at current application costs suggested an economic threshold of 0.4 larvae per stem during the spike emergence to anthesis stages.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior, in an ad libitum situation on potato plants in the laboratory, was continuously observed for approximately 7 h/day on 2 successive days for 18 adult femaleLeptinotarsa decemlineata. Additional behaviors were also recorded including resting, walking, biting, local movements, grooming, defecating, and regurgitating. These data were used to calculate a time budget for the various behaviors. The feeding data were analyzed to describe the structure of feeding for young adult females on their normal host plant. The criterion for a meal (minimum intermeal interval) was determined to be 286 s. This criterion was used to distinguish between intra- and intermeal interruptions in feeding for all subsequent analyses. Meals taken from leaves that were young, medium aged, or old did not differ, but on average beetles took 60% of their meals from young leaves. Meal size and meal duration were equally good predictors of when a meal would end. Feeding from stems was a prominent feature for most beetles. The stem meals had much longer durations than leaf meals, but stem feeding did not affect subsequent leaf feeding. The structure of feeding by these beetles is compared with that found in other insects, especiallyLocusta migratoria.  相似文献   

Winter squash is a vital agricultural commodity worldwide. In the Northeastern United States, the primary insect pest is the striped cucumber beetle, Acalymma vittatum F. Using a Blue Hubbard squash (Cucurbita maxima Duchesne) perimeter trap crop system can reduce insecticide use by >90% in butternut squash (C. moschata Poir), the primary winter squash grown in this region. Despite the savings in insecticide costs, growers may be reluctant to give up field space for a perimeter crop of Blue Hubbard squash, which comprises only 5% of the winter squash market in New England as compared with 19% for buttercup squash. Finding a more marketable trap crop would lower the barrier for adoption of this system. We tested eight varieties of three species of cucurbits for attractiveness to beetles relative to Blue Hubbard and butternut squash, and chose buttercup squash as the most promising replacement. We compared the effect of a buttercup border, Blue Hubbard border, or control (no border) on beetle numbers, herbivory, insecticide use, pollination, and pollen limitation in the main crop. We found that buttercup squash performed equally well as Blue Hubbard as a trap crop, with 97% reduction in total insecticide use compared with control fields. Honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) and squash bees (Peponapis pruinosa Say) were the predominant pollinators, and border treatments did not affect visitation. Hand pollination did not increase reproduction or yield, indicating that natural pollination was sufficient for full yield. This study confirms the effectiveness of perimeter trap crop systems and offers growers a more marketable trap crop for managing cucumber beetle damage.  相似文献   

Newly acquired Ulmus species from the temperate regions of China growing at The Morton Arboretum, Lisle, IL, were evaluated in laboratory bioassays for feeding preference and suitability for larvae and adults of the elm leaf beetle, Pyrrhalta luteola (Müller). Larval and adult no-choice and adult multiple-choice feeding studies revealed that U changii, U. lanceaefolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis were the least suitable for feeding and reproduction by the elm leaf beetle. Ulmus wallichiana and the highly preferred U pumila were more suitable for feeding and reproduction. Suitability had no significant effect on male and female longevity. The least suitable species of U. changii, U. lanceaefolia, U. prunifolia, U. pseudopropinqua, and U. taihangshanensis show promise for future elm breeding programs.  相似文献   

The susceptibility status of Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), adults to phosalone was determined by dip and glass jar assay techniques. Bioassay results indicated a narrow variation in Colorado potato beetle insecticide susceptibility among sample sites. LC50 values were generally highest from specimens collected in field that received frequent phosalone applications for seven consecutive growing seasons. In five populations tested, LC50 values ranged from 503.72 to 827.95 ppm in dip test method. In glass jar technique, resistance ratio value of 1.72 for LC50 was obtained. A significant linear relationship between LC50 values of individual populations across test methods was detected. Both bioassay techniques were suitable for monitoring resistance to insecticide in Colorado potato beetle adult populations. Glass jar technique, however, exhibited less variability in LC50 estimates and showed a higher degree of sensitivity than the dip method. Filter paper and leaf disk techniques for larvae were two bioassay methods used to determine phosalone susceptibility in L. decemlineata populations. Both bioassay techniques exhibited a similar level of susceptibility of the larvae to phosalone; however, the fiducial limit values from filter paper method were narrow than the leaf disk assay technique. A significant direct relationship between LC50 values of individual population across test methods was observed. Differences in LC50 ranking among fields between adults and larvae indicated a differential susceptibility to insecticide between life stages. Low LC50 values obtained from Colorado potato beetle in sample sites indicated that phosalone resistance was not severe in these fields. The glass jar and filter paper testing methods are simple and sensitive test techniques for measuring susceptibility of Colorado potato beetle adults and larvae to phosalone, respectively.  相似文献   

  • 1 Generalist predators are repelled by chrysomelid (Chrysomela spp., Phratora vitellinue L.) larval defensive secretions that are obtained from salicin in their host plants. But little is known about the effect of these secretions on specialist predators.
  • 2 In this study, we describe the feeding behaviour of a fly, Parasyrphus melanderi Curran (Diptera: Syrphidae), which feeds on Chrysomela aeneicollis Schaeffer (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Parasyrphus melanderi lays its eggs on C.aeneicollis egg clutches, and its larvae consume C.aeneicollis eggs and larvae.
  • 3 Chrysomela aeneicollis hatching rates were significantly lower (20%) on clutches with fly eggs than on clutches without them (40%). Half of the clutches with one fly egg had survival rates below 5%, and when two fly eggs were present (four clutches), the entire clutch was consumed.
  • 4 In nature, P.melanderi eggs were 3 times more abundant on a salicylaterich willow species S.orestera Schneider, than on the medium-salicylate S.geyeriana Anderss. (1.8 v 0.6 eggs per clutch). On 18% of the S.orestera clones, all the beetle clutches contained fly eggs. In laboratory-choice tests, P.melanderi larvae fed equally rapidly on C.aeneicollis larvae that were chemically defended (feeding on S.orestera) as on larvae that produced no secretion (feeding on the salicylate-poor S.lutea Nutt.). This predator does not appear to be deterred by C.aeneicollis's defensive secretion. We discuss the implications of specialist predators on determining host suitability to herbivorous insects.

Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), adults and larvae collected from Long Island, NY, were 100.8 and 13.2 times more resistant to imidacloprid, respectively, compared with a susceptible strain. This high level of resistance appeared in only the third field season of imidacloprid use. Analysis of probit lines from F1 reciprocal crosses indicated that resistance to imidacloprid in adults was inherited autosomaly as an incompletely recessive factor. The degree of dominance of the resistance was -0.23 and -0.10, respectively, 3 and 7 d after treatment (incompletely recessive). The chi2 analysis of response ratio statistics from F1 x susceptible back crosses compared with a monogenic model suggested that more than one locus is responsible for resistance to imidacloprid. Synergism studies with piperonyl butoxide suggested that mixed-function oxidase mediated detoxification is responsible for the resistance to imidacloprid in adults. Synergism studies with S,S,S-tributyl phosphorotrithioate (DEF) indicated that esterase mediated detoxification may be an additional resistance factor. Mixed-function oxidase mediated detoxification is probably also one of the mechanisms of resistance to imidacloprid in larvae. Because the synergists used did not completely eliminate resistance in the resistant strain, there may be additional mechanisms involved. Refugia and crop rotation decrease the frequency of homozygous resistant genotypes and may be effective resistance management strategies, because of the recessive nature of the resistance.  相似文献   

Feeding, growth, development, and food conversion efficiency of Colorado potato beetle larvae reared on foliage from a “Kennebec” potato line expressing oryzacystatin I (OCI) at about 1% of its total soluble proteins were compared to those of larvae feeding on untransformed foliage from the same line. During stages L1 to L3, larvae feeding on OCI consumed leaf material 14% faster, gained weight 28% faster, and weighed 20% more at the end of the L3 stage, compared to controls. Continued exceptional performance on OCI during the final L4 stage was expressed as faster development than controls, an effect that persisted during pupal development and resulted in emergence of similar weight adults 1 day earlier than controls. Larvae initially maintained on control foliage and switched to OCI foliage during L4 did not overcompensate as those on OCI foliage throughout development, but performed similarly to larvae on control foliage throughout. Total azocaseinase activity in midgut extracts from these 4th instars 1 d after switching to OCI foliage was sensitive to inhibition by a recombinant form of OCI expressed in Escherichia coli, but was no longer sensitive 4 d after switching, indicating a gradual adaptation of the insect digestive protease system, based on the production of OCI insensitive proteases. Despite OCI potato foliage being consumed faster by small larvae using it for food, there was no indication that it was less efficient than untransformed foliage as food protein. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 40:69–79, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pyrrhalta viburni Paykull, a new landscape pest in the United States, feeds in both the larval and adult stages on foliage of plants in the genus Viburnum. We measured lifetime oviposition capacity of mated and unmated females reared in the laboratory versus field-collected females, as well as ovipositional response to physical characteristics of the host plant. Both mated and unmated females produced eggs, but at different rates. Field-collected females and mated females reared in the laboratory laid similar numbers of egg masses containing similar numbers of eggs, but unmated females laid approximately one half as many eggs, the result primarily of smaller clutch size. Mated females reared in the laboratory had a preovipositional period of 11.4 +/- 1.7 versus 29 + 11.7 d for unmated females, and unmated females lived significantly longer than mated females. The angle and diameter of stems of V. trilobum, a very susceptible host, both greatly influenced oviposition; females laid most eggs on vertically oriented stems, and those of smallest diameter; when these factors were combined, stem diameter predominated. Females also had a very strong geotactic response, preferring to lay eggs on portions of stems toward gravity, even when stems were at fairly shallow angles.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted in wheat fields in South Carolina involving weekly sampling of cereal leaf beetle, Oulema melanopus (L.). In each of the six fields of this study, temporal patterns showed two distinct peaks in March and in May of adult O. melanopus. Populations decreased as wheat plants matured. In 2009, larval populations had one peak in April in between the two adult peaks. The χ(2) statistics for observed and Poisson predicted distributions of O. melanopus indicated nonrandom distribution for adults and larvae. In addition, the values of I(D) were >1 for adults and larvae in both years across sampling dates. These results indicate that the sampling distributions of both adult and larval populations of O. melanopus were aggregated. Slopes of Taylor power's law (b) and patchiness regressions (β) were significantly (P < 0.05) different than one in all cases, except for b in 2008 for adults. Across sampling dates, the distance from field border had a significant effect on adult O. melanopus in both years, but not on larval O. melanopus. Densities of adult O. melanopus were greatest at 0 m (the field edge), and decreased at 5-25 m from the field edge. The inverted distance weighted interpolation method showed considerable levels of spatial variability in densities within fields. High densities along the edge of wheat fields suggests that localized control methods in wheat may be effective in reducing migration of O. melanopus and damage in corn, Zea mays L.  相似文献   

Abstract  Circadian mating rhythms, mating frequency, mating duration, and the effect of mating duration on fecundity and fertility in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi were investigated in the laboratory. Mating occurred throughout the 24-h cycle but the majority of copulations occurred in the photophase with two apparent peaks, one at 8:00 and another at 16:00. Mating frequency observations for 10 consecutive days indicated that pre-mating period of C. bowringi was about 4 days, and pairs mated an average of 5 times per day and an average of 40 times during the first 10 days. There was a negative correlation between mating frequency and mating duration during the consecutive mating. The mean duration of the first copulation (136.24 ± 4.62 min) was significantly longer than those of the second (57.87 ± 2.03 min), third (53.05 ± 2.05 min) and fourth copulation (30.86 ± 2.98 min). Fecundity showed a slight increase with increasing mating duration but no significant difference among treatments. However, fertility was significantly influenced by the mating duration in this species. Mating of 20-min duration did not produce viable eggs. The mean percentage of fertile eggs with completed mating duration (204.43 ± 18.96 min, 56.75% fertile eggs) was significantly higher than those with 60 min (39.55%) and 30 min (17.91%) mating duration, suggesting that the longer mating duration might be associated with transfer of more sperm that are used to increase the fertility of eggs.  相似文献   

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