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All urogenital mucosal pathogens must overcome host factors and responses in order to colonize the mucosa and establish infection. These include the extensive mucus layer, nutrient-limiting conditions antibody responses and the constant fluid flow of the vagina. In this article, John Alderete, Michael Lehker and Rossana Arroyo review the recent work describing the specificity by which the protozoan. Trichomonas vaginalis, adheres to the vaginal epithelial cells via four surface proteins. They discuss three distinct signals that may be received by the parasite upon recognition and binding to these cells, illustrating the type of adaptive responses evolved in the establishment and maintenance of infection.  相似文献   

Transposons are sequence elements widely distributed among genomes of all three kingdoms of life, providing genomic changes and playing significant roles in genome evolution. Trichomonas vaginalis is an excellent model system for transposon study since its genome ( ~ 160 Mb) has been sequenced and is composed of ~65% transposons and other repetitive elements. In this study, we primarily report the identification of Kolobok-type transposons (termed tvBac) in T. vaginalis and the results of transposase sequence analysis. We categorized 24 novel subfamilies of the Kolobok element, including one autonomous subfamily and 23 non-autonomous subfamilies. We also identified a novel H2CH motif in tvBac transposases based on multiple sequence alignment. In addition, we supposed that tvBac and Mutator transposons may have evolved independently from a common ancestor according to our phylogenetic analysis. Our results provide basic information for the understanding of the function and evolution of tvBac transposons in particular and other related transposon families in general.  相似文献   

Adherence to host cells is essential for the initiation and maintenance of infection by mucosal pathogens. The protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis colonizes the human urogenital tract via four surface proteins (AP65, AP51, AP33 and AP23). To characterize AP33 further, six cDNA clones were examined. Restriction mapping indicated that the six clones represented three similar genes. Southern analysis confirmed the existence of three single-copy AP33 genes and suggested a semi-conservative genomic arrangement between T. vaginalis isolates. Analysis of full-length sequences determined that each contained a 930 bp open reading frame encoding a protein of approximately 33 000 Da. Sequence comparisons revealed a high degree of identity at both the DNA and the protein levels. N-terminal protein sequencing established the presence of leader peptides. Each of the three full-length recombinant proteins had a predicted pI of approximately 10, which was verified experimentally for the T. vaginalis AP33 adhesin. A database search revealed that AP33 had significant identity to the succinyl-CoA synthetase α-subunit of several different organisms and virtually 100% identity to the reported T. vaginalis subunit. Unlike commercially purchased enzyme, the recombinant proteins retained adhesive properties equal to the natural T. vaginalis AP33. The characteristics of the AP33 protein are similar to those of the other adhesins and emphasize a complex host–parasite relationship.  相似文献   

Transposons are sequence elements widely distributed among genomes of all three kingdoms of life,providing genomic changes and playing significant roles in genome evolution.Trichomonas vaginalis is an excellent model system for transposon study since its genome(~160 Mb) has been sequenced and is composed of~65%transposons and other repetitive elements.In this study,we primarily report the identification of Kolobok-type transposons(termed tvBac) in T.vaginalis and the results of transposase sequence analy...  相似文献   

The poly(A) tail present at the 3' end of most eukaryotic mRNAs can play a critical role in message translation and stability. Therefore, identifying alterations in poly(A) tail length can yield important insights into an mRNA's function and subsequent physiological impact. Here, we present three methods for assaying polyadenylation of a specific mRNA in the context of total cellular RNA. The first method described, oligo(dT)/RNase H-Northern analysis, is the classic labor-intensive assay for polyadenylation and is included for historical reference and as a potential experimental control for the poly(A) test (PAT) assays described subsequently. The PAT methods-rapid amplification of cDNA ends-PAT (RACE-PAT), and ligase-mediated PAT (LM-PAT)-are polymerase chain reaction-driven assays that allow speed, sensitivity, and length quantitation. The PAT assays can be conducted in a single day and can readily detect the poly(A) status of an mRNA present in subnanogram quantities of total cellular RNA.  相似文献   

Purine metabolism in Trichomonas vaginalis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

SYNOPSIS. The mechanism of carbohydrate dissimilation was studied in cell-free extracts prepared from mass cultures of the trichomonads. Evidence for the presence of all the enzymes associated with the Embden-Meyerhof glycolytic scheme was obtained. Several enzyme systems directly associated with the glycolytic pathway were examined. Two of these, alcohol dehydrogenase and phosphorylase, were not demonstrated in the T. vaginalis extract. The absence of phosphorylase in the presence of a very high glycogen concentration in the cell (20.8%) suggests the possibility of an alternate route. A very active TPN-linked "malic enzyme" was also demonstrated, although no functional citric acid cycle is known for this trichomonad. Based on the experimental evidence and collateral data, a functional Embden-Meyerhof system was suggested for T. vaginalis.  相似文献   

Trichomonas vaginalis causes trichomoniasis, second most sexually transmitted disease. The genome sequence draft of T. vaginalis was published by The Institute of Genomic Research reveals an abnormally large genome size of 160 Mb. It was speculated that a significant portion of the proteome contains paralogous proteins. The present study was aimed at identification and analysis of the paralogous proteins. The all against all search approach is used to identify the paralogous proteins. The dataset of proteins was retrieved from TIGR and TrichDB FTP server. The BLAST-P program performed all against all database searches against the protein database of Trichomonas vaginalis available at NCBI genome database. In the present study about 50,000 proteins were searched where 2,700 proteins were found to be paralogous under the rigid selection criteria. The Pfam database search has identified significant number of paralogous proteins which were further categorized among different 1496 paralogous protein in pfam families, 1027 paralogous protein contains domain, 60 proteins were having different repeats and 1092 paralogous protein sequences of clans. Such identification and functional annotation of paralogous proteins will also help in removing paralogous proteins from possible drug targets in future. Presence of huge number of paralogous proteins across wide range of gene families and domains may be one of the possible mechanisms involved in the T. vaginalis genome expansion and evolution.  相似文献   

Fine structure of Trichomonas vaginalis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The freeze-fracture technique was used to analyse the organization of the plasma membrane, as well as membranes of cytoplasmic organelles, of the pathogenic protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis. Rosettes formed by 4 to 14 intramembranous particles were seen on the fracture faces of the membrane lining the anterior flagella as well as in fracture faces of the plasma membrane enclosing the anterior region of the protozoan and in cytoplasmic organelles. Special organization of the membrane particles were also seen in the region of association of the recurrent flagellum to the cell body.  相似文献   

Assembly of active Fe-hydrogenase in the chloroplasts of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii requires auxiliary maturases, the S-adenosylmethionine-dependent enzymes HydG and HydE and the GTPase HydF. Genes encoding homologous maturases had been found in the genomes of all eubacteria that contain Fe-hydrogenase genes but not yet in any other eukaryote. By means of proteomic analysis, we identified a homologue of HydG in the hydrogenosomes, mitochondrion-related organelles that produce hydrogen under anaerobiosis by the activity of Fe-hydrogenase, in the pathogenic protist Trichomonas vaginalis. Genes encoding two other components of the Hyd system, HydE and HydF, were found in the T. vaginalis genome database. Overexpression of HydG, HydE, and HydF in trichomonads showed that all three proteins are specifically targeted to the hydrogenosomes, the site of Fe-hydrogenase maturation. The results of Neighbor-Net analyses of sequence similarities are consistent with a common eubacterial ancestor of HydG, HydE, and HydF in T. vaginalis and C. reinhardtii, supporting a monophyletic origin of Fe-hydrogenase maturases in the two eukaryotes. Although Fe-hydrogenases exist in only a few eukaryotes, related Narf proteins with different cellular functions are widely distributed. Thus, we propose that the acquisition of Fe-hydrogenases, together with Hyd maturases, occurred once in eukaryotic evolution, followed by the appearance of Narf through gene duplication of the Fe-hydrogenase gene and subsequent loss of the Hyd proteins in eukaryotes in which Fe-hydrogenase function was lost.  相似文献   

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