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The mechanism of activation of hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (EC in vitro by pentamidine has been investigated in both intact and fully disrupted microsomes. The major effect of pentamidine is a 4.7-fold reduction in the Km of glucose-6-phosphatase activity in intact diabetic rat liver microsomes. The site of action of pentamidine is T1 the hepatic microsomal glucose 6-phosphate transport protein. The activation of T1 by pentamidine may contribute to the disturbed blood glucose homeostasis seen in many patients after the administration of the drug pentamidine.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphatase is a multicomponent system located in the endoplasmic reticulum, involving both a catalytic subunit (G6PC) and several substrate and product carriers. The glucose-6-phosphate carrier is called G6PT1. Using light scattering, we determined K(D) values for phosphate and glucose transport in rat liver microsomes (45 and 33mM, respectively), G6PT1 K(D) being too low to be estimated by this technique. We provide evidence that phosphate transport may be carried out by an allosteric multisubunit translocase or by two distinct proteins. Using chemical modifications by sulfhydryl reagents with different solubility properties, we conclude that in G6PT1, one thiol group important for activity is facing the cytosol and could be Cys(121) or Cys(362). Moreover, a different glucose-6-phosphate translocase, representing 20% of total glucose-6-phosphate transport and insensitive to N-ethylmaleimide modification, could coexist with liver G6PT1. In the G6PC protein, an accessible thiol group is facing the cytosol and, according to structural predictions, could be Cys(284).  相似文献   

Glucose-6 phosphatase (G6Pase), a key enzyme of glucose homeostasis, catalyses the hydrolysis of glucose-6 phosphate (G6P) to glucose and inorganic phosphate. A deficiency in G6Pase activity causes type 1 glycogen storage disease (GSD-1), mainly characterised by hypoglycaemia. Genetic analyses of the two forms of this rare disease have shown that the G6Pase system consists of two proteins, a catalytic subunit (G6PC) responsible for GSD-1a, and a G6P translocase (G6PT), responsible for GSD-1b. However, since their identification, few investigations concerning their structural relationship have been made. In this study, we investigated the localisation and membrane organisation of the G6Pase complex. To this aim, we developed chimera proteins by adding a fluorescent protein to the C-terminal ends of both subunits. The G6PC and G6PT fluorescent chimeras were both addressed to perinuclear membranes as previously suggested, but also to vesicles throughout the cytoplasm. We demonstrated that both proteins strongly colocalised in perinuclear membranes. Then, we studied G6PT organisation in the membrane. We highlighted FRET between the labelled C and N termini of G6PT. The intramolecular FRET of this G6PT chimera was 27%. The coexpression of unlabelled G6PC did not modify this FRET intensity. Finally, the chimera constructs generated in this work enabled us for the first time to analyze the relationship between GSD-1 mutations and the intracellular localisation of both G6Pase subunits. We showed that GSD1 mutations did neither alter the G6PC or G6PT chimera localisation, nor the interaction between G6PT termini. In conclusion, our results provide novel information on the intracellular distribution and organisation of the G6Pase complex.  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) is a multicomponent enzyme system which regulates the catalysis of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) to glucose and inorganic phosphate. G6Pase can antagonize glucose phosphorylation, a step prerequisite in the regulation of insulin secretion from pancreatic beta cells, and G6Pase activity is increased in islets isolated from animal models of type II diabetes. Using RT-PCR with hepatic G6Pase catalytic subunit primers, we demonstrate that the sizes of amplified products from ob/ob mouse islets are identical to those from liver cDNA. This was confirmed by PCR-based cloning and sequencing of the hepatic G6Pase catalytic subunit open reading frame from islet cDNA. The expression in islets of the G6P transporter, G6PT1, was also demonstrated, suggesting that all of the identified hepatic G6Pase system genes are expressed in pancreatic islets. Finally, the expression of islet-specific G6Pase-related protein (IGRP) in pancreatic islets was confirmed and its expression in liver was also observed.  相似文献   

Vanadate has been found to be a potent inhibitor of both the hydrolytic and synthetic activities of the multi- functional enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase (d-glucose-6-phosphatase phosphohydrolase, EC The enzyme, when studied in both microsomal preparations and in situ using permeable isolated hepatocytes, is inhibited by micromolar concentrations of vanadate. The inhibition by vanadate is greater in detergent-treated than in untreated microsomes. In both the microsomal preparations and permeable hepatocytes, the inhibition by vanadate is competitive with the phosphate substrate and is greater for the phosphotransferase than the hydrolase activity of the enzyme. The KI values of vanadate for carbamyl-phosphate : glucose phosphotransferase and glucose-6-phosphate phosphohydrolase determined with permeable hepatocytes are in good agreement with the values determined with detergent-dispersed microsomes. The previously described inhibition of glucose-6-phosphate phosphohydrolase by ATP (Nordlie, R.C., Hanson, T.L., Johns, P.T. and Lygre, D.G. (1968) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 60, 590–597) can now be explained by the vanadium contamination of the commercially available ATP samples used. In contrast with glucose-6-phosphatase, hepatic glucokinase and hexokinase were not inhibited by vanadate. Physiological implications and utilitarian experimental applicability of vanadate as a selective metabolic probe, based on these observations, are suggested.  相似文献   

Summary Glucose-6-phosphatase (G-6-Pase) activity was analyzed during early embryogenesis of the sea urchinS. purpuratus. This activity is detected in very low levels in unfertilized eggs and early embryos but is present at high levels in preparations of endoplasmic reticulum (microsomes) from gastrula stage embryos. The approximately eight-fold increase in the relative activity of G-6-Pase associated with the ER occurs abruptly during a 12 h interval at gastrulation, and thereafter remains at a level comparable to that found in mammalian liver microsomes. The enzyme activity associated with the ER of gastrula stage embryos was completely eliminated from the microsomal pellet when cell lysates were first treated with non-ionic detergent. Analysis of germlayer tissues from late stage pluteus embryos revealed that G-6-Pase activity was more highly enriched in microsomes of endo/mesoderm tissues as compared to microsomes from ectoderm. The increase in ER associated G-6-Pase activity during embryonic development and its enriched activity in the ER of endo/mesoderm, as well as the observation that the signal recognition particle becomes associated with the ER at gastrulation (Le Blanc and Infante 1989), opens the question that this cellular organelle may be differentiating during embryogenesis in sea urchins.  相似文献   

Hepatomas tend to have a decreased glucose-6-phosphatase activity. We have observed phenotypic stability for this change in Morris hepatomas transplanted in rats. To determine if this decrease is selective for translocase functions or the hydrolase activity associated with glucose-6-phosphatase, we have compared activities in liver and hepatomas with glucose-6-phosphate or mannose-6-phosphate as substrates and with intact or histone-disrupted microsomes. In five out of seven subcutaneously transplanted rat hepatoma lines, the microsomal mannose-6-phosphatase activity was lower than in preparations from liver of normal or tumor-bearing rats. With liver microsomes and with most hepatoma microsomes, preincubation with calf thymus histones caused a greater increase in mannose-6-phosphatase than in glucose-6-phosphatase activity. In studies with liver and hepatoma microsomes there were similar increases in mannose-6-phosphatase activity with total calf thymus histones and arginine-rich histones. A smaller increase was seen with lysine-rich histones. The effect of polylysine was similar to the action of lysine-rich histones. There was only a small effect with protamine at the same concentration (1 mg/ml). Rat liver or hepatoma H1 histones gave only about half the activation seen with core nucleosomal histones. Our data suggested that microsomes of rat hepatomas tend to have decreased translocase and hydrolase functions of glucose-6-phosphatase relative to activities in untransformed liver. (Mol Cell Biochem122: 17–24, 1993)  相似文献   

Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) is a multiple protein complex in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that includes a mechanism (known as T3) for glucose exit from the ER to the cytosol. The molecular identity of T3 is not known. T3 has been shown to be functional in the absence of GLUT2, indicating that it is not GLUT2. Here we found a 55-kDa protein in high-density microsomal fraction (HDM) of rat hepatocytes that is recognized by polyclonal GLUT2 antibody raised against the GLUT2 C-terminal 14-amino-acid-sequence peptide. HDM contained calnexin but no integrin-β1 or Na/K ATPase in Western blotting. Significant GLUT2 immunoreactivity was colocalized with colligin, an ER marker, in confocal microscopy. Furthermore, the 55-kDa protein in HDM was labeled with a covalently reactive, impermeable glucose transporter substrate, 1,3-bis-(3-deoxy-d-glucopyranose-3-yloxy)-2-propyl 4-benzoyl-benzoate (B3GL) when hepatocyte homogenates, but not intact cells, were labeled. In addition glucose efflux from HDM vesicles was sensitive to B3GL treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Based on these findings, we suggest that T3 may be a novel facilitative glucose transporter that is highly homologous to GLUT2 in the C-terminal sequence, thus cross-reacting with the GLUT2 antibody. The finding will be useful in molecular identification and cloning of T3.  相似文献   

A rapid, convenient method for the assay of glucose 6-phosphatase dependent on the removal of radioactive substrate from radioactive product by Dowex 2 fluoride is described. The enzymatic reaction is stopped by the addition of an ethanolic slurry of the resin. After the tubes are shaken, the radioactivity of glucose in the clarified supernatant layer is measured. The release of glucose is directly proportional to time and enzyme concentration. Detergents do not interfere with the method.  相似文献   

A phosphate-linked antiporter activity of the glucose-6-phosphate transporter (G6PT) has been recently described in liposomes including the reconstituded transporter protein. We directly investigated the mechanism of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) transport in rat liver microsomal vesicles. Pre-loading with inorganic phosphate (Pi) did not stimulate G6P or Pi microsomal inward transport. Pi efflux from pre-loaded microsomes could not be enhanced by G6P or Pi addition. Rapid G6P or Pi influx was registered by light-scattering in microsomes not containing G6P or Pi. The G6PT inhibitor, S3483, blocked G6P transport irrespectively of experimental conditions. We conclude that hepatic G6PT functions as an uniporter.  相似文献   

Upon subcellular fractionation of (murine) Friend erythroleukaemic cells (FELCs), purified plasma membranes were identified by their high enrichment in specific marker enzymes and typical plasma membrane lipids. When FELCs were incubated for short periods with 32Pi before cell fractionation, the lipid-bound radioactivity was almost exclusively present in phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate (DPI) and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (TPI), and its distribution closely matched that of the plasma membrane markers. In addition, purified plasma membranes actively incorporated 32P from [γ-32P]ATP into polyphosphoinositides, and the specific activities of the involved kinases were again mostly enriched in the plasma membrane fraction.  相似文献   

The significance of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6P) expression by bile duct-like cells proliferating during hepatocarcinogenesis in the histogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma is not clear. To this end, we measured the histochemical and biochemical activity of G6P in normal rat liver, and in rat livers in which bile duct-like proliferation was induced by either hyperplastic (bile duct ligation for 14 days or feeding alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate for 28 days) or neoplastic (feeding a choline-devoid diet containing 0.1% ethionine for 60 days) regimens. In normal, hyperplastic, and preneoplastic livers, G6P histochemical activity was confined to the hepatocytes; proliferated bile duct-like cells, like normal bile ducts, did not display visible G6P staining. When the enzyme activity was determined biochemically, however, hydrolysis of glucose-6-phosphate was observed in both parenchymal and nonparenchymal liver cells isolated from all experimental animals. In elutriated nonparenchymal fractions, G6P activity was directly proportional to the number of cells positive for gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and cytokeratin no. 19 (markers of bile duct cells) and inversely proportional to the number of cells positive for vimentin (marker of mesenchymal cells). These results indicate that, while by light microscopy hepatic G6P histochemical activity is detectable only in the hepatocytes, the biochemical activity is also expressed in proliferating bile duct-like cells. However, the nonparenchymal activity is observed during both neoplastic and hyperplastic liver growth, thus indicating that the presence of this enzyme in bile duct-like cells proliferating during hepatocarcinogenesis should not necessarily be construed as supporting their stem cell nature nor their neoplastic commitment.  相似文献   

Two key enzymes of gluconeogenesis, glucose-6-phosphatase and fructosp-1-6-diphosphatase, were present in the cerebral hemispheres, the cerebellum and the brain stem of the rat brain. Significant activities of these-enzymes were associated with the particulate fraction.  相似文献   

The effects of varied durations of food deprivation on the rates and kinetics of glucose phosphorylation by isolated rat hepatocytes have been examined. Glucokinase activity was measured concurrently in extracts from these cells prepared from livers of rats which had fasted for 0, 24, 48 and 72 h. Significant levels of hepatocyte glucose phosphorylation were noted even when glucokinase levels were extrapolated to zero. The K0.5-glucose value of 33 mM in cells from fed rats increased to 48 mM after a 72-h fast. It is concluded that a high K0.5 glucose-phosphorylating enzyme or enzymes compensatory to insulin-dependent glucokinase is/are involved in rat liver glucose phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The phosphate/pyrophosphate translocase protein (T2) of the hepatic microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase system was identified and then purified using antibodies raised against the rat mitochondrial phosphate/hydroxyl ion antiport protein. The T2 protein was shown to be absent in the microsomes isolated from a patient previously diagnosed as having type lc glycogen storage disease.  相似文献   

Effect of 5-100 microM epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) on hepatic glucose 6-phosphatase (G6Pase) system was investigated. EGCG inhibited G6Pase in intact but not in permeabilized rat liver microsomes, suggesting the interference with the transport. However, EGCG did not hinder microsomal glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) uptake. Instead, it increased the accumulation of radioactivity after the addition of [(14)C]G6P, presumably due to a slower release of [(14)C]glucose, the product of luminal hydrolysis. Indeed, EGCG was found to inhibit microsomal glucose efflux. Since G6Pase activity is depressed by glucose in a concentration-dependent manner, we concluded that EGCG inhibits G6Pase through an elevated luminal glucose level.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for marine phytoplankton as for other living organisms, and the preferred form, dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), is often quickly depleted in the sunlit layer of the ocean. Phytoplankton have developed mechanisms to utilize organic forms of P (DOP). Hydrolysis of DOP to release DIP by alkaline phosphatase is believed to be the most common mechanism of DOP utilization. Little effort has been made, however, to understand other potential molecular mechanisms of utilizing different types of DOP. This study investigated the bioavailability of glucose-6-phosphate (G6P) and its underlying molecular mechanism in the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi. Suppression Subtraction Hybridization (SSH) was used to identify genes up- and down-regulated during G6P utilization compared to DIP condition. The results showed that G6P supported the growth and yield of K. mikimotoi as efficiently as DIP. Neither DIP release nor AP activity was detected in the cultures grown in G6P medium, however, suggesting direct uptake of G6P. SSH analysis and RT-qPCR results showed evidence of metabolic modifications, particularly that mitochondrial ATP synthase f1 gamma subunit and thioredoxin reductase were up-regulated while diphosphatase and pyrophosphatase were down-regulated in the G6P cultures. All the results indicate that K. mikimotoi has developed a mechanism other than alkaline phosphatase to utilize G6P.  相似文献   

Abstract The specific activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase changed when Penicillium chrysogenum was grown on different carbon sources. In the presence of 2% lactose, the activities of these enzymes were approximately 25–35% lower than those in media containing 2% glucose or 2% fructose. We assume that an increase in cAMP concentration was responsible for the observed decreases in the enzyme activities, because a higher cAMP concentration could be detected when the mycelium was grown in a medium containing solely lactose as carbon source. The likely role played by cAMP in the regulation was also demonstrated by the addition of either cAMP or caffeine to the medium.  相似文献   

Microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase from rat liver is activated by phosphatidylcholine but inhibited by lysophosphatidylcholine. Inhibition occurs not by membrane lysis but in an intact bilayer; it is reversible; and it is overcome by addition of cholesterol but not if the cholesterol-hydroxyl group is blocked. An analog of lysophosphatidylcholine deprived of hydrogen bonding sites, 1-ether-2-deoxylysophosphatidylcholine, is a partial activator, and its effect on the enzyme in a phosphatidylcholine bilayer is not modulated by cholesterol. It appears to be one of the functions of cholesterol to buffer the lysophospholipids in membranes by complexing with them through hydrogen bonding in the hydrogen belt region. Lysophosphatidylcholine/cholesterol association is favored over phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol association.  相似文献   

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