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Adolescence is a period marked by the search for sexual identity. How do paraplegic or quadriplegic teenagers develop their sexual identity? How can the nursing team help them in this process? The authors study erection and the quality of sexual relations and then examine the problem of procreation. Early, practical information adapted to the neurological definition of the spinal cord injury is essential, with preservation of sperm prior to the development of urological and infectious complications. The authors report their experience of 24 paraplegic or tetraplegic teenagers at the CMPA in Neufmoutiers and the CECOS at Cochin Hospital in Paris.  相似文献   

For the larvae of the ephemeron Cloeon, our studies of acute toxicity show that the degradation products of fenthion are more toxic than the insecticide itself.Doses of fenthion and lindane, responsible of a hight mortality, lead to a decrease in the moulting frequency of these larvae. A mixture of herbicides and degradation products of fenthion gave different results.

Résumé La fixation osmiée et l'étude ultrastructurale permettent de préciser que les grosses vacuoles intraneuronales des cellules du N.S.O. de la Souris, qui apparaissent après une surcharge osmotique prolongée, ont un contenu lipidique.
Summary Fixation with Palade's fluid and ultrastructural study reveal that after prolonged ingestion of hypertonic saline, the vacuoles in the Cells of the supraoptic nuclei of the Mouse contain lipid droplets.

Dédié amicalement à Madame le Professeur Berta Scharrer, avec nos très respectueux hommages.

Attachée de Recherches au C.N.R.S.

Collaboratrice technique. Travail réalisé dans le cadre de la R.C.P. No 39 du C.N.R.S.  相似文献   

Memorization of Scent Marks in Genets (Genetta genetta L.): Duration of Female Memory of Male Scent Marks The aim of this work was to study the memorization of scent marks of known males by females in genets (Genetta genetta L.). An attempt was made to determine how long, after separation from a given male, females could discriminate between his scent marks and those of strange males. Significant differences in sniffing duration at the scent marks were observed nine weeks after separation. These results showed that olfactory cues could permit individual recognition in genets, and that memorizing the scent marks could also act in the regulation of aggressive behaviour in free-living animals.  相似文献   

Résumé Pour la mise en évidence histopathologique du mode d'infection des insectes par les champignons pathogènes, des colorations très contrastées des hyphes sont nécessaires. C'est pourquoi nous avons comparé les méthodes appropriées les plus récentes de la mycologie médicale sur des coupes d'une larve de Melolontha melolontha atteinte par Beauveria tenella. La coloration de De Palma & Young (1963) s'est avérée excellente et simple; les méthodes de Grocott (1955), ainsi que de Kelly, Morgan & Saini (1962) donnent également de bons résultats.
Summary The suitability of staining methods recently developed in medical mycology was tested for histopathological investigations of insect mycoses. One third instar larva of Melolontha melolontha, heavily infected with Beauveria tenella was used as test material. Good results were obtained by staining the sections according to the method of De Palma & Young: hyphae and host tissues can easily be recognized by differences in colour. The condition of the host tissue can also easily be judged. Moreover, the technique is simple. The staining methods by Grocott (1955) and Kelly, Morgan & Saini (1962) are also suitable for the fast locating of hyphae in the host. Combination of the staining of Grocott with counterstaining methods (for example with safranin, light green or acidic fuchsin light green) gives a contrasting presentation of the host tissues as is sometimes desired. The method of Amargier & Vago (1966), described for insect-pathological work, gives a good contrasting picture of the hyphae in the endocuticle, but less contrast in other host tissues.

A comparative study of the sexual sequence is carried out in four Oniscoidea of the ligiid series Porcellio laevis, Metoponorthus sexfasciatus (Porcellionidae), Armadillidium vulgare (Armadillidiidae) and Armadillo officinalis (Armadillidae). The differences between the four species chiefly appear in the precopulatory manoeuvres. The integration of coiling or uncoiling reactions in the sexual sequence of coiling forms is studied in two genera: Armadillidium and Armadillo. Results of the behavioral study provide information about the evolution of the group.  相似文献   

Nocardia restrictus and N. corallina oxidize the A ring of 4-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one and a 3,5-seco-4-nor-3-keto-5-oic acid is formed. The enzymes necessary to this reaction are induced and their biosynthesis is suppressed by chloramphenicol. The catabolism of the aliphatic side chain at C-17 involves a cleavage between C-24 and C-25 and the liberation of propionic acid.  相似文献   

An evaluation of social experience in the establishment of dominance-submission relationships was attempted using 20 animals in various constellations of 4. The establishment of rank-order in 5 groups of inexperienced heifers upon their first contact with strangers was compared with that in 20 groups consisting of the same animals in different arrangements upon their second to their fifth encounter with strangers. With experience, the various types of agonistic interactions were differently utilized, contact-forming and fighting time were reduced, the social order was more rapidly and firmly established, and fighting often dispensed with.  相似文献   

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