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Population structure of sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka in Barkley Sound, British Columbia, Canada was examined by analysis of microsatellite variation at 14 loci in three populations sampled in each of 3 years. The mean F ST over all 14 loci was 0·063. Differences among populations accounted for 12 times the variation observed among years within populations. The number of alleles present at a locus was related to the power of the locus to provide accurate identification of individuals to population. The more alleles that were present at a locus, the greater was the power of the locus for individual identification. Individuals were correctly classified to one of three lakes of origin at a rate of 89%, and to one of two river drainages at a rate of 96%.  相似文献   

Approximately 200 km from the mouth of the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada, adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka , were gastrically implanted with radio transmitters without anaesthetic. Subsets of the transmitter implanted fish were also biopsied which included drawing blood from the caudal peduncle (3 ml), removal of gill tissue (0·03 g) and quantification of energetic status using a microwave fat meter. Several experiments were used to test the hypothesis that the biopsy had a negligible effect on the subsequent survival and migratory behaviour of transmitter implanted fish. In the first experiment, no difference was found in the survival (both 100%) or tag retention (both 100%) between the two treatment groups (transmitter implanted with and without biopsy) when fish were held in pens for 24 h in the marine environment. Similarly, in other experiments where fish were released to the ocean to resume their migratory journey, no statistical differences were found in the travel times of fish in the two treatment groups, or in the proportion of fish that passed in‐river telemetry checkpoints. These results indicated that the handling and biopsy methods produced similar levels of mortality and tag retention as the telemetry treatment alone and that any changes in behaviour between the two treatment groups did not adversely affect migration time. Based upon the evidence provided from the biotelemetry of >300 adult sockeye salmon, it was felt that this general type of approach could be applicable to other fish species.  相似文献   

Bottlenecks can have lasting effects on genetic population structure that obscure patterns of contemporary gene flow and drift. Sockeye salmon are vulnerable to bottleneck effects because they are a highly structured species with excellent colonizing abilities and often occupy geologically young habitats. We describe genetic divergence among and genetic variation within spawning populations of sockeye salmon throughout the Lake Clark area of Alaska. Fin tissue was collected from sockeye salmon representing 15 spawning populations of Lake Clark, Six-mile Lake, and Lake Iliamna. Allele frequencies differed significantly at 11 microsatellite loci in 96 of 105 pairwise population comparisons. Pairwise estimates of FST ranged from zero to 0.089. Six-mile Lake and Lake Clark populations have historically been grouped together for management purposes and are geographically proximate. However, Six-mile Lake populations are genetically similar to Lake Iliamna populations and are divergent from Lake Clark populations. The reduced allelic diversity and strong divergence of Lake Clark populations relative to Six-mile Lake and Lake Iliamna populations suggest a bottleneck associated with the colonization of Lake Clark by sockeye salmon. Geographic distance and spawning habitat differences apparently do not contribute to isolation and divergence among populations. However, temporal isolation based on spawning time and founder effects associated with ongoing glacial retreat and colonization of new spawning habitats contribute to the genetic population structure of Lake Clark sockeye salmon. Nonequilibrium conditions and the strong influence of genetic drift caution against using estimates of divergence to estimate gene flow among populations of Lake Clark sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

The growth rates of naturally sympatric juvenile pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha and sockeye Oncorhynchus nerka salmon were compared in a common lacustrine environment in south‐west Alsaka, an unusual opportunity given the normal disparity in freshwater residence time of these two species. Fork length ( L F) frequency distributions of juvenile pink salmon caught in the lake during the summer in 1991 and 1999–2003 indicated a growth rate of 0·54 mm day−1, 54% greater than the estimated growth rate of juvenile sockeye salmon sampled from 1958 to 2003 (0·35 mm day−1). Examination of daily growth rings on otoliths indicated that pink salmon in Lake Aleknagik grew an average of 1·34 mm day−1 in 2003 but sockeye salmon grew only 0·63 mm day−1(average specific growth rates were 3·0 and 1·8% day−1, respectively). Pink salmon increased from c . 32 mm L F and 0·2 g at emergence to 78 mm L F and 3·0 g within 3–4 weeks. After experiencing these rapid growth rates, the pink salmon appeared to leave the lake by late July in most years. The diets of pink and sockeye salmon in the littoral zone of the lake were very similar; >80% of the stomach contents consisted of adult and pupal insects and the remainder was zooplankton. This high degree of diet overlap suggested that the observed differences in growth rate were not attributable to variation in prey composition.  相似文献   

Mature male sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum) were measured, tagged and released into a gravel holding pond adjacent to the spawning site, then remeasured when dead for possible changes in shape or size. Body length, depth, snout length and caudal peduncle thickness decreased at the end of life, 1–2 weeks later.  相似文献   

Prey selection and growth efficiency of juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka switched between live prey and pelleted diets were investigated. First feeding sockeye salmon fry were placed into one of three dietary treatments for 7 months prior to assessing potential differences with a growth and a behavioural assay. Dietary treatments were (1) adult Artemia franciscana for 1 month, followed by pelleted feed for an additional 6 months ( Art − BD), (2) pelleted feed from first feeding for 7 months (BD) and (3) adult A. franciscana for 1 month, and a combination of pelleted feed and live adult A. franciscana for 6 months ( Art + BD). Equal numbers from each treatment group were then tagged, pooled into replicate 'common garden' tanks and fed novel live prey items ( Daphnia sp. and mosquito Culex pipiens larvae) for an additional 3 weeks. No significant differences in the growth efficiency of sockeye salmon were found during the 3 week feeding trial on the novel prey items. Additional sockeye salmon from each dietary treatment were used in a behavioural assay to determine if the treatments had an impact on foraging efficiency (prey selection or time to capture prey). No significant differences in prey selection were found among treatment groups in time to capture pellets, A. franciscana or mosquito larvae. Also, no significant differences were found within treatment groups in time to capture different food sources. No substantive benefits in foraging efficiency of sockeye salmon associated with prior exposure to live prey were demonstrated. This suggests that altering existing hatchery practices for juvenile sockeye salmon by offering live food prior to release is unlikely to influence post-hatchery feeding behaviour or increase post-release survival.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to heterogeneous environments generates population diversity within species, significantly increasing ecosystem stability and flows of ecosystem services. However, few studies have isolated the specific mechanisms that create and maintain this diversity. Here, we examined the relationship between water temperature in streams used for spawning and genetic diversity at a gene involved in immune function [the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)] in 14 populations of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) sampled across the Wood River basin in south‐western Alaska. The largest influence on MHC diversity was lake basin, but we also found a significant positive correlation between average water temperature and MHC diversity. This positive relationship between temperature and MHC diversity appears to have been produced by natural selection at very local scales rather than neutral processes, as no correlation was observed between temperature and genetic diversity at 90 neutral markers. Additionally, no significant relationship was observed between temperature variability and MHC diversity. Although lake basin was the largest driver of differences in MHC diversity, our results also demonstrate that fine‐scale differences in water temperature may generate variable selection regimes in populations that spawn in habitats separated by as little as 1 km. Additionally, our results indicated that some populations may be reaching a maximum level of MHC diversity. We postulate that salmon from populations in warm streams may delay spawning until late summer to avoid thermal stress as well as the elevated levels of pathogen prevalence and virulence associated with warm temperatures earlier in the summer.  相似文献   

Reproductive tactics, aggression and courtship by large and small (jack) male sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka with ripe females in temporary enclosures depended on the size and behaviour of the competitor, not the size of the focal male. When paired with other jacks or with large but less aggressive males, jacks fought for access to ripe females rather than sneaking, but used sneaking tactics when paired with large, aggressive males. Dominant males of both size groups courted actively and females spawned readily with all combinations of males.  相似文献   

Sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka sperm maintained high fertility for 10 s after being exposed to water but fertility dropped sharply after that. Eggs also showed limited longevity after being immersed in water, with a large drop in fertility occurring after 20 s of exposure to water. The association between eggs and sperm occurs very rapidly. 80% fertilization success was achieved with 5 s of sperm-egg mixing and c. 25% was achieved with <0·5 s of sperm-egg mixing. Sperm from different male age classes differed little in motility and did not differ at all in their propensity to fertilize eggs. The results have important implications for mate choice and sperm competition.  相似文献   

Recent progress in methods for detecting adaptive population divergence in situ shows promise for elucidating the conditions under which selection acts to generate intraspecific diversity. Rapid ecological diversification is common in fishes; however, the role of phenotypic plasticity and adaptation to local environments is poorly understood. It is now possible to investigate genetic patterns to make inferences regarding phenotypic traits under selection and possible mechanisms underlying ecotype divergence, particularly where similar novel phenotypes have arisen in multiple independent populations. Here, we employed a bottom‐up approach to test for signatures of directional selection associated with divergence of beach‐ and stream‐spawning kokanee, the obligate freshwater form of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). Beach‐ and stream‐spawners co‐exist in many post‐glacial lakes and exhibit distinct reproductive behaviours, life‐history traits and spawning habitat preferences. Replicate ecotype pairs across five lakes in British Columbia, Canada were genotyped at 57 expressed sequence tag‐linked and anonymous microsatellite loci identified in a previous genome scan. Fifteen loci exhibited signatures of directional selection (high FST outliers), four of which were identified in multiple lakes. However, the lack of parallel genetic patterns across all lakes may be a result of: 1) an inability to detect loci truly under selection; 2) alternative genetic pathways underlying ecotype divergence in this system; and/or 3) phenotypic plasticity playing a formative role in driving kokanee spawning habitat differences. Gene annotations for detected outliers suggest pathogen resistance and energy metabolism as potential mechanisms contributing to the divergence of beach‐ and stream‐spawning kokanee, but further study is required.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon have been reared in the British Columbia, Canada aquaculture industry since the early 1980s. No breeding programmes spanned the entire production period and pedigree records were not kept for broodstocks prior to or since importation. Of the three recognized industry strains, two are of European ancestry ('Mowi' from Norway and 'McConnell' from Scotland) and one is of North American heritage ('Cascade' from Gaspe, Quebec). We evaluated the amount and distribution of genetic variation within industry broodstocks by surveying microsatellite variation at 11 loci in 20 broodstock groups sampled from major production facilities. Allelic richness averaged 10.9 (range 5.8-13.8), compared with a value of 20.3 obtained for a North American wild population. Pairwise genetic distances (D(S)) between samples within strains were generally less than those between strains, with samples attributed to the same strain clustering together in a neighbour-joining dendrogram. Nevertheless, average distances between samples within the European strains were high (0.41 for Mowi; 0.71 for McConnell) but lower (0.06) for the Cascade strain. The reduced intra-sample and increased intra-strain genetic variation observed for the BC domesticated samples compared with wild populations was similar to observations for European domesticated Atlantic salmon. Evidence of introgression of the Cascade strain into European broodstocks was provided by the presence of large Ssa202 alleles (confined to North America in wild populations) in some Mowi and McConnell samples. Introgression likely also contributed to the decreased intercontinental genetic distance for the domesticated samples of this study compared with that observed for wild populations.  相似文献   

Following a dramatic decline last century, the British population of the endangered greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum is highly fragmented. To examine the consequences of fragmentation and limited dispersal on patterns of genetic structure and variation, we used microsatellite markers to screen bats from around 50% of the known maternity colonies in Britain, and two areas from continental Europe. Analyses revealed that Welsh and English colonies were genetically isolated. This, and lower variability in Britain than north France, may result from either genetic drift, or the species' colonization history. Gene flow among most neighbouring colonies was not generally restricted, with one exception. These findings have important implications for the ongoing conservation management of this species.  相似文献   

Three microsatellite loci were used to examine genetic variation among 16 coho salmon ( Oncorhynchus kisutch ) populations within the Fraser River drainage system, in British Columbia, Canada. Each locus was highly polymorphic with 30 alleles at the Ots 101 locus, 15 alleles at the Ots 3 locus and 38 alleles at the Ots 103 locus. Average observed heterozygosities were 86.1%, 70%, and 56.1%, respectively. With the exception of the Dunn and Lemieux River populations, Chi-square tests and F ST values indicated that all populations had significantly different allele frequencies. Two distinct population groups within the Fraser River drainage were observed. Lower Fraser River populations were strongly differentiated from populations spawning in the upper Fraser River, which includes the Thompson River (a tributary flowing into the upper Fraser) and the portion of the Fraser River beyond the precipitous Fraser River canyon. This regional population structure may have resulted from colonization of the upper and lower Fraser River regions by different founder populations following Pleistocene glaciation, and be maintained by adaptive differences between the two groups of coho salmon. Coho salmon populations in the upper Fraser and Thompson River drainages form an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) of importance for conservation of biodiversity in coho salmon. Microsatellite DNA loci show promise as technically simple and highly informative genetic markers for coho salmon population management.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of enzymes in 383 juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., within the Tamar catchment (south-west England) revealed significant genetic differences at the IDHP-3* locus between the three tributaries studied. Aspects of temporal and spatial variation, and management policy within catchments, are discussed.  相似文献   

Most of the variation (99%) of Asian odd-broodline pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha , based on data at 32 variable (46 total) allozyme loci from 35 populations, occurred within populations. The remaining interpopulation variation was attributable to: (1) differences between northern (the northern Sea of Okhotsk, eastern Kamchatka Peninsula and western Kamchatka Peninsula) and southern (Hokkaido Island, Kuril Islands and Sakhalin Island) populations; (2) differences between the southern areas; (3) low variation among populations within some areas. The pattern contrasted strongly with that observed for Asian even-broodline populations, which had a strong structure, possibly related to geographic and oceanographic influences. Isolation-by-distance analyses of each of the two broodlines showed a stronger relationship (x 4·8) among even- than odd-broodline populations. Allele frequency differences between even- and odd-broodlines reflected the reproductive isolation of the broodlines. However, there were no fixed frequency differences which, considered with the differing population structures, suggests that migration-drift equilibrium has not yet obtained in one or both broodlines. The structural differences also suggest it is likely that the even- and odd-broodlines are of different ages and that one is derived from the other. Allozyme data do not provide a genealogical basis for identifying the ancestral lineage.  相似文献   

Depending on population, wild Fraser River sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka travel distances of <100 km to >1100 km and ascend elevations ranging from near sea‐level to 1200 m to reach spawning areas. Populations embarking on distant, high elevation migrations ( i.e . Early Stuart, Chilko and Horsefly populations) began their upriver spawning migrations with higher densities of somatic energy ( c . 9·2 to 9·8 MJ kg−1) and fewer eggs ( c . 3200 to 3800) than populations making shorter, low elevation migrations ( i.e . Weaver and Adams; c . 7·1 to 8·3 MJ kg−1 gross somatic energy and c . 4300 to 4700 eggs). Populations making difficult upriver migrations also had morphologies that were smaller and more fusiform than populations making less difficult migrations, traits that may facilitate somatic energy conservation by reducing transport costs. Indeed, fish travelling long distances expended less somatic energy per unit of migratory difficulty than those travelling shorter distances (2·8 to 3·8 kJ v . 10–1400 kJ). Consistent with evolutionary theory, difficult migrations appear to select for energy efficiency but ultimately fish making more difficult migrations produce fewer eggs, even when differences in body length have been accounted for. Despite large among‐population differences in somatic energy at the start of upriver migration, all populations completed migration and spawning, and subsequently died, with c . 4 MJ kg−1 of energy remaining, a level which may reflect a threshold to sustain life.  相似文献   

Regions of the genome displaying elevated differentiation (genomic islands of divergence) are thought to play an important role in local adaptation, especially in populations experiencing high gene flow. However, the characteristics of these islands as well as the functional significance of genes located within them remain largely unknown. Here, we used data from thousands of SNPs aligned to a linkage map to investigate genomic islands of divergence in three ecotypes of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from a single drainage in southwestern Alaska. We found ten islands displaying high differentiation among ecotypes. Conversely, neutral structure observed throughout the rest of the genome was low and not partitioned by ecotype. One island on linkage group So13 was particularly large and contained six SNPs with FST > 0.14 (average FST of neutral SNPs = 0.01). Functional annotation revealed that the peak of this island contained a nonsynonymous mutation in a gene involved in growth in other species (TULP4). The islands that we discovered were relatively small (80–402 Kb), loci found in islands did not show reduced levels of diversity, and loci in islands displayed slightly elevated linkage disequilibrium. These attributes suggest that the islands discovered here were likely generated by divergence hitchhiking; however, we cannot rule out the possibility that other mechanisms may have produced them. Our results suggest that islands of divergence serve an important role in local adaptation with gene flow and represent a significant advance towards understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic differentiation.  相似文献   

Analysis of the contemporary geographic distributions of mtDNA haplotypic diversity of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum) on the Asian part of its range and consideration of possible scenarios for microevolution of the species were performed. In total, 172 specimens of sockeye salmon from different rivers of Kamchatka, Chukotka, north coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, and from the Kuril Islands were analyzed using the entire mtDNA control region (1,010 bp) sequencing. After multiple alignments of the sequences 16 polymorphic sites were identified. Most of substitutions were detected in the first and the last thirds of the D-loop sequence, as well as one insertion was registered in the poly-T region. Two mass haplotypes (Hap_1_10T and Hap_2_13T) were revealed; they were present in most samples and differed by three substitutions and two indels. All the sequence variants were distributed among two haplogroups in compliance with the mass haplotypes. The star-shaped topology of the MST-tree points to a rapid increase in the diversity of groups, indicating a rapid expansion of the species after its number reducing in the past. The diversity of the first haplogroup was higher, but its main fraction fell on the samples from the middle reach of Kamchatka River, which seems to be a refugium during the Late Pleistocene glaciation. Presence of both haplogroups in most populations in approximately equal proportions indicates that the entire Asian part of the sockeye salmon range is a zone of secondary contact. We hypothesize that Hap_2_13T had more ancient origin and the Hap_1_10T was formed somewhat later, apparently in Asia, because almost all transitional forms between the haplogroups were found in Iturup Island populations.  相似文献   

Allele frequency data from eight microsatellite loci provide evidence of highly significant genetic differentiation among stocks of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. from the Bay of Fundy, eastern and north-western Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Estimates of genetic structure ( R ST and θ) were significant both among all samples taken from the different geographical locations and among samples from geographical regions for which more than one stock was sampled. Samples from the Bay of Fundy taken from stocks which are phenotypically and behaviourally diverse showed particularly high levels of genetic structure. Rogers', allele sharing and (δμ)2 distances also revealed significant differences among stock samples and were significantly correlated [Rogers' and (δμ)2] with sea distance between rivers. Results suggest that stocks of Atlantic salmon in eastern Canada are highly diverse genetically and that this should be an important consideration in any management programme for stocks in the area.  相似文献   

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