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The effects of gonadectomy, photoperiod and ovarian steroid replacement on plasma beta-endorphin concentrations were studied in 2 experiments using mature ewes. In Experiment 1 ovariectomy resulted in an increased plasma beta-endorphin concentration. Changing the photoperiod from long to short daylength had little effect on beta-endorphin, but transfer from short to long photoperiod caused a fall in the beta-endorphin level. In Experiment 2 ovariectomy again caused an increase in plasma beta-endorphin. Treatment with progesterone, estradiol or a combination of both failed to reduce the level to preovariectomy values, although LH concentrations were reduced. No diurnal rhythmicity in beta-endorphin secretion was observed.  相似文献   

Unique cytoplasmic loop regions of the alpha 1, alpha 2, alpha 3, and alpha 5 subunits of the GABAA receptor have been expressed in E. coli and used to generate polyclonal antisera specific for these subunits. The antibodies identify proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and western blotting of molecular size 51 kDa, 53 kDa, 59 kDa and 55 kDa, respectively, which show differential patterns of expression during development. Whereas the alpha 2 and alpha 3 subunits are present at early stages, the expression of alpha 1 and alpha 3 subunits is low at birth and increases with age. This differential expression could be correlated with previous studies examining the developmental expression of BZ1 and BZ2 benzodiazepine binding sites.  相似文献   

P A Saunders  T Kimura  T Miyaoka  I K Ho 《Life sciences》1992,50(22):1701-1709
Experiments were performed which examined the effects of pentobarbital tolerance and dependence on GABAA receptor antagonist binding. In rats implanted with pentobarbital pellets for 7 days, followed by 24 hours of withdrawal, there was a significant decrease in the latency of TBPS-induced seizures and an increase in [35S]TBPS binding in the frontal cortex. The pentobarbital tolerant rats had a significant increase in the low affinity KD of [3H]SR95531 binding. Removal of the pellets for 24 hours caused a reversal of the effect on the low affinity KD and caused a decrease in the number of low affinity binding sites. In vitro addition of pentobarbital to binding assays produced a decrease in the number of high affinity [3H]SR95531 binding sites without changing low affinity binding. In the cerebellum, the binding in none of the treatment groups was significantly different from placebo. These observations suggest that pentobarbital tolerance and withdrawal cause changes in the properties of the GABAA receptor antagonist binding site which are different from those caused by in vitro exposure to the drug.  相似文献   

The effects of an opioid antagonist, naloxone, on the secretion of gonadotrophins were investigated in the long term ovariectomized rabbit. In the intact and acutely ovariectomized rabbit (2 days p.o.) naloxone at 10 mg/kg induced an increase of 260-300% in LH secretion at 40 min post-injection. From days 33-66 post-surgery naloxone at 10 mg/kg caused significant elevations in LH release even when animals were treated with estradiol benzoate 24 h previously. By contrast, treatment with oestradiol benzoate 3 h before naloxone abolished the LH increase. An LH surge could be elicited in these rabbits with GnRH treatment. These studies indicated that long term ovariectomy in the female rabbit does not completely remove the opioid control of GnRH release and that the LH response to naloxone is influenced by circulating estradiol levels.  相似文献   

The influence of ovariectomy and steroid replacement on naloxone-induced changes in pulsatile secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the female rabbit was examined. Blood samples were taken every 5 min through an indwelling catheter in the rabbit ear artery, and plasma was stored until assayed for LH by established radioimmunoassay procedures. In the intact animal, saline injection had no effect on LH secretion. Although naloxone (10 mg/kg) caused a 7-fold increase in mean LH pulse amplitude by 30 min after injection, this increase was not statistically significant because 5 of 11 animals did not respond. In animals ovariectomized 48 h previously, naloxone significantly increased LH concentration by 194% at 23 min after injection. When long-term ovariectomized rabbits were treated with estradiol benzoate and then were given naloxone, no significant increase in LH was observed, although many animals did respond. Treatment of long-term ovariectomized rabbits with 1 microgram estradiol benzoate and 100 micrograms progesterone or 1 mg testosterone propionate on Days 1 and 3 and naloxone on Day 4 resulted in a significant increase in LH 19-24 min later. Although there was an increase in pulse amplitude, no change was detected in pulse frequency after naloxone. These data suggest that the hypothesis of steroid-opioid coupling in the control of LH secretion is not applicable to the female rabbit.  相似文献   

Synaptic inhibition in brain is mainly mediated via GABAA receptors which display a striking structural heterogeneity. A novel type of GABAA receptor subunit, the delta-subunit, has recently been described based on molecular cloning of its cDNA. To identify the prevalence and distribution of GABAA receptors which contain the delta-subunit protein in situ, polyclonal site-directed antisera were developed against three synthetic peptides derived form the rat delta-subunit cDNA-sequence. All antisera specifically recognized a 54 kDa protein in GABAA receptor preparations. Nearly 30% of the GABAA receptors contained the delta-subunit immunoreactivity and displayed high affinity GABA and high affinity benzodiazepine binding sites as shown by immunoprecipitation. Receptors which contain the delta-subunit were immunohistochemically shown to be restricted to a few brain areas such as the cerebellum, thalamus and dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation. Thus, those neurons which express GABAA receptors with a delta-subunit have now been visualized and made accessible for a functional analysis of this GABAA receptor subtype in situ.  相似文献   

Two glandular components are described in the genital tract of Xantusia: tubal glands in the Fallopian tube and goblet cells in the uterine villi. Sperm or seminal receptacles occur between adjacent villi in the uterus. Forty ovariectomized lizards carrying a silk loop in the wall of the left uterus were treated for two weeks with either progesterone, estradiol-17 β, progesterone plus estradiol or vehicle. Uteri with loops serving as a local irritant, did not differ significantly from the contra-lateral uteri in any group, hence a response similar to the deciduomal reaction of mammals is not found in this lizard. The weight of the genital tract is similar in sham-operated and in ovariectomized lizards injected with either progesterone or the vehicle. Maximal increase in weight of the tract is noted with estradiol treatment, while simultaneous administration of both steroids is followed by a moderate increase of oviducal weight. Tubal glands and sperm receptacles in ovariectomized lizards injected with either the vehicle or progesterone are smaller than those of the sham-operated or ovariectomized lizards treated with estradiol or with estradiol plus progesterone. Goblet cells are small and lack secretory granules in ovariectomized lizards injected with either the vehicle, or with estrogen or progesterone alone. Both steroids, given together, restore the size and apparent secretory activity of the goblet cells. It is concluded that in this viviparous species, both estrogen(s) and progestin(s) are essential for the maturation of the genital tract in the preovulatory stage.  相似文献   

β-Adrenergic and GABA receptor binding were measured in brain areas of rats 3 to 24 months of age. While GABA receptor binding was not significantly different across age in any area, β-adrenergic receptor binding was significantly reduced in the cerebellum and brain stem, but not cerebral cortex, of 24-month-old animals. The loss in β-adrenergic receptor binding does not correlate in a temporal fashion with the reported decrease in norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in the cerebellum which occurs as early as 12 months of age. An age-related reduction in β-adrenergic binding was also noted in human cerebellar tissue obtained at autopsy, suggesting that the cerebellar dysfunction seen with aging may be related to a loss of cerebellar neurons which receive noradrenergic input.  相似文献   

Difficulties in demonstrating sex steroid receptors in the human brain by immunohistochemistry (IHC) may depend on postmortem delay and a long fixation time. The effect of different postmortem times was therefore studied in rat brain kept in the skull at room temperature for 0, 6, or 24 hr after death. After a long fixation for 20 days, hypothalami were embedded in paraffin and sections were immunohistochemically stained for androgen receptor (AR), estrogen receptor-alpha (ER), or progesterone receptor (PR). Retrieving the antigenic sites by microwave pretreatment was essential to obtain successful IHC in all groups studied. In general, immunoreactivity was restricted to the cell nuclei. However, the intensity of the staining appeared to be strongly dependent on the different receptor antigens and postmortem time. Both AR and ER but not PR immunoreactivity were decreased after immersion-fixation compared to the perfused sections at time point zero. In brains fixed by immersion, all three receptors decreased gradually with increasing postmortem time, and ER became hardly detectable after 24 hr postmortem. The results of these experiments show that, with the protocol used, postmortem variables and lengthy fixation do not, in principle, prevent sex steroid receptor IHC in human material. The outcome of the immunostaining, however, might be strongly dependent on the epitopes and/or antibody used.  相似文献   

Two proteins in the rat, androgen binding protein (ABP) and the cytoplasmic receptor (CR), have high affinity and limited capacity for binding androgens. To determine the structural requirements for binding with high affinity, each protein was partially purified and the ability of over 100 steroids to compete with [3H]dihydrotestosterone (17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one) for binding sites was assessed. The results indicate marked differences in the steroid specificities of the two proteins. Some alterations of dihydrotestosterone at C-2 or C-2 and C-3 increase binding to ABP two to four-fold. Similarly, the affinity of 17 beta-hydroxy-7 alpha-methyl-4-estren-3-one for ABP increases two-fold when a double bond is created at C-14. Addition of a methyl group in the alpha position at C-7 or C-17, or an ethinyl group at C-17 cause little change in affinity; however, modifications at C-11 and C-17 beta, and deletion of the methyl group at C-10 significantly impair binding to ABP. Binding to the CR is maintained or increased by deletion of the methyl group at C-10. Binding is lessened by modifications at C-3 and C-17 beta. Most alterations at C-2, C-7, C-11, and C-17 alpha have only minor effects on binding to the CR. These studies should provide a molecular basis for predicting the effects of specific structural modifications. When some modifications at C-2 or C-2 and C-3 are combined with changes at C-17 beta, the resulting steroids retain very high affinity for ABP and very limited binding to the CR. Such steroids may provide a means for assessing the function of ABP.  相似文献   

A rat model of ovariectomy-induced voiding dysfunction was established and the effects of ovariectomy and subsequent estrogen replacement on the affinity of muscarinic receptors in the rat bladder were determined. Voiding frequency and spatial distribution patterns were documented in sham-operated (control), and ovariectomized (placebo- or estrogen-treated) rats. The ovariectomized rats had a significantly different urinating pattern, i.e. higher voiding frequency and less peripheral voiding than the sham-operated group, suggestive of urge incontinence. Using this model of voiding dysfunction, negative logs of dissociation constants of carbachol of the rat detrusor muscarinic receptors were then determined indirectly using the Furchgott's double-reciprocal method. Receptor affinities were not significantly different in all groups compared to control females. In conclusion, a model of ovariectomy-induced voiding dysfunction in ovariectomized rats was established, where bladder dysfunction occurred with no significant changes in the affinity of muscarinic receptors.  相似文献   

The saturable binding of naltrexone-3H in the brains of castrated male rats exceeds that found in intact animals by a factor of two. This increase is androgen dependent since testosterone replacement reduced the binding to control levels. Scatchard analysis of the saturation curves revealed that the change in binding reflects increased available binding sites and is not due to increased binding affinity. This relationship between testosterone and brain opiate receptors provides for the participation of endorphins in the regulation of pituitary gonadotropins by gonadal hormones. The increased content of opiate receptors in the brains of castrated rats correlates with the greater brain N-demethylation of morphine establishing a further link between this biotransformation and agonist action.  相似文献   

The effects of estrogen and ovariectomy on indexes of muscle damage after 2 h of complete hindlimb ischemia and 2 h of reperfusion were investigated in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were assigned to one of three experimental groups: ovariectomized with a 17beta-estradiol pellet implant (OE), ovariectomized with a placebo pellet implant (OP), or control with intact ovaries (R). It was hypothesized that following ischemia-reperfusion (I/R), muscle damage indexes [serum creatine kinase (CK) activity, calpain-like activity, inflammatory cell infiltration, and markers of lipid peroxidation (thiobarbituric-reactive substances)] would be lower in the OE and R rats compared with the OP rats due to the protective effects of estrogen. Serum CK activity following I/R was greater (P < 0.01) in the R rats vs. OP rats and similar in the OP and OE rats. Calpain-like activity was greatest in the R rats (P < 0.01) and similar in the OP and OE rats. Neutrophil infiltration was assessed using the myeloperoxidase (MPO) assay and immunohistochemical staining for CD43-positive (CD43+) cells. MPO activity was lower (P < 0.05) in the OE rats compared with any other group and similar in the OP and R rats. The number of CD43+ cells was greater (P < 0.01) in the OP rats compared with the OE and R rats and similar in the OE and R rats. The OE rats had lower (P < 0.05) thiobarbituric-reactive substance content following I/R compared with the R and OP rats. Indexes of muscle damage were consistently attenuated in the OE rats but not in the R rats. A 10-fold difference in serum estrogen content may mediate this. Surprisingly, serum CK activity and muscle calpain-like activity were lower (P < 0.05) in the OP rats compared with the R rats. Increases in serum insulin-like growth factor-1 content (P < 0.05) due to ovariectomy were hypothesized to account for this finding. Thus both ovariectomy and estrogen supplementation have differential effects on indexes of I/R muscle damage.  相似文献   

The effect of Soman, Sarin and Vx, known potent cholinesterase inhibitors, on the binding of several neurotransmitter receptors in various regions of brain was studied. Vx, exhibited considerable inhibition of binding of 3H-N-methylscopolamine (3H-NMS) to muscarinic receptors and of 3H-spiperone to dopamine D2 receptors in the striatum. 3H-NMS binding was 50% inhibited at 10(-6)M and 90% at 10(-3)M Vx. Inhibition of 3H-spiperone binding by Vx in striatum had an ID50 of 10(-5)M. KD of the treatment was affected more than Bmax. Binding inhibition of both 3H-NMS and 3H-spiperone in post-mortem brain of rats pre-treated with Vx confirmed the specificity of the organophosphates effect, since other organophosphates and ligands failed to show any activity.  相似文献   

The effects of age on receptor binding of adrenergic and dopaminergic ligands were studied in rat cerebral cortex and striatum respectively. Compared to rats 5 months of age, 25-month old rats had a significant decrease in specific binding of the β-adrenergic antagonist ligand 3H-DHA, the α-adrenergic ligand 3H-WB-4101 in cortex, and the dopaminergic antagonist 3H-spiperone in striatum. Scatchard analysis of ligand binding indicated that the decrease in specific binding was due to a decrease in the number of receptors and not to a change in the affinity of the ligand for the receptor.  相似文献   

Transmission mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors expressed within the medial preoptic area (mPOA) and the ventromedial nucleus (VMN) of the hypothalamus is known to play critical, but contrasting, roles in regulating steroid-dependent sexual behaviours in rats. Previous studies have demonstrated a striking dichotomy in receptor composition between the two regions with regard to gamma, but not alpha or beta, subunit expression. To test if gonadal steroids regulate the expression of the gamma subunit genes within the mPOA and the VMN, in situ hybridization analysis for messenger RNAs encoding the gamma 1, gamma 2Short (gamma 2S) and gamma 2Long (gamma 2L) subunits was done in gonadectomized male and female rats and in gonadally intact females over the oestrous cycle. No significant differences in the expression of the gamma subunit mRNAs were observed in gonadectomized male versus female rats. Significant effects of gonadal state in female rats were observed for gamma 1 mRNA levels in the mPOA and gamma 2L levels in the VMN. These data demonstrate that gonadal hormones exert activational control of expression of GABAA receptor gamma subunit mRNAs and suggest that differences in receptor structure may contribute to the functional modulation of female sexual behaviours mediated by GABAergic transmission in these regions.  相似文献   

The effects of ovariectomy and administration of estradiol on the activity of liver alcohol dehydrogenase and on the rate of ethanol elimination were determined in female Sprague-Dawley rats. The activity of the enzyme and the rates of ethanol elimination in the female sham-operated animals were higher than obtained previously in male rats of the same age. Ovariectomy had no effect on liver alcohol dehydrogenase and on rates of ethanol elimination. Estradiol administration resulted in an increase in liver weight and in total liver alcohol dehydrogenase activity per animal in sham-operated but not in ovariectomized animals. The increase in enzyme activity after estradiol administration in sham-operated animals was not associated with a significant increase in the rate of ethanol elimination, suggesting that the enzyme activity in female rats is not rate-limiting in in vivo ethanol oxidation.  相似文献   

The effects of tagetone on flunitrazepam (FNTZ) binding to synaptosomal membranes from chick brains in the presence and absence of allosteric modulations induced by gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) were investigated. Tagetone, at 50 micrograms/ml (final concentration), decreased the binding affinity of [3H]FNTZ to synaptosomal membranes form chick brain (Kd = 3.34 +/- 0.36 nM without tagetone and Kd,t = 5.86 +/- 0.86 nM with tagetone; p < 0.05, two tailed Student's t-test) without affecting maximal binding (Bmax = 488 +/- 24 fmoles/mg protein, and Bmax,t = 500 +/- 25 fmoles/mg protein in the absence and in the presence of tagetone respectively). The potency of GABA to stimulate [3H]FNTZ binding increased in the presence of tagetone (EC50 values were 2.78 and 1.12 microM with and without tagetone respectively). GABA was able to decrease merocyanine delta A570-610 values in a concentration dependent manner; half maximal effect was attained at a GABA concentration of 34 +/- 13 microM. Tagetone, at a concentration of 50 micrograms/ml and in the presence of GABA 30 microM or 60 microM, enhanced the ability of GABA alone on decreasing delta A570-610. Tagetone alone did not change delta A570-610 values. FNTZ, a well known GABA modulator, could also potentiate the effect of GABA. Theoretical calculations indicate that the effects on merocyanine delta A570-610 value are mainly exerted at the membrane potential level (delta psi m). The present results strongly suggest that tagetone affected the function of GABAA receptor in a complex way: on the one hand it impaired FNTZ binding: on the other hand tagetone improved both the coupling between FNTZ and GABA binding sites and it enhanced GABA-induced chloride permeability. Changes in the geometrical and electrostatic properties of the self-organized membrane structure may account for these effects of tagetone.  相似文献   

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