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There are, at least, three possible ways in which similar species coexist; resource partitioning, interference competition, and exploitation competition. Here, I investigated which way contributed to the coexistence of leafroller-hunting eumenid wasp species. Resource partitioning and, in addition, differential diet breadths proved to promote species coexistence in this case. First, I analyze the prey records and diet overlap of four eumenid species in a local area. The larger two eumenids hunted similar-sized prey items and had similar potential taxonomic prey uses. But the diet breadth of the subsocial eumenid was much wider than that of the solitary one. As a result, the diet overlap between the two large eumenids decreased. This was because the solitary eumenid attend repeatedly to the same hunting site inhabited by one abundant prey species, while the subsocial one made random hunting. On the other hand, the two medium-sized eumenids partitioned resources according to prey size. Secondly, I related these results to prey choice by several other species of eumenid obtained from literature sources. Ten Japanese common eumenids were divided into four groups according to their prey size. In each of the four groups, 2 to 3 wasp species differentiated the habitat (1 group) or coexisted by means of differential diet breadths (parallel with differential sociality, 2 groups).  相似文献   

  1. Spatial patterns of parasitism of eumenid wasps Anterhynchium flavomarginatum and Orancistrocerus drewseni by the miltogrammine fly Amobia distorta were studied in Kyoto, Japan during 1980–1984.
  2. In generations of low (<5%) and medium (5–20%) parasitism, percent parasitism per shed (the habitat of the hosts) increased as a function of host density. Conversely, in generations of high (>20%) parasitism, percent parasitism was rather constant over different host densities.
  3. The spatial distributions of adult miltogrammine flies among sheds were censused in generations of low and medium parasitism. The frequency of observations of adult miltogrammine flies was higher at sheds of higher host density (aggregative behavioral response), but on the other hand, the adult miltogrammine flies distributed in an underdispersed (or regular) manner in relation to other conspecifics.
  4. The spatially density independent relationship between host density and percent parasitism in generations of high parasitism was explained in relation to parasitoid dispersal from patches of high parasitoid density.

The fitness consequence of many behaviours of the small digger wasp, Cerceris rubida (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae), the only European species of its genus in which females share nests, are still unknown. Here, I present novel data on the nesting patterns and nest parasites of an Italian population of this wasp, with emphasis on which behavioural strategies may have evolved to reduce brood parasitism. Nests were established mainly in horizontal surfaces with scarce vegetation and hard soil, resulting in spatially clumped nests; the extent of nest aggregation increased over a 6-year period. Wasp brood cells are attacked by the miltogrammine fly Pterella grisea (Diptera: Sarcophagidae), which waits for nest-returning wasps on perching sites and then follows them in flight (satellite flight), eventually landing on the nest entrance and larvipositing without entering further in the tunnel. This technique seems to be adaptive for the parasitic flies, which would be rejected from nests by the guarding wasps if attempting to enter. The daily activity of the flies closely matched the host wasp’s provisioning activity, but C. rubida females were able to partially confound the tracking flies by performing evasive manoeuvres while returning to the nest. Patches with higher nest density and nests with more resident females did suffer more fly landings on nest entrances (a prerequisite for larviposition). These trends, however, disappeared on a per nest basis and on a per wasp provisioning flight basis, respectively. Across two years, only 6% of brood cells were parasitized, a picture similar to what observed for miltogrammine flies at nest aggregations of other Cerceris spp., and new data are necessary to test if there is a benefit of either nest density or nest sharing against P. grisea parasitism.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The biology of the eumenid mud-wasp Pachodynems nasidens (Latr.) was studied in trapnests.
2. Females nested in traps placed in the shade and some nested in the same traps from which they had emerged.
3. The nesting behaviour and nest structure were generally similar to those of other eumenids that nest in borings, but a temporary crescent-shaped plug at the nest entrance and the use of both dry soil and mud for nest-building seems unique to P.nasidens .
4. Like most other eumenids, P.nasidens collected caterpillars, mainly Pyral-idae, Olethreutidae, Alucitidae and Thyrididae.
5. In linear nests, the innermost cells contained females and the outermost cells males, resulting in proterandry. One female can make several nests, each showing proterandry.
6. Female immatures were larger and took more time to develop than males. Also, their cells were larger and stocked with more food than male cells, hence needing more time to be provisioned.
7. The greater 'cost' to produce a female and a sex ratio biased toward females in short traps and about unity in longer traps, leads to a comment on parental investment.  相似文献   

An overwintering population of the mushroom phorid fly Megaselia halterata parasitized by Howardula husseyi was studied in an attempt to explain the winter decline in incidence of parasitism that has been observed in flies from mushroom farms. Fly larvae from eggs hatching in November developed into pupae in December and flies emerged in May. No selective mortality of parasitized specimens of larvae, pupae, or flies was observed. Dead parasites were found in only 10% of parasitized flies. The incidence of parasitism in the emerging flies (50%) was five times that of their parental generation and although parasitism significantly delayed fly emergence the delay was only 2–3 days. There was no evidence of winter decline in parasitism; instead there was strong evidence that parasitism enhanced phorid survival through the winter.  相似文献   

To compare between a single-foundress colony and a multiple-foundress colony at the pre-emergence state of a social wasp, R. fasciata, nest distributions and colony terminations were investigated in 8 sites with different environmental conditions. Marking experiments were also conducted in two sites at high wasp density.
  1. Foundress populations were composed of single-foundress colonies in sites C, D and E, new environments where have recently suited for inhaviting, at low wasp density. In sites like A and B which were used year after year, at high wasp density, coexistence of multiple-and single-foundress colonies was observed.
  2. From the marking experiment, nests initiated by a single foundress were more distant away from the nest where the original foundress emerged the fall before, compared to multiple-foundress nests which were initiated by multiple foundress.
  3. Greater percentage of colony termination was observed in single-foundress nests than in multiple-foundress nests, and the colony termination in single-foundress colonies increased with the nest density.
  4. Ant predation was the key factor causing the variation of the percentage of colony termination.

The effect of interspecific competition between the solitary endoparasitoid Glyptapanteles porthetriae Muesebeck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the gregarious Glyptapanteles liparidis Bouché (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), was investigated in larvae of Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Host larvae were parasitized by both wasp species simultaneously in premolt to the 2nd or the 3rd host instar or in an additional approach with a 4‐day delay in parasitization by the second wasp species. Host acceptance experiments revealed that both wasp species do not discriminate between unparasitized host larvae and larvae parasitized previously by the same or the other species. In more than 90% female wasps parasitized the larva they encountered first. During the period of endoparasitic development, larvae of the competing parasitoid species never attacked the egg stage of the other species. When host larvae were parasitized simultaneously by both wasp species, the rate of successful development of both species depended on the age of the host larva at the time of its parasitization; G. liparidis emerged successfully from 44% of host larvae parasitized during the premolt to 2nd instar, G. porthetriae from 28%, and in 20% of the hosts both parasitoid species were able to develop in one gypsy moth larva. However, when host larvae were parasitized simultaneously during premolt to the 3rd instar, G. liparidis was successful in 90% of the hosts, compared to 8% from which only G. porthetriae emerged. In the experiments with delayed oviposition, generally the species that oviposited first succeeded in completing its larval development. Larvae of the species ovipositing with four days delay were frequently attacked and killed by larvae of the first parasitizing species or suffered reduced growth. As the secondary parasitoid species, G. porthetriae‐larvae were never able to complete their development, whereas G. liparidis developed successfully in at least 12,5% of the multiparasitized host larvae. Thus, multiparasitism of gypsy moth larvae by both Glyptapanteles species corresponds to the contest type; however, G. porthetriae is only able to develop successfully as the primary parasitoid of young host larvae.  相似文献   

Mortality factors and life-history strategy central to the population dynamics of a common Australian mud-daubing wasp Sceliphron laetum have been determined by the examination of remains left behind in mud nests. A life table has been constructed for the species and details of its life cycle, parasites and predators are presented. Results suggest that the effort involved in nest construction is rewarded by a very low egg, larval and pupal mortality, and that the population size may be limited by a shortage of suitable nesting sites.  相似文献   

The effect of interspecific competition between the solitary endoparasitoid Glyptapanteles porthetriae Muesebeck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the gregarious Glyptapanteles liparidis Bouché (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), was investigated in larvae of Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Host larvae were parasitized by both wasp species simultaneously in premolt to the 2nd or the 3rd host instar or in an additional approach with a 4-day delay in parasitization by the second wasp species. Host acceptance experiments revealed that both wasp species do not discriminate between unparasitized host larvae and larvae parasitized previously by the same or the other species. In more than 90% female wasps parasitized the larva they encountered first. During the period of endoparasitic development, larvae of the competing parasitoid species never attacked the egg stage of the other species. When host larvae were parasitized simultaneously by both wasp species, the rate of successful development of both species depended on the age of the host larva at the time of its parasitization; G. liparidis emerged successfully from 44% of host larvae parasitized during the premolt to 2nd instar, G. porthetriae from 28%, and in 20% of the hosts both parasitoid species were able to develop in one gypsy moth larva. However, when host larvae were parasitized simultaneously during premolt to the 3rd instar, G. liparidis was successful in 90% of the hosts, compared to 8% from which only G. porthetriae emerged. In the experiments with delayed oviposition, generally the species that oviposited first succeeded in completing its larval development. Larvae of the species ovipositing with four days delay were frequently attacked and killed by larvae of the first parasitizing species or suffered reduced growth. As the secondary parasitoid species, G. porthetriae-larvae were never able to complete their development, whereas G. liparidis developed successfully in at least 12,5% of the multiparasitized host larvae. Thus, multiparasitism of gypsy moth larvae by both Glyptapanteles species corresponds to the contest type; however, G. porthetriae is only able to develop successfully as the primary parasitoid of young host larvae.  相似文献   

Laboratory observations were conducted on four separate red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colonies that contained workers parasitized by the decapitating fly, Pseudacteon tricuspis. Parasitized S. invicta workers remained inside the nest during parasitoid larval development and left the nest approximately 8 – 10 hours before decapitation by the parasitoid. When parasitized ants left the nest, they were highly mobile, were responsive to tactile stimuli, and showed minimal defensive behavior. Ants ultimately entered into a grass thatch layer, where they were decapitated and the fly maggots pupariated. This study reveals that parasitized ants exhibit behaviors that are consistent with host manipulation to benefit survival of the parasitoid. Received 9 November 2006; revised 26 January 2007; accepted 7 February.  相似文献   

The life history of polysphinctine parasitoids is poorly understood. As a result, their effect on their host has not been evaluated. Here, we present the phenology of Zatypota percontatoria, an ectoparasitoid wasp of theridiid spiders, using rich field, semi‐field and laboratory investigations of selected life‐history parameters. The wasps overwintered as larva attached to the spider abdomen and the imagos of the first generation emerged at the beginning of May. The sex ratio (F/M) of overwintered wasp larvae was 1.4. The wasp spent an average of 6.4 days in the egg stage, 27.67 days in the larval stage and 9.6 days in the pupal stage. Adult longevity was on average 14.34 days. Oviposition occurred on average 8.44 days following maturity. The wasp laid on average 0.35 eggs/day. The total fecundity was on average 7.4 eggs per wasp and decreased with age (data from unmated females). The developmental rate increased with experimental temperature up to 28 °C. The lower developmental threshold for pupae was estimated at 6.6 °C. The sum of effective temperatures for pupae was estimated at 157.8 degree days. Using daily temperature records from the Czech Republic over the last 41 years, we estimated an average of 3.5 generations of Z. percontatoria per year. Mortality was 48% in semi‐field conditions and 23% in the laboratory. The incidence of mortality was highest during egg and larval stages caused by the detachment of eggs or larvae during spider molting, the mortality of the spider‐host and egg deposition on the spider prosoma.  相似文献   

In studies of frugivorous tephritids, determining when offspring (i.e. egg and three larval instars) mortality occurs within the fruit can greatly improve the mechanistic understanding of the fly/host interaction. Previous research has demonstrated that the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni, has differential offspring performance in two tomato cultivars Cherry and Roma, but when juvenile mortality was occurring was not determined. We examined B. tryoni egg and larval survival in three different ripening stages (immature-green (IG), colour-break (CB) and fully-ripe (FR)) of Cherry and Roma tomato cultivars through destructive fruit sampling at 72 and 120 hr for eggs, and 48 (1st instar), 96 (2nd instar) and 120 hr (3rd instar) after fruit inoculation with neonates for larvae. Cultivar and ripening stage had no significant effect on egg survival, nor larval survival at 48 hr: the overall percentage of egg survival was at least 80% across all treatments, while 1st-instar larval was less than 52% across all treatments. In immature-green tomatoes of both varieties, nearly all mortality occurred during the first and second instars, but at 96 and 120 hr, there were significant interaction effects between cultivar and ripening stage on larval survival. In both colour-break Cherry and Roma tomatoes, there was significant larval mortality between 96 and 120 hr. However, in fully-ripe Cherry, no further significant larval mortality happened after 48 hr, while in fully-ripe Roma significant larval mortality occurred between the first and second larval instars but not thereafter. The difference in timing of larval mortality with ripening stage provides indirect evidence of active fruit defence which is strongest in immature-green fruit, less in colour-break fruit and absent in fully-ripe fruit.  相似文献   

Sea turtle egg mortality, egg predation, and small organisms associated with turtle nests were studied at Playa Ostional, Costa Rica. Sites with concentrated sea turtle nesting were compared with solitary nesting sites as a function of place and time based on ANOVA, Akaike's Information Criterion, and Bayesian analyses. Results indicate that sea turtle egg mortality was significantly associated (P < 0.005) with flowing water that erodes or saturates nesting sites, and with overlapped nesting in which sea turtles disturb each other's nests. Sarcophagid and calliphorid fly larvae (Bayesian prior = 1.19; posterior = 2.27), fungi (prior = 1.14; posterior = 1.92), mites (prior = 0.51; posterior = 1.15), and several other types of small organisms increased in number after turtle egg laying (N= 303 nests; 34,451 turtle eggs). During peak sea turtle nesting periods, visitation to nesting sites by poachers and vertebrate predators was high, and relative number of nests disturbed by these predators was low (P < 0.02). In multimodel analysis, the three most parsimonious models were: (1) turtle egg mortality and distance from mean high tide; (2) turtle egg predation and distance from mean high tide; and (3) turtle egg mortality and nesting density, with Akaike weights of 0.224, 0.203, and 0.153 respectively. Intensive sea turtle nesting might result in upwelling and turnover of nesting debris and nest organisms, and may influence biotic community structure of sandy beach ecosystems.  相似文献   

DpAV-4 is a symbiotic ascovirus found in natural populations of the solitary endoparasitoid wasp Diadromus pulchellus. The female wasp injects this virus into the pupae of the leek-moth Acrolepiopsis assectella during oviposition. The ascovirus replicates in the pupal tissues and the consequent lysis of the cells occurs synchronously with egg hatching and the development of the wasp larva. We show here that encapsulation and capsule melanization were activated when minute nylon monofilaments were implanted into the hemocoel of non parasitized leek-moth pupae and that encapsulation and melanization were inhibited in pupae parasitized by D. pulchellus. When the pupae were infected by DpAV-4, melanization of the nylon monofilaments was abolished, but a capsule was still always formed. These results indicate that DpAV-4 is a free virus able to alter the defence system of the parasitized host so as to improve the development of the parasitoid wasp, D. pulchellus.  相似文献   

In a study carried out with the trap-nesting solitary wasp Trypoxylon attenuatum (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) in 2000, we analysed the significance of different nest characteristics, like the vestibular cell and empty intercalary cells, and its role in the reduction of mortality. Analysis of the presence of the vestibular cell suggested that it represents a nest completion structure, whose presence reduces mortality in the initial stages (M1) but does not affect that due to chrysidid parasitoids (MP). The length of such vestibular cell was found to depend mainly on the space between the last provisioned cell and the exterior, pointing to a possible role in the reduction of the remaining space that could be used by other females to establish a nest exterior to the completed one. The empty intercalary cells were smaller than the vestibular cells, did not affect M1 or MP mortality rates in the nest, and exhibited an “aggregated” pattern of occurrence. This suggests that they could be the result of “abnormal” behaviour by the female owning the nest. The total mortality rate decreased with the increase in the number of cells in the nests, also being greater in nests established at low heights above the ground. M1 was lower in the innermost cells, while MP increased towards the interior and in the nests with more cells. The distribution in the nests of cells parasitized by Trichrysis cyanea (the main natural enemy found in the wasp population studied) reflects an “aggregated” pattern, suggesting repeated attacks against certain nests.  相似文献   

Variation in nest predation levels associated with rainforest fragmentation (edge effects) was assessed in Australia's Wet Tropics bioregion. Artificial nests were placed in the forest understorey at seven edge sites where continuous forest adjoined pasture, seven interiors (about 1 km from the edge), and six linear riparian forest remnants (50–100 m wide) that were connected to continuous forest. Four nest types were also compared, representing different combinations of two factors; height (ground, shrub) and shape (open, domed). At each site, four nests of each type, containing one quail egg and two model plasticine eggs, were interspersed about 15 m apart within a 160 m transect during September–October 2001. Predators were identified from marks on the plasticine eggs. The overall depredation rate was 66.5% of 320 nests' contents damaged over a three-day period. Large rodents, especially the rat Uromys caudimaculatus, and birds, especially the spotted catbird Ailuroedus melanotis, were the main predators. Mammals comprised 56.5% and birds 31.0% of predators, with 12.5% of unknown identity. The depredation rate did not vary among site-types, or between open and domed nests, and there were no statistically significant interactions. Nest height strongly affected depredation rates by particular types of predator; depredation rates by mammals were highest at ground nests, whereas attacks by birds were most frequent at shrub nests. These effects counterbalanced so that overall there was little net effect of nest height. Mammals accounted for 78.4% of depredated ground nests and birds for at least 47.4% of shrub nests (and possibly up to 70.1%). The main predators were species characteristic of rainforest, rather than habitat generalists, open-country or edge specialists. For birds that nest in the tropical rainforest understorey of the study region, it is unlikely that edges and linear remnants presently function as ecological population sinks due to mortality associated with increased nest predation.  相似文献   

The earwig Euborellia annulipes (Lucas) (Dermaptera: Anisolabididae), a generalist predator, has been observed in fruits infested with fruit fly larvae, which are frequently parasitized by parasitoid wasps. Neither the capacity of earwigs to predate on fruit flies nor intraguild interactions between earwigs and fruit fly parasitoids have been investigated. Here, we studied in laboratory conditions the predation on the fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) by the earwig E. annulipes, and whether parasitism of fruit fly larvae by the parasitoid wasp Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) influences predation by the earwig. We evaluated the predation capacity, functional response and prey preference of E. annulipes for parasitized and non-parasitized fruit fly larvae in choice and no-choice tests. We found that earwigs prey on second- and third-instar larvae and pupae of C. capitata and consumed larger numbers of second-instar larvae, followed by third-instar larvae and pupae. Females prey on larger numbers of fruit flies than did males, regardless of the prey developmental stage, but both sexes exhibited a type II functional response. Interestingly, males killed but did not consume fruit fly larvae more than did females. In no-choice tests, earwig females consumed equal numbers of parasitized and non-parasitized fruit fly larvae. However, in choice tests, the females avoided feeding on parasitized larvae. Subsequent tests with hexane-washed parasitized and non-parasitized larvae showed that putative chemical markings left on fruit flies by parasitoids did not drive the earwig preference towards non-parasitized larvae. These findings suggest that E. annulipes is a potential biological control agent for C. capitata, and that, because the earwig avoids consuming larvae parasitized by D. longicaudata, a combination of the two natural enemies could have an additive effect on pest mortality.  相似文献   

The selection response of the polymorphic hostD. melanogaster (Meigen) to the braconid waspA. tabida (Nees) is addressed. Cages of flies with and without wasps were initiated with a population ofD. melanogaster that exhibited variation both in larval foraging behavior and in encapsulation ability. Encapsulation ability was measured as the proportion of parasitized larvae that produce a hardened capsule which encapsulates the wasp egg and ultimately kills the wasp larva. We determined whether the host population changed its encapsulation ability and/or its foraging behavior in response to the wasp. Both species were collected from a local orchard whereA. tabida is the only wasp known to parasitizeD. melanogaster larvae. The naturally occurring genetic polymorphism for rover and sitter larval foraging behavior inD. melanogaster is also found in this field population.A. tabida's vibrotactic search behavior enables it to detect rover more frequently than sitter larvae. Rover larvae move significantly more while feeding than do sitter larvae. In this field population, rover larvae also show higher encapsulation abilities than do sitter larvae. Six cage populations, three without wasps and three with wasps, each containing an equal mixture of rover and sitter flies, were established in the laboratory and maintained for 19 fly generations. Selection pressure in the laboratory was similar to that found in the field population from which the flies and wasps were derived. We found that larvae from cages with wasps developed a significantly higher frequency of encapsulation than those reared without wasps. We were, however, unable to detect a change in larval movement (rover or sitter behavior) in larvae from cages subject to selection from wasps compared to larvae from cages containing no wasps. This may have resulted from a balance between two selective forces, selection against rovers by the wasps' use of vibrotaxis, and selection for rovers resulting from their increased encapsulation abilities  相似文献   

The natural mortality of the coffee leafminer, Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Méneville) was investigated in three strata of coffee plant canopy for three seasons through construction and analysis of ecological life tables. Mortality of the leafminer was similar on all thirds of the canopy. Total mortality of immature stages was 95%, with 38.5, 43.8 and 12.7% occurring during egg, larval, and pupal stages. Rainfall killed 39.3% of eggs and larvae, and together with egg inviability (16.3%) and Vespidae (11.3%), were the highest mortality factors. Six wasp parasitoids caused 8% of larval mortality. Egg and larva were the critical stages. Variation in mortality was primarily associated with egg inviability, rainfall, and parasitism by Horismenus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Physiological disturbances during molting and metamorphosis also contributed for fluctuations in mortality of the leafminer. Tactics of integrated pest management to enhance natural mortality of the leafminer while conserving or augmenting the action of natural enemies are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Avian brood parasites usually remove or puncture host eggs. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the function of these behaviors. Removing or puncturing host eggs may enhance the efficiency of incubation of cowbird eggs (incubation‐efficiency hypothesis) or reduce competition for food between cowbird and host chicks in parasitized nests (competition‐reduction hypothesis) and, in nonparasitized nests, may force hosts to renest and provide cowbirds with new opportunities for parasitism when nests are too advanced to be parasitized (nest‐predation hypothesis). Puncturing eggs may also allow cowbirds to assess the development of host eggs and use this information to decide whether to parasitize a nest (test‐incubation hypothesis). From 1999 to 2002, we tested these hypotheses using a population of Creamy‐bellied Thrushes (Turdus amaurochalinus) in Argentina that was heavily parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis). We found that 56 of 94 Creamy‐bellied Thrush nests (60%) found during nest building or egg laying were parasitized by Shiny Cowbirds, and the mean number of cowbird eggs per parasitized nest was 1.6 ± 0.1 (N= 54 nests). At least one thrush egg was punctured in 71% (40/56) of parasitized nests, and 42% (16/38) of nonparasitized nests. We found that cowbird hatching success did not differ among nests where zero, one, or two thrush eggs were punctured and that the proportion of egg punctures associated with parasitism decreased as incubation progressed. Thus, our results do not support the incubation‐efficiency, nest‐predation, or test‐incubation hypotheses. However, the survival of cowbird chicks in our study was negatively associated with the number of thrush chicks. Thus, our results support the competition‐reduction hypothesis, with Shiny Cowbirds reducing competition between their young and host chicks by puncturing host eggs in parasitized nests.  相似文献   

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