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The existence of altruism in social insects is commonly attributed to altruistic individuals gaining indirect fitness through kin selection. However, recent studies suggest that such individuals might also gain direct fitness through reproduction. Experimental studies on primitive wood-dwelling termites revealed that colony fusion often causes the death of primary reproductives (queen and king), allowing opportunities for workers to inherit the nest by developing into replacement reproductives (neotenics). Therefore, colony fusion has been proposed as an important factor that may have favoured sociality in termites. However, whether colony fusion occurs frequently in natural populations of wood-dwelling termites remains an open question. We analysed eleven colonies of the wood-dwelling termite Kalotermes flavicollis (Kalotermitidae), using two mitochondrial and five nuclear microsatellite markers. Nine of eleven colonies (82%) were mixed families, with offspring of three or more primary reproductives. To our knowledge, this result represents the highest frequency of mixed-family colonies ever reported in termites. Moreover, genetic mixing of colonies appeared extreme in two ways. First, the number of haplotypes per colony was exceptionally high (up to nine), indicating that colonies were composed of multiple queens' offspring. Second, some mixed-family colonies included individuals belonging to two highly divergent genetic lineages. F-statistics and relatedness values suggest that mixed-family colonies most likely result from colony fusion, giving support to the accelerated nest inheritance theory. These findings raise important questions about the mode of foundation of mixed-family colonies and the evolutionary forces that maintain them within populations.  相似文献   

The termite Incisitermes schwarzi has multiple sex chromosomes that have arisen by repeated translocations between autosomes and previously existing sex chromosomes. Two sex-linked allozyme loci--Acp-1 and Est-3--are holozygous, not hemizygous, in males (the heterogametic sex). Both loci show less than 1% crossing-over between X and Y chromosomes, and alleles of both are in marked disequilibrium with respect to X vs Y linkage. The two loci assort independently in female meiosis, indicating that they lie on different sex chromosomes. But they are tightly linked in male meiosis because of nonrandom assortment of the multiple X and Y chromosomes in males of this species. The findings of holozygosity and strong linkage disequilibrium suggest that differential selection in the two sexes at or near these loci may be responsible for the establishment of the translocations in this species. The existence of active Y-linked alleles also suggests that the translocations may have occurred recently.  相似文献   

Termites are an abundant and diverse group in the Neotropics with about 500 species representing 83 genera. The paucity of the termite fauna recorded from Ecuador is due, in part, to a lack of deliberate surveys. We revise the termite fauna of Ecuador and raise the number of species from 25 species to 72 based on our recent termite surveys. Of the 72 species, 18 could not be conclusively identified and are likely new species. Given the limited area that has been covered in surveys of the Ecuadorian termite fauna, there are undoubtedly many more species to be recorded for Ecuador, primarily in the eastern lowland areas, cloud forests on both the eastern and western slopes of the Andes, and the Amazonian lowland forests.  相似文献   

The species status of Japanese populations of Incisitermes immigrans from Iwo and Minami Daito Islands was examined using mitochondrial 16S molecular barcode sequences. The molecular sequences of these two populations were compared to those of other Incisitermes spp. deposited in the GenBank database using a maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis. This analysis suggested that the Minami Daito population is indeed I. schwarzi, as suspected previously, while the sequence of the Iwo Island population was identical to that of authentic I. immigrans. In addition to I. minor, which is recorded from middle and southern Japan, the presence of three Incisitermes species in Japan was confirmed.  相似文献   

截头堆砂白蚁研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截头堆砂白蚁Cryptotermes domestictis是世界性蛀木害虫, 也是我国主要危害木材的白蚁之一。本文重点综述了我国截头堆砂白蚁补充型繁殖蚁的形成、生存、繁殖和扩散, 以及成熟群体的分飞, 原始繁殖蚁的形成周期和行为特点, 初建群体的形成、发展发育和取食行为的生物学和生态学研究进展。并且对该种白蚁的控制进行了探讨, 为控制该种白蚁的扩散、传播和为害提供理论依据。  相似文献   

CO(2) release patterns of three drywood termite species were investigated using flow-through respirometry techniques. Eight hours of real-time CO(2) release data were recorded for pseudergates of Cryptotermes cavifrons Banks, Incisitermes minor (Hagen), and I. tabogae (Snyder) at 20-40 degrees C. Cyclic release of CO(2) was observed in 20-90% of C. cavifrons, 70-100% of I. tabogae, and 87-100% of I. minor pseudergates. Variability of the recordings (calculated as the coefficient of variability or CV) was used to estimate the level of cycling in each recording. CV ranged from 14.53+/-2.57 (40 degrees C) to 32.33+/-1.12% (30 degrees C) in C. cavifrons, 20.24+/-2.44 (35 degrees C) to 67.3+/-10.3% (20 degrees C) in I. minor, and 15.9+/-1.46 (35 degrees C) to 34.15+/-6.18% (20 degrees C) in I. tabogae. The relationship between temperature and CV for each species was modeled using non-linear regression. CV of both Incisitermes spp. decreased exponentially with temperature, while C. cavifrons CV followed a Gaussian model, indicating an optimal cycling temperature of approximately 30 degrees C. Mean V.CO(2) values were determined for each species as a function of temperature, and ranged from 0.1 ml CO(2) g(-1) h(-1) (I. minor at 20 degrees C) to 0.8 ml CO(2) g(-1) h(-1) (C. cavifrons at 40 degrees C). For all three species, V.CO(2) significantly increased linearly with temperature. Colinearity tests indicated that different models described the V.CO(2) relationship with temperature for both genera. Q(10) values for V.CO(2) over the range of 20-40 degrees C were 1.92 for I. minor, 1.66 for I. tabogae, and 1.62 for C. cavifrons pseudergates.  相似文献   

Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT) dust, DOT aqueous solution, imidacloprid dust, and amorphous silica gel dust with synergized 1% pyrethrins were applied on wood surfaces to simulated attic modules. Modules (30 by 30 cm) with and without fiberglass insulation were exposed to dispersal flights of Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) in May and June of 1998 and 1999. Six months after flights, modules were disassembled and inspected for nuptial chamber location and contents. During both years, air and water control treatments contained 22.2+/-9.94 (mean +/- SD) nuptial chambers, 7.5+/-5.7 live imagos, and 2.0+/-1.4 chambers with brood. This survivorship indicated that the attic modules performed well as a colonizing platform for C. brevis. C. brevis dealates preferred constructing nuptial chambers in the crevices at the bases or tops of the modules instead of internal crevices. Modules treated in 1998 and 1999 with DOT or silica dusts contained no live termites, whereas zero of five modules treated with imidacloprid dust in 1998 and two of 20 modules treated with imidacloprid dust in 1999 contained single live incipient colonies. In 1998, 15% DOT solution, applied as a postconstruction treatment, yielded significantly fewer chambers and live termites than controls, but was not as effective as dusts in preventing successful colonization. In 1999, the DOT solution, applied as a construction-phase treatment, was equally as effective in preventing colonization as the dust treatments during that year. Results indicate that dust formulations of DOT, silica gel, and imidacloprid can be used to prevent drywood termite colonization in existing building voids and attics. Where the entire wood framing is exposed to treatment, such as during building construction, aqueous DOT solution can be equally effective as dusts in preventing colonization by C. brevis.  相似文献   

Drywood termites of the family Kalotermitidae present a very flexible developmental pattern, in which pseudergates are totipotent and may become reproductives. In this study, three colonies of Cryptotermes brevis headed by neotenic reproductives were used: (i) colony A, with a primary king and a neotenic queen; (ii) colony B, with a primary queen and a neotenic king; and (iii) colony C, with neotenic king and queen. The primary king from colony A and the neotenic king from colony B presented well‐developed reproductive systems, with conspicuous testicular lobes and cysts containing spermatozoa also observed in the seminal vesicles. The neotenic queen of colony A and the primary queen of colony B had ovaries with several oocytes in early developmental stages with some of them already vitellogenic and terminal, which suggests egg‐laying activity. Both of these queens presented the spermathecae lumen filled with spermatozoa. The queen of colony C had vitellogenic oocytes; however, the oocytes were not terminal and the lumen of spermathecae was devoid of spermatozoa and secretions. The seminal vesicles of colony C neotenic king have no spermatozoa. This king displayed a previtellogenic oocyte among its testicular lobes, which suggested that this individual was an intersex.  相似文献   

Occurrence of the West Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis, is registered for the first time as established populations in Barcelona (Spain) and also additional information is given regarding a recent record from Lisbon (Portugal). This serious invasive termite pest was detected in five buildings in Barcelona, Spain and one building in Lisbon, Portugal.  相似文献   

Termites are major decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems and the second most diverse lineage of social insects. The Kalotermitidae form the second-largest termite family and are distributed across tropical and subtropical ecosystems, where they typically live in small colonies confined to single wood items inhabited by individuals with no foraging abilities. How the Kalotermitidae have acquired their global distribution patterns remains unresolved. Similarly, it is unclear whether foraging is ancestral to Kalotermitidae or was secondarily acquired in a few species. These questions can be addressed in a phylogenetic framework. We inferred time-calibrated phylogenetic trees of Kalotermitidae using mitochondrial genomes of ∼120 species, about 27% of kalotermitid diversity, including representatives of 21 of the 23 kalotermitid genera. Our mitochondrial genome phylogenetic trees were corroborated by phylogenies inferred from nuclear ultraconserved elements derived from a subset of 28 species. We found that extant kalotermitids shared a common ancestor 84 Ma (75–93 Ma 95% highest posterior density), indicating that a few disjunctions among early-diverging kalotermitid lineages may predate Gondwana breakup. However, most of the ∼40 disjunctions among biogeographic realms were dated at <50 Ma, indicating that transoceanic dispersals, and more recently human-mediated dispersals, have been the major drivers of the global distribution of Kalotermitidae. Our phylogeny also revealed that the capacity to forage is often found in early-diverging kalotermitid lineages, implying the ancestors of Kalotermitidae were able to forage among multiple wood pieces. Our phylogenetic estimates provide a platform for critical taxonomic revision and future comparative analyses of Kalotermitidae.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of Australian drywood termites (Isoptera, Kalotermitidae) based on partial sequence from the cytochrome oxidase II (COII) and cytochrome b genes is presented. In addition to providing new information on the evolutionary relationships among 25 species from seven genera, we evaluate the relative likelihoods of alternative topological hypotheses, including those derived from morphology-based classifications. We also test the applicability of a molecular clock for estimating the age of the Kalotermitidae and infer the evolution of species-specific variation for habitat type and soldier caste phragmosis by mapping this information onto the independently derived phylogeny. Maximum-likelihood analysis of both nucleotide and protein sequences from a multigene data set jointly support a single topology, which is shown to be the best estimate of the true phylogeny among the alternatives tested. Our results support the monophyly of all genera but question the discrimination between Procryptotermes and Cryptotermes. A basal dichotomy among generic groups suggests two principle lines of divergence within the family. Intergeneric relationships show mixed congruence to previous proposals, resulting in one morphology-based classification being rejected. A molecular clock hypothesis is not supported due to significant among-lineage rate heterogeneity in the COII gene. Patterns revealed through trait mapping suggest that the most recently diverged taxa tend to occupy the driest habitats and that these same taxa reflect a defensive transition away from large mandibulate soldiers toward small phragmotic soldiers. The association between habitat and defensibility supports the hypothesis that these two characters have been tightly linked throughout the social diversification of termites.  相似文献   

用6种限制性内切酶分析了4种白蚁的线粒体 D N A 限制性片段长度多态性,根据限制性片段差异计算了4种白蚁之间的遗传距离,利用 U P G M A 聚类分析法构建了分子聚类图。结果表明:尖唇异白蚁与散白蚁属关系很近,聚类分析结果显示应将其归于散白蚊属  相似文献   

To assess possible colony-level effects of fipronil, a commonly used nonrepellent termiticide, we conducted a field study of eight houses in the Raleigh, NC, area with infestations of the eastern subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae). We installed an extensive grid of in-ground monitoring stations on each property (mean = 68.6 monitors per property) and collected samples from these stations as well as from mud tubes in the structure and wood debris in the yard for approximately 6 mo. We genotyped all samples by using microsatellite markers to identify the number and locations of colonies present on each property. Houses were treated with either a full treatment (n = 5) or exterior/localized interior treatment (n = 3). After treatment, the monitors were checked monthly for 3 mo and then quarterly for 3 yr to track the fate of colonies. Wood debris in natural areas was checked semiannually for 3 yr. All 11 of the treated colonies (those attacking structures) disappeared within 90 d of treatment and were not found again. These colonies were presumed to be eliminated. In contrast, 60% of untreated colonies (those located > 6 m from the foundation wall at the time of treatment) continued to persist throughout the study, as did 25% of the likely treated colonies (those occupying monitors 0.5 m from the foundation wall where the treatment was applied). Our results provide strong evidence for potent colony wide effects of fipronil on subterranean termites leading to colony suppression and likely colony elimination under field conditions.  相似文献   

Alarm response triggered by physical stimuli is wide spread in termites but executed in several different behavioural patterns. The drywood and subterranean termite species tested in this study differed significantly by either head-drumming or jerking when stimulated by light, air-flow, or air borne sound stimuli. Nevertheless, differences may have a common evolutionary base. Repetitive stimuli of the same quality led to reduced responses over time, which was interpreted as habituation behaviour, a simple form of learning. Adaptation as alternative explanation was ruled out because when termites were subjected with a dis-habituation-stimulus followed by the original stimulus full response occurred again to this stimulus.  相似文献   

P. Luykx 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(2):191-205
Summary Analysis of allozyme markers was carried out on 16 colonies of the termiteIncisitermes schwarzi in which one or both primary (founding) reproductives had been replaced by secondary reproductives. About one-quarter of field-collected colonies have replacement reproductives, and the genetic data suggest that in most of these a single replacement event had occurred. Genetic evidence for a second replacement event was found in one colony. Genetic analysis of the offspring allowed the following conclusions: (1) Soldiers are a relatively long-lived caste, so that even in colonies in which all other members have been replaced by offspring of the secondary reproductives, the soldiers remain the offspring of the primary reproductives; and (2) when primary reproductives are replaced by secondary reproductives, the nosoldier offspring of the former are completely replaced by those of the latter over a period of about two or three years, probably as a result of the normal maturation of colony members (workers, nymphs, and alates). The results provide no evidence for the existence of a true sterile worker caste in this species.  相似文献   

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