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The roles of intra- and intersexual selection in determiningharem size for many polygynous birds have proved difficult toseparate. We designed experiments to feed only one sex to distinguishbetween intra- and intersexual selection in polygynous red-wingedblackbirds. We then tested whether choices made by females benefitfemales. Our experiments were conducted on a number of differentmarines, so we could evaluate whether females were choosingmales within marshes or whether they are choosing their breedingsituation primarily by making choices between different marshes.Females choosing between marshes strongly preferred marsheswith males that had supplemental food and experimentally increaseddisplay rates. At the marsh level, some male displays were predictorsof larger harem size and of greater nesting success. But whilefemale choice was very strong among marshes, we detected onlyweak female preference for individual male traits within marshes.These results suggest that problems of scale probably affectstudies of mate choice in avian breeding systems in ways that,to the best of our knowledge, have not previously been investigatedby behavioral ecologists  相似文献   

We tested the relationship between synchrony of breeding andthe frequency of extrapair fertilizations (EPFs) in two populationsof red-winged blackbirds known to differ in female extrapairbehavior. We found no association between the number of simultaneouslyfertilizable females (temporal neighbors) and EPF rate in eitherpopulation, although a significant difference between populationsin the direction of this relationship (positive where femalesinitiated extrapair copulations and negative where males initiatedthem) suggested a modest difference in the influence of synchrony.Males losing offspring to EPFs tended to have more fertilizablefemales at that time than the actual sires in some analysesbut not in others. We also tested several assumptions underlyingtwo competing hypotheses for the effects of synchrony. We foundno evidence that females pursued extrapair copulations moreoften when other females were synchronous. Rather, females weremore likely to gain EFFs with exirapatr males whose social mateswere not yet building their nests. Synchrony also did not consistentlyaffect male pursuit of exirapair copulations or achievementof EPFs. These results suggest that timing of breeding has someeffects on extrapair activity, but that those effects are bothrelatively weak and influenced by other factors that vary betweenyears or populations.  相似文献   

Fully unraveling the mechanisms of sexual selection requiresan understanding of the variation in secondary sexual traitsacross species in a monophyletic assemblage and an understandingof the evolutionary relationships between those species. Therole of red and yellow male plumage coloration in territorydefense and sexual selection has been well studied in the red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus), and males of many other close relatives of this species also have what appear to be carotenoid-pigmented patches in their plumage. We explored variation in male plumagecoloration across species of New World blackbirds (family Icteridae):traits known to be involved in sexual selection in this group.We document that blackbird lineages in which extant speciesbreed in marshes tend to have evolved from an all-black ancestralplumage to one exhibiting carotenoid plumage patches. The twomost likely hypotheses to explain this pattern are (1) increasedsexual selection intensity in marshes because of increasedvariance in territory quality and (2) increased frequency ofmale-male territorial interactions because of an increaseddensity of territories in marshes, but other hypotheses cannotbe ruled out. This pattern is consistent with either intersexualor intrasexual selection and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

We used morphological and breeding data from a 2-year fieldstudy of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) to testthe hypothesis that males characterized by low levels of bilateralasymmetry (i.e., high developmental competence) realize a reproductiveadvantage. Specifically, we evaluated each of several distinctcomponents of male reproductive success relative to asymmetrymeasures made on five bilaterally paired characters. Resultsof a male removal experiment generally failed to support theprediction that symmetry would be associated with success incompetition for access to breeding territories: establishedterritory owners and nonterritorial replacement males were effectivelyindistinguishable in this regard. Similarly, there was no indicationthat symmetrical males were more likely to establish territoriesin high-quality marsh habitat than in marginal upland fieldhabitat. Finally, monitoring of breeding activity in high-qualityhabitat revealed that male symmetry was generally unrelatedto recruitment of social mates (i.e., harem size), the productivityof those mates (average female reproductive success), withinpairpaternity (assessed using DNA-based analysis of parentage),or extrapair mating success. Collectively these results indicatethat symmetry is not an important determinant of reproductivesuccess among individual male red-winged blackbirds. This observation,in combination with the results of several other recent investigations,suggests that the fitness consequences of subtle departuresfrom perfect symmetry may be less significant and/or less ubiquitousthan initially suggested.  相似文献   

In the dung fly Sepsis cynipsea large and more symmetric males have been shown to enjoy a mating advantage, but we still do not know which mechanism of sexual selection is responsible. Here we test several assumptions and predictions relating to the hypothesis that either trait is indicative of ‘good genes’. We tested for good genes by regressing fitness in good and bad environments (no and high larval competition, respectively) on the family mean for size or asymmetry as expressed in the good environment, separately for both sexes. Body size (hind tibia length or head width) was positively correlated with female fecundity, growth rate of both sexes and larval survivorship for males, but only in the good environment. The corresponding evidence for asymmetry is more equivocal. Mean standardised asymmetry was weakly associated with lower survivorship in the good environment, while growth rates and female fecundity were not. As predicted by sexual selection theory, fore tibia length showed greater asymmetry than other, presumably not sexually selected traits, and asymmetry in fore tibia length was greater for males than females. However, a negative correlation between trait size and asymmetry was only evident for male seta length but not for fore tibia length, fore femur length, or any composite measure of asymmetry. Most crucially, asymmetry was heritable for some female morphological traits (hind tibia length: h2 = 0.15; fore femur length: h2 = 0.16; mean of all measured traits: h2 = 0.27), but not for any male trait. Also, asymmetry of the various traits measured was not correlated within males and only weakly so within females. The crucial assumption that asymmetry of sexually selected traits reflects overall, heritable developmental stability of an individual is thus only partly substantiated by our data. In contrast, large body size is heritable, associated with high fitness and consequently could be indicative of good genes. Fore leg asymmetry may influence male mating success by simply mechanically constraining his ability to hold on to the female.  相似文献   

Conditions experienced during early development may affect both adult phenotype and performance later during life. Phenotypic traits may hence be used to indicate past growing conditions and predict future survival probabilities. Relationships between phenotypic markers and future survival are, however, highly heterogeneous, possibly because poor‐ and high‐quality individuals cannot be morphologically discriminated when developing under good environmental conditions. Sub‐optimal breeding conditions, in contrast, may unmask poor‐quality individuals in a measurable way at the morphological level. We thus predict stronger associations between phenotype and performance under stress. In this field study, we test this hypothesis, experimentally challenging the homeostasis of great tit (Parus major) nestlings by short‐term deprivation of parental care, which had no immediate effect on nestling fitness. The experiment was replicated during two subsequent breeding seasons with contrasting ambient weather conditions. Experimental (short‐term) stress affected tarsus growth but not residual mass at fledging, whereas ambient (continuous) stress affected residual mass but not tarsus growth. Short‐term stress effects on tarsus length and tarsus fluctuating asymmetry were only apparent when ambient conditions were unfavourable. Residual mass and hatching date, but none of the other phenotypic traits, predicted local survival, whereby the strength of the relationship did not vary between both years. Because effects of stress on developmental homeostasis are likely to be trait‐specific and condition‐dependent, studies on the use of phenotypic markers for individual fitness should integrate multiple traits comprising different levels of developmental complexity. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 103–110.  相似文献   

Red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) arrive at breedingsites several months before nests are constructed. Males inthis highly polygynous species presumably return early to defenddesirable territories. Females, however, also begin to arrivealmost two months before nesting is attempted. Early returnto breeding sites could enhance reproductive success by increasinga female's social status and thereby allowing earlier nesting.I measured the effect of experimentally delayed arrival on thetiming of nesting, reproductive success, and social status offemales. Birds were captured as they arrived in early springand detained in an aviary. These experimental females were laterreleased at their capture sites before control females beganconstruction of nests; controls had arrived during the sameperiod as experimentals but were not detained. Experimentalfemales nested, on average, more than a week later than controls,although I could detect no effect of timing on reproductivesuccess during this study. By manipulating arrival date, butnot covariates of arrival time such as age or experience, thisresult indicates that timing of arrival directly influencedlaying date. Delayed females were subordinate to control femaleswith the same mate. This decline in social status may have beenresponsible for the delay in nesting and could have fitnessconsequences for females in some years, because the offspringof earlier nesting, dominant birds are more likely to receivemale parental care in this population.  相似文献   

The existence of additive genetic variance in developmental stability has important implications for our understanding of morphological variation. The heritability of individual fluctuating asymmetry and other measures of developmental stability have frequently been estimated from parent-offspring regressions, sib analyses, or from selection experiments. Here we review by meta-analysis published estimates of the heritability of developmental stability, mainly the degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry in morphological characters. The overall mean effect size of heritabilities of individual fluctuating asymmetry was 0.19 from 34 studies of 17 species differing highly significantly from zero (P < 0.0001). The mean heritability for 14 species was 0.27. This indicates that there is a significant additive genetic component to developmental stability. Effect size was larger for selection experiments than for studies based on parent-offspring regression or sib analyses, implying that genetic estimates were unbiased by maternal or common environment effects. Additive genetic coefficients of variation for individual fluctuating asymmetry were considerably higher than those for character size per se. Developmental stability may be significantly heritable either because of strong directional selection, or fluctuating selection regimes which prevent populations from achieving a high degree of developmental stability to current environmental and genetic conditions.  相似文献   

Assessment of geographical patterns in fluctuating asymmetry (small, random differences between sides of bilateral characters) among populations shows promise as a tool to resolve the relative biomechanical importance of traits, in addition to being a possible indicator of habitat quality. We used 115 endemic freshwater populations of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia, Canada, to explore the degree of concordance between geographical variation of asymmetry in a predator defense structure (bony lateral plates) and geographical variation in several indirect measures of predation regime as well as several abiotic habitat variables. We found a geographical cline in the population frequency of lateral plate asymmetries, with reduced asymmetry in the southern clear-water regions of the archipelago characterized by long reaction distances and greater chance of capture by predators, and elevated asymmetry in the northern stained-water regions with poor visibility and low chances of capture. Lateral plate asymmetry was strongly correlated with expression of several defensive armor traits, including total plate numbers among populations, mean cross-sectional diameter of stickleback with the dorsal and pelvic spines erect, and mean degree of overlap between the plates and spine supports. There were no significant correlations between frequency of asymmetric fish and any of our abiotic habitat variables. Stickleback with structural plate asymmetries had fewer trout-induced scars than symmetric fish in the significant majority of populations, and there was a decrease in structural plate asymmetry with age in stained-water habitats, suggesting that trout predators may be selectively removing asymmetric fish in some lakes. This study provides evidence that geographical variation in developmental stability of threespine stickleback, as seen in the frequencies of asymmetry, reflects differences among populations in the importance of structural defenses to fitness rather than differences in habitat quality, and that asymmetry may be a target of selection by predators in wild populations.  相似文献   

Male red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) provisioned50%(118/235) of available broods over an 8-year period. In mostcases, each male provisioned only the oldest brood on his territory,but in 21 cases, the male fed a younger brood after first feedingan older one. In 10 of these cases the switch to the youngerbrood followed predation of the older brood, but in the remaining11 cases the cause of the switch was unknown. To determine whethermale red-winged blackbirds adjust their provisioning when thedemands of their broods change, we exchanged broods betweenpairs of nests on 10 territories. Before each exchange, eachmale had been feeding nestlings of only one of the two broods.In response to the exchanges, male (and female) red-winged blackbirdsimmediately adjusted their rates of provisioning to the increasedor decreased demands of the broods. In addition, most malesswitched their provisioning within a day after the exchangeso that they fed the same broods as before the exchanges. Ourresults show that male red-winged blackbirds adjust their provisioningwhen the demands of their broods change and suggest that maleshave enough information about other nesting attempts on theirterritories to shift to a more profitable brood when the expectedbenefits of provisioning change. Male red-winged blackbirdsdo not appear to follow an investment strategy based on priorinvestments (i.e., they do not commit the "Concorde fallacy").  相似文献   

In 1993 and 1994 we determined the frequency of extrapair paternityin broods of great tits, Parus major using multilocus DNA fingerprinting.We found no instances of intraspecific brood parasitism, but40% of broods (31/78) contained extrapair-fathered young and83% of offspring (58/681) were xtrapair We identified the geneticfathers of 60% of the extrapair nestlings (35/ 58). Males withfull and lost paternity did not differ significantly in traitsthat have been suggested to indicate male quality, nor did thegenetic and social fathers of extrapair offspring. In 1993,cuckolded males sired more offspring that recruited to the subsequentbreeding season than males with full paternity. Moreover, eventhough genetic fathers of extrapair young (EPY) sired more fledglingsthan the males they cuckolded, genetic and social fathers ofEPY did not differ in the number of recruits sired. Also, theEPY of a brood did not survive better than their half sibs.Thus, our results do not supportthe hypothesis that femaleschoose better quality males for extrapair matings ("good genes"hypothesis). Further, the level of extrapair paternity differedmarkedly between the two years. Our data show that females areconstrained in their extrapair activities by the availabilityof extrapair mates. This is at least partly due to yearly differencesin breeding synchrony.  相似文献   

在转Bt基因棉压力下棉铃虫和异色瓢虫的波动性不对称   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李娜  孟玲  翟保平  吴孔明 《昆虫学报》2004,47(2):198-205
以取食转Bt基因棉的棉铃虫和取食转Bt基因棉上的蚜虫的异色瓢虫为研究对象,结合各自的适合度参数考察了波动性不对称(fluctuating asymmetry, FA)在不同种群中各对称性状间的表现情况。结果表明: 处理组棉铃虫种群的前、中、后足腿节,前翅肘横脉,前翅副室短径,后翅翅长均表现出FA;与对照种群比较,前足腿节与后翅翅长的FA值较高。 适合度参数测定结果显示,棉铃虫卵孵化率与成虫寿命显著低于对照种群,而成虫产卵量和幼虫发育历期与对照种群差异不显著。异色瓢虫取食了转Bt基因棉上的蚜虫后对其适合度各参数及各虫龄的捕食功能反应均无不良影响,其后翅翅长表现出FA,但与对照种群的FA值无显著差异。FA的大小与种群适合度间存在一定的联系,尚需做进一步的分析。  相似文献   

To examine the effects of hybridization and environmental stress on developmental instability, we examined fluctuating asymmetry (FA), the variance in random deviations from perfect symmetry in bilaterally symmetrical traits, for leaf symmetry in a Salix hybrid system. An abiotic environmental stress (water stress), an interspecific biotic stress (pathogen attack), and an intraspecific biotic stress (competition) were examined to determine which factors increase developmental instability. None of these three environmental stressors significantly increased FA. However, genetic stress through hybridization was detected; hybrid plants showed significantly higher levels of FA than parental species. In contrast to hybridization providing greater developmental stability through heterozygosity, these results suggest that complex, nonadditive interactions provided developmental stability and that developmental instability increased when coadapted gene complexes were disrupted through hybridization. In addition, plant biomass was significantly, negatively correlated with FA, suggesting that those individuals that were more able to buffer themselves against the disruptive effects of environmental stress may have a selective advantage over those that are less able to buffer themselves against these disruptive effects.  相似文献   

In this article we present data from two experiments on theassociation between individual asymmetry and fitness in thewinter moth. We performed a mate selection experiment and comparedasymmetry and body size of mated and unmated males collectedin the field. Individual asymmetry was not associated with copulationprobability, adult life span, or body size, even though body sizeis a reliable indicator of larval and pupal survival, femalefecundity, adult life span, and thus expected fitness. Therewas only a weak positive effect of body size on mating success,contrary to the strong effect of female size on male choicefound in previous experiments. Both males and females were capableof repeated mating, and the number of matings was correlatedwith female size, but neither with male body size nor with adultasymmetry. Yet, females engaged in repeated matings more frequentlyif they were first mated to a more asymmetrical male. This mayindicate that more asymmetrical males lose paternity due tofemale remating, although direct paternity analyses need tobe carried out. In addition, repeated mating may be uncommonunder field situations. In conclusion, the relationship betweenindividual asymmetry and fitness seems to be at best weak inthe winter moth.  相似文献   

A test of the air-seeding hypothesis using sphagnum hyalocysts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Lewis AM 《Plant physiology》1988,87(3):577-582
“Air-seeding” is a proposed mechanism for the initiation of water stress embolism in dead plant cells. During air-seeding, external air is drawn into the lumen of a dead plant cell through a pore or crack in the cell wall. The resulting bubble may expand to fill the lumen, thus embolizing the cell. The data presented confirm that Sphagnum hyalocysts can embolize by air-seeding when the pressure difference across the air-water meniscus is given by ΔP = 0.3/D (derived from the capillary equation), where ΔP is the pressure difference across the meniscus (megapascal), and D is the diameter (micrometer) of the pore through which the air bubble enters.  相似文献   

Song repertoires in the red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) were studied to test the hypothesis that song repertoires have evolved to mimic high density. Results were consistent with predictions of this hypothesis. (1) Song types within a repertoire were as variable as those sung by different males. (2) Males often switched song type when they switched perch. (3) Males with large repertoires sang at faster rates than those with small repertoires, but repertoire size did not affect bout length or bout rate. (4) Rate of habituation was a function of repertoire size. (5) Empty territories occupied by speakers broadcasting song repertoires were more successfully defended than those occupied by speakers broadcasting single song types. These results are also consistent with the hypothesis that song repertoires function to signal the status of the singer.  相似文献   

Developmental stability of the community of striped dolphins, Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833), that died during the Mediterranean epizootic of 1990 was compared with that of the population prior to and after the epizootic, to assess whether animals that died were the developmentally less stable individuals in the population. Significantly higher levels of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) were found in those individuals that died. Tissue levels of organochlorine pesticide residues and PCBs were determined and the correlation between contaminant concentration and FA was tested. No correlations were found between the contaminant level and FA.  相似文献   

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