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Neonatal tolerance inducibility of self-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-class II-associated antigens was compared with that of allo-class II antigens. BALB/c (H-2d, Mlsb) mice, less than 24 hr after birth, were intravenously injected with bone marrow cells of either (BALB/c X DBA/2)F1 (H-2d, Mlsb/a, semiallogeneic at the Mls locus) or (BALB/c X B10.BR)F1 (H-2d/k, Mlsb; semiallogeneic at the MHC), as antigens. The mice were tested for in vivo immune activity of class II-reactive T cells by means of the popliteal lymph node-swelling assay. They developed tolerance, irrespective of type of antigens, showing profoundly suppressed host-versus-graft reaction, and those tolerized to the allo-MHC antigens accepted skin grafts of the corresponding allogeneic mice. In the thymus and spleen of the Mls-tolerant mice, antigen-specific class II-reactive T-cell activity was completely abolished, without the apparent involvement of suppressor cells. In contrast, the activity in allo-MHC-tolerant mice was not reduced in either thymus or peripheral lymphoid organs, suggesting that systemic hyporesponsiveness is attributable to reversible suppression of immune competent cells. The resistance for cell-level tolerance induction to allo-class II antigens may not be ascribed to the active participation of allo-MHC antigens in prevention of or in escape from tolerance induction or both, since an injection of bone marrow cells of both Mls and H-2-semiallogeneic (DBA/2 X B10.BR)F1 (H-2d/k, Mlsa/b) mice could induce tolerance to Mlsa-H-2d antigens in newborn thymus cells.  相似文献   

The significance of thymus cell chimerism in the induction and maintenance of tolerance was investigated. Mls-1b BALB/c mice were neonatally tolerized by the intravenous administration of either bone marrow (BM) cells or peritoneal cavity (PerC) cells from Mls-1b/a (BALB/c x AKR) F1 mice. Tolerance was long-lasting in the BM cell group, but transient in the PerC cell group, probably because PerC cells lack hemopoietic stem cells required for a continuous supply of tolerance-inducing cells. The degree of anti-Mls-1a responsiveness of these BALB/c thymus cells was correlated with the degree of intrathymic distribution of the inoculated F1 cells. The effect of BM cell inoculation, resulting in a year-long deletion of Mls-1a-reactive V beta 6-bearing T cells is in marked contrast to that of PerC cell inoculation which causes only a transient loss of V beta 6+ mature thymocytes (for about 1 week after birth). This functional profile of the tolerant state correlates well with the degree and persistence of the intrathymic presence of F1 type Ia+ cells. The long-lasting presence of donor-derived cells throughout the thymus tissue in the BM cell group is also in marked contrast to the early disappearance of Ia+ cells (within 2-3 weeks) from the cortex and then from the medulla in the PerC cell group, although these Ia+ cells were once spread throughout the thymus tissue 4 days after the tolerance-inducing cell inoculation. Taken together with a failure to induce consistent unresponsiveness to Mls-1a determinants in Mls-1b thymocytes regenerating in Mls-1a-thymic epithelial environments, all the above data indicate that intrathymic chimerism caused by hemopoietic stem cell-derived MHC-class II-bearing cells is a requisite for the induction and maintenance of unresponsiveness by means of clonal deletion in experimentally as well as naturally induced tolerance to Mls determinants.  相似文献   

Specificity of anti-Mlsa tolerance induced in BALB/c (H-2d, Mlsb) neonates was investigated by a popliteal lymph node (PLN)-swelling assay for the local graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction by injecting tolerant thymus cells into the footpads of several types of F1 hybrid mice. When thymus cells were obtained from 1-week-old normal BALB/c, they evoked enlargement of PLNs of (BALB/c X DBA/2)F1 (H-2d, Mlsb/a) [CDF1] recipients and of other hybrid recipients, heterozygous in Mlsa,c,d alleles, irrespective of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes. The same thymus cells did not cause the response in MHC-heterozygous F1 hybrids when the hybrids were homozygous in Mlsb, identical with BALB/c mice. Therefore, the PLN response to Mls antigens, known to be closely associated with MHC-class II antigens, was not directed to the class II antigens themselves. This enabled us to examine the effects of MHC on tolerance induction to the Mls antigens. When BALB/c neonates were injected with CDF1 bone marrow cells, complete tolerance to Mlsa-H-2d antigens of CDF1 cells was induced in the thymus, while responsiveness to Mlsa antigens in the context of H-2k and H-2b antigens, was not affected. This indicates MHC-restriction of neonatal tolerance to Mls antigens. Furthermore, when Mls and H-2-heterozygous (BALB/c X AKR)F1 (H-2d/k, Mlsb/a) bone marrow cells served as the tolerogen, thymus cells of BALB/c neonates were also tolerized to Mlsa-H-2k antigens as well as to Mlsa-H-2d antigens, which suggests the involvement of MHC, probably class II antigens of tolerance-inducing cells.  相似文献   

Using our original "in vivo MLR" technique, we demonstrated that B10.D2 cells grafted into irradiated (DBA/2 x B10.D2)F1 mice (H-2d/H-2d) were stimulated to divide by the whole non-H-2 minor histocompatibility antigens (MiHA) of the DBA/2 background in each organ where these MiHA are expressed. When B10.D2 cells were grafted into N7 mice (generation descending from six successive backcrosses with B10.D2 after an initial cross DBA/2 x B10.D2) which had kept 1/64 of the DBA/2 genetic background, a lack of correlation between the levels of stimulation in the different organs of the same mouse was demonstrated. We established that the number of expressed MiHA lies between 7 and more than 100, depending on the organ, and that the organ specificity is a feature of the expression of these MiHA. Furthermore, using a different technique, we demonstrated that B10.D2 T cells can acquire a specific tolerance state towards the whole DBA/2 antigen background throughout maturation and differentiation in a fully syngeneic environment with the exception of a neonate-(DBA/2 x B10.D2)F1 grafted thymus. We concluded, therefore, that all information corresponding to the adult- and organ-specific MiHA is available in the neonatal thymus. Three working hypotheses are proposed to reconcile the two lines of results.  相似文献   

Mice were rendered tolerant to bovine serum albumin (BSA) or fowl γ-globulin (FGG) by neonatal injection. Spleen and thymus cells from tolerant mice were able to suppress responsiveness of normal adult spleen cells, but only if tolerant donor mice were between the ages of 6 weeks and the age at which mice were no longer tolerant (10 weeks for BSA tolerance and 20 weeks for FGG tolerance). To determine whether T-cell-dependent suppression was obligatory for the maintenance of tolerance, neonatal nude and euthymic littermate mice were injected with tolerizing doses of FGG. FGG-specific B-cell tolerance in nude mice lasted until the mice were 8 weeks of age. In sharp contrast, B-cell tolerance in euthymic littermates lasted until 22 weeks of age. These results are consistent with a “fail-safe” role of T-cell-dependent immune suppression in the maintenance of tolerance.  相似文献   

The studies described show that functional Mls specific tolerance, which we previously reported in peripheral spleen cells of mice injected within 24 h of birth with Mls incompatible spleen cells, is observable in the thymus on day 6. At this time a significant positive response is not detectable in spleen cells of normal mice. In the limiting dilution assay, we are able to detect a more profound depletion than others have found with anti-TCR antibodies. The tolerance in the thymus is not due to active suppression or simple dilution of responders by nonresponsive cells of the neonatal inoculum. By tolerizing BALB/c (Mls(b,c] mice with spleen cells from Mls(a) congenic mice, we show that Mls(a) incompatibility alone is sufficient for tolerance induction. Data from these experiments also show that the T cells seen responding at high frequency to stimulators from mice expressing Mls(a) determinants, as well as many other non-H-2 encoded incompatibilities, are indeed responding to Mls(a) determinants. In addition, experiments involving neonatal injection of Mls(b) mice with Mls(a) and Mls(c) spleen cells show no cross-reactivity of tolerance between Mls(a) and Mls(c) haplotypes. Our findings also show coexpression of determinants common to both Mls(a) and Mls(c) haplotypes by the Mls(d) haplotype. In all, the described experiments elucidate a pattern of Mls determinant specific hyporesponsiveness, in mice neonatally injected with appropriate allogeneic spleen cells, which bears all the hallmarks of functional, alloantigen specific, clonal deletion type tolerance.  相似文献   

Unresponsiveness of T cells in thymus and spleen of tolerant animals was determined by reconstitution of lethally irradiated recipients. The degree of responsiveness of these animals was assessed by antigen elimination and two types of plaque assays (liquid and agar) with different sensitivity. Unresponsiveness occurred more rapidly in T spleen cells than in thymus cells. Unresponsiveness of T cells could be induced in the spleens of thymectomized animals and in T cell repopulated thymectomized lethally irradiated recipients. Induction of unresponsiveness did not depend on proliferating bone marrow cells or on accessory cells.  相似文献   

We have previously reported the sequential mechanisms of cyclophosphamide (CP)-induced tolerance. Permanent acceptance of donor skin graft is readily induced in the MHC-matched and minor Ag-mismatched recipients after treatment with donor spleen cells and CP. In the present study, we have elucidated the roles of NKT cells in CP-induced skin allograft tolerance. BALB/c AnNCrj (H-2(d), Lyt-1.2, and Mls-1(b)) wild-type (WT) mice or Valpha14 NKT knockout (KO) (BALB/c) mice were used as recipients, and DBA/2 NCrj (H-2(d), Lyt-1.1, and Mls-1(a)) mice were used as donors. Recipient mice were primed with 1 x 10(8) donor SC i.v. on day 0, followed by 200 mg/kg CP i.p. on day 2. Donor mixed chimerism and permanent acceptance of donor skin allografts were observed in the WT recipients. However, donor skin allografts were rejected in NKT KO recipient mice. In addition, the donor reactive Vbeta6(+) T cells were observed in the thymus of a NKT KO recipient. Reconstruction of NKT cells from WT mice restored the acceptance of donor skin allografts. In addition, donor grafts were partially accepted in the thymectomized NKT KO recipient mice. Furthermore, the tolerogen-specific suppressor cell was observed in thymectomized NKT KO recipient mice, suggesting the generation of regulatory T cells in the absence of NTK cells. Our results suggest that NKT cells are essential for CP-induced tolerance and may have a role in the establishment of mixed chimerism, resulting in clonal deletion of donor-reactive T cells in the recipient thymus.  相似文献   

Infusion of CBA mice with spleen cells from the H-2-compatible, but Mis antigen-incompatible, strain C3H leads to a specific reduction of the MLC reactivity of the host's lymphocytes. One explanation of the reduced reactivity could be that the specifically Mls antigen-responsive CBA T cells become exhausted by intense antigen stimulation or that the infused cells actively neutralize specifically responsive cells. In this investigation, we have shown that depletion of membrane Ig-positive cells from C3H × CBA spleen cell preparations strongly reduces their capacity to stimulate CBA lymphocytes in the MLC, indicating that the Mls antigen is expressed on B but not on T cells. However, such B-cell depleted cell preparations were fully capable of reducing the MLC response of CBA hosts. Cell preparations of spleen and lymph nodes exhibited high stimulatory and inhibitory effects. Thymic cells lacked both these characteristics, whereas bone marrow cells were weak stimulators but relatively strong inhibitors. The results support the proposal that the observed reduction of MLC reactivity is due to an active process of the injected cells. The cell type which is working as an inhibitor has not been clearly defined yet.  相似文献   

Third-party skin allografts were employed to test the specificity of transplantation tolerance achieved by neonatal inoculation of cells bearing H-2 alloantigens. Tolerant animals rejected with normal vigour third-party grafts expressing strong Class I alloantigens foreign to the host and to the donor of the tolerance-conferring inoculum. However, these animals rejected with exceptional vigour third-party grafts expressing weak Class II alloantigens plus the tolerated Class I alloantigen; even third-party grafts comprised of the host's own Class II antigens in conjunction with the tolerated Class I alloantigen were acutely rejected. It is proposed, but there is no direct evidence to prove, that rejection of these third-party grafts is mediated by killer T cells directed at the tolerated Class I alloantigens and that these cells are activated by the presentation of the putative tolerogen in an inappropriate I region context. Inconsistency of these data with a clonal deletion mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the nature of Mls determinants, we examined the stimulator cells responsible for the activation of inducer T cell clones by Mls determinants. Two types of clones responding to Mls determinants were identified. One type responded to purified B cells, but not to splenic adherent cells (SAC), from mice bearing Mls stimulatory determinants. The other type of Mls-reactive T cell clone, including the representative clone Ly1-N5, demonstrated a vigorous response to unfractionated spleen cells, but showed little or no response to B cells alone or to SAC alone from mice bearing the Mlsa or Mlsd stimulatory determinant. The response of these clones to Mls determinants required stimulation by two cell types. The failure of clone Ly1-N5 to respond to Mlsa-bearing B cells was reversed by the addition of SAC taken from mice bearing the Mlsa allele. In addition, SAC from mice bearing the nonstimulatory Mlsb allele could synergize with B cells from Mlsa-bearing animals. B cells were required to provide the Mlsa determinant, because the combination of Mlsa-bearing SAC and Mlsb-bearing B cells did not activate the clone. The response of clone Ly1-N5 to Mls is restricted by Ia determinants (shared by H-2b, H-2d, and H-2k haplotypes but not by the H-2q haplotype). The permissive H-2 alleles can be present either on the stimulator B cell or on the SAC. The optimal response of the clone was obtained by using B cells bearing Mlsa and the permissive Ia epitopes. However, a significant response of the clone to B cells bearing Mlsa but an inappropriate Ia (Iaq) was also seen in the presence of SAC bearing the nonstimulatory Mlsb allele but the permissive Ia epitopes.  相似文献   

The effects of neonatal administration of immunogenic peptides on subsequent T and B cell function were tested using defined T and B cell peptide epitopes from the circumsporozoite (CS) protein of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. We observed that neonatal exposure of responder strain mice to either of the two major murine T sites on the CS protein resulted in specific tolerance of both helper and proliferating T cells. One of these T sites, (NANP)n, is also the immunodominant B epitope on the CS protein. We took advantage of this fact to directly compare the effects of neonatal peptide administration on B and T cell function and observed that mice whose helper and proliferating T cells were tolerant to (NANP)n nevertheless produced normal levels of anti-(NANP)n antibodies after immunization with keyhole limpet hemocyanin-(NANP)n. Our results demonstrate differential susceptibility of the Th cells and B cells to toleragens and suggest that self-tolerance to peptide epitopes during the neonatal period reflects predominantly Th cell tolerance.  相似文献   

A model calculation of the hemopoiesis of the mouse based on known hematologic data leads to the conclusion that approximately 3% of all nucleated bone marrow cells are stem cells (pluripotent plus committed stem cells). By a new 125IUdR labeling technique on radiation chimeras, a relative number of 2%-7% stem cells was determined. In previous studies with test systems for stem cells using colony formation in vivo or in vitro, a relative number of stem cells of at least one order of magnitude lower has been estimated. In this study the stem cells are found to have a turnover time of about 4.3 days in the donor mice. This turnover time remained unchanged even after transfusion of marrow cells into lethally irradiated recipient mice. Radiosensitivity determinations yielded a D0 of 80 rad for stem cells in S-phase and D0 of 185 rad for stem cells distributed throughout the entire cell cycle. The respective extrapolation numbers were 1.23 and 1.14. Experiments using an 3H-TdR suicide technique revealed different cell cycle parameters for bone marrow stem cells seeding to the spleens and to the femurs of lethally irradiated recipients, primarily a shortening of S-phase in cells seeding to femurs. The method described here provides a new approach to hematologic stem cell research.  相似文献   

The recognition of 16 mycobacterial Ags by a panel of T cell lines from leprosy patients and healthy exposed individuals from an endemic population was examined within the context of expressed HLA-DR molecules. Although overall no significant differences were found between the frequencies of Ag recognition in the different subject groups, when Ag-specific T cell responses were examined within the context of HLA-DR, a highly significant difference was found in the recognition of the 30/31-kDa Ag. HLA-DR3 appeared to be associated with high T cell responsiveness to the 30/31-kDa Ag in healthy contacts (p = 0.01), but, conversely, with low T cell responsiveness to this Ag in tuberculoid patients (p = 0.005). Within the group of HLA-DR3-positive individuals, differences in 30/31-kDa directed T cell responsiveness were highly significant not only between healthy individuals and tuberculoid patients (p < 0. 0001), but also between healthy individuals and lepromatous patients (p = 0.009), and consequently between healthy individuals compared with leprosy patients as a group (p < 0.0001). A dominant HLA-DR3-restricted epitope was recognized by healthy contacts in this population. It has been proposed that secreted Ags may dominate acquired immunity early in infection. The low T cell response to the secreted, immunodominant 30/31-kDa Ag in HLA-DR3-positive leprosy patients in this population may result in retarded macrophage activation and delayed bacillary clearance, which in turn may lead to enhanced Ag load followed by T cell-mediated immunopathology.  相似文献   

The correlation between the kinetics of hemopoietic stem cells and immune responses to the hapten-carrier conjugate was investigated. The numbers of both pluripotent stem cells (CFU-S) and myeloid stem cells (CFU-C) in the spleen from mice immunized with the hapten-carrier conjugate were significantly greater than those of the control and the activity of colony-stimulating factor (CSF) in the serum of these mice was markedly elevated. The supernatant of short-term incubation of splenic T lymphocytes from these mice, when stimulated with carrier protein, had high levels of both activities of CSF and helper T cell factors. The study by gel chromatography showed that these factors are similar m.w. substances of 35,000 to 45,000 daltons. But analysis by ion-exchange chromatography demonstrated that they do not have identical biochemical properties. The present studies suggest that biologically active factors produced by T cells stimulated with carrier protein may induce the enhancing effect on the proliferation and differentiation of hemopoietic stem cells and immune responses to the hapten-carrier conjugate.  相似文献   

Nonmyeloablative conditioning has significantly reduced the morbidity associated with bone marrow transplantation. The donor hemopoietic cell lineage(s) responsible for the induction and maintenance of tolerance in nonmyeloablatively conditioned recipients is not defined. In the present studies we evaluated which hemopoietic stem cell-derived components are critical to the induction of tolerance in a total body irradiation-based model. Recipient B10 mice were pretreated with mAbs and transplanted with allogeneic B10.BR bone marrow after conditioning with 100-300 cGy total body irradiation. The proportion of recipients engrafting increased in a dose-dependent fashion. All chimeric recipients exhibited multilineage donor cell production. However, induction of tolerance correlated strictly with early production of donor T cells. The chimeras without donor T cells rejected donor skin grafts and demonstrated strong antidonor reactivity in vitro, while possessing high levels of donor chimerism. These animals lost chimerism within 8 mo. Differentiation into T cells was aborted at a prethymic stage in recipients that did not produce donor T cells. Moreover, donor Ag-driven clonal deletion of recipient T cells occurred only in chimeras with donor T cells. These results demonstrate that donor T cell production is critical in the induction of transplantation tolerance and the maintenance of durable chimerism. In addition, donor T cell production directly correlates with the deletion of potentially alloreactive cells.  相似文献   

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