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Leaf anatomy is compared for all species of Raoulia. The species are tabulated according to their lamina structure. Noteworthy anatomical features are lamina type and grade of differentiation, stomatal position, epidermal and cuticle thickness, shape of mesophyll cells, presence or absence of central clear cells, sclerenchyma caps, abaxial collenchyma and protruding midrib. It is shown that leaf anatomy data provide characters which are taxonomically useful in Raoulia. The main subgenera are supported except that the leaf anatomy of R. haastii is anomalous and that of R. youngii is typical of R. subg. Raoulia rather than R. subg. Psychrophyton. The leaf anatomy of R. petriensis is unique in the genus.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates unequivocally the presence of crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) in a species of the Rubiaceae, the fourth largest angiosperm plant family. The tropical Australian endemic epiphytic ant-plant, Myrmecodia beccarii Hook.f., exhibits net CO2 uptake in the dark and a concomitant accumulation of titratable acidity in plants in the field and in cultivation. Plants growing near Cardwell, in a north Queensland coastal seasonally dry forest of Melaleuca viridiflora Sol. ex Gaertn., accumulated ~50 % of their 24 h carbon gain in the dark during the warm wet season. During the transition from the wet season to the dry season, 24 h carbon gain was reduced whilst the proportion of carbon accumulated during the dark increased. By mid dry season many plants exhibited zero net carbon uptake over 24 h, but CO2 uptake in the dark was observed in some plants following localised rainfall. In a shade-house experiment, droughted plants in which CO2 uptake in the light was absent and dark CO2 uptake was reduced, were able to return to relatively high rates of CO2 uptake in the light and dark within 12 h of rewatering.  相似文献   

The nomenclatural and taxonomic history of the genusPerama Aubl. (Rubiaceae) is discussed. The major trends of evolution within the genus are characterized, and the sections of the genus are delimited. A new section,Diperama Kirkb. & Steyerm., is described. The distribution of the genus is updated, and centers of species concentration are indicated. A complete synonymy is given for the genus, and the type species cited. An artificial key to the species is given ; a new combination,P. parviflora (Standl.) Kirkb. & Steyerm., is mads; and three new species are described,P. harleyi Kirkb. & Steyerm.,P. irwiniana Kirkb. & Steyerm., andP. sparsiflora Standl. ex Steyerm. & Kirkb.  相似文献   

13 taxa belonging to 4 “species groups” ofGalium L. sect.Aparinoides (Jord.)Gren. produce 15 leaf flavonoids: Apigenin-7-diglucoside, Luteolin-7-monoglucoside and 7-diglucoside, Diosmetin, Diosmetin-7-monoglucoside and 7-diglucoside; Kaempferol-3-rutinoside, Kaempferol-3,7-diglucoside, Quercetin, two Quercetin-3-monoglycosides, Rutin, Quercetin-3-rutinoside-7-glucoside, Quercetin-7-glycoside and an unidentified aglycone. TheG. trifidum, G. obtusum andG. palustre groups (with the exception of theG. tinctorium subspecies andG. elongatum) have similar flavone-flavonole patterns, while theG. antarcticum group produces a specific pattern. Leaf flavonoids of theG. trifidum andG. antarcticum group are inhomogenous, becauseG. tinctorium subsp.tinctorium andG. antarcticum lack flavones. For all taxa (with the exception of those of theG. antarcticum group) intraspecific variation is demonstrated, and 4 populations ofG. trifidum subsp.trifidum, G. tinctorium subsp.tinctorium,G. obtusum subsp.obtusum andG. labradoricum even exhibit intrapopulation variation. The implications of flavonoid data on the systematics and the astonishing intrapopulation and intraspecific variation are discussed.  相似文献   

Leaf Nodule Development in Psychotria kirkii Hiern. (Rubiaceae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The initiation, development and structure of the leaf nodulesof the Rubiaceous shrub Psychotria kirkii Hiern. has been studiedin detail at the ultrastructural level. Bacteria, maintainedin the shoot tip in the secretions from dendroid colleters,invade the substomatal chamber of stomatal pores which formprecociously on the abaxial leaf surface. Proliferation of theepidermis around the pore pushes the bacterial cavity deep intothe lamina, thus forming a small internal nodule. Endophyte-mediatedschizogeny of the cells surroundng the nodule causes it to expandwhile at the same time giving rise to an interconnected reticulumof invasive host cells which are involved in metabolite exchangebetween microoganisms and host plant. Bacterial morphology changesafter entry of the microsymbiont into the host plant and, bythe time the nodule is mature, the bacteria exhibit distinctpleomorphism. Senescent nodules are shown to accumulate lipidand starch. The developmental process is discussed in the lightof existing information on this symbiosis. Psychotria kirkii, leaf nodule development, symbiosis, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Leaf polymorphism in Ranunculus nanus Hook. (Ranunculaceae)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A revision of the genus Calvoa Hook. f. (Melastomataceae) is presented. Principal Component Analyses (PCA) and Cluster Analyses (UPGMA) were performed to elucidate three cases of difficult species delimitation and infraspecific variation, with the following results. (1) The separation between C. crassinoda Hook. f. and C. grandifolia Cogn. was clear in the results obtained with both methods. (2) The group of the West-Central African species Calvoa angolensis A. Fern. & R. Fern., C. calliantha Jacq.-Fél., C. monticola A. Chev., C. pulcherrima Gilg ex Engl., C. sapinii De Wild., C. seretii De Wild., C. sinuata Hook. f. and C. subquinquenervia De Wild, proved difficult to resolve with either analysis, but the Cluster Analysis produced results which are more consistent with the identification of the specimens. (3) Neither of the two analyses supported the recognition of infraspecific categories in Calvoa orientalis Taub. Eighteen species are recognized in the genus. The new species Calvoa Jacques-felixii E. Figueiredo is described and the new combination Calvoa seretii subsp. wildemaniana (Exell) E. Figueiredo is made. Four lectotypes are designated. The conservation status of some taxa is discussed. Six species are considered rare and possibly under threat.  相似文献   

在光学显微镜和电子扫描显微镜下观察了茜草科(Rubiaceae)野丁香属(Leptodermis Wall.) 35种8变种植物的叶表皮微形态特征.结果表明,野丁香属植物叶表皮细胞为多边形或不规则形状,垂周壁平直、弓状或波状.气孔器全部位于下表皮,有辐射型、平列型两种,其中平列型较为普遍.表皮毛在上下表皮都有分布,有单...  相似文献   

泰国茜草科粗叶木属植物的分类学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
朱华 《植物分类学报》2001,39(2):116-150
在详细检查了K,BM,E,P,AAU,L,KEP,BKF,BK,SING,PSU等标本馆馆藏茜草科粗叶本属Lasianthus Jack.植物标本基础上,研究了泰国产粗叶木属植物的分类学,共归并7个种名,建立3个新种,3 个新变种,1个新等级,以及8个泰国分布新记录种及8个泰国分布新记录变种,确认泰国共有粗叶木属植物52种,1亚种,12变种;讨论了易于混淆的种的界线、它们可能的亲缘关系以及识别要点。  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of the genus Lasianthus Jack. from Thailand is made based on specimens in BKF, BK, L, AAU, K, BM, E, P, KEP, SING and PSU etc. Three species and three varieties are described as new; a new combination, L. trichophlebus subsp. barbellatus ( Ridley) H. Zhu, is made; eight species and five varieties are found to represent new records to Thailand; seven species, i.e. L. brevidens Craib, L. densifolius Miq., L. incomptus Craib, L. scalaris Craib, L. penicillatus Craib, L. virgatus Craib and L. zambalensis Elmer, axe reduced to synonyms; two species, L. brevipes Craib and L. lowianus King et Gamble are moved to the genus Saprosma; the delimitation of some species is clarified. As a result, fifty-two species, one sub-species and twelve varieties are recognized in the genus Lasianthus from Thailand.  相似文献   

Burkholderia endophytes were identified within the leaves of non-nodulated members of the genus Psychotria. In contrast to leaf-nodulated Psychotria species, which are known to accommodate their endosymbionts into specialized endosymbiont-housing structures, non-nodulated species lack bacterial leaf nodules and harbor endosymbionts intercellularly between mesophyll cells. Based on molecular data (rps16, trnG, and trnLF), the phylogenetic reconstruction of the host plants revealed a separate origin of leaf-nodulated and non-nodulated Psychotria species. Despite a distinct phylogenetic position of the two host clades, the endophytes of the non-nodulated plants were not placed into a single monophyletic group but were found to be closely related to the leaf-nodulated endosymbionts. The observation of genetically similar endophytes in both nodulated and non-nodulated Psychotria lineages suggests that the host plant is playing a crucial role in the induction of leaf nodule formation. Moreover, the concentration of endosymbionts into specialized leaf nodules may be considered as a more derived evolutionary adaptation of the host plant, serving as an interface structure to facilitate metabolic exchange between plant and endosymbiont.  相似文献   

The Malagasy representatives of the large African genus Tricalysia (tribe Coffeeae s.l.) are revised. Three Malagasy species were hitherto recognized in the genus, namely T. cryptocalyx , T. madagascariensis , and T. ovalifolia . In this study, two species, T. boiviniana and T. leucocarpa , are transferred from the genus Hypobathrum and seven new species and two new subspecies are described, raising the species number for Tricalysia to a total of 12. This marked increase in species number is a recurring pattern for many Malagasy genera in systematically poorly known families such as Rubiaceae. All the species are described in detail and illustrated, and a list of exsiccatae and a distribution map are provided. Furthermore, the characters of the Malagasy taxa are compared with those of the continental African species, and their infrageneric status is discussed. With the exception of T. ovalifolia , a member of subgenus Empogona , all Malagasy species belong to subgenus Tricalysia . Because of their unisexual flowers, these species cannot be accommodated within one of the four existing sections in subgenus Tricalysia . A new section, Androgyne , is therefore recognized.  © 2007 National Botanic Garden of Belgium. Journal compilation © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 83–126.  相似文献   

耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种=Two new species of the genus Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) from China[刊,中]/ 王 瑞 江(中国科学院华南植物研究所 广州 510650),邢 福 武//植物分类学报.—2002,41(1).—85~88 摘要:描述了国产耳草属(茜草科)植物的两个新种,启无耳草Hedyotis wangii R. J. Wang和崖州耳草H. yazhouensis F. W. Xing et R. J. Wang。  相似文献   

Searching for agents that could be effective in the treatment of cancer, special highlight has focused on the study of numerous plant-derived compounds. We previously demonstrated that anthraquinones (AQs) isolated from a vegetal species: Heterophyllaea pustulata Hook f. (Rubiaceae), such as rubiadin, rubiadin-1-methyl ether, soranjidiol, soranjidiol-1-methyl ether exhibit photosensitizing properties without antecedents as photodynamic agents in malignant cells. In the present study, we investigated the potential role of these AQs as a phototoxic agent against human breast carcinoma using MCF-7c3 cells. All AQs exhibited significant photocytotoxicity on cancer cells at the concentration of 100 μM with 1 J/cm2 light dose, resulting soranjidiol-1-methyl ether in complete cell destruction. The observed cellular killing by photoactivated AQs exhibited close relation with singlet oxygen production, except for soranjidiol-1-methyl ether, where cell viability decrease is in relation to uptake by tumor cells.  相似文献   

指定了丰满凤仙花(Impatiensobesa Hook.f.)的后选模式。  相似文献   

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