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Postembryonic skeletal ontogeny of the pelobatid frog Scaphiopus intermontanus is described based on a developmental series of cleared-and-stained, whole-mount specimens. The focus is on laboratory-reared individuals fed a herbivorous diet as larvae. Although there is variation in the timing of ossification of individual skeletal elements relative to developmental stages based on external morphological criteria, the sequence of skeletal development generally is conservative. Compared with its close relative, S. bombifrons, ossifications that occur during prometamorphosis tend to be slightly delayed in S. intermontanus; however, cranial bones that ossify during late metamorphic climax in S. intermontanus are delayed until postmetamorphosis in S. bombifrons. The differences in timing between the two species are consistent, however, with differences observed between two developmental series of S. intermontanus raised at two different temperatures. Noteworthy features of skeletal development in S. intermontanus include: 1) presence of palatine ossifications that form from independent centers of ossification and soon fuse with the postnarial portion of the vomers to form the compound vomeropalatine bones; 2) compound sphenethmoid that may arise from four or more endochondral centers of ossification and one dorsal, dermal center of ossification; and 3) presence of transverse processes and vestigal prezygapophyses on the first postsacral vertebra. The morphology of the larval orbitohyoideus and interhyoideus muscles is compared. The record of skeletal ontogeny and muscle morphology presented herein for the herbivorous larval morph can serve as a baseline for comparisons with the ontogeny of the carnivorous larval morph of Scaphiopus. J. Morphol. 238:179–244, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The larval chondrocranium of Spea multiplicata is described, as is the development and adult morphology of the skeleton. There are major modifications to the larval chondrocranium throughout development, including the presence of embryonic trabeculae in young tadpoles and significant reorganization of cartilaginous structures at metamorphosis. The first bone to ossify is the parasphenoid (Stage 35), followed by the presacral neural arches, ilium, and femur (Stage 36). By Stage 39, most of the postcranial elements have begun to ossify. Metamorphic climax is accomplished over three Gosner stages (39-41) and involves major modifications to the chondrocranium, as well as the appearance of three cranial elements (septomaxilla, nasal, and premaxilla). After metamorphosis, the exoccipital, vomer, dentary, angulosplenial, squamosal, pterygoid, sphenethmoid, ischium, and hyoid begin to ossify. The stapes, mentomeckelian, operculum, carpals, and tarsals do not appear until juvenile and adult stages. The development of the hyoid and cartilaginous condensations of the carpals and tarsals are described. In addition, phenotypic plasticity within the genus and the absence of a palatine (= neopalatine) bone are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to enlarge knowledge about still poorly documented and understood record of Lagomorpha (Mammalia) from the Late Miocene of Moldova. The lagomorph material from two new Late Miocene localities, Razeni (MN11/12), Gradishte (MN12), and re-sampling locality Chimislyia (MN12), of Southern Moldova, is described in detail here. The localities yielded small vertebrate fauna including five lagomorph taxa: Prolagus cf. oeningensis, “Proochotona” cf. eximia, Alilepus laskarewi, “Proochotona” sp., and Alilepus sp. P. cf. oeningensis is described for the first time in the studied area. A short review of the lagomorph record from the Republic of Moldova is provided. This contribution outlines the importance of the lagomorphs for biostratigraphic purposes, and highlighs the gaps in our knowledge related to the faunal succession in this area.  相似文献   

本文对分布于云南境内的两种Leptolalax——L.ventripunctatus和L.alpinus的常规Giemsa核型、C-带和Ag-NORs作了研究,结果表明L.ventripunctatus的2n=22,20M 2T,NF=42,1对Ag-NORs位于5(?),并呈现异形现象,该区域亦显C-带正染;L.alpinus 2n=24,14M 4SM 6T,NF=42,1对Ag-NORs位于No.8短臂端部,并有随体联合现象。两种的着丝点区域均呈现C-带正染。  相似文献   

Genetic differences (presumed 23 loci) between two cryptic forms of Pelobates fuscus, differing in genome size, were examined by means of polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis. This method allowed to discriminate between these forms. Average genetic distance (DN) between both the forms was equal to 0.311, ranging from 0.055 to 0.563. As a rule, differences within these groups were smaller (0.021-0.388). The data show obvious genetic differentiation between these two cryptic forms of P. fuscus. Differences between these forms and P. syriacus were significantly higher (in average 0.943). Genetic distances in relation to speciation and species concepts are discussed.  相似文献   

两种髭蟾的Ag—NORs,C—带及核型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李树深  费梁 《遗传学报》1990,17(3):211-215
本文叙述和比较了峨眉髭蟾和哀牢髭蟾的核型,C-带和Ag-NORs,结果表明两者有下列相同方面:2n=26(6+7)、除No.3为SM外,其余诸对概为M,次缢痕和Ag-NoRs位于6q,并都表现出异形现象,No.1长臂有长度异形,但所增染色体片断不呈现C-带正染,C-带正染主要是在各对染色体的着丝点区域,另外No.2短臂近着丝区域亦为正染。这些表明二者之间有很大的核带型同源性。但是二者间在核型的某些对应染色体之间,在相对长度(6对)和臂比值(2对)方面有显著性差异,故可推测其机制是相互易位和臂间倒位。另外,哀牢髭蟾未发现与性别相关的异形性染色体。  相似文献   

Based on allozyme variation of 410 newly collected individuals from 52 localities, we reconstructed range-wide phylogeography of the widespread Western Palearctic anuran, Pelobates fuscus. To study genetic diversity, evolutionary history, postglacial range expansion and secondary contact zones, we used a multidisciplinary approach combining information from various genetic analyses and ecological niche modeling. We confirmed the presence of two main groups in P. fuscus, initially revealed by genome size variation. Pelobates f. vespertinus presents a monomorphic group, but two main groups can be identified in P. f. fuscus: an East European and a West European group. We suggest the existence of at least four different Last Glacial refugia for P. fuscus: (1) the area between the Caspian and Azov Seas as the origin for the expansion of P. f. vespertinus; (2) the northwestern part of the Black Sea area for the East European P. f. fuscus; (3) the southwestern part of the Pannonian Plain and (4) the Po Plain for the West European P. f. fuscus. The routes of postglacial range expansions from the refugia are discussed. We newly identified a hybrid zone between P. f. fuscus and P. f. vespertinus. The width of this zone is about 12.5 km. In light of these findings, the two subspecies of P. fuscus constitute distinct evolutionary lineages and merit recognition as separate species. Our data do not provide support for the validity of P.f. insubricus. We therefore propose to synonymize this subspecies with P. f. fuscus.  相似文献   

From the Bavarian Early/Middle Miocene (MN5) site Sandelzhausen, nine species of carnivoran mammals are identified including the hemicyonine ursid Hemicyon stehlini, the amphicyonids Amphicyon cf. major and Pseudarctos bavaricus, the mustelids Ischyrictis zibethoides and Martes cf. munki, the mephitid Proputorius pusillus, the viverrid Leptoplesictis cf. aurelianensis, the felid Pseudaelurus romieviensis, and finally the recently described barbourofelid Prosansanosmilus eggeri. With these taxa present, Sandelzhausen shows a carnivoran community typical, though deprived, for the Lower to Middle Miocene of Europe, but different from roughly contemporary Mediterranean faunas such as those from Çandir or Pa?alar in Turkey.  相似文献   

Field work carried out in 1991 and 1993 at the Middle Miocene locality of Thymiana (Chios Island, Greece), produced much rodent material including a number of ctenodactylid dental specimens. They represent a single taxon whose upper and lower cheek tooth morphology clearly differs from Prosayimys flynni and all Sayimys species known so far, except for Sayimys intermedius. The ctenodactylid teeth from the Middle Miocene of Chios are identified as pertaining to the latter species, despite minor differences from the Pakistani and Saudi Arabian representatives of S. intermedius.  相似文献   

This paper describes a well-preserved hemimandible of Percrocuta miocenica from Brajkovac (Lazarevac municipality, Central Serbia). Based on the faunal remains recovered so far, the site is attributed to Mammal Zone MN6 (Langhian, middle Miocene). Apart from Prebreza, this is only the second site where remains of P. miocenica have been found in Serbia, and the third one in the Balkans. The newly discovered fossil, along with other taxa (e.g., Bunolistriodon meidamon, Giraffokeryx punjabiensis, Alloptox sp.), underlines the similarities between the middle Miocene Balkan and Anatolian mammal faunas.  相似文献   

The infrageneric taxonomy of the genus Cephalotaxus Siebold et Zuccarini ex Endlicher (Taxaceae) is controversial as morphological characters have been doubted to change coherently among species. Although the epidermal features are considered as important characters in the taxonomy of conifers, they have not been systematically studied in this genus. Neogene foliage shoots with well-preserved epidermal structure not only can provide systematic links to the extant species, but also have implications for the taxonomical definition of the extant species by their epidermal features. In this paper, the morphologies of leafy shoots combining epidermal structure of a Neogene Cephalotaxus, which was collected from the middle Miocene of Southwest China, and ten extant species (variants) were studied. Morphology as well as epidermal structures was compared among species (variants) in Cephalotaxus. Based on the comparisons, the taxonomical definition of extant species in genus Cephalotaxus are discussed. Our results indicate that leaf morphological characters in combination with the features of epidermal structure can distinguish species in genus Cephalotaxus. The fossil foliage shoots from the middle Miocene of Southwest China were assigned to a new species, C. maguanensis n. sp., which shows close affinities to the extant C. hainanensis. On the basis of leaf and epidermal information, we suggest there are seven extant species in Cephalotaxus. With global cooling and the uplift of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since the middle Miocene, the cooling climate induced the differentiation and southward expansions of C. maguanensis, and its extant offspring, C. hainanensis, is distributed to Hainan Island and the Indo-Chinese peninsula.  相似文献   

Tao Deng 《Geobios》2003,36(2):141-150
New rhinocerotid teeth from Laogou in Hezheng (Gansu, China) are described and identified as Hispanotherium matritense. Comparing the other Chinese Middle Miocene elasmotheres with material of H. matritense from Iberian localities and Laogou, we confirm the synonymy proposed previously for the species Hispanotherium lintungensis, Tesselodon fangxianensis, Caementodon tongxinensis and Huaqingtherium qiui. The larger size of Hispanotherium tungurense proves that it is a different species from H. matritense. The age of Laogou fauna corresponds to MN6. Paleoenvironments of H. matritense in China include rivers and lakes, which are somewhat different from the arid environment in the Iberian Peninsula. The origin of the Hispanotherium lineage may be in southwestern Europe. After that, it dispersed eastward to Asia.  相似文献   

Numerous ascidian spicules are reported for the first time from the lower Sarmatian Darabani-Mitoc Clays of Costeşti, north-western Moldova. The biological interpretation of the studied sclerites allows distinguishing at least three morphospecies (Polysyncraton-like, Trididemnum-like, and Didemnum-like) within the Didemnidae family. Eight other morphological types of spicules are classified as indeterminate didemnids. Most of the studied spicules are morphologically similar to those of Recent shallow-water taxa from the Mediterranean Sea. In contrast, some sclerites resemble those of taxa from the Indo-Pacific region. The greater size of the studied spicules, compared to that of present-day didemnids, suggests favorable physicochemical conditions within the Sarmatian Sea. The presence of these stenohaline tunicates that prefer normal salinity seems to confirm latest hypotheses regarding mixo-mesohaline conditions during the early Sarmatian.  相似文献   

The Early/Middle Miocene boundary locality Sandelzhausen (MN5, southern Germany) yielded three beaver teeth: one lower incisor fragment and two strongly worn upper premolars, a right and a left one. The latter are so similar in wear, height, size, and enamel pattern that they probably represent one individual. Although the teeth have been referred to Chalicomys jaegeri Kaup, 1832 (e.g., Hugueney 1999, Fahlbusch 2003), it seems more likely that they belong to Steneofiber depereti Mayet, 1908. However, the assignment of the present material to either one of these species is difficult, because in the advanced wear stage some diagnostic characteristics cannot be assessed. As to ecological implications for the locality Sandelzhausen the taxonomic identity of these two beaver species may not be important. Both are known from riverine, lacustrine or swamp sediments, and it can be assumed that they usually lived in close vicinity to water. Thus, the presence of beaver remains supports the presence of water at Sandelzhausen. However, the teeth might have an allochthonous origin from creeks of the rising Alps.   相似文献   

<正>1988年吴文裕描述了产自新疆准噶尔盆地北缘铁尔斯哈巴合地点哈拉玛盖组下部层位的一枚圆齿鼠的P4,定名为Sinomylagaulus halamagaiensis。1997年中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所新疆考察队又在铁尔斯哈巴合的哈拉玛盖组下部层位中采集到两枚p4。1988年的研究工作仅依据一枚上前臼齿(P4),标本的稀缺决定了当时研究成果的局限性。新材料无疑为认识新疆的圆齿鼠类提供了新的信息  相似文献   

Reinhard Ziegler 《Geobios》2003,36(4):447-490
The bats from the karstic fissure fill sites Petersbuch 6, 10, 18, 31, 35 and 48 include 14 species, four of which are new. All samples are numerically dominated by rhinolophids, especially by Rhinolophus delphinensis. The rich samples from Petersbuch 6-18 are striking in their high species diversity (seven species each). Myotis bavaricus nov. sp. is characterised by a series of plesiomorphous characters, while Myotis reductus nov. sp. is more derived. A special trait of Submyotodon petersbuchensis nov. gen. nov. sp. is the coexistence of nyctalodont and (sub-) myotodont molars in one dentary. Miniopterus rummeli nov. sp. is characterised by its large size, a high coronoid process and its widely spaced lower premolars. Composition and origin of the chiropteran faunas are discussed. They are interpreted as an accumulation of bats that perished in the cave or rock crevice and to a negligible extent as remains of owl pellets. The stratigraphic correlation of the faunas, based on rodents, is late Middle Miocene (MN 7/8). This study is based on several thousand specimens.  相似文献   

The Middle Miocene has been identified as a time of great diversification in modern lineages now distributed in tropical South America, and when basic archetypal traits defining Amazonia appear, including climatic humid conditions, basic floral physiognomy and phylogenetic composition of modern rainforests. Nonetheless, Middle Miocene localities in South America are poorly known, especially at low latitudes where only one species‐rich locality, La Venta in Colombia, has been extensively studied. The present contribution describes the mammal fauna of Fitzcarrald, a new Middle Miocene local fauna from western Amazonia in Peru. Fitzcarrald is correlated with the Laventan South American Land Mammal Age based on the presence of taxa defining the ‘Miocochilius assemblage zone’ in La Venta. The mammalian fauna of Fitzcarrald comprises 24 taxa among cingulates, folivores, astrapotheres, notoungulates, litopterns, rodents, odontocetes and a possible marsupial. At this time, tropical South America was characterized by the presence of the Pebas megawetland, a huge lacustrine complex that provided unique ecological and environmental conditions most likely isolating northern South America from southern South America. These isolating conditions might have come to an end with its disappearance in the Late Miocene and the establishment of the subsequent Acre system, the predecessor fluvial system of modern Amazonia. Results of faunistic similarity between Fitzcarrald and other Miocene faunas throughout South America support these scenarios. The Fitzcarrald mammal fauna exhibits first appearance datums and last appearance datums of various taxa, showing that tropical South America has played a crucial role in the evolutionary history and biogeography of major clades, and revealing a more complex biological history than previously proposed, based on the record from the southern cone of the continent.  相似文献   

The first reported petrified acorns to show internal anatomical structure are here described from Middle Miocene (~15.6 million years old) chert of the Columbia River Basalt Group in Yakima Canyon, Washington. Quercus hiholensis Borgardt et Pigg sp. nov. is described from anatomical and morphological fruit features, as well as a little recognized anatomical feature, the umbilical complex. Acorns, each comprising a nut and its cupule, are up to 15.3 mm long and 18.8 mm wide with helically arranged, imbricate, tuberculate cupule scales. They show basal aborted ovules, short styles, broad stigmas, and lack grooves in their cotyledons. These characters and the developmental pattern seen in these fossil acorns demonstrate that Q. hiholensis conforms to genus Quercus (Fagaceae), subgenus Quercus, section Quercus (the white oaks). The correspondence of Q. hiholensis to the modern section Quercus reveals that the derived floral and fruit characters that distinguish section Quercus within the genus had evolved by the Middle Miocene.  相似文献   

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