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概述了黄河三角洲贝沙植被、海滩涂植被、水生植被和低山丘陵植被4个自然植被类型,以及植物群丛的自然特征。  相似文献   

借《中国植被志》编研与新一代中国植被图制图工作开展的契机,本文对四川省植被研究历史进行了回顾,分析了近40年来四川植被变化的影响因素,结合近年来的野外补充调查和文献资料,参考《中国植被》《中国植被及其地理格局》以及近期国内发表的植被分类系统,新拟了四川省植被制图分类系统(植被型组、植被型、群系三级),并对未来四川省植被...  相似文献   

中国喀斯特植被分类系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘长成  王斌  郭柯  李先琨  侯满福  刘玉国 《广西植物》2021,41(10):1618-1631
我国喀斯特地貌分布广泛,是全球喀斯特集中分布区面积最大且岩溶发育最强烈的典型区域。喀斯特植被物种组成独特,生物多样性丰富,群落结构复杂,植被类型极其丰富。该文对已发表的喀斯特植被类型和近期的调查资料进行系统整理,依据《中国植被志》的分类原则,在群系尺度上编制了中国喀斯特植被分类系统,包括3个植被型组、13个植被型和554个群系。探讨了喀斯特植被的分类系统与原有分类系统的衔接,并依据相关资料,对喀斯特生境专性群系进行了识别和判定,以期为喀斯特区域的石漠化治理、植被修复提供科学参考。  相似文献   

植被志(vegegraphy)是基于植被调查资料, 全面记叙植被的群落外貌、种类组成、结构和功能、生境条件, 以及地理分布等特征, 并对同类植被进行归纳和总结的志书。“植被志”的英文译为“vegegraphy”, 是本文的新造词, 它是由“vegetation”的词头“vege-”和英文后缀“-graphy” (记叙之意)组成的合成词。《中国植被志》的研编是一项时间紧迫、内容复杂、工作量浩繁的重大科学工程。它的完成将极大提升中国植被科学和生态学的研究水平, 并为中国植被资源的合理利用、生物多样性保护及生态环境治理等提供不可或缺的基础资料。本文首先简述了植被的基本特征(主要包括外貌特征、种类组成、群落结构以及动态变化等)和国内外植被调查的进展情况, 简要回顾了中国植被分类系统的研究历史, 并对以往的分类系统进行了若干修订。在此基础上, 着重讨论并提出了《中国植被志》卷册编排体系和用于《中国植被志》研编的植被类型划分方案。在对植被分类系统的修订方面, 主要对高级分类单位及相对应的英文名称进行了讨论和修订。按照本文修订的分类系统, 中国植被的分类单位及其对应的英文名称分别是: 植被型组(Vegetation Formation Group)、植被型(Vegetation Formation)和植被亚型(Vegetation Subformation)、群系组(Alliance Group)、群系(Alliance)和亚群系(Suballiance)、群丛组(Association Group)以及群丛(Association)。在植被型组中, 划分为9类: 森林、灌丛、草本植被、荒漠、高山冻原与稀疏植被、沼泽与水生植被、农业植被、城市植被及无植被地段。关于《中国植被志》的卷册编排和“植被类型”划分, 首先按高级分类单位——植被型划分相应的“卷”; 在此框架下, 模糊“植被亚型”、“群系组”和“群系”的概念, 确定“植被类型” (Vegetation type), 并将其作为植被志各卷中的“册”。这样处理不仅保证了研编工作的可操作性, 也保持了同一卷册中特定植被类型的完整性。《中国植被志》编排体系中的“植被类型”的划分很重要, 它是指具有相同建群种及相同优势类群(如种、属)的植被组合, 但它不是严格意义上的植被分类单位。“植被类型”的划分遵循“优势类群及生活型的同一性, 生境条件的相对重要性, 植被特征及用途的差异性, 以及突出植被志的应用性”等原则。按该编排体系, 《中国植被志》将由48卷约110册组成。  相似文献   

关于中国国家自然地图集中的中国植被区划图   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
 本文将中国植被区划的原则、依据、指标和标志作了明确说明和区分。将中国植被区划系统分为4级:超级单位为植被带,全国分为森林带、草原带和荒漠带。第一级单位为14个植被区域,第二级单位为植被地带,第三级单位为植被区。对这些区划单位的划分,充分吸取了以往历次中国植被区划方案的成果,并对很多区域单位的界线,依照新资料作了改动。  相似文献   

本文在文献研究和野外调查数据的基础上,从植被研究历史、植被类型组成和分布规律等方面,介绍了湖北省自然植被研究情况,并参考“《中国植被志》编研”拟定的分类系统,拟定了新的湖北省自然植被分类系统.湖北植被研究历史可大致分为三个阶段,分别是标本采集和森林资源勘察阶段(20世纪70年代前)、全面调查和植被区划阶段(20世纪70...  相似文献   

植被志是基于植被(或植物群落)调查资料, 全面记叙植被的外貌、物种组成、结构和功能, 以及地理分布和生境条件等特征, 并对同类植被进行归纳和总结的志书。《中国植被志》是第一部对中国植被进行全面记述的志书, 预计完成约48卷110册。在借鉴《中国植被》(1980)(简称“80方案”)植被分类基本原则的基础上,《中国植被志》将对中国植被分类系统的高级分类单位(植被型组、植被型和植被亚型)进行归纳和总结, 对中级和低级分类单位(群系组、群系、亚群系, 群丛组、群丛)进行详细描述。植被高级分类单位的描述具有概括性质, 是在中国植被分类系统中级和低级分类单位描述的基础上, 对其在全球和中国境内的地理分布、自然环境、群落外貌、植被类型及多样性、优势种或共优势种、生物多样性保育价值以及资源现状等进行概述, 并对“80方案”相关内容进行修订和拓展, 将提供对中国植被基本特征客观、准确的记述。在植被中级和低级分类单位中, 群系组描述的内容包括地理分布、自然环境、群落外貌、植被类型以及价值与保育等内容; 群系描述的主要内容包括地理分布、自然环境、生态特征、物种组成、群落结构、群丛组和群丛的分类与描述、优势种的生物学特性、生物量与生产力、植被动态与演替以及价值与保育等方面。作为植被志研编的核心内容, 群丛组和群丛的分类与描述主要基于植被调查资料, 采用数量分类方法, 根据群落结构和物种组成的差异划分出不同的植被类型, 并对其基本特征进行定量描述和归纳。其中, 群落的层片结构、特定植被分类单元的特征种或特征种组的筛选与甄别是植被类型划分的关键环节; 而群落外貌, 群落结构, 物种组成, 各类物种的生长习性、生境的偏适性等是群丛组和群丛描述与归纳的重点内容。该文提出了中国植被中级和低级分类单位的命名方案, 其特点在于植被类型的科学名称中同时体现了植被分类单元特征种或优势种的名称及其所属的高级植被分类单位(植被型组或植被型)的名称, 兼顾了植被名称的规范性与实用性。《中国植被志》的研编工作由文献整编、群落调查、数据分析与整理、文本撰写等环节组成。该文对植被样方的调查与收集, 文献收集与整编, 气候、土壤、地形等相关数据的来源及其整理方法, 植被分类方法, 植被命名, 植被分类单元描述的内容, 植被志章节编写大纲、体裁及撰写等多个规范进行了详细的阐述或示例。  相似文献   

青藏高原植被调查与制图一直是青藏高原植被生态学研究的重要内容。历史上,我国多次开展青藏高原植被考察活动,在植被制图方面取得了一系列重要成果。本研究首先基于文献研读对青藏高原植被考察及其成果进行回顾,并对制图范围包括青藏高原的、使用比较广泛的植被图进行对比和分析;然后,基于第二次青藏高原综合科学考察获取的植被调查样点数据,与多幅植被图在数据一致性方面进行了对比。结果表明:(1)青藏高原植被调查的历史久远,但系统、科学的青藏高原植被调查开始于1949年新中国成立之后,期间获取了大量植被调查数据,出版了大量的专著和图志,《中华人民共和国植被图(1:4,000,000)》《中国草地资源图集(1:1,000,000)》和《中华人民共和国植被图(1:1,000,000)》是包含整个青藏高原、应用最为广泛的3幅植被图,《青藏高原现状植被图》是基于现阶段植被调查数据制作的青藏高原植被图。但是这4幅图在植被分类体系上存在较大差异,严重影响了图件之间的可比性。(2)对比发现, 4幅植被图之间均存在一定程度的不一致性。面积较大的植被型组,如森林和草本植被,在植被图之间的一致性较高;但面积相对较小的植被型组,...  相似文献   

江苏省植被区划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 本文简要论述江苏省自然环境特点和植被地理分布规律,并探讨了植被区划的原则与依 据。笔者认为:该省原为我国森林分布地区,所以森林植被应是植被区划的重要依据,农作物植被似不宜作为区划的依据。由于江苏面积较小,而且现存自然植被占地太小,故区划只分三级。制订的江苏植被区划系统,包括2个植被区域、3个植被地带和10个植被区,并分别作了简要叙述。  相似文献   

逻辑学原理是各种分类系统科学性及规范性的必要检验工具。本文采用逻辑学原理检验基于优势种的《中国植被》的植被分类系统, 结果发现目前常用的植被分类系统存在较多逻辑错误, 需要予以纠正。于是, 在强调植物生活型分类系统和植被分类系统一致性的基础上, 依据逻辑学原理给出建立植被分类系统的步骤和方法, 提出规范的植物生活型分类系统和植被分类系统示例方案。鉴于多建群种植被的客观存在及其存在形式多样, 在分类系统中给出相应的位置——多建群种植被纲。同时, 针对国内植被分类学界从未形成统一的植被命名规则, 且又有多种命名方式并存的现状, 提出了函数命名法。  相似文献   

Ants (L. niger and L. flavus) build conspicuous mounds that are covered with vegetation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the vegetation on ant mounds in semi-natural grasslands differed from that around the mounds. Another aim was to investigate whether the changes in the vegetation on ant mounds were influenced by grazing management or by habitat characteristics, semi-dry versus moist. Here, the total number of plant species and total plant cover were lower on ant mounds than in patches off-mound. The plant cover of perennials that form rosettes was twice as high on mounds inhabited by L. niger than on those inhabited by L. flavus. Only a few plant species were restricted to either ant mounds or adjacent field and the effects of ants on the plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands seemed to be low. Grazing management did not affect the differences in the vegetation on ant mounds and in equal-sized patches off-mound, whereas habitat characteristics affected ant-induced changes in vegetation cover of some plant species.  相似文献   

Abstract. We compared vegetation establishment in 25 treefall pits and mounds along a hillside elevational gradient in a fourth-year catastrophic windthrow in eastern North America. Plant communities differed greatly between pits and mounds, with pit microsites having significantly greater species richness, total biomass, and total tree stem density. Species richness in pits and on mounds decreased with increasing elevation from the bottom of the hillside, although the effect of elevation on mound species richness was less than that of elevation on pit species richness. Biomass of Erechtites hieraciifolia decreased significantly, while that of Betula alleghaniensis increased significantly with elevation. However, total biomass of both pit and mound microsites was unrelated to elevation. Total stem density decreased with elevation in pits, but was unaffected by elevation on mounds. This study shows that both small-scale (microsite) effects and intermediate-scale effects influence the re-establishment of plant communities within this catastrophic windthrow. Consideration of both microsite and position along intermediate-scale gradients may allow more precise prediction of plant community composition and dynamics in recovery of disturbed areas.  相似文献   

Assessing the various mechanisms by which plants revegetate disturbances is important for understanding the effects of disturbances on plant population dynamics, plant community structure, community assembly processes, and ecosystem function. We initiated a 2-yr experiment examining temporal vegetation dynamics and mechanisms of recolonization on different-sized soil disturbances created to simulate pocket gopher mounds in North American tallgrass prairie. Treatments were designed to assess potential contributions of the seed rain, soil seed bank, clonal propagation from the edges of a soil mound, and regrowth of buried plants. Small mounds were more rapidly recolonized than large mounds. Vegetative regrowth strategies were the dominant recolonization mechanisms, while the seed rain was considerably less important in maintaining the diversity of forbs and annuals than previously believed. All recolonization mechanisms influenced plant succession, but stem densities and plant mass on soil mounds remained significantly lower than undisturbed controls after two growing seasons. Because natural pocket gopher mounds are indistinguishable from undisturbed areas after two seasons, these results suggest that multiple modes of recruitment concurrently, albeit differentially, contribute to the recolonization of soil disturbances and influence tallgrass prairie plant community structure and successional dynamics.  相似文献   

The mound building ant Formica exsecta Nyl. is widely distributed in grassland ecosystems of the Central European Alps. We studied the impact of these ants on seed bank and vegetation patterns in a 11 ha subalpine grassland, where we counted over 700 active ant mounds. The mounds showed a distinct spatial distribution with most of them being located in tall‐grass, which was rarely visited by ungulates (red deer; Cervus elaphus L.). Heavily grazed short‐grass, in contrast, seemed to be completely avoided by ants as only few mounds were found in this vegetation type. The species composition of the ant mound and grassland seed banks was quite similar, i.e. from 15 common plant species 12 were found in both seed bank types. We found the same proportions of myrmecochorous seeds in ant mound and grassland soil samples. In contrast, the number of seeds was 15 times higher in mound compared with the grassland soil samples. Also, the vegetation growing on ant mounds significantly differed from the vegetation outside the mounds: graminoids dominated on ant mounds, herbaceous and myrmecochorous species in the grassland vegetation. We found significant continuous changes in vegetation composition on gradients from the ant mound centre to 1 m away from the mound edge. Overall, F. exsecta was found to have a considerable impact on seed bank and vegetation patterns in the grassland ecosystem studied. These insects not only altered grassland characteristics in the close surrounding of their mounds, but also seem to affect the entire ecosystem including, for example, the spatial use of the grassland by red deer.  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the effects of soil disturbance by gophers on patterns of species abundance in an annual grassland community on serpentine soil. We assessed production, dispersal and storage of seed, germination, survivorship and growth of the most abundant species in undisturbed vegetation and on gopher mounds. Fewer seeds of the dominant species were dispersed onto gopher mounds due to the limited movement of seeds from within the closed vegetation. Species with taller flowering stalks were more likely to colonise gopher mounds. The timing of gopher disturbance in relation to the timing of seed fall determined which species could colonise mounds. Lower numbers of seeds falling onto gopher mounds resulted in lower seedling densities of several species compared with undisturbed areas. Survivorship of the commonest species differed between undisturbed areas and gopher mounds formed at different times of year. This resulted in characteristic spectra of species abundance on the different microhabitats, giving rise to distinct spatial patterning in the community. Plants growing on gopher mounds were generally larger and produced more seed than plants in undisturbed vegetation. We suggest that continued gopher disturbance is a factor allowing several species, including perennial grasses, to persist in this community.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Seasonally flooded South American savannas harbor different kinds of mound-field landscapes of largely unknown origin. A recent study used soil carbon-isotope depth profiles and other proxies to infer vegetation history in murundu landscapes in Brazil. Results suggested that differential erosion, not building-up processes (e.g., termite mounds), produced mounds. We tested this approach to inferring mound origin in a mound-field landscape in French Guiana.


We examined carbon-isotope depth profiles of soil organic matter, phytolith profiles and contemporary vegetation composition in mounds and inter-mounds.


Relative abundance of C3 and C4 plants across habitats was very different from that in murundu landscapes; C3 plants were better represented in inter-mounds than on mounds. Habitat differences in C3/C4 distribution were subtler than in murundu landscapes, limiting inference of vegetation history based on carbon isotopes. Still, carbon-isotope and phytolith depth profiles gave similar pictures of vegetation history, both favoring a building-up hypothesis, corroborating other evidence that these mounds are vestiges of ancient agricultural raised fields.


Carbon-isotope depth profiles are unlikely to be adequate for deciphering origin of mound-field landscapes from vegetation history in seasonally flooded savannas. Including data on current vegetation and phytoliths makes inferences more robust.  相似文献   

高寒草甸放牧利用下高原鼢鼠(Eospalax baileyi)等危害的发生是草地管理的关键难题,分析放牧管理模式对鼢鼠鼠丘植被群落演替的影响能为草地管理提供重要依据。研究选择划区轮牧(RG)、生长季休牧(GSG)、连续放牧(CG)和禁牧(PG)4种放牧管理模式,以及各模式下不同年限鼠丘(一年(ZM1)、两年(ZM2)、三年(ZM3)和多年鼠丘(ZMM))与对照(CM)草地。分析不同放牧管理模式对鼠丘植被群落特征和生物量等的影响,结果发现:PG和GSG下所有年限鼠丘的植被高度、地上生物量均高于RG和CG;RG和GSG下ZM1和ZM2物种Shannon-wiener指数均高于对照样地物种Shannon-wiener指数。主成分分析表明:RG下地上生物量和物种丰富度指数是影响鼠丘植被群落演替的重要因子,PG下地上生物量、盖度、Shannon-wiener指数和均匀度指数是鼠丘植被群落演替的重要因子,CG下物种丰富度和重要值是影响鼠丘植被群落演替的重要指标,GSG下Shannon-wiener指数、盖度和高度是影响鼠丘植被群落演替的重要指标。可见,不同放牧制度对鼠丘植被群落演替的影响不同,禁牧和生长季休牧管理模式能够较好地恢复鼠丘植被群落演替。  相似文献   

Grasslands are often characterised by small-scale mosaics in plant community composition that contribute to their diversity. Although above- and belowground biota can both cause such mosaics, few studies have addressed their interacting effects. We studied multi-trophic interactions between aboveground vertebrate grazers, subterranean ants, plant-pathogenic soil biota (especially nematodes) and the vegetation in a temperate grassland. We found that when rabbits and cattle locally omit vegetation patches, yellow ants ( Lasius flavus ) respond to the taller vegetation by digging up more sand from deeper soil layers (hence making taller nest mounds), probably to maintain sufficiently high soil temperatures. We found that this ant digging affects other soil biota, as the mounds contain fewer plant-parasitic and fungivore nematodes. Also, the mounds have lower moisture content and soil bulk densities, and higher pH and available nutrient content than the directly surrounding soil. The clonal sedge Carex arenaria grows vigorously on the mounds, producing more shoots and shorter rhizome internode lengths than in surrounding vegetation. Other plant species, such as the grass Festuca rubra , dominate the surrounding vegetation. A greenhouse bioassay experiment revealed that harmful soil organisms (as plant-parasitic nematodes and pathogenic fungi) outweighed the effect of beneficial organisms (e.g., mycorrhizae) in this system. Rhizome biomass and shoot production of C. arenaria were indeed inhibited less by biota in soil from ant mounds than by biota in soil from the surrounding vegetation . However, the total biomass production of C. arenaria was inhibited as strongly in both soil types. F. rubra was inhibited more strongly by biota in the surrounding soil. We suggest that various direct and indirect interactions between above- and belowground biota can contribute to community mosaics and hence diversity in grasslands.  相似文献   

Alba-Lynn C  Detling JK 《Oecologia》2008,157(2):269-278
Disturbances such as fire, grazing, and soil mixing by animals interact to shape vegetation in grassland ecosystems. Animal-generated disturbances are unique in that they arise from a suite of behaviors that are themselves subject to modification by external factors. The manner in which co-occurring animal taxa interact to alter vegetation is a function of their respective behaviors, which shape the characteristics (e.g., the magnitude or extent) of their disturbances. To determine whether prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) and harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis) interactively alter vegetation structure and heterogeneity on the Colorado shortgrass steppe, we characterized the size, dispersion, and vegetation of prairie dog burrow mounds and ant nests (located on and off prairie dog colonies) and vegetation growing beyond mound and nest perimeters. Ants located on prairie dog colonies engineered significantly larger nests and disturbed nearly twice as much total soil area as their off-colony counterparts. Ant nests were overdispersed both on and off prairie dog colonies, while prairie dog mounds were randomly dispersed. Where harvester ants and prairie dogs co-occur, the overdispersed pattern of on-colony ant nests is in effect "overlaid" onto the random pattern of prairie dog mounds, resulting in a unique, aggregated pattern of soil disturbance. Ant nests on prairie dog colonies had significantly less vegetation and lower plant species diversity than did prairie dog mounds, while off-colony nests were similar to mounds. These results suggest that ant nests are more highly disturbed when located on prairie dog colonies. Beyond nests proper, ants did not appear to alter vegetation in a manner distinct from prairie dogs. As such, the interactive effects of prairie dogs and ants on vegetation arise mainly from the disturbance characteristics of mounds and nests proper.  相似文献   

本文研究了矮蒿草草甸上高原酚鼠土丘的出现率及其对植被的覆盖状况,土丘高度的下降及其直径的变化,土丘植物地上生物量和土丘营养元素含量。高原鼢鼠土丘出现率为242个/只/年,合土壤干重为1023.82公斤/只/年,对植被的覆盖面积高达22.53平方米/只/年。土丘在地表滞留时间约1年,处于不同演替阶段植被区域内出现的土丘,其植物地上生物量间的差异显著。5月前,在原生植被区出现的土丘,经4个月后,土丘边缘形成环状富草区,士丘边缘至中心区形成环状贫草区,而土丘中心仍处于无草状况。在次生植被区上的土丘则无此现象。新土丘除速效钾的含量与对照区无显著差异外,速效氮、磷的含量显著地高于对照区。旧土丘土壤中的速效氮、磷、钾含量均低于新土丘,但氮、磷的含量仍高于对照区。  相似文献   

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