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Summary 22 independent man-hamster (HGPRT) hybrids using male human cells with balanced reciprocal translocation t(X;2)(p22;q32) were analysed for human genes localized on chromosome 2 (IDHS, MDHS), on chromosome X (PGK, GAL, G6PD) and for the different chromosomes in relation with the balanced reciprocal translocation (chr.2, chr.2q, chr.Xp+).The following results were obtained:The chromosomes 2 and 2q are absent in the 22 hybrids.In 9 hybrids, the absence of MDHS in spite of the presence of the chromosome Xp+ indicates that the gene for MDHS is not localized on this chromosome (or that the gene for MDHS is not on the segment 2q32-2qter translocated on X).In 14 hybrids, the three markers of X (PGK, GAL, G6PD) and IDHS are expressed in the presence of the chromosome Xp+. This result indicates that the genes for these markers are on Xp+ or that the genes PGK, GAL, G6PD are on X without the Xp22-Xter segment, translocated on the chr.2, and that the gene for IDHS is on the 2q32-2qter segment translocated on X.In 8 hybrids, in the absence of the intact chromosome Xp+, the higher percentage of the presence of G6PD (7 hybrids) and the lower percentage of the presence of IDHS (3 hybrids) are explained by the fact that these hybrids selected in HAT medium had to retain a segment of Xp+ bearing the human gene HGPRT. G6PD appeared very close to HGPRT and IDHS very distant from HGPRT.The study of the different correlations between the presence and the absence of these four markers on Xp+ in the different hybrids indicates the following order on the chromosome Xp+ from p to q: IDHs — PGK — GAL — G6PD.

Groupe INSERM: Directeur J. Frézal

Groupe CNRS, ER, 149: Directeur J. de Grouchy  相似文献   

Résumé L'étude ultrastructurale des glandes androgènes du Crabe Ocypode quadrata (Fabr.) révèle l'existence de processus involutifs entraînant une autodestruction cellulaire totale. Cette lyse se produit en des zones non localisées des glandes et n'affecte pas l'activité spermatogénétique du Crabe considéré de plus, la coexistence de cellules en dégénérescence avec des cellules normales traduit un asynchronisme cellulaire.Les différentes modifications conduisant à la dégénérescence ont été décrites: dégranulation de l'ergastoplasme, développement important du réticulum endoplasmique, vacuolisation des mitochondries, différenciation de jonctions cellulaires d'un type particulier, formations de «corps vacuolaires» et de vacuoles autolytiques puis de corps résiduels précédant les processus de fragmentation cellulaire et de pycnose nucléaire. Bien qu'il n'y ait jamais une régression totale des glandes androgènes, ces modifications rappellent celles qui surviennent après la métamorphose dans les glandes de mue des Insectes.La signification physiologique de la dégénérescence cellulaire est discutée.
Ultrastructural study of cellular degeneration in the androgenic gland of the ghost crab, Ocypode quadrata (Fabr.)
Summary Electron microscopic examination of the androgenic glands of the ghost crab Ocypode quadrata (Fabr.) reveals the existence of involutive processes leading to complete cellular breakdown. This autolysis occurs in non-localized areas of the glands and does not affect the spermatogenetic activity of the crab studied; further, the coexistence of degenerative cells with normal cells shows a cellular asynchronism.The different modifications leading to degeneration have been described: substitution of rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum by an important development of smooth reticulum, vaculolization of mitochondria, differentiation of a particular type of cellular junctions, elaboration of vacuolar bodies and autolytic vacuoles and then of residual bodies preceding processes of cellular fragmentation and nuclear pyknosis. Although there is never a complete regression of the androgenic glands, these modifications resemble those which take place in the prothoracic glands of insects after metamorphosis.The physiological significance of the cellular degeneration is discussed.
Nos remerciements vont au Dr. Costlow, Directeur du Duke Marine Laboratory pour les facilités de travail mises à notre disposition et à Mme Charniaux-Cotton pour son analyse critique des résultats. Nous sommes également reconnaissante au Personnel de Microscopie électronique pour son aide technique.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-two independent man-mouse (A9, HGPRT-) and manhamster (CH, HGPRT)-hybrids using male human with balanced reciprocal translocation XY t(X;12)(q2,3;q1,2) were analysed for human genes localized on chromosome 12 (LDHB, PepB, ENO2, TPI), on chromosome X (PGK, GALA, G6PD) and for human chromosomes in relation with the balanced reciprocal translocation (chromosome 12, 12q-, Xq+). The human chromosome 12q- was not analysed because of its morphology is similar to some rodent chromosomes.The following results were obtained:1.Man-mouse hybrids (12 independent hybrids):The chromosome 12 is absent. A positive correlation is observed between Xq+, PGK, and PepB. Four hybrids are Xq++PGK+PepB+ and eight hybrids are Xq+-PGK-PepB-This result indicate that the genes for human PGK, PepB are on the chromosome Xq+. 2.Man-hamster hybrids (10 independent hybrids):A positive correlation is observed between Xq+, PGK, GALA. Two hybrids are Xq++PGK+GALA+ and eight hybrids are Xq+-PGK-GALA-.A positive correlation is observed between Xq+, PGK, GALA, PepB with the seven hybrids missing the normal human chromosome 12. One hybrid is Xq++PGK+GALA+PepB+ and six hybrids are Xq+-PGK-GALA-PepB-. These results indicate that the genes for human PGK, GALA, PepB are on the chromosome Xq+. 3.Man-mouse and man-hamster hybrids:The highest percentage of presence in the hybrids is observed for the following markers: G6PD (100%), LDHB, TPI, ENO2 (90%). This is explained by the fact that these hybrids selected in HAT medium, had to retain a segment of X (Xq+ or 12q-) bearing the human HGPRT gene. The different results indicated that the segment of X retained in these hybrids must be on the 12q- and not on the Xq+, for Xq+ is rarely present in man rodent hybrids.The different results implicate finally the following localisations:LDHB, TPI, ENO2 on 12 q12 12pter,PepB on 12 q12 12qter;PGK, GALA on X q23 Xpter;HGPRT, G6PD on X q23 Xqter.  相似文献   

The ability of the male gonad to convert androgens into estrogens is well known ; the microsomal enzymatic complex involved in this transformation is named aromatase and is composed of a specific cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom) and a ubiquitous reductase. Using a highly specific RT-PCR method we have measured the amount of P450arom mRNA in purified Leydig and Sertoli cells prepared from 20, 40 and 70–80 day-old rats. The amount of P450arom mRNA in the Leydig cells is independent of age (40 × 10−3 attomoles/μg of total RNA); in contrast, in the immature rat Sertoli cells, after 5 days of culture the amount of P450arom mRNA is 20-fold lower when compared to that of 20-day-old rat Sertoli cells (71 × 10−3 attomoles/μg of total RNA). Nevertheless, irrespective of the age, the addition of either FSH or dbcAMP for 6 h increases the level of P450arom mRNA in the rat Sertoli cell preparations. Therefore, we evidenced that during testicular maturation not only the Leydig cells but also the Sertoli cells of the rat have the capacity to express the gene for cytochrome P450 aromatase.  相似文献   

Summary One hundred and sixty-seven blood donors, 26 families with 72 offspring and 12 motherchild couples were studied for the phosphoglycolate phosphatase polymorphism. In hemolysates, the isozymes are stable for at least five weeks. The distribution of observed phenotypes in the population study did pot diverge from the expected values according to Hardy-Weinberg law. In the family study, the formal genetic model of three alleles—PGP 1, PGP 2 and PGP 3 at one autosomal locus-could be confirmed. Among 33 individuals from a Mongoloid population PGP 1 was observed in 100%. This observation lead us to the conclusion, based also on recent data in Negroid populations (Barker and Hopkinson 1978), that phosphoglycolate phosphatase may be a more recent polymorphism of Caucasoid populations. Linkage studies with the hp locus an chromosome 16 resulted in 19 meiotic divisions of 4 informative families in a lod score peak of 0.23 at =0.25 being inconclusive. The inclusion of the PGP system in paternity testing is also discussed.  相似文献   

Résumé Les auteurs ont découvert, dans le sol roumain, la large présence duMicrosporon nanumFuentes 1956. Ils font mention de certaines particularités des souches isolées du sol, à savoir la forme très variable des macroconidies dont la majorité sont dépourvues de septa, l'absence des microconidies, l'absence du pléomorphisme et le faible pouvoir pathogène envers l'homme et les animaux d'expérience. Toutefois ils ont réussi à inoculer le champignon, avec résultat positif, à l'homme et au cobaye. La disposition selon le type microsporique, du parasite dans le poils du cobaye atteint de mycose expérimentale, de même que la photoluminescence jaune-verdâtre, caractéristique de ses poils, ont permis aux auteurs de considérer leMicrosporon nanum comme un vraiMicrosporon, distinct duMicrosporon gypseum. La large présence dans le sol et le faible pouvoir pathogène prouve, selon les auteurs, que leM. nanum est un saprophyte du sol.
Summary The authors were able to recoverMicrosporon nanumFuentes 1956 from numerous roumanian soil samples. They pointed out some peculiarities of the soil isolates, viz. the very diverse forms of the macroconidia, the lack of pleomorphic change and the low degree of pathogenicity to man and the experiment animals. Nevertheless, they were able to inoculate, with positive result, one isolate in man and Guinea pig. The microsporical type of invasion, the parasite showed in the infected hairs of the Guinea pig, inoculated with one of the strains, so as their characteristic yellow-green fluorescence in the Wood's light, suggests thatMicrosporon nanum is a realMicrosporon, quite distinct fromMicrosporon gypseum. The ubiquitous presence in soil and the low degree of pathogenicity evidences, in the authors opinion, the geophilic and saprophytic nature ofMicrosporon nanum.

(Travail du Centre Dermato-Vénéréologique de Bucarest. Directeur:St. G. Nicolau, membre de l'Académie de la République Populaire Roumaine)  相似文献   

Résumé Quelle que soit l'origine de la souche (sol, arthropodes, lésions humaines), les conidies de l'EntomophthoraleConidiobolus coronatus sont capables d'infecter le puceronAcyrthosiphon pisum (Hémiptères, Aphididae) et les chenilles deGalleria mellonella (Lépidoptères, Pyralidae). De plus, les filtrats, de culture en milieu liquide agité des huit souches éprouvées sont toxiques par inoculation à l'égard de ces derniers insectes; cette toxicité se traduit d'abord par une hémorragie au trou de pip?re, qui peut durer plusiers heures, puis par un noircissement du corps de l'insecte et enfin par la mort de celui-ci. L'effet anticoagulant de substances produites par une Entomophthorale est ici signalé pour la première fois. Les deux souches les plus virulentes à l'égard deAcyrthosiphon pisum, parmi lesquelles se trouve celle isolée de lésions humaines, sont également les plus toxinogènes. L'étude de la vitesse de croissancein vitro du champignon à des températures comprises entre 4 et 37°C révèle une adaptation des souches aux conditions thermiques en relation avec la région d'origine de l'isolat. Notamment, les souches d'origine tropicale se développent plus, rapidement à 26–29°C que les souches originaires de France. La vitesse maximale de croissance est constatée à 29°C pour les différentes souches, sauf pour celle isolée de lésions humaines qui se développe le plus rapidement à 37°C. Cette température est létale pour les autres souches sauf pour une souche isolée d'un myriapode de l'?le de la Réunion. C'est la première fois que l'aptitude à cro?tre à cette température est reconnue chez un isolat deConidiobolus coronatus provenant d'un arthropode.
Summary Whatever the substrate of origin of the strain (soil, arthropods, human phycomycosis), conidia ofConidiobolus coronatus (Zygomycotina, Entomophthorales) are able to infect the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Hemiptera, Aphididae) and the greater wax moth,Galleria mellonella (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Moreover, intrahemocoelic injections of filtrates from shake cultures of all the 8 strains tested proved to be toxic for the later insect; the symptoms are successively haemorrhage, which could last for a few hours, blackening of the blood and at last death. This is the first mention of an anti-coagulant effect of metabolic products from any Entomophthorale. The strain isolated from an human phycomycosis is both the most virulent against the pea aphid and the most effective with regard to toxicity. Comparison of fungal growthin vitro at different temperatures, ranging from 4 to 37°C, revealed a certain relation between the temperature for the optimal growth and the locality of origin of a strain. In particular, strains from tropical areas were growing at 26–29°C faster than those from temperate regions. The higher growth rate was noticed at 29°C for all the 8 tested strains, except for the strain from human phycomycosis, for which the optimum temperature was 37°C. This temperature was lethal for the other strains, but for a strain isolated from a myriapod from the Reunion Island. It is the first time that the ability of a strain ofC. coronatus isolated from an arthropod to growth at 37°C is ascertained.

Dirk Nolf  Henri Cappetta 《Geobios》1976,9(3):251-277
An important new collection of otoliths from theCalcaire Grossier of the Paris Basin, as well as a critical review of already published material is studied and reveals the presence of 56 species. Five of these are new: Muraenesox spatulus, Genus Synodontidarum intermedius, Genus Ophidiidarum spinosus, Chanda bohlkei and Mene sekharani. The assemblage is indicative of tropical to subtropical marine and neritic environment with solid bottom. Biogeographically, it shows affinities with the recent Indo-pacific fauna. The association of the sites at Fercourt and Château-Rouge is clearly different from the one found at the sites of Condé-en-Brie and Damery, as it is less littoral than the second association mentioned.  相似文献   

The study of some recently sampled specimens of «Pecten galloprovincialis var. baranensisAlmera & Bofill, from the type-locality Bará (Tarragona), leads to rise this variety to a specific level. Amussiopecten baranensis (Almera & Bofill, 1897) is a senior synonym of Amussiopecten destefanii (Ugolini, 1903). The distinction between this species and Amusium cristatum (Bronn), which have been often confused, is more precisely defined. A. baranensis is polytypic, as proved by some morphotypes from other European localities (Gard and Landes in France, Sardinia). Its stratigraphic distribution is mainly Helvetian sensu lato or Middle Miocene.Signification and affinities of the genusAmussiopecten are also discussed. As a transitional form to Amusium, A. baranensis may contribute to clarify its taxinomic position, specially by means of microsculptural characteristics: a completed diagnosis is provisionally proposed.  相似文献   

Summary The serological study of 26 new strains ofBacillus thuringiensis (of which the biochemical features are also given) makes it possible to classify these strains into: 1o Strains which are in concordance with the six serotypes previously described. 2o Strains which have a new H antigen. Here, we describe two new serotypes: serotype 7 (aizawai), serotype 8 (morrisoni). On the other hand, the serological study of five new strains ofB. thuringiensis belonging to serotype 4 shows that the H4 antigen must be divided into ?sub-factors?: ?4 a, 4b? to be found in the strains sotto, dendrolimus, T.84-A, L (Grig) and ?4 a, 4 c? to be found in the strains Pil 94, 1748 and Rhodesia. Table 6 gives the present statute of theB. thuringiensis strains' classification by the flagellar agglutination technic.

Avec la collaboration technique deM. Lechevallier etT. Le Borgne. Nous remercions vivement les collègues qui ont bien voulu nous adresser des cultures et nous nous tenons à la disposition de tous ceux qui seraient intéresés par la détermination de l'antigène H de leurs souches. Nous remercions également notre collègueLe Minor pour ses précieux conseils.  相似文献   

The present work deals with the microfauna of small benthonic and planktonic Foraminifera from the Burdigalian stratotype of Aquitaine basin (France) and from a few outcrops in the stratotype vicinity showing the upper or lower boundary of the stratotype.Benthonic fauna is rich: more than 250 species divided in 92 genera have been collected. The most frequent are hyaline Foraminifera (Pararotalia, Elphidium, Asterigerina, Florilus, Virgulopsis, Bolivina). The miocene feature is more pronounced than in the Aquitanian stratotype.Planktonic Foraminifera are much less abundant:only 20 species. However, some of them authorize to place the stratotype (or its equivalent l. s.) in N5 Blow's zone and perhaps in the basel N6 zone.The figurations of many species are made withthe scanning electronic microscope.  相似文献   

The fossil vertebrate locality of Laugnac is the type locality of the Neogene mammalian zone MN2b. It has yielded many remains of Suoidea belonging to two different genera.Xenohyus venitor is characterized by its large size and especially its large central upper incisors, I1/ and I2/. It is quite difficult to know its phyletic relationships because the material is not abundant.Hyotherium cf.meisneri is more abundant with a quite good skull, pieces of skull, jaws and isolated teeth. It belongs to a peculiar lineage different from that ofH. major from Saint Gérand-le-Puy, France. It has some similarities withAureliachoerus aurelianensis from later geological levels (MN3-MN5).  相似文献   

Sans résuméAvec 6 Figures dans le TexteTravail réalisé avec l'aide de l'I. N. S. E. R. M. et de la Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale.  相似文献   

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