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The transmission of Aphanomyces infection among carriers (host females), host mortality, recovery from infection, and stages in the infection process were investigated in Boeckella dilatata (Copepoda: Calanoida) at 15°C in the laboratory. Over a 4-week period, 57.9% female B. dilatata became infected after being paired with carrier females and 3.8% lost their infection hyphae. Mortality was higher among carrier females (41%) than noncarriers (18.2%) but may be related to the age of the females. There was no difference in body size or clutch size between carrier and noncarrier females. However, host females carried clutches for shorter periods and had correspondingly longer intervals between clutches than did noncarriers. The time course of development of infection at 15°C is described.  相似文献   

Atkinsiella infection in the rotiferBrachionus plicatilis has not hitherto been reported. The first known case of this infection is described herein. The fungal growth in vitro was inhibited by 0.05µg/ml of malachite green or 15.6 ppm of formalin. It was experimentally demonstrated that the fungus is pathogenic to the swimming crab,Portunus trituberculatus in the zoeal stage.  相似文献   

Tolonen  Arto  Kjellman  Jakob 《Hydrobiologia》2001,445(1-3):57-66
Lake Kilpisjärvi was stocked with a total number of 440 000 migratory and benthic whitefish fry during the period of 1959–1964. Thereafter, the Diphyllobothrium ditremum plerocercoid infection became a problem decreasing the feasibility and commercial exploitation of the whitefish stock. Since dense fish populations may cause stunting, all stockings in the study area were stopped in an attempt to enhance the fisheries. The aim of the present study was to explore the effect of the cessation of the stocking on the growth, condition, catches and D. ditremum infection of the whitefish population. A total of 1594 whitefish were sampled with benthic gill nets. Growth was estimated from length-at-age and mass–length relationship was estimated with a non-linear regression in 1982–1983, 1992–1993 and 1997. Parasite infection was studied in 1992–1993 and 1997. Growth and condition were poor in the beginning of the 1980s. In 1992–1993, the growth and condition of the fish improved as the numerical catch per unit effort decreased from 1982 to 1992. The mean catches of other fish species were low. There were no significant changes in whitefish growth or condition from 1992–1993 to 1997. From the 1970s to 1982–1983, during slow growth and poor condition of the fish, the median gillraker count was decreasing to 19 (min–max 14–26). In 1992–1993, the gillraker count had increased significantly to 23 (min–max 19–26). However, the improved growth and condition did not cause decrease in the D. ditremum burden. On the contrary, based on our own results and literature notes, the parasite abundance seems to increase during the observation period of 1964–1997.  相似文献   

Complaints characteristic of those for sick building syndrome prompted mycological investigations of a modern multi-story office building on the Gulf coast in the Southeastern United States (Houston-Galveston area). The air handling units and fiberglass duct liner of the heating, ventilating and air conditioning system of the building, without a history of catastrophic or chronic water damage, demonstrated extensive colonization withPenicillium spp andCladosporium herbarum. Although dense fungal growth was observed on surfaces within the heating-cooling system, most air samples yielded fewer than 200 CFU m–3. Several volatile compounds found in the building air were released also from colonized fiberglass. Removal of colonized insulation from the floor receiving the majority of complaints of mouldy air and continuous operation of the units supplying this floor resulted in a reduction in the number of complaints.  相似文献   

The fungal succession on pine cones on the floor ofPinus densiflora forest was investigated in the early decomposition process (within ca. 30% decrease in dry weight). The fungal flora was examined by both washing and surface-sterilization methods on artificially placed cones and naturally fallen cones. The decomposition rates of artificially placed cones were 0.081–0.082 yr–1. On withered cones still attached to the tree,Pestalotiopsis spp. were dominant. These fungi also occurred with higher frequencies after cones had lain on the floor and on cones in the L and FH horizons.Xylaria sp. andPhomopsis sp., which seem to colonize the interior of the tissue, occurred with higher frequencies on the cones on the tree, but their occurrence frequencies decreased after cones had lain on the forest floor. Conversely,Mortierella spp. andTrichoderma spp. newly occurred or their occurrence frequencies increased on lying cones. Of these,Trichoderma koningii increased rapidly and showed high occurrence frequencies.Thysanophora penicillioides, which prefers coniferous substrates, showed higher occurrence frequencies in the early stages of lying on the forest floor. On cones lying on the floor, the fungal flora did not significantly change during the investigation period.  相似文献   

We report that in Okinawa Island (southern Japan) the pupae of the invasive ant Pheidole megacephala were parasitized by an undescribed Uropodidae mite species. Our observations suggest that by sucking the hemolymph of the ant pupae during its own development, mites induce some conspicuous morphological changes and the death of parasitized P. megacephala pupae. Of the 75 collected nests, 69 (92%) were infested by the mite species. The prevalence of parasitism varied strongly among the worker and sexual castes, with the soldier and male pupae being the most attacked, followed by the minor and queen pupae. Our data represent the first case of such high parasitism in an invasive ant population. Received 2 August 2005; revised 29 September 2005; accepted 7 November 2005.  相似文献   

Jankowski  Thomas 《Hydrobiologia》2004,530(1-3):521-528
Invertebrate predators may cause strong changes in behaviour, life-history, and morphology of prey species. However, little is known about the influence of jellyfish on such characteristics of their prey. This study analyses the impacts of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii on life history and morphological defenses in a population of the cladoceran Bosmina longirostris . Length of mucro and antennule, size-dependent number of eggs, size at maturity, and size of juveniles, adults, and egg-carrying females were investigated during a 23 days experiment using medusae-enriched and control enclosures filled with natural plankton populations. Significant differences in parameters investigated were found not only between treatments, but also within treatments over time. Changes in Bosmina life-history parameters and morphology in controls were probably due to predation by cyclopoid copepods. The significant increase in the size of adults and egg-carrying females as well as the increase in mucro and antennule length in medusae-enriched enclosures are discussed as defense strategies against the freshwater jellyfish.  相似文献   

Nakamura  Kazuyo  Wada  Shinpei  Hatai  Kishio  Sugimoto  Takashi 《Mycoscience》1994,35(1):99-104
A fungal infection occurred in juvenile coonstripe shrimps,Pandalus hypsinotus, cultured at Hokkaido Institute of Mariculture, Hokkaido, Japan. The fungus was identified asLagenidium myophilum, the same fungus that had previously been isolated from the abdominal muscle of adult northern shrimps,Pandalus borealis, and larvae of the coonstripe shrimp. Histopathologically, numerous nonseptate hyphae were observed in the lesions, and melanized hemocytes were present within the blackened areas. The optimum temperature for growth of the present strain was 25–30°C, and the optimum NaCl concentration for growth was 0.5–1.0%. Its biological characteristics were compared with those ofLagenidium myophilum isolated from diseased larval coonstripe shrimp and adult northern shrimp. The fungus was pathogenic toward shrimps of the genusPandalus, which live in deep sea areas. The fungus could infect shrimps at various stages, from larva to adult.  相似文献   

Fungal parasitism of eggs of the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis was < 1, 3, and 17% at three sites in Sweden. The fungi isolated most frequently from infected eggs were a Septocylindrium-like fungus ( 19 %), Exophiala spp. (17 %), and Cylindrocarpon spp. (13 %). Verticillium suchtasporium was isolated from infected eggs at a low frequency (4%). In laboratory experiments V. suchlasporium infected 93% of the eggs within cysts after 10 days on dilute corn meal agar. This species showed chitinase and protease activity. Infection of eggs by the Septocylindrium-like fungus was moderate, whereas Cylindrocarpon destructans and Cladosporium cladosporoides did not infect eggs. No chitinase activity was found in these fungi, but protease activity was recorded in all. Growth of the fungi in cysts did not influence the number of physiologically disordered eggs.  相似文献   

Des Roza  Kishio Hatai 《Mycoscience》1999,40(3):235-240
Heavy mortalities reaching 100% among larvae of the Japanese mitten crab,Eriocheir japonicus, occurred in Yamaguchi Prefectural Naikai Fisheries Experimental Station, Yamaguchi, Japan. Under the microscope, infected zoeal larvae were seen to be filled with numerous aseptate hyphae. An investigation was carried out to identify the pathogenic fungus and determine its pathogenicity under laboratory conditions. The pathogenic fungus was identified asAtkinsiella dubia. Its optimum growth temperature was 25°C, and it grew only at 2.5% NaCl. Under laboratory conditions, it showed pathogenicity to the larvae of the swimming crab,Portunus trituberculatus. This is the first report of mass mortality in crustaceans due toA. dubia infection in Japan.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of the bryozoan speciesHippodiplosia insculpta collected from Grandmother’s Cove (American Camp, San Juan Island, Washington, USA) were analyzed in view of pathologic growth patterns. The species produced giant buds that were filled with extracellular polymeric substances and a dense microbial biofilm consisting of bacteria and fungal hyphae. Fungi were isolated from the colonies and were identified asPenicillium expansum, Peniillium brevicompactum, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Acremonium breve, andCladosporium sphaerospermum. The results of this study indicate that the formation of giant buds in the bryozoan is a defense mechanism against fungal infection.  相似文献   

Wild-caught specimens of the lacertid lizard Gallotia galloti eisentrauti from the Canary Island of Tenerife were checked for ectoparasites. The parasitic gamasid mite Ophionyssus galloticolus Fain and Bannert (2000) was very abundant on these lizards. Additionally, parasitism by larvae of two species of Trombiculidae (Prostigmata: Parasitengona) was observed. O. galloticolus was reared in the laboratory on its natural host in order to investigate its life cycle, reproductive biology, and development. The life history of O. galloticolus is documented in detail and compared to literature data of other Ophionyssus species. O. galloticolus was found to be similar to other species of the same genus with respect to the duration of development, the precopulatory association of protonymphs, and the arrhenotokous development of eggs. However, it seems to be more tolerant towards low relative humidity and longer starvation periods than other Ophionyssus species. Evolutionary transformations of the life-history pattern of this genus and other parasitic mites in comparison to its predatory precursors involve a reduction or partial suppression of ontogenetic instars in order to decrease mortality during host-seeking phases, and a compensating increase in growth capacity of the remaining feeding instars facilitated by replacement of sclerites through elastic cuticle or by growth of new cuticle unrelated to a moult (neosomy).  相似文献   

During a study of a pumped storage system from May 1979–June 1980 the profundal macrobenthos of the upper reservoir (Lago di S. Maria Valvestino) was sampled at a fixed station and the population of the tubificid Tubifex tubifex studied in detail. Eggs, embryos and the individuals living in an extra-cocoon stage were counted and individually weighed from monthly samples, according to the methods described in Bonomi & Di Cola (1980). Numerical recruitment during the study period was estimated as 257 000 ind m–2 yr–1; of which 110 000 died either as eggs or as embryos, i.e. inside the cocoons, and a further 128 000 died before they attained sexual maturation. The data seem to confirm the typical demographic strategy of T. tubifex i.e. high fecundity and high mortality in the early life stages. The total annual production of the species was estimated at 91.7 g (w.w.) m–2. The low P/B ratio (2.0 yr–1) is considered to be mainly due to high population densities.  相似文献   

The ecological-constraints model assumes that food items occur in depletable patches and proposes that an increase in group size leads to increased day range due to more rapid patch depletion. Smaller groups become advantageous when an increase in travel costs is not repaid by an increase in energy gained or some other fitness advantage. On the other hand, we also know that group size can be influenced by social factors. Here we contrast the diet and group size of red colobus (Procolobus badius) and black-and-white colobus (Colobus guereza) in Kibale National Park, Uganda to consider how ecological and social factors are affecting their group sizes. Subsequently, we examine whether the insights gained from this detailed comparison can provide an understanding of why the social organization and group size of mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata) and black howlers (A. pigra) differ. Two groups of red colobus and two groups of black-and-white colobus were studied over 10 months. Red colobus groups were larger (48 and 24) than black-and-white colobus groups (9 and 6). The two groups of red colobus overlap home ranges with the two groups of black-and-white colobus; 75% and 95% of their home ranges were within red colobuss home range. There was a great deal of similarity in the plant parts eaten by the two species and both species fed primarily on young leaves (red colobus 70%, black-and-white colobus 76%). In terms of the actual species consumed, again there was a great deal of similarity between species. The average dietary overlap among months for the two neighboring groups of red colobus was 37.3%, while the dietary overlap between the red colobus and the black-and-white colobus group that had its home range almost entirely within the home range of the red colobus groups averaged 43.2% among months. If ecological conditions were responsible for the difference in group size between the two colobine species, one would expect the density of food trees to be lower in the home ranges of the black-and-white colobus monkeys, since they have the smaller group size. We found the opposite to be true. Both black-and-white colobus groups had more food trees and the cumulative size of those trees was greater than those in the red colobuss home ranges. We quantify how these differences parallel differences in mantled and black howlers. The average group size for mantled howlers was 12.9 individuals, and for black howlers it was 5.3 individuals. We explore possible social constraints, such as infanticide, that prevent black-and-white colobus and black howlers from living in large groups.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with corrections to the cover date of the issue.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes can be used to elucidate ecological relationships in community and trophic studies. Findings are calibrated against baselines, e.g. from a producer or primary consumer, assumed to act as a reference to the isotopic context created by spatio-temporal attributes such as geography, climate, nutrient, and energy sources. The ability of an organism to accurately represent a community base depends on how, and over what time-scale, it assimilates ambient materials. Freshwater mussels have served as references for trophic studies of freshwater communities and as indicators of change in nutrient pollution load or source. Their suitability as reference animals has not yet been fully explored, however. We conducted a series of studies examining the suitability of freshwater mussels as isotopic baselines, using their ability to reflect variation in ambient nutrient loads as a case scenario. (1) We analyzed bivalve foot tissue δ15N and δ13C from 22 stream reaches in the Piedmont region of North Carolina, USA to show that compositions varied substantially among locations. Site mean bivalve δ13C values correlated with site ambient particulate organic matter (POM) δ13C values, and site mean bivalve δ15N values correlated with site ambient water dissolved δ15N-NO3 values. (2) Similarity of results among sample types demonstrated that the minimally invasive hemolymph sample is a suitable substitute for foot tissue in δ15N analyses, and that small sample sizes generate means representative of a larger population. Both findings can help minimize the impact of sampling on imperiled freshwater mussel populations. (3) In a bivalve transplantation study we showed that hemolymph δ15N compositions responded to a shift in ambient dissolved δ15N-NO3, although slowly. The tissue turnover time for bivalve hemolymph was 113 days. We conclude that bivalves serve best as biomonitors of chronic, rather than acute, fluctuations in stream nutrient loads, and provide initial evidence of their suitability as time-integrated isotopic baselines for community studies.  相似文献   

H. Schat  M. Scholten 《Plant Ecology》1985,61(1-3):189-195
Populations of short-lived pioneer species from brackish primary dune slacks and beach plains usually have to cope with unpredictably fluctuating abiotic conditions. Life history parameters play a major role in adaptation to temporal environmental heterogeneity. A population's susceptibility to fluctuating salinity levels may be largely determined by seed dormancy characteristics (e.g. seed variability, degree of enforced dormancy imposed by salinity) and juvenile salt resistance rather than by adult salt resistance.Nomenclature follows Hegi (1966).  相似文献   

Summary Foliar samples were obtained from symbiotic nitrogen-fixers and control plants (non-fixers) along elevational and primary successional gradients in volcanic sites in Hawai'i. Most control plants had negative 15N values (range-10.1 to +0.7), while most nitrogen-fixers were near 0. Foliar 15N in the native tree Metrosideros polymorpha did not vary with elevation (from sea level to tree-line), but it did increase substantially towards 0 on older soils. The soil in an 197-yr-old site had a 15N value of approximately-2, while in a 67000-yr-old site it was +3.6. We suggest that inputs of 15N-depleted nitrogen from precipitation coupled with very low nitrogen outputs cause the strongly negative 15N values in non-nitrogen-fixing plants on early successional sites.  相似文献   

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