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Infusions of the leaves and seeds of Annona crassiflora Mart. are commonly employed in the treatment of diarrhoea, snakebites, tumours and disorders of the hair and scalp. The aim of the present study was to investigate the cytotoxic and genotoxic properties of ethanolic extracts of A. crassiflora by evaluating their effects on germination, root elongation, chromosome structure and the cell division of Lactuca sativa (lettuce). The experiment followed a randomized design involving the treatment of L. sativa seeds with ethanolic extracts from leaves and seeds of A. crassiflora applied at ten concentrations (0.0125, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, and 1.2 mg/L) and with five repetitions per treatment. Seeds of L. sativa exposed for 48 h to A. crassiflora leaf extract at concentrations ≥ 0.1 mg/L, or to seed extracts at concentrations ≥ 0.2 mg/L, showed germination percentages that were significantly (p < 0.05) lower than those of seeds exposed to aqueous ethanol control. Exposure of L. sativa seedlings to leaf (but not seed) extracts of A. crassiflora produced significant (p < 0.05) reductions in the mitotic indices of root meristem cells of lettuce and induced chromosome and nuclear abnormalities in the root cells. The presence of chromosome stickiness, bridges, fragments, laggard chromosomes and nuclear condensation were also observed. The cytogenetic effects observed suggest that folkloric medicines prepared with extracts of the leaves or seeds of A. crassiflora should be employed with caution.  相似文献   

The seed coats of Digitalis purpurea L. cv. Gloxiniaflora werecultured for indigenous fungi. Alternaria alternata (Fries)was identified as the sole fungus on seeds freshly harvestedfrom unopened capsules, whereas A. alternata, Rhizopus arrhizus(Fischer), Penicillium sp. and other fungi appeared on storedseeds. The appearance of fungi in seed cultures was seasonal,being more frequent in winter and early spring than in summerand autumn. Alternaria grew well on autoclaved seeds, on dehiscentseed coats, or on seed coats separated from the embryos of ungerminatedseeds. Rhizopus did not grow on these but grew weakly on theculture medium from viable seeds. A. alternata appears to functionas a degradation agent for the seed coat subsequent to germination.Neither fungus was found to be essential to germination of Digitalisseeds. Bioassay of the culture medium from germinating seedsshowed that a fungistat effective against both Alternaria andRhizopus is produced coincident with germination. Based on chromatographicanalysis, the fungistat appears to be a cardenolide. Alternaria alternata (Fries), cardenolides, Digitalis purpurea L. cv, Gloxiniaflora, fungistats, germination, Rhizopus arrhizus (Fischer)  相似文献   

Seed Coat Dormancy in Two Species of Grevillea(Proteaceae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The role played by the seed coat in seed dormancy of Grevillealinearifolia(Cav.) Druce and G. wilsonii(A. Cunn.) was testedby a series of manipulations in which the seed coat was dissectedand removed, dissected and returned to the decoated seed, ordissected, removed and given a heat shock, and returned to thedecoated seed. Germination of intact seeds of both species wasalso examined after exposure to heat shock, smoke, or heat shockand smoke combined. Water permeability of the seed coat wasinvestigated by examining imbibition. For intact seeds, virtuallyno germination occurred under any treatment (G. wilsonii), orgermination was increased by exposure to either heat or smoke(G. linearifolia). Removal of the seed coat led to germinationof all decoated seeds for G. linearifolia, or a proportion ofdecoated seeds for G. wilsonii. Inclusion of smoked water inthe incubation medium led to a higher proportion of decoatedseeds germinating for G. wilsonii. Returning the seed coat,either with or without heat shock to the seed coat, did notsignificantly affect germination in either species. Seed coatswere permeable to water in both species. For the two Grevilleaspecies, there were different dormancy mechanisms that werecontrolled by the seed coat (G. linearifolia) or by both theseed coat and embryo (G. wilsonii). Copyright 2000 Annals ofBotany Company Grevillea linearifolia, Grevillea wilsonii, dormancy, seed coat dormancy, seed coat permeability, smoke, heat shock, germination  相似文献   

Annona crassiflora (Annonaceae) is a protogynous beetle-pollinated savannah tree species, widely distributed in the savannahs of the Cerrado biome. Studies on the mating system and pollen dispersal of protogynous species are very scarce. Here, we used six microsatellite loci to assess the mating system and pollen dispersal of A. crassiflora in a savannah remnant in Central Brazil. We mapped and sampled leaves of 112 adult trees and collected 74 fruits from 20 mother trees (1–4 fruits per plant) to obtain the seeds used (460) for mating system and parentage analyses. Annona crassiflora has predominantly allogamous mating systems, with a high multilocus outcrossing rate (tm?=?0.974, SE?=?0.011) that did not differ among mother trees (F?=?1.32, p?=?0.165). However, tmts was variable among seed trees, indicating that some seeds were produced by mating among relatives. Our results also showed multiple paternity within fruits. Multilocus correlation of outcrossed paternity was high (rp?=?0.302, SE?=?0.045), indicating that for each mother tree, the probability that the same pollen donor sired two random sibs was 30.2%, and the mean number of pollen donors per mother tree was high (6.3). We detected a maximum pollen dispersal distance of 360.7 m and an average of 124.3 m (SD?=?80 m), but most pollination events (73%) occurred at shorter distances (<?160 m), indicating short-distance pollen dispersal, most likely due to the pollinator behaviour.  相似文献   

Harvest rates and foraging strategies in Negev Desert gerbils   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the foraging strategy and quantified the foragingtraits of two nocturnal rodent species, Allenby's gerbil (Gerbillusallenbyi) and the greater Egyptian sand gerbil (Gerbillus pyramidum).In the laboratory, both species used two distinct foragingstrategies: either they immediately consumed seeds found ina patch (seed tray); or they collected and delivered the seedsto their nest box for later consumption. Moreover, we founda transition in foraging strategy among individual G. allenbyi under laboratory conditions; they all began by consuming theseeds on the tray and, after 7 days on average, switched tothe collecting strategy. By contrast, in the field both speciesused only one foraging strategy; they collected and deliveredthe seeds to their burrow or to surface caches for later consumption.Furthermore, G. allenbyi and G. pyramidum collected seeds atsignificantly higher rates in the field than in the laboratorybecause the seed encounter rates for both species were higherin the field. This suggests that in natural conditions, probablyinvolving predation risk and competitive pressure, gerbilsmust respond in two ways: (1) they must choose a foraging strategythat reduces predation risk by minimizing time spent feedingoutside their burrows; and (2) they must forage more efficiently.In the field, seed handling time of the larger species, G. pyramidum, was shorter than that of the smaller one, G. allenbyi.This difference may give G. pyramidum an advantage when resourcelevels are high and when most of a forager's time is spent handling seeds rather than searching for more seeds. Additionally,our field study showed that the seed encounter rate of G. allenbyiwas higher than that of G. pyramidum. This difference may giveG. allenbyi an advantage when resource levels are low and whensearching occupies most of the forager's time. The differentadvantages that each species has over the other, under differentconditions, may well be factors promoting their coexistenceover a wide range of resource densities.  相似文献   

The Cerrado is the largest South American savanna and encompasses substantial species diversity and environmental variation. Nevertheless, little is known regarding the influence of the environment on population divergence of Cerrado species. Here, we searched for climatic drivers of genetic (nuclear microsatellites) and leaf trait divergence in Annona crassiflora, a widespread tree in the Cerrado. The sampling encompassed all phytogeographic provinces of the continuous area of the Cerrado and included 397 individuals belonging to 21 populations. Populations showed substantial genetic and leaf trait divergence across the species' range. Our data revealed three spatially defined genetic groups (eastern, western and southern) and two morphologically distinct groups (eastern and western only). The east‐west split in both the morphological and genetic data closely mirrors previously described phylogeographic patterns of Cerrado species. Generalized linear mixed effects models and multiple regression analyses revealed several climatic factors associated with both genetic and leaf trait divergence among populations of A. crassiflora. Isolation by environment (IBE) was mainly due to temperature seasonality and precipitation of the warmest quarter. Populations that experienced lower precipitation summers and hotter winters had heavier leaves and lower specific leaf area. The southwestern area of the Cerrado had the highest genetic diversity of A. crassiflora, suggesting that this region may have been climatically stable. Overall, we demonstrate that a combination of current climate and past climatic changes have shaped the population divergence and spatial structure of A. crassiflora. However, the genetic structure of A. crassiflora reflects the biogeographic history of the species more strongly than leaf traits, which are more related to current climate.  相似文献   

POWELL  ALISON A. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(1):169-175
Comparisons of five pairs of isogenk lines of peas, differingonly in the A gene for seed coat colour showed that white seeds(genotype aa) imbibed more rapidly than coloured seeds (AA),suffered greater imbibition damage revealed by dead tissue onthe cotyledons, and higher solute leakage. Seed-coat pigmentationwas closely associated with slow water uptake, since when expressionof the A gene was suppressed by the recessive pollens gene,the resulting white seeds {palpal AA) imbibed rapidly. The slowwater uptake by coloured seeds was not due to the restrictionof water entry by the seed coat since the differences in imbibitionrate were maintained when a portion of the seed coat was removedand seeds were imbibed with the exposed cotyledon in contactwith moist filter paper. Imbibition of similarly treated seedsby immersion in polyethylene glycol solutions (1–4%) whichincreased the seed/solution wettability, had little effect onthe water uptake of coloured seeds compared to imbibition inwater whereas that of white seeds increased in the first 10mins imbibition. Poor wettability of the inner surface of colouredseed coats did not therefore explain the slow imbibition ofthese seeds. The white seed coats loosened rapidly during imbibitionwhilst the coloured seed coats remained closely associated withthe cotyledons suggesting that the adherence of the seed coatto the cotyledons and therefore the ease of access of waterbetween the testa and cotyledons determines the rate of imbibition.The rapid water uptake by white-coated seeds and the subsequentimbibition damage may explain the high incidence of infectionof these seeds by the soil-bome fungus Pythhan after 2 d insoil. Improved seed quality and emergence may therefore be achievedby breeding for seed coat characteristics leading to reducedrates of imbibition Pisum sativum, isogenic lines, A gene, seed coat colour, imbibition, imbibition damage, wettability, pollens gene, seed quality, grain legumes  相似文献   

Seed presentation and availability for seed predators changeduring every plant reproductive cycle. We know very little abouthow those changes impinge on both the ability of seed predatorsto impact plant populations and the foraging costs associatedwith seed consumption. Therefore, we conducted several fieldexperiments to evaluate whether wood mice Apodemus sylvaticusbalance food and safety while foraging on Helleborus foetidusseeds during both the pre- and early postdispersal phases ofthe plant reproductive cycle. Both food and safety were keydeterminants of mouse foraging on H. foetidus seeds, thoughtheir roles were not consistent along the plant reproductivecycle. Thus, augmenting ambient food reduced fruit removal bymice during the predispersal phase. During the postdispersalphase, seeds in sheltered microsites experienced higher removalrates than those located in nonsheltered microsites; however,no effect of food augmentation was detected. This apparent reversedrole of food and safety on decision making by mice seemed closelylinked to both the dramatic changes in accessibility and presentationof H. foetidus seeds and the coupled changing foraging costsfaced by mice at different phases of the plant reproductivecycle. For instance, because the cost of foraging for predispersalseeds was higher than for postdispersal seeds, the effect offood augmentation on foraging by wood mice was greater duringthe predispersal phase. Thus, our study illustrates the needof considering differences between pre- and postdispersal seedpredation in the study of granivore rodents and their impacton plant populations.  相似文献   

TOMPSETT  P. B. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(5):693-704
Seeds of Araucaria hunsteinii K. Schum. dried quicker at 29°Cthan at 19°C and quicker with the seed-coat removed thanwhen intact; seeds enclosed in polyethylene bags increased inmoisture content. At 15°C, seeds in a flow of air driedquicker than seeds in a box with silica gel, which in turn driedquicker than seeds in a box with no desiccant. No loss of germinationability occurred on drying fresh seed from 53 to about 32 percent moisture content (fresh weight basis); during further desiccationthe percentage germination was related to percentage moisturecontent in the form of a sigmoid curve, culminating in a completefailure to germinate at approximately 14 per cent moisture content.A consistent relationship was observed for all treatments andthe mean critical moisture content for seed death (failure togerminate) was near 23 per cent. Excised embryos grew on 1 percent agar but died if previously subjected to 14 h of desiccationat 15°C. In contrast, no relationship was found between germination andmoisture content of A. cunninghamii D. Don on desiccation from21 to 7 per cent moisture content. Possible causes for the observeddifference in response to desiccation are discussed and methodsfor seed storage are considered. Araucaria hunsteinii, Klinkii pine, Araucaria cunninghamii, Hoop pine, desiccation, seed longevity, storage of seeds  相似文献   

HERBERT  S. J. 《Annals of botany》1979,43(1):65-73
Components of seed yield of cv. Ultra (Lupinus albus L.) andcv. Unicrop (L. angustifolius L.) were measured when grown atthree densities. The low density (10 plants m–2) Unicropyield (34 g seed per plant) was 1.8 times that of Ultra as ithad more branches, pods and seeds per pod. Ultra seeds (310mg per seed) were heavier than Unicrop seeds (180 mg). The branchingpattern of Ultra was less dependent on plant density, henceat 93 plants m–2 it gave a higher per plant yield (7.4vs 6.4 g) than Unicrop at lower densities (83 plants m–2).Density had most influence on pod formation and only small effectson seeds per pod and seed weight. Yield components on the main-steminflorescence were influenced less by density than componentson branch inflorescences. Later formed, higher order generationsof inflorescences were most affected by increased inter- andintra-plant competition. Pod numbers on the main-stem were similarfor both species. Pods formed at higher flower nodes in Unicrop,but the lower flower nodes were less fertile than those in Ultra.Node position of flowers had no influence on seed set in main-stemUnicrop pods, but pods from higher nodes in Ultra formed fewerseeds. Seed weights in Unicrop were similar among main-stemnodes but in Ultra seed weights tended to increase at highernodes. Lupinus spp, lupins, seed yield, planting density  相似文献   

HICKS  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(3):335-343
Nutrient and salt (NaCI) levels were examined in fruits of twostrand species, Cakile maritima and Arctotheca populifolia,collected near Perth, Western Australia. Nutrient levels inseeds of C. maritima and achenes of A. populifolia were relativelyhigh when compared to those in seeds of Australian native speciesor introduced crop plants, despite the very low nutrient statusof the strand habitat. The high levels of organic and essentialinorganic nutrients in seeds would be of especial value in seedlingestablishment. The upper seed of the two-segmented fruit ofCakile was heavier than the lower seed, but both seeds had verysimilar levels of nutrients. Concentrations of N, P, and micronutrientswere very much higher in seeds of Cakile and Arctotheca thanin other parts of the fruit. Cakile leaves had similar levelsof N and P to seeds, but higher levels of micronutrients, especiallyNa and Cl. In Cakile, concentration ratios for Na levels inleaves, silicule and seeds were 359: 74: 1 respectively, thosefor Cl were 200: 30: 1, suggesting very restricted loading ofNa and Cl into the phloem stream destined for fruits, and selectiveuptake by developing embryos. Cakile seeds germinate within their fruit segments, and levelsof NaCl in recently-matured fruits would be high enough to suppressgermination. The top segment of the fruit had a higher concentrationof NaCl than the bottom, and it is likely that this is responsiblefor the lower germination of seeds within top segments. Theliterature on seed dormancy in Cakile is reviewed briefly, andit is concluded that salt levels in the fruit wall and strandsoil are the major determinants of dormancy in Cakile seeds. Cakile maritima, Arctotheca populifolia, germination, sodium chloride, mineral nutrient levels, micronutrients, macronutrients  相似文献   

A method for direct identification and quantitative measurementsof mixed or pure gases diffusing through seed coats was devisedto test the hypothesis that the dormancy of Xanthium pennsylvanicumseeds is caused by oxygen-impermeable seed coats. The diffusionof oxygen through seed coats of X. pennsylvanicum was shownto obey Fick's first law. Oxygen diffused through the lowerand upper seed coats at the same rate. Imbibed lower and upperseeds showed essentially equal oxygen uptake rates before radicleemergence. This uptake was lower than the rate at which oxygencan diffuse into the seed. Therefore upper seeds are not dormantbecause of seed coat restriction of oxygen diffusion. The relationshipsof oxygen with other factors involved in seed dormancy are discussed.  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of a predator species is thought to bethe cause of short-term apparent competition among those preyspecies that share the predator. Short-term apparent competitionis the negative indirect effect that one prey species has onanother prey species via its effects on predator foraging behavior.In theory, the density-dependent foraging behavior of granivorousrodents and their preference for certain seeds are capable of inducing short-term apparent competition among seed species.In this study, I examined the foraging behavior of two heteromyidrodent species (family Heteromyidae), Merriam's kangaroo rats(Dipodomys merriami) and little pocket mice (Perognathus longimembris).In one experiment I tested the preferences of both rodent speciesfor the seeds of eight plant species. Both rodent species exhibiteddistinct but variable preferences for some seeds and avoidanceof others. However, the differences in preference appearedto have only an occasional effect on the strength of the short-term apparent competition detected in a field experiment. In anotherexperiment, I found that captive individuals of both rodentspecies had approximately equal foraging effort (i.e., timespent foraging) in patches that contained a highly preferredseed type (Oryzopsis hymenoides) regardless of seed density and the presence of a less preferred seed type (Astragalus cicer)in the patches. The rodents also harvested a large proportionof O. hymenoides seeds regardless of initial seed density;this precluded a negative indirect effect of A. cicer on O.hymenoides. But there was a negative indirect effect of O.hymenoides on A. cicer caused by rodents having a lower foragingeffort in patches that only contained A. cicer seeds than inpatches that contained A. cicer and O. hymenoides seeds. Theindirect interaction between O. hymenoides and A. cicer thusrepresented a case of short-term apparent competition thatwas non-reciprocal. Most importantly, it was caused by theforaging behavior of the rodents.  相似文献   

Early histodifferentiation of the embryo of Avicennia marina(Forssk) Vierh was characterized by the formation of endospermhaustoria Once the growth phase was initiated, subsequent embryodevelopment was extra-ovular The mature seed, therefore, wasenclosed by a pericarp originating entirely from the ovary wallGrowth and reserve deposition was not initiated until 45–50d after fruit set (DAFS), when respiratory activity had peakedWater content remained constant from the earliest stages ofembryogenesis to seed abscission and respiratory activity, althoughdeclining somewhat after the completion of histodifferentiation,remained relatively high throughout seed development The ultrastructureof the meristematic root primordia was indicative of metabolicactivity, remaining essentially similar in all respects fromthe end of histodifferentiation until the mature seeds wereabscised During this phase cotyledon cells became highly vacuolatedand the soluble sugars, which constituted the major nutrientreserves of mature seeds, increased considerably Seeds of A,marina initiate germination, without the requirement for additionalwater, as soon as they are shed It is proposed that the accumulationof soluble sugars, rather than insoluble complex reserves, isa major factor in the developmental strategy of these highlyrecalcitrant seeds Anatomy, Avicennia marina, biochemistry, homoiohydrous, recalcitrant, seed development/maturation, ultrastructure  相似文献   

The quality of seed treatment by frugivores has an effect on seed removal after dispersal, seed germination and tree recruitment. We provide information on postdispersal seed removal, germination and subsequent recruitment in tropical forest tree species Antiaris toxicaria in Ghana. We tested whether postdispersal seed removal and germination rates were differentially affected by the following seed treatments: seeds that were spat out by monkeys with all fruit pulp removed and spitting seeds with fruit pulp partially removed as observed in some birds and bats. We used seeds of intact ripened fruits as control. Frugivore seed treatment and distance from bole affected seed removal patterns, whereas intact seeds were significantly removed from all seed stations. The germination success was greater for seeds that were spat out by monkeys and poor for seeds with fruit pulp partially removed and intact fruits. More recruits were recorded at the edge of the adult A. toxicaria canopy radius. There was weak relationship (r2 = 0.042) between the number of recruits and distance away from the adult tree. Results suggest that the subsequent recruitment in tropical forest tree species may be enhanced by some frugivore fruit‐handling behaviour where fruit pulp is removed from the seeds without destroying the seeds.  相似文献   

Hilton, J. R. and Thomas, J. A. 1987. Changes in respiratorypotential of dormant and non-dormant Galium aparine L. (cleavers)seeds during dry storage.—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1484–1490. Pre-germinative rates of O2 uptake of two collections of Galiumaparine L. seed were compared throughout a 9 month period ofdry storage at 4 °C, 23 °C and at ambient (frost-protected)temperatures. Uptake of O2 by the dormant seeds was generallyhigher than that of the less dormant seeds except when freshly-harvested.Moreover, changes in the O2 consumption of seeds stored at ambienttemperatures could be associated with periods of germinationand seedling emergence in the field. The results are discussedin relation to changes in respiratory metabolism during dormancybreakage.  相似文献   

Breaking of Seed Dormancy by Nitrate as a Gap Detection Mechanism   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
PONS  THUS L. 《Annals of botany》1989,63(1):139-143
Germination of Planlago lanceolata seeds buried in a chalk grasslandwas higher in bare soil than in vegetated soil, and measurementof soil nitrate concentrations showed that they were high enoughto account for this stimulation. When seeds of P. lanceolatawere sown in pots of soil with or without plants, and wateredwith nutrient solution containing either no nitrate, or 14 mMnitrate (sufficiently high that not all nitrate was absorbedby the plants), the presence of plants inhibited germinationonly when the nutrient solution contained no nitrate. It wasconcluded that breaking of seed dormancy by nitrate can functionas a gap detection mechanism if nitrate concentrations in baresoil are high enough to break seed dormancy, but are too lowto break dormancy when vegetation is present Plantago lanceolata, seed, dormancy, germination, nitrate, gap detection  相似文献   

In this study the effects of seed size variation on germinationand seedling vigour have been investigated within and betweenploidy levels of diploid and related autotetraploid Dactylixglomerata. Rates of seed germination and seedling growth werecompared in two contrasting environments using diploid and tetraploidseeds of equal and also different biomass. Within each ploidylevel, seed biomass had no effect on either the overall percentagenor the rate of germination. In contrast, the comparison ofseeds of equal biomass but differing in ploidy level showedthat seeds from tetraploid plants germinated faster and to ahigher percentage than those from diploid plants. With respectto seedling growth, heavier seeds from the tetraploid genotypesgave seedlings of significantly higher biomass than those fromlighter tetraploid and diploid seeds throughout the 2 monthsof study. Interestingly, seeds of equal biomass but from differentploidy levels produced seedlings more similar than those fromthe extreme seed weight categories. These differences were maintainedin two different environmental conditions. These results suggestthat there is a complex interdependance of seed size and ploidyon seed germination and seedling growth but is not a simpleconsequence of differences in seed size between diploids andtheir related tetraploids.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Dactylis glomerata, polyploidy, seed size, germination, seedling  相似文献   

Endogenous hormones, namely cytokinins (CKs), indole-3-aceticacid (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) were quantified by specificenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in the mature seedof normal (cv. Westar) and ogura (ogu) cytoplasmic male sterile(CMS) lines of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Dihydrozeatin (DZ)and dihydrozeatin riboside (DZR) were the major CK base andriboside, respectively, in seeds of both the normal and oguCMS lines. The normal seed had more than 4-fold DZ levels incomparison to that of ogu CMS. On the other hand, the ogu CMSseed had higher levels of CK o-glucosides and CK. nucleotidesthan normal seed. Seeds of the normal line contained 5-foldmore IAA but had one-quarter the level of ABA in comparisonto those of the ogu CMS line. The normal line also had greaterseed diameter and weight than the ogu CMS line and the normalseed germinated earlier than the male sterile seed. DZ (10–6M) promoted the germination of ogu CMS seeds, but it was notcomparable to that of the normal line. ABA (10–6 M) inhibitedseed germination of ogu CMS but had little effect on the normalline. The normal seedlings had shorter primary roots, more lateralroots, longer hypocotyls, greater cotyledon fresh weight andhigher chlorophyll levels in comparison to ogu CMS seedlings.Exogenously supplied DZ, IAA and ABA affected the various parametersof both the normal and ogu CMS seedlings, but in most casesdid not fully restore the differences in the two lines. The results presented show that in the ogura cytoplasmic malesterile line of B. napus (1) a number of seed and seedling characteristicsare affected, and (2) the altered seed morphology is accompaniedby changes in the levels of various hormones. Key words: Brassica napus, cytoplasmic male sterility, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, hormone, seed germination  相似文献   

Germination of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. var. grabra cv.Nobel) seeds was inhibited at a high temperature (35?C). Effectsof KCN on the respiration of seeds incubated at 20 and 35?Cwere compared in order to investigate the mechanism of inhibitionof seed germination by high temperature. Respiration of germinatingseeds incubated at 20?C was inhibited about 50% by 5 mM. KCNsolution, whereas it hardly inhibited the weak respiration ofthe seeds at 35?C. Germination of seeds was delayed by exogenousKCN. When the KCN solution was renewed daily, germination wascompletely inhibited. Pericarp removal promoted germinationat 35?C, but atypical germination (cotyledons emerging earlierthan a radicle) took up more than half of the total germination.The inhibitory action of KCN on the respiration of seeds wasnot altered by pericarp removal. A KCN addition, even at 20?C,elicited atypical germination in the pericarp-less seeds. Theseresults show that cyanide-sensitive respiration is needed toinduce typical spinach seed germination (root emergence), butis rendered inoperative by high temperatures thus bringing aboutpoor germination and atypical germination. (Received December 1, 1984; Accepted February 8, 1985)  相似文献   

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