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Having the complete human genomic sequence poses a new challenge: to use genomic structural information to display and analyze biological processes on a genome-wide scale to assign gene function. DNA microarrays are a miniaturized, ordered arrangement of nucleic acid fragments from individual genes located at defined positions on a solid support, enabling the analysis of thousands of genes in parallel by specific hybridization. This review describes technical aspects, discusses relevant applications, and suggests factors affecting the use of this technology and how it fits in the grand scheme of meeting the needs of the postgenomic era.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence of the human cytomegalovirus genome.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
In the first part of this article we review what has been learnt from the analysis of the sequence of HCMV. A summary of this information is presented in the form of an updated map of the viral genome. HCMV is representative of a major lineage of herpesviruses distinct from previously sequenced members of this viral family and demonstrates striking differences in genetic content and organization. The virus encodes approximately 200 genes, including nine gene families, a large number of glycoprotein genes, and homologues of the human HLA class I and G protein-coupled receptor genes. The HCMV sequence thus provides a sound basis for future molecular studies of this highly complex eukaryotic virus. The second part discusses the practical rate of DNA sequencing as deduced from this and other studies. The 229 kilobase pair DNA genome of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) strain AD169 is the largest contiguous sequence determined to date, and as such provides a realistic benchmark for assessing the practical rate of DNA sequencing as opposed to theoretical calculations which are usually much greater. The sequence was determined manually and we assess the impact of new developments in DNA sequencing.  相似文献   

Replication of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) produces large DNA concatemers of head-to-tail-linked viral genomes that upon packaging into capsids are cut into unit-length genomes. The mechanisms underlying cleavage-packaging and the subsequent steps prior to nuclear egress of DNA-filled capsids are incompletely understood. The hitherto uncharacterized product of the essential HCMV UL52 gene was proposed to participate in these processes. To investigate the function of pUL52, we constructed a ΔUL52 mutant as well as a complementing cell line. We found that replication of viral DNA was not impaired in noncomplementing cells infected with the ΔUL52 virus, but viral concatemers remained uncleaved. Since the subnuclear localization of the known cleavage-packaging proteins pUL56, pUL89, and pUL104 was unchanged in ΔUL52-infected fibroblasts, pUL52 does not seem to act via these proteins. Electron microscopy studies revealed only B capsids in the nuclei of ΔUL52-infected cells, indicating that the mutant virus has a defect in encapsidation of viral DNA. Generation of recombinant HCMV genomes encoding epitope-tagged pUL52 versions showed that only the N-terminally tagged pUL52 supported viral growth, suggesting that the C terminus is crucial for its function. pUL52 was expressed as a 75-kDa protein with true late kinetics. It localized preferentially to the nuclei of infected cells and was found to enclose the replication compartments. Taken together, our results demonstrate an essential role for pUL52 in cleavage-packaging of HCMV DNA. Given its unique subnuclear localization, the function of pUL52 might be distinct from that of other cleavage-packaging proteins.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that human cytomegalovirus DNA synthesis is inhibited in infected confluent human embryonic lung cells treated with the DNA-intercalative topoisomerase II inhibitor 4-9'-(acridinylamino)methanesulfon-m-anisidide (m-AMSA). Similar inhibitory effects were observed with VM-26, a nonintercalative topoisomerase II inhibitor. This antiviral effect is not attributable to cytotoxic effects per se. Furthermore, m-AMSA appears to have a notably irreversible inhibitory effect on human cytomegalovirus DNA replication. No inhibition of viral DNA synthesis was observed with o-AMSA, a DNA-intercalative isomer of m-AMSA that does not inhibit topoisomerase II.  相似文献   

To determine the mechanisms involved in the regulation of human cytomegalovirus early gene expression, we have examined the gene that encodes the viral DNA polymerase (UL54, pol). Our previous studies demonstrated that sequences required for activation of the pol promoter by immediate-early proteins are contained within a region from -128 to +20 and that cellular proteins can bind to this activation domain. In this study, we demonstrate by competition analysis that binding of cellular proteins to pol is associated with an 18-bp region containing a single copy of a novel inverted repeat, IR1. Time course analysis indicated that viral infection increased the level of protein binding to IR1, concurrent with the activation of the pol promoter. Mutation of the IR1 element abrogated binding of cellular factors to the pol promoter and reduced by threefold the activation by immediate-early proteins. Similarly, mutation of IR1 rendered the promoter poorly responsive to activation by viral infection. Mutation of additional sequence elements in the pol promoter had little effect, indicating that IR1 plays the major role in pol promoter regulation. These studies demonstrate that the interaction between cellular factors and IR1 is important for the regulation of expression of the polymerase gene by viral proteins.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) cloned EcoRI fragments R and b hybridized strongly, under standard high-stringency conditions, to uninfected cellular DNA of human, murine, or sea urchin origin. Less hybridization was detected with fragments, A, C, E, WL(F), WN(H), I, M, O, P, Q, V, c, d, and e. Southern blot analysis of the HCMV-related human DNA localized the major sites of hybridization of HCMV EcoRI fragments R, b, and d to defined regions of the 28S rRNA gene.  相似文献   


A homogeneous preparation of human papillomavirus type 1a (HPV-1a) DNA resisted complete cleavage by the methylation-sensitive restriction endonuclease HhaI. Ten fragments additional to those predicted from the known HPV-1a DNA sequence were resolved by agarose gel electrophoresis of the HhaI-cleaved viral DNA. By determining the composite structures of the additional HhaI viral fragments, evidence was found for part-methylation of six of the thirteen HhaI sites. Two of the modified HhaI sites were localized to the 3'-end of the putative early gene region. The other four modified Hha-I sites were situated within the L1 open reading frame of the putative late gene region. Ten successive restriction endonuclease sites occurring close to and within an area of high CG density which surrounds the 5' end of the putative early gene region, were not modified detectably. The possible relevance of DNA methylation to the control of HPV-1a gene expression in epidermal cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The application of DNA microarrays in gene expression analysis   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
DNA microarray technology is a new and powerful technology that will substantially increase the speed of molecular biological research. This paper gives a survey of DNA microarray technology and its use in gene expression studies. The technical aspects and their potential improvements are discussed. These comprise array manufacturing and design, array hybridisation, scanning, and data handling. Furthermore, it is discussed how DNA microarrays can be applied in the working fields of: safety, functionality and health of food and gene discovery and pathway engineering in plants.  相似文献   

To better understand the regulation of late gene expression in human cytomegalovirus (CMV)-infected cells, we examined expression of the gene that codes for the 65-kilodalton lower-matrix phosphoprotein (pp65). Analysis of RNA isolated at 72 h from cells infected with CMV Towne or ts66, a DNA-negative temperature-sensitive mutant, supported the fact that pp65 is expressed at low levels prior to viral DNA replication but maximally expressed after the initiation of viral DNA replication. To investigate promoter activation in a transient expression assay, the pp65 promoter was cloned into the indicator plasmid containing the gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT). Transfection of the promoter-CAT construct and subsequent superinfection with CMV resulted in activation of the promoter at early times after infection. Cotransfection with plasmids capable of expressing immediate-early (IE) proteins demonstrated that the promoter was activated by IE proteins and that both IE regions 1 and 2 were necessary. Analysis of promoter deletion mutants indicated that the 5' minimal sequence required for activation is -61 from the CAP site (+1) and that an 8-base-pair sequence located at -51 to -58 is necessary for activation of the pp65 promoter. This sequence is repeated once at +93 and is found as an inverted repeat at +67. These studies suggest that interactions between IE proteins and this octamer sequence may be important for the regulation and expression of this CMV gene.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) DNA polymerase gene (UL54; also called pol) is a prototypical early gene in that expression is mandatory for viral DNA replication. Recently, we have identified the major regulatory element in the UL54 promoter responsive to the major immediate early (MIE) proteins (UL122 and UL123) (J.A. Kerry, M.A. Priddy, and R. M. Stenberg, J. Virol. 68:4167-4176, 1994). Mutation of this element, inverted repeat sequence 1 (IR1), abrogates binding of cellular proteins to the UL54 promoter and reduces promoter activity in response to viral proteins in transient-transfection assays. To extend our studies on the UL54 promoter, we aimed to examine the role of IR1 in UL54 regulation throughout the course of infection. These studies show that viral proteins in addition to the MIE proteins can activate the UL54 promoter. Proteins from UL112-113 and IRS1/TRS1, recently identified as essential loci for transient complementation of HCMV oriLyt-dependent DNA replication, were found to function as transactivators of the UL54 promoter in association with MIE proteins. UL112-113 enhanced UL54 promoter activation by MIE proteins three- to fourfold. Constitutive expression of UL112-113 demonstrated that the MIE protein dependence of UL112-113 transactivational activity was not related to activation of cognate promoter sequences, suggesting that UL112-113 proteins function in cooperation with the MIE proteins. Mutation of IR1 was found to abrogate stimulation of the UL54 promoter by UL112-113, suggesting that this element is also involved in UL112-113 stimulatory activity. These results demonstrate that additional viral proteins influence UL54 promoter expression in transient-transfection assays via the IR1 element. To confirm the biological relevance of IR1 in regulating UL54 promoter activity during viral infection, a recombinant virus construct containing the UL54 promoter with a mutated IR1 element regulating expression of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene (RVIRmCAT) was generated. Analysis of RVIRmCAT revealed that mutation of IR1 dramatically reduces UL54 promoter activity at early times after infection. However, at late times after infection CAT expression by RVIRmCAT, as assessed by RNA and protein levels, was approximately equivalent to expression by wild-type RVpolCAT. These data demonstrate IR1-independent regulation of the UL54 promoter at late times after infection. Together these results show that multiple regulatory events affect UL54 promoter expression during the course of infection.  相似文献   

Novel and powerful technologies such as DNA microarrays and proteomics have made possible the analysis of the expression levels of multiple genes simultaneously both in health and disease. In combination, these technologies promise to revolutionize biology, in particular in the area of molecular medicine as they are expected to reveal gene regulation events involved in disease progression as well as to pinpoint potential targets for drug discovery and diagnostics. Here, we review the current status of these technologies and highlight some studies in which they have been applied in concert to the analysis of biopsy specimens.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) induces morphological changes in infected cells that are remarkably similar to those seen in oncogenically transformed cells. The molecular bases of these phenotypic alterations are not known but their occurrence in some transformed cells can be associated with abnormal fibronectin (FN) expression. In this report, we have compared FN levels in normal and HCMV-infected cells. In these studies, the HCMV-infected fibroblasts exhibited a progressive loss of cellular FN. Northern (RNA) blot analysis revealed that the decrease in FN levels resulted from a lowering of FN mRNA levels in HCMV-infected cells. We detected an initial decrease in FN mRNA of 25 to 30% at immediate-early and early times, whereas at late times after infection the levels of FN mRNA were lowered by greater than 80%. These results indicated that the HCMV-induced decrease in FN expression is due to a decrease in the quantity of FN mRNA and suggested that HCMV-encoded and/or -induced functions may be involved in producing these alterations.  相似文献   

During the lytic phase of infection, replication of herpesvirus genomes initiates at the lytic origin of replication, oriLyt. Many herpesviruses harbor more than one lytic origin, but so far, only one oriLyt has been identified for human cytomegalovirus (HCMV). Evidence for the existence of additional lytic origins of HCMV has remained elusive. On the basis of transient replication assays with cloned viral fragments, HCMV oriLyt was described as a core region of 1.5 kbp (minimal oriLyt) flanked by auxiliary sequences required for maximal replication activity (complete oriLyt). It remained unclear whether minimal oriLyt alone can drive the replication of HCMV in the absence of its accessory regions. To investigate the sequence requirements of oriLyt in the context of the viral genome, mutant genomes were constructed lacking either minimal or complete oriLyt. These genomes were not infectious, suggesting that HCMV contains only one lytic origin of replication. Either minimal or complete oriLyt was then ectopically reinserted into the oriLyt-depleted genomes. Only the mutant genomes carrying complete oriLyt led to infectious progeny. Remarkably, inversion of the 1.5-kbp core origin relative to its flanking regions resulted in a replication-defective genome. Mutant genomes carrying minimal oriLyt plus the left flanking region gave rise to minifoci, but genomes harboring minimal oriLyt together with the right flanking region were noninfectious. We conclude that the previously defined minimal lytic origin is not sufficient to drive replication of the HCMV genome. Rather, our results underline the importance of the accessory regions and their correct arrangement for the function of HCMV oriLyt.  相似文献   

Based on the complete Sinorhizobium meliloti genome sequence we established DNA microarrays as a comprehensive tool for systematic genome-wide gene expression analysis in S. meliloti 1021. For these PCR fragment-based microarrays, called Sm6kPCR, a collection of probes for the 6207 predicted protein-coding genes consisting of 6046 gene-specific PCR fragments and 161 70 mer oligonucleotides was arrayed in high density on glass slides. To obtain these PCR fragments primer pairs were designed to amplify internal gene-specific DNA fragments of 80-350 bp. Additionally, these primers were characterized by a 5' extension that allowed for reamplification using standard primers after the first amplification employing the specific primers. In order to ascertain the quality of the Sm6kPCR microarrays and to validate gene expression studies in S. meliloti parallel hybridizations based on RNA samples obtained from cells cultured under identical conditions were performed. In addition, gene expression in S. meliloti in response to an osmotic upshift imposed by the addition of 0.38 M NaCl was monitored. 137 genes were identified showing significant changes in gene expression resulting from the osmotic upshift. From these genes 52 were induced and 85 genes were repressed. Among the genes displaying different RNA levels some functional groups could be identified that are particularly remarkable. Repression was observed for 8 genes related to motility and chemotaxis, 7 genes encoding amino acid biosynthesis enzymes and 15 genes involved in iron uptake whereas 14 genes involved in transport of small molecules and 4 genes related to polysaccharide biosynthesis were induced.  相似文献   

Persistence of the cytomegalovirus genome in human cells.   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A small percentage of human fibroblast cells survived high-multiplicity infection by cytomegalovirus and were isolated as persistently infected cultures. Approximately 30% of the cells were in the productive phase of infection, since virus-specific structural antigens and virions were associated with these cells. The remaining cells contained neither viral structural antigens nor particles. Nuclear DNA from these nonproductive cells contained approximately 120 genome equivalents of viral DNA per cell as determined by reassociation kinetics. In situ hybridization confirmed that nuclei from nonproductive cells contained a significant amount of viral DNA that was distributed in most of these cells. Early virus-induced proteins and antigens were also detected. Nonproductive cells continued to grow, and there was a slow, spontaneous transition of some of these cells to productive viral replication. The majority of the viral DNA in nonproductive cells persisted with restricted gene expression. When infectious virus production was eliminated by growing the persistently infected cultures in the presence of anticytomegalovirus serum, approximately 45 genome equivalents of the viral DNA persisted per cell. The reassociation reaction approached completion. After removal of the antiserum and subculturing, infectious virus production resumed. Therefore, it was assumed that all sequences of the viral genome remained associated with these cells. Restriction of cytomegalovirus gene expression in persistently infected cell cultures is discussed.  相似文献   

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