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Glasshouse and field trials were conducted to determine the efficacy of a talc-based powder formulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Pf1 in controlling groundnut leaf spot ( Cercosporidium personatum ) and rust ( Puccinia arachidis ). Seed treatment with the talc-based powder formulation of the bacterium alone effectively reduced the severity of leaf spot and rust. When the treated seeds were sown in soil, the antagonist moved to the rhizosphere and multiplied well in it. Foliar application with the powder formulation effectively controlled the groundnut leaf spot and rust. P. fluorescens multiplied well in the phyllosphere after foliar application of powder formulation. Combined application of the P. fluorescens formulation to seed and foliage effectively controlled leaf spot and rust, and increased the pod yield in greenhouse and field tests.  相似文献   

Two plant pathogenic Pseudomonas spp. were formulated using the 'Stabileze' method which involves the incorporation of bacteria in a water-absorbent starch matrix with oil and sucrose, then granulating the matrix with hydrated silica. In one experiment, P. syringae pv. tabaci formulated with the standard Stabileze formula was evaluated for storage viability at -15, 2 and 22°C. Bacteria stored for 1 year at -15 and 2°C lost only 0.2 and 0.5 log 10 colony forming units (CFU) g -1 respectively compared to a loss of log 10 3.5 CFU at 22°C. In a second experiment, the same pathogen was evaluated using variations of the formula with and without oil, and with and without sucrose. P.s. pv. tabaci formulated with sucrose and oil in combination, and sucrose and oil alone survived better than the formulation without oil or sucrose. A third experiment tested the effect of four levels of oil and four levels of sucrose (4 ×4 factorial) on survival of P.s. pv. tagetis over a 28 month period. Sucrose alone enhanced survival more than oil alone, and the beneficial effect of the sucrose was reduced when it was combined with oil. These experiments suggest that the Stabileze protocol is effective for stabilizing bacteria, but there are differences in response to different formulation components between species of bacteria.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven antagonists, from a collection of 113 pre-screened microorganisms, were tested in field experiments on winter wheat for their ability to control ear blight and production of mycotoxins, particularly deoxynivalenol (DON), in grain by Fusarium culmorum and F. graminearum. Ears were spray-inoculated during anthesis with spore suspensions, first of test fungi and then of the pathogen. Isolates of F. equiseti were the most effective treatments. A strain of F. equiseti (G9) decreased DON consistently on wheat inoculated with F. culmorum, compared with the control, often by more than 70%. It performed well under severe disease pressure (F. culmorum at 105 conidia mL-1) and similarly to a standard fungicide, tebuconazole. Percentages of diseased grains and amounts of DON corresponded well. Small quantities of nivalenol (NIV) occurred in grain samples after treatment with some F. equiseti strains. On wheat inoculated with F. graminearum, F. equisti G2 decreased the percentage diseased grains by 92% and DON by 94%. One strain of F. equiseti (G2) was found to produce small amounts of NIV in pure culture.  相似文献   

广东省水稻纹枯病菌遗传多样性与致病力分化的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用随机引物扩增多态性DNA(PAPD)分子标记技术分析了来自广东省7个县市48个水稻纹枯病菌菌株的遗传多样性,以筛选出的10个随机引物对菌株进行PAPD-PCR扩增,共产生了98个PAPD分子标记,其中89.9%的片段具有多态性。48菌株间的遗传相似性系数(以Nei基因一致度表示)在0.56-0.949之间,用UPGMA和类分析可将它们分为5个RAPD遗传聚类群(A、B、C、D、E),相同地区来源的菌株基本上聚类在同一组群内。在温室中对供试菌株进行致病性测定,结果表明所有菌株对水稻品种Tetep都有致病性,菌株间致病力差异显著(α=0.05),病情指数范围为0.73-18.7,平均感指病指数为5.24。试验分析结果表明水稻纹枯病菌具有丰富的遗传多样性,不同县市的菌株存在很大的遗传分化现象(FST=0.579),RAPD遗传聚类群的划分与菌株的地理来源有明显的相关性,但菌株的致病力差异与菌株的来源、遗传聚类组群的划分没有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

玉米种质资源对纹枯病的抗性鉴定与评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在人工接种条件下,对国内常用的285份玉米种质资源进行抗纹枯病大田鉴定与评价,未发现免疫材料,抗病材料很少.高抗、抗和中抗材料的比例分别为1.0%、3.2%、13.7%;绝大多数材料属于感病或高感,分别占29.8%、52.3%.株高、主穗位高、主穗位高/株高之比值与病情指数呈负相关,病斑高、病斑高/株高、病斑高/主穗位高之比值与病情指数呈正相关,可以将病斑高度与主穗位高度的比值作为抗性鉴定与评价指标之一.采用带菌麦粒在拔节中后期定位接种,以病斑到达的叶鞘位作为病情和抗性评价体系是较为准确和规范的方法.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aureofaciens B-4117 and P. fluorescens CR330D inhibited the growth of a wide range of plant pathogens, including Agrobacterium tumefaciens , when tested on agar media. In a series of nursery-based trials with natural pathogen inoculum, application of either B-4117 or CR330D significantly reduced the incidence and severity of crown gall caused by A. tumefaciens on grapevine and raspberry. The extent of disease control depended upon the variety tested. Both bacteria reduced disease during seedling root production and grafting. The disease incidence on root cuttings of three grapevine varieties was reduced by 56-80% and the disease severity index (DSI) was decreased by 75-86%. Depending on the scion variety, the number of healthy rooted grafts increased by 2-3.5-fold, while the DSI was reduced by 1.5-3-fold. The results suggest that there is potential in using these antagonists to diminish the influence of latent rootstock infection on graft sensitivity to crown gall. Pretreatment of rooted raspberry seedlings with P. aureofaciens B-4117 prevented the development of crown galls caused by A. tumefaciens strain K24 or by a mixture of A. tumefaciens pathogenic strains previously isolated from raspberry. Both Pseudomonas spp. persisted on the root surfaces of inoculated vine cuttings and in non-sterile soil. The advantages of using the antagonistic bacteria as biocontrol agents of crown gall are discussed.  相似文献   

In an attempt to select potential biocontrol agents against Pythium spp. and Rhizoctonia spp. root pathogens for use in soilless systems, 12 promising bacteria were selected for further investigations. Sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that three strains belonged to the genus Enterobacter, whereas nine strains belonged to the genus Pseudomonas. In in vitro assays, one strain of Pseudomonas sp., Pf4, closely related to Pseudomonas protegens (formerly Pseudomonas fluorescens), showed noteworthy antagonistic activity against two strains of Pythium aphanidermatum and two strains of Rhizoctonia solani AG 1-IB, with average inhibition of mycelial growth >80%. Strain Pf4 was used for in vivo treatments on lamb’s lettuce against R. solani root rot in small-scale hydroponics. Pf4-treated and untreated plants were daily monitored for symptom development and after two weeks of infection, a significant protective effect of Pf4 against root rot was recorded. The survival and population density of Pf4 on roots were also checked, demonstrating a density above the threshold value of 105?CFU?g?1 of root required for disease suppression. Known loci for the synthesis of antifungal metabolites, detected using PCR, and draft-genome sequencing of Pf4 demonstrated that Pseudomonas sp. Pf4 has the potential to produce an arsenal of secondary metabolites (plt, phl, ofa and fit-rzx gene clusters) very similar to that of the well-known biocontrol P. protegens strain Pf-5.  相似文献   

Fourteen strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens isolated from rhizosphere soil of rice were tested for their antagonistic effect towards Rhizoctonia solani, the rice sheath blight fungus. Among them, PfMDU2 was the most effective in inhibiting mycelial growth of R. solani in vitro. Production of chitinase, beta-1,3-glucanase, siderophores, salicylic acid (SA) and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) by P. fluorescens strains was evaluated. The highest beta-1,3-glucanase activity, siderophore production, SA production and HCN production were recorded with PfMDU2. A significant relationship between the antagonistic potential of P. fluorescens against R. solani and its level of beta-1,3-glucanase, SA and HCN was observed.  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)是世界上最重要的粮食作物, 但稻瘟病和纹枯病等病害严重危害水稻的产量和品质, 给我国乃至全球粮食安全带来巨大威胁。鉴定水稻抗病资源、克隆抗病基因、揭示抗性机理并在育种中加以利用, 对抵御水稻病害和保障粮食安全具有十分重要的作用。准确评价水稻资源的抗病性, 是开展抗病机理研究和育种生产应用的关键环节。该文详述了水稻幼苗期人工喷雾接种、分蘖期和孕穗期田间注射接种与离体叶片戳伤接种的稻瘟病抗性鉴定方法, 以及水稻分蘖期田间接种、孕穗期温室接种和离体茎秆接种的纹枯病抗性鉴定方法, 以期为同行鉴定水稻资源、开展抗病理论和应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

The ability of Rhizoctonia solani AG‐1 IA, the causal agent of rice sheath blight, to survive in diseased rice straw and as sclerotia and mycelia was investigated. After storage for 10 months at 4°C, 25°C and non‐air‐conditioned natural room temperature (NRT, temperature range from 6°C to 35°C), sclerotia placed inside a desiccator, soaked in sterile water or immersed in wet paddy soil were viable. In contrast, only 15% of sclerotia in dry paddy soil survived. Survival of mycelia was severely affected by temperature and humidity. After 10 months in a desiccator at 4°C, 55% of mycelia samples could survive, whereas at 25°C and NRT, mycelial samples survived for only 7 and 5 months, respectively. However, mycelia stored in sterile water at constant temperatures (4°C or 25°C) survived for 10 months. A certain amount of UV radiation had no obvious effect on the survival of sclerotia or mycelia. The survival rate of the fungus in diseased rice straw stored for 16 months could reach 100% at 4°C, 50% at 25°C and 35% at NRT. The survival rates of the pathogen in diseased rice straw buried in dry, wet and flooded paddy soils after 10‐month storage at NRT were 75, 100 and 100%, respectively, indicating that soil humidity is a crucial factor for the survival of this fungus.  相似文献   

Sheath blight disease of rice caused by Rhizoctonia solani is one of the most dreaded plant diseases faced by the rice farmers all over the world. None of the commercially cultivated rice varieties have sufficient level of field resistance, and the disease is presently being managed by chemical pesticides. In this study, 40 isolates of rice sheath blight pathogen, collected from diverse rice ecosystems from 12 different states of India, were characterized for their morphological, pathological and genetic variation. The isolates showed wide morphological variation in terms of size of sclerotia and abundance of sclerotia production. The virulence of each pathogen isolate was studied on four rice varieties, that is TN1, IR 64, Tetep and Swarnadhan in glasshouse, and observations were taken by measuring the relative lesion height. The relative lesion heights produced by these isolates on four different rice varieties varied widely. Genetic variation of the isolates was analysed using ISSR markers. The primers based on AG, GA, AC and CA repeats were informative and revealed polymorphism among the isolates. The polymorphism information content (PIC) of the primers ranged from 0.80 to 0.96, while the resolving power (Rp) ranged from 3.7 to 15.35. Largely, grouping of the isolates happened based on their geographical origin. One isolate from Titabar, Assam, and another from Adialabad, Telangana, were quite distinct from rest of the isolates.  相似文献   

甜瓜以营养丰富口味独特而深受世人青睐。同时,其采后病害高效、"绿色"防治药剂的缺乏也成为多年来困扰甜瓜生产的难题。本文采用直接生物测定的方法,从健康的甜瓜表面分离到1株有生防潜能的菌株X4。该菌株对引起甜瓜主要采后病害的粉红单端胞菌(Trichothecium roseum)、镰刀菌(Fusarium spp.)和链格孢菌(Alternaria alternata)的防治效果分别达到了90.6%、84.4%和67.4%;定殖实验显示,接菌4 d后该菌在瓜内数量可上升并稳定至1.1×10~6CFU/ml;通过16S rDNA测定、形态特征观察及生理生化测定结果表明该菌为Pseudomonas fluorescens biovarⅢ。  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens strains antagonistic to Sarocladium oryzae, the sheath rot (Sh-R) pathogen of rice (Oryza sativa L.), were evaluated in greenhouse and field tests for suppression of Sh-R severity and enhancement of grain yields of rice. Imprints of rice seedlings and a direct-observation technique of staining roots with fluorochromes confirmed the association of P. fluorescens with roots and the ability of the strain to move along shoot tips. In greenhouse tests, P. fluorescens-treated rice plants (cv. IR 20) showed a 54% reduction in the length of Sh-R lesions. In three field tests, treatment with P. fluorescens reduced the severity of Sh-R by 20 to 42% in five rice cultivars. Bacterization of rice cultivars with P. fluorescens enhanced plant height, number of tillers, and grain yields from 3 to 160%.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the ice-nucleating activity of Pseudomonas fluorescens KUIN-1 by compounds in the leaves from coniferous trees were investigated, and the inactivated material was identified. Intact cells of the strain KUIN-1 and the acetone or methanol extracts of leaves of various coniferous trees were allowed to react for 30 min at 18°C. Antinucleation compounds were obtained from Chamaecyparis taiwanensis. When the acetone extract from the leaves of coniferous trees was added to the cell suspension (about 106 cells/ml) in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), the ice nucleating temperature, T50, was significantly decreased (T50<-5°C). This inhibitor was isolated by using TLC, then identified as hinokitiol based on UV-VIS, IR, and mass spectral data. When intact cells of the strain KUIN-1 were incubated with hinokitiol, limonene, and α-pinene of the principal constituent of the leaves of coniferous trees in 50 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), the ice-nucleating activity decreased, but not in α-terpinene. Furthermore, the ice-nucleating activities from other ice-nucleating bacteria also decreased in the presence of hinokitiol. This inhibition was proportional to the concentration of hinokitinol. The pH and thermal stabilities of the ice-nucleating activity of the cells were changed by the addition of hinokitiol (10 mM).  相似文献   

Endospores of B. megaterium were formulated in granule formulations with sodium alginate, lactose and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP K-30) by the wet granulation technique. The granule formulation exhibited good physical characteristics, such as high-water solubility and optimal viscosity, that would be suitable for spray application. The bacteria remained viable in the dry granule formulation at 109 c.f.u./g after 24 months storage at room temperature. Under laboratory conditions, aqueous solutions of the formulation showed high activity against mycelial growth of R. solani (99.64 ± 0.14% mycelial inhibition). High viability of the bacterial antagonist on leaf sheath and leaf blade at day 7 after spraying with the formulation was observed (approximately 106 c.f.u./g of plant). Application of an equivalent number of un-formulated endospores resulted in much loss of the bacterial endospores even 1 day after application. In a small pilot field study, an aqueous solution of the formulation (3%w/v) applied by spraying at days 1, 5 and 10 after pathogen inoculation of the rice plants was more effective in suppressing rice sheath blight disease than one application of a fungicide (Iprodione) at day 1. Additionally, rice plants sprayed with the aqueous solution of the granule formulation had higher panicle and whole kernel weights than those of fungicide-treated and control (untreated) plants.  相似文献   

Extruded granular formulations containing rice flour, gluten, Pyrax, vermiculite, canola oil, and fermentor-produced biomass of isolates of Gliocladium virens (Gl-3, Gl-21 and Gl-32), Trichoderma hamatum (TRI-4 and 31-3), T. harzianum (Th-32 and Th-87) and T. viride (Tv-101) were evaluated for their effect on the reduction of eggplant damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani, reduction of pathogen inoculum and proliferation of the isolates in a soil-less mix. Granules with all isolates except 31-3 significantly (P < 0.01) reduced damping-off, and granules with Gl-3, Gl-21, Gl-32, TRI-4 and Th-87 yielded stands comparable to that (90%) of the non-infested control. Granules with isolates Gl-21 and TRI-4 were the most effective in the reduction of saprophytic growth of R. solani, and there was a significant inverse correlation (r 2 = - 0.82) between eggplant stand and saprophytic growth of the pathogen over all treatments. Isolate propagules proliferated to about 107 colony-forming units (CFU) g?1 of soil-less mix after a 6-week incubation, but there was no correlation between the number of CFU and eggplant stand or saprophytic growth reduction of the pathogen. Granules with Gl-21 and TRI-4 amended to pathogen-infested soil-less mix at a rate as low as 0.06% significantly (P < 0.05) reduced damping-off and pathogen saprophytic growth, and a rate of 0.25% of Gl-21 granules resulted in an eggplant stand comparable to that of the non-infested control. There was no significant correlation between the rate of granule amendment and the proliferation of Gl-21 and TRI-4. Granules of Gl-21 and TRI-4 also significantly prevented the spread of R. solani in flats of eggplant seedlings when the biocontrol granules were applied to the soil-less mix 1 day before the pathogen inoculum.  相似文献   

One hundred and eighty isolates of Rhizoctonia solani AG1‐IA, the causal agent of rice sheath blight, were obtained from six locations in southern China. The genetic structure of R. solani isolates was investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers, and a considerable genetic variation among R. solani isolates was observed. Most of the genetic diversity was distributed within populations, rather than among them. The distribution pattern of the genetic variation of R. solani appears to be the result of high gene flow (Nm) and low‐genetic differentiation among populations. The aggressiveness of R. solani was visually assessed by rice seedlings of five different cultivars in the glasshouse. All isolates tested were found to induce significantly different levels of disease severity, reflecting considerable variation in aggressiveness. The isolates were divided into highly virulent, moderately virulent and weakly virulent groups, and the moderately virulent isolates were dominant in R. solani population. No significant correlation was observed among the genetic similarity, pathogenic aggressiveness and geographical origins of the isolates. Information obtained from this study may be useful for breeding for improved resistance to sheath blight.  相似文献   

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