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The ras superfamily of GTP binding proteins encompasses a wide range of family members, related by conserved amino-acid motifs, and act as molecular binary switches that play key roles in cellular processes. Gene duplication and divergence has been postulated as the mechanism by which such family members have evolved their specific functions. We have cloned and sequenced a ras-like gene, tbrlp, from the primitive eukaryote Trypanosoma brucei. The gene encodes a protein of 227 amino acids and contains the six conserved subdomains that designate it as a ras/rap subfamily member. However, the presence of key diagnostic residues characteristic of both the ras and rap families of GTP confuse the familial classification of this gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the GTP binding domain places its origins at the divergence point of the ras/rap families and suggests that tbrlp is an ancestral gene to the ras/rap genes of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The origin of complex cellular life is a key puzzle in evolutionary research, which has broad implications for various neighbouring scientific disciplines. Naturally, views on this topic vary widely depending on the world view and context from which this topic is approached. In the following, I will share my perspective about our current scientific knowledge on the origin of eukaryotic cells, that is, eukaryogenesis, from a biological point of view focusing on the question as to whether an archaeon was the ancestor of eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Given the remarkable similarities in cellular structure (morphological and ultra-structural features), molecular motility, biochemical physiology, ability to capture prey by phagocytosis and interactions with microbial pathogens, here we pose the question whether Acanthamoeba and macrophages are evolutionary related. This is discussed in the light of evolution and functional aspects such as the astonishing resemblance of many bacteria to infect and multiply inside human macrophages and amoebae in analogous ways. Further debate and studies will determine if Acanthamoeba is an evolutionary ancestor of macrophages. Is this a myth or reality?  相似文献   

The role of poly ADP-ribosylation in DNA excision repair was studied in experimental models of various complexities. In intact cells in vivo, the unfolding of chromatin during DNA excision repair apparently requires the presence of a functional poly-ADP-ribosylation system. In vitro studies involving a reconstituted poly-ADP-ribosylation system show that the enzyme poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase has the capacity to shuttle core histones on a core DNA fragment of 146 bp. Under these conditions, the polymerase operates in a strictly processive mode. Furthermore, the polymerase adapts to different shuttling targets by producing very distinct polymer patterns. We conclude that the eukaryotic poly-ADP-ribosylation system has the capacity to regulate DNA-protein interactions and this may be an essential part of the unfolding mechanism of chromatin during excision repair in vivo.  相似文献   

Patients with Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome show various defects in the normal function of platelets and lymphocytes. The recent identification of the gene responsible for this syndrome has led to a surge of studies aimed at solving the puzzle posed by the varied phenotype observed in this disease. It is now known that WASP, the protein product of this gene, can interact with a large number of other proteins known to be involved in the regulation of signal transduction and cytoskeletal organization. Thus, WASP appears to integrate these two basic and fundamental cellular mechanisms. Several groups are now focusing on understanding the function of WASP in detail, and translating this new knowledge into improved therapies.  相似文献   

A gene coding for a DNA polymerase β from the Trypanosoma cruzi Miranda clone, belonging to the TcI lineage, was cloned (Miranda Tcpolβ), using the information from eight peptides of the T. cruzi β-like DNA polymerase purified previously. The gene encodes for a protein of 403 amino acids which is very similar to the two T. cruzi CL Brener (TcIIe lineage) sequences published, but has three different residues in highly conserved segments. At the amino acid level, the identity of TcI-polβ with mitochondrial polβ and polβ-PAK from other trypanosomatids was between 68–80% and 22–30%, respectively. Miranda Tc-polβ protein has an N-terminal sequence similar to that described in the mitochondrial Crithidia fasciculata polβ, which suggests that the TcI-polβ plays a role in the organelle. Northern and Western analyses showed that this T. cruzi gene is highly expressed both in proliferative and non-proliferative developmental forms. These results suggest that, in addition to replication of kDNA in proliferative cells, this enzyme may have another function in non-proliferative cells, such as DNA repair role similar to that which has extensively been described in a vast spectrum of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

An Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. cDNA encoding a novel 16-kDa protein (P16) of the chloroplast thylakoid lumen has been characterised. The function of the protein is unknown but it shares some sequence similarity with alpha allophycocyanins. P16 is synthesised with a bipartite, lumen-targeting presequence, and import experiments demonstrated that this protein follows the ΔpH-dependent pathway. Analysis of the thylakoid transfer peptide revealed two unusual features. Firstly, the key targeting determinant is predicted to be a twin-arginine followed by a highly hydrophobic residue two residues later, rather than at the third position as in most transfer peptides. Secondly, the C-terminal domain of the transfer peptide contains multiple charged residues which may help to prevent mistargeting by the Sec-type protein translocase. Received: 16 October 1998 / Accepted: 29 October 1998  相似文献   

In order to construct transgenic rice plant with an introduced oryzacystatin (OC)--glucuronidase (GUS) fusion gene, we first introduced it into rice protoplasts by electroporation, together with a marker gene conferring hygromycinresistance (pUC-HPH). In a transient assay using the transfected protoplasts, both OC and GUS activities were detected. The GUS activity was higher when the OC-GUS fusion protein was expressed than when only a single GUS protein was expressed. Next, to isolate stable transformants, hygromycin-resistant calli were selected. Forty one out of 116 hygromycin-resistant calli expressed a 2.2 kb mRNA transcribed from the chimeric gene and their extracts exhibited the activities of both OC and GUS. Finally, the transgenic calli were regenerated into rice plants whose tissues (leaves, roots and seeds) exhibited GUS activity probably derived from the fusion protein.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells show under suboptimal growth conditions a complex response that leads to the acquisition of tolerance to different types of environmental stress. This response is characterised by enhanced expression of a number of genes which contain so-called stress-responsive elements (STREs) in their promoters. In addition, the cells accumulate under suboptimal conditions the putative stress protectant trehalose. In this work, we have examined the expression of four genes encoding subunits of the trehalose synthase complex,GGS1/TPS1, TPS2, TPS3 andTSL1. We show that expression of these genes is coregulated under stress conditions. Like for many other genes containing STREs, expression of the trehalose synthase genes is also induced by heat and osmotic stress and by nutrient starvation, and negatively regulated by the Ras-cAMP pathway. However, during fermentative growth onlyTSL1 shows an expression pattern like that of the STRE-controlled genesCTT1 andSSA3, while expression of the three other trehalose synthase genes is only transiently down-regulated. This difference in expression might be related to the known requirement of trehalose biosynthesis for the control of yeast glycolysis and hence for fermentative growth. We conclude that the mere presence in the promoter of (an) active STRE(s) does not necessarily imply complete coregulation of expression. Additional mechanisms appear to fine tune the activity of STREs in order to adapt the expression of the downstream genes to specific requirements.  相似文献   

A low molecular weight protein, named fibril-forming protein (FFP), was isolated from the culture supernatant of Avicel-grown Trichoderma reesei. The protein was purified to homogeneity and it exhibited a molecular weight of 11,400Da. Low amounts of this protein caused apparently non-hydrolytic disruption of filter paper, releasing fibrils without any detectable release of reducing sugars. It displayed no hydrolytic activity on carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), p-nitrophenyl--d-glucoside (pNPG) or 4-methylumbelliferyl cellobioside. The pH optimum of the protein was between 4 and 5. The temperature optimum was 40°C and the computed activation energy (Ea) for the filter paper disruption process was 4.18kcal/mol, suggesting disruption of non-covalent bonds. It had no immunological cross reactivity with reported cellulase components of T. reesei.  相似文献   

The RPL10A gene encodes the RPL10 protein, required for joining 40S and 60S subunits into a functional 80S ribosome. This highly conserved gene, ubiquitous across all eukaryotic super-groups, is characterized by a variable number of spliceosomal introns, present in most organisms. These properties facilitate the recognition of orthologs among distant taxa and thus comparative studies of sequences as well as the distribution and properties of introns in taxonomically distant groups of eukaryotes. The present study examined the multiple ways in which RPL10A conservation vs. sequence changes in the gene over the course of evolution, including in exons, introns, and the encoded proteins, can be exploited for evolutionary analysis at different taxonomic levels. At least 25 different positions harboring introns within the RPL10A gene were determined in different taxa, including animals, plants, fungi, and alveolates. Generally, intron positions were found to be well conserved even across different kingdoms. However, certain introns seemed to be restricted to specific groups of organisms. Analyses of several properties of introns, including insertion site, phase, and length, along with exon and intron GC content and exon–intron boundaries, suggested biases within different groups of organisms. The use of a standard primer pair to analyze a portion of the intron-containing RPL10A gene in 12 genera of green algae within Chlorophyta is presented as a case study for evolutionary analyses of introns at intermediate and low taxonomic levels. Our study shows that phylogenetic reconstructions at different depths can be achieved using RPL10A nucleotide sequences from both exons and introns as well as the amino acid sequences of the encoded protein.  相似文献   

We isolated a cDNA encoding a DNA-binding protein, SPF1, of sweet potato that binds to the SP8a (ACTGTGTA) and SP8b (TACTATT) sequences present in the 5 upstream regions of three different genes coding for sporamin and -amylase of tuberous roots. SPF1 comprises 549 amino acids and is enriched in both basic and acidic residues. The amino acid sequence of SPF1 shows no significant homology to any known protein sequences, suggesting that it may represent a new class of DNA-binding protein. Binding studies with 35S-labeled SPF1, synthesized in vitro, and synthetic DNA fragments indicated that, although SPF1 binds to both the SP8a and SP8b sequences, it binds much more strongly to SP8a than to SP8b. SPF1 bound to the SP8a sequence as a monomer. The DNA-binding domain of SPF1 was localized within the C-terminal half of this protein, and a 162-amino acid fragment of SPF1 (Met310-Arg472) showed DNA-binding activity with no change in target sequence specificity. This fragment contains a region enriched in basic amino acids adjacent to a highly acidic stretch. A sequence which is highly homologous to a 40-amino acid sequence in the basic region of the DNA-binding domain is duplicated in the N-terminal part of SPF1. The gene coding for SPF1 is present in one or a few copies per haploid genome and the SPF1 mRNA was detected in leaves, stems and tuberous roots of the sweet potato, in addition to petioles. The level of SPF1 mRNA in the petioles decreased when leaf-petiole cuttings were treated with sucrose to induce accumulation of sporamin and -amylase mRNAs.  相似文献   

The self-complementary subset ∪{AAA,TTT} with = {AAC, AAT, ACC, ATC, ATT, CAG, CTC, CTG, GAA, GAC, GAG, GAT, GCC, GGC, GGT, GTA, GTC, GTT, TAC, TTC} of 22 trinucleotides has a preferential occurrence in the frame 0 (reading frame established by the ATG start trinucleotide) of protein (coding) genes of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The subsets ∪{CCC} and ∪{GGG} of 21 trinucleotides have a preferential occurrence in the shifted frames 1 and 2 respectively (frame 0 shifted by one and two nucleotides respectively in the 5′-3′ direction). and are complementary to each other. The subset contains the subset which has the rarity property (6 × 10−8) to be a complementary maximal circular code with two permutated maximal circular codes and in the frames 1 and 2 respectively. is called a C3 code. A quantitative study of these three subsets in the three frames 0, 1, 2 of protein genes, and the 5′ and 3′ regions of eukaryotes, shows that their occurrence frequencies are constant functions of the trinucleotide positions in the sequences. The frequencies of in the frame 0 of protein genes are 49, 28.5 and 22.5% respectively. In contrast, the frequencies of in the 5′ and 3′ regions of eukaryotes, are independent of the frame. Indeed, the frequency of in the three frames of 5′ (respectively 3′) regions is equal to 35.5% (respectively 38%) and is greater than the frequencies and , both equal to 32.25% (respectively 31%) in the three frames. Several frequency asymmetries unexpectedly observed (e.g. the frequency difference between and in the frame 0), are related to a new property of the subset involving substitutions. An evolutionary analytical model at three parameters (p, q, t) based on an independent mixing of the 22 codons (trinucleotides in frame 0) of with equiprobability (1/22) followed by t ≈ 4 substitutions per codon according to the proportions p ≈ 0.1; q ≈ 0.1 and r = 1 − pq ≈ 0.8 in the three codon sites respectively, retrieves the frequencies of observed in the three frames of protein genes and explains these asymmetries. Furthermore, the same model (0.1, 0.1, t) after t ≈ 22 substitutions per codon, retrieves the statistical properties observed in the three frames of the 5′ and 3′ regions. The complex behaviour of these analytical curves is totally unexpected and a priori difficult to imagine.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c6 has long been known as a redox carrier of the thylakoid lumen of cyanobacteria and some eukaryotic algae that can substitute for plastocyanin in electron transfer. Until recently, it was widely accepted that land plants lack a cytochrome c6. However, a homologue of the protein has now been identified in several plant species together with an additional isoform in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. This form of the protein, designated cytochrome c6A, differs from the 'conventional' cytochrome c6 in possessing a conserved insertion of 12 amino acids that includes two absolutely conserved cysteine residues. There are conflicting reports of whether cytochrome c6A can substitute for plastocyanin in photosynthetic electron transfer. The evidence for and against this is reviewed and the likely evolutionary history of cytochrome c6A is discussed. It is suggested that it has been converted from a primary role in electron transfer to one in regulation within the chloroplast, and is an example of evolutionary 'bricolage'.  相似文献   

The origin of eukaryotes is a fundamental, forbidding evolutionary puzzle. Comparative genomic analysis clearly shows that the last eukaryotic common ancestor (LECA) possessed most of the signature complex features of modern eukaryotic cells, in particular the mitochondria, the endomembrane system including the nucleus, an advanced cytoskeleton and the ubiquitin network. Numerous duplications of ancestral genes, e.g. DNA polymerases, RNA polymerases and proteasome subunits, also can be traced back to the LECA. Thus, the LECA was not a primitive organism and its emergence must have resulted from extensive evolution towards cellular complexity. However, the scenario of eukaryogenesis, and in particular the relationship between endosymbiosis and the origin of eukaryotes, is far from being clear. Four recent developments provide new clues to the likely routes of eukaryogenesis. First, evolutionary reconstructions suggest complex ancestors for most of the major groups of archaea, with the subsequent evolution dominated by gene loss. Second, homologues of signature eukaryotic proteins, such as actin and tubulin that form the core of the cytoskeleton or the ubiquitin system, have been detected in diverse archaea. The discovery of this ‘dispersed eukaryome’ implies that the archaeal ancestor of eukaryotes was a complex cell that might have been capable of a primitive form of phagocytosis and thus conducive to endosymbiont capture. Third, phylogenomic analyses converge on the origin of most eukaryotic genes of archaeal descent from within the archaeal evolutionary tree, specifically, the TACK superphylum. Fourth, evidence has been presented that the origin of the major archaeal phyla involved massive acquisition of bacterial genes. Taken together, these findings make the symbiogenetic scenario for the origin of eukaryotes considerably more plausible and the origin of the organizational complexity of eukaryotic cells more readily explainable than they appeared until recently.  相似文献   

We have isolated an cDNA after applying a DDRT-PCR analysis on mRNA from mature resting cysts of the ciliate Oxytricha (Sterkiella) nova. From this cDNA fragment the complete macronuclear minichromosome was obtained by using the Mac-End-PCR method. After cloning and sequencing, this cDNA shown certain similarity to HMG-like proteins. The analysis of the inferred amino acid sequence shown that this putative HMG-like protein has one HMG-box interrupted by a intron. The analysis of others characteristics (including a 3D model) confirms that it is a HMGB family protein. It is the first time that a macronuclear gene encoding a putative HMG-box protein is isolated from resting cysts of a stichotrich ciliate. The possible implications of this stored mRNA in the ciliate cryptobiotic stage are discussed.  相似文献   

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