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Circadian changes in protein synthesis and phosphorylation of ribosomal and cytoplasmic proteins in the marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra were analyzed by radioactive labeling and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Maximal rates of protein synthesis were found during the subjective night and minimal rates during the subjective day. Protein synthesis was inhibited by heat shock to a different extent at different circadian phases—maximally during the subjective night. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) having molecular weights of approximately 105, 89, 83, 66, 35, and 18 kDa were induced by these treatments. Induction of HSP89 and HSP35 showed circadian differences with maximal synthesis rates at CT 15, whereas most HSPs maintained a constant constitutive and induced synthesis. Recovery of normal protein synthesis after heat shock occurred faster during the subjective night than during the subjective day. Ribosomal proteins with molecular weights of 16 and 18 kDa were highly phosphorylated by [35S] thio gamma adenosine triphosphate during day phase in a light-dark cycle or at CT 6 in constant dim light and labeled only to a minor degree during night phase or at CT 18. A ribosome-associated protein (35 kDa) was labeled during the day and not during the night, but after heat shock during both day and night. In the 200,000 g cytosolic fraction, a 35-kDa protein was found to be more intensely labeled at night than during the day phase after heat shock. The results of this study show a correlation between circadian changes in the overall protein synthesis and ribosomal protein phosphorylation. The rhythm of protein synthesis and phosphorylation of a ribosome-associated protein are drastically altered by heat shock and dependent on the circadian phase.  相似文献   

Summary Pulses of some Ca2+ channel blockers (dantrolene, Co2+, nifedipine) and calmodulin inhibitors (chlorpromazine) lead to medium (maximally 5–9 h) phase shifts of the circadian conidiation rhythm ofNeurospora crassa. Pulses of high Ca2+, or of low Ca2+, a Ca2+ ionophore (A23187) together with Ca2+, and other Ca2+ channel blockers (La3+, diltiazem), however, caused only minor phase shifts. The effect of these substances (A 23187) and of different temperatures on the Ca2+ release from isolated vacuoles was analyzed by using the fluorescent dye Fura-2. A 23187 and higher temperatures increased the release drastically, whereas dantrolene decreased the permeation of Ca2+ (Cornelius et al., 1989).Pulses of 8-PCTP-cAMP, IBMX and of the cAMP antagonist RP-cAMPS, also caused medium (maximally 6–9 h) phase shifts of the conidiation rhythm. The phase response curve of the agonist was almost 180° out of phase with the antagonist PRC. In spite of some variability in the PRCs of these series of experiments all showed maximal shifts during ct 0–12. The variability of the response may be due to circadian changes in the activity of phosphodiesterases: After adding cAMP to mycelial extracts HPLC analysis of cAMP metabolites showed significant differences during a circadian period with a maximum at ct 0.Protein phosphorylation was tested mainly in an in vitro phosphorylation system (with35S-thio -ATP). The results showed circadian rhythmic changes predominantly in proteins of 47/48 kDa. Substances and treatments causing phase-shifts of the conidiation rhythm also caused changes in the phosphorylation of these proteins: an increase was observed when Ca2+ or cAMP were added, whereas a decrease occurred upon addition of a calmodulin inhibitor (TFP) or pretreatment of the mycelia with higher (42° C) temperatures.Altogether, the results indicate that Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent and cAMP-dependent processes play an important, but perhaps not essential, role in the clock mechanism ofNeurospora. Ca2+ calmodulin and the phosphorylation state of the 47/48-kDa proteins may have controlling or essential functions for this mechanism.  相似文献   

Patterns of circadian and ultradian rhythms in the heart rate (HR) are described in a full-term baby with birth asphyxia and convulsions. A 24h HR recording was carried out at the age of 1, 15, 56, 289, and 295 days; West syndrome diagnosis was made when the patient was 3 months old. The HR showed no circadian rhythm in the follow-up, whereas it is known that the circadian rhythm appears in healthy infants at the age of 1 month and remains thereafter. This observation may be an indirect indicator of the interference of West syndrome with centers of neurological maturity. (Chronobiology International, 17(4), 591-595, 2000)  相似文献   

A 64-kilodalton (kDa) protein, situated in the lumen between the inner and outer envelopes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts (Soll and Bennett 1988, Eur. J. Biochem., 175, 301–307) is shown to undergo reversible phosphorylation in isolated mixed envelope vesicles. It is the most conspicuously labelled protein after incubation of envelopes with 33 nmol·1-1 [-32P]ATP whereas incubation with 50 mol·1-1 [-32P]ATP labels most prominently two outer envelope proteins (86 and 23 kDa). Half-maximum velocity for phosphorylation of the 64-kDa protein occurs with 200 nmol·1-1 ATP, and around 40 mol·1-1 ATP for phosphorylation of the 86- and 23-kDa proteins, indicating the operation of two distinct kinases. GGuanosine-, uridine-, cytidine 5-triphosphate and AMP are poor inhibitors of the labelling of the 64-kDa protein with [-32P]ATP. On the other hand, ADP has a potent influence on the extent of labelling (half-maximal inhibition at 1–5 mol·1-1). The ADP-dependent appearance of 32P in ATP indicates that ADP acts by reversal of kinase activity and not as a competitive inhibitor. However, the most rapid loss of 32P from pre-labelled 64-kDa protein occurs when envelope vesicles are incubated with ATP t1/2=15 s at 20 molsd1-1 ATP). This induced turnover of phosphate appears to be responsible for the rapid phosphoryl turnover seen in situ.Abbreviations LHCP ligh-harvesting chlorophyll-a/b-binding protein - S0.5 concentration giving half-maximal phosphorylation - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - Tricine N-[2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl]glycine  相似文献   

Salomon M  Zacherl M  Rudiger W 《Planta》1996,199(3):336-342
Blue light induced the phosphorylation of a 116-kDa plasma-membrane-associated protein in dark-grown seedlings from Avena sativa L. The response was restricted to the phototropically sensitive tissue of the coleoptile tip. Surprisingly, this protein showed different properties in membrane preparations from plants that were grown for 3 d than in those from 5-d-old seedlings. In contrast to the younger coleoptiles, in 5-d-old seedlings phosphorylation of the 116-kDa protein depended strictly on the addition of Triton X-100 or other non-ionic detergents and was not abolished when the membranes were pretreated with trypsin. These latter membranes were also characterized by the appearance of two additional bluelight-regulated phosphoproteins of slightly lower molecular masses, exhibiting properties similar to the 116-kDa protein from 3-d-old plants. The data, together with solubilization studies, indicate that the 116-kDa protein is strongly membrane-bound only at the very beginning of seedling development and becomes more loosely associated in the course of coleoptile growth. In addition, we demonstrate that the capacity of the light-activated photoreceptor to recover photosensitivity in the dark also can occur under in-vitro conditions.Abbreviations LM-proteins lower molecular mass phosphoproteins, 100 kDa and 95 kDa - NPM N-phenylmaleimide We thank Dr. W.R. Briggs and Dr. P. Reymond (Carnegie Institution of Washington, Stanford, USA) for helpful discussion at the beginning of this work. The work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, and the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie, Frankfurt, Cooperation was supported by a travel grant from NATO.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial experiments are of increasing interest in different fields of research. Inhibition of mitochondrian activities seems to play a role in Parkinson's disease and in this regard several animal models have used inhibitors of mitochondrial respiration such as rotenone or MPTP. Most of these experiments were done during the daytime. However, there is no reason for mitochondrial respiration to be constant during the 24h. This study investigated the circadian variation of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated rat brain mitochondria and the administration-time-dependent effect of rotenone and melatonin. The respiratory control ratio, state 3 and state 4, displayed a circadian fluctuation. The highest respiratory control ratio value (3.01) occurred at 04:00h, and the lowest value (2.63) at 08:00h. The highest value of state 3 and state 4 oxidative respiration occurred at 12:00h and the lowest one at 20:00h. The 24h mean decrease in the respiratory control ratio following incubation with melatonin and rotenone was 7 and 32%, respectively; however, the exact amount of the inhibition exerted by these agents varied according to the time of the mitochondria isolation. Our results show the time of mitochondrial isolation could lead to interindividual variability. When studies require mitochondrial isolation from several animals, the time between animal experiments has to be minimized. In oxidative phosphorylation studies, the time of mitochondria isolation must be taken into account, or at least specified in the methods section.  相似文献   

Summary Two proteins,Gonyaulax luciferase and the luciferin binding protein, are involved in the bioluminescent reaction of the unicellular marine algaGonyaulax polyedra. Using antibodies raised separately against the purified proteins, their ultrastructural localizations were visualized by double immunogold labeling on sections after fast-freeze fixation, freeze-substitution and embedding in Epon or in LR White. Gold particles of two sizes attached to the secondary antibodies allowed the two primary antibodies to be distinguished. The two colocalized to cytoplasmic densifications (scintillons), which occurred in close association with the vacuolar membrane near the periphery of the cell. They also occurred in the cytoplasm of the Golgi area, either over densifications without associated membranes (prescintillons), or as very small colocalizations not associated with any evident cytoplasmic differentiation. No other site of colocalization was observed, thus unambiguously establishing the ultrastructural identity of the bioluminescent organelles.Abbreviations FFF fast-freeze fixation - FS freeze-substitution - IGS immunogold staining - LBP luciferin binding protein - PBS phosphate buffered saline - TBS tris-buffered saline Dedicated to the memory of Professor Beatrice Marcy Sweeney  相似文献   

We have developed an in vitro translation system for the lower eukaryote Dictyostelium discoideum. Active extracts using endogenous mRNA support protein synthesis with optimal Mg2+ and K+ concentrations of 5 mM and 120 mM, respectively. [35S]Methionine incorporation is linear for more than 2 h. Polypeptides synthesized from endogenous mRNA have sizes ranging from less than 20 to over 100 kDa. Heat-shock proteins are synthesized in vitro in extracts prepared from heat-shocked cells. Possible uses of this system for study of translational control during growth and differentiation are discussed.  相似文献   

Control of nitrate reductase by circadian and diurnal rhythms in tomato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tucker DE  Allen DJ  Ort DR 《Planta》2004,219(2):277-285

Summary Circadian morphological variations of pinealocytes in the superficial pineal of the Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) were studied using quantitative electron-microscopic techniques. The volume of the nucleus and cytoplasm of pinealocytes exhibited similar circadian variations, with the maximum around the middle of the light period and the minimum during the first half of the dark period. Synaptic ribbons in pinealocytes were classified into three groups, type-1, –2 and –3 synaptic ribbons, which appeared as rods, round or irregular bodies and ring-shaped structures, respectively; a synaptic ribbon index was determined for the respective types. The synaptic ribbon index was expressed as the number of synaptic ribbons in the pinealocyte profile representing the cell size. The type-1 synaptic ribbon index, which was smallest during the second half of the light period, was increased during the dark period. The length of straight or slightly curved rods showed a 24-h change similar to that of the type-1 synaptic ribbon index; the length of the rods was maximal during the first half of the dark period and minimal at the end of the light period. There was no apparent circadian variation in the type-2 synaptic ribbon index. The type-3 synaptic ribbon index was higher during the light period than during the dark period; the index attained zero 3h after the onset of darkness and, thereafter, increased gradually.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro phosphorylation reactions using extracts of Streptomyces griseus cells and -[32P]ATP revealed the presence of multiple phosphorylated proteins. Most of the phosphorylations were distinctly inhibited by staurosporine and K-252a which are known to be eukaryotic protein kinase inhibitors. The in vitro experiments also showed that phosphorylation was greatly enhanced by manganese and inhibition of phosphorylation by staurosporine and K-252a was partially circumvented by 10 mM manganese. A calcium-activated protein kinase(s) was little affected by these inhibitors. Herbimycin and radicicol, known to be tyrosine kinase inhibitors, completely inhibited the phosphorylation of one protein. Consistent with their in vitro effects the protein kinase inhibitors inhibited aerial mycelium formation and pigment production by S. griseus. All these data suggest that S. griseus possesses several protein kinases of eukaryotic type which are essential for morphogenesis and secondary metabolism. In vitro phosphorylation of some proteins in a staurosporine-producing Streptomyces sp. was also inhibited by staurosporine, K-252a and herbimycin, which suggests the presence of a mechanism for self-protection in this microorganism.  相似文献   

A luciferin binding protein LBP involved in the bioluminescence reaction of Gonyaulax polyedra was purified and used for antibody production. Luciferin bound to LBP is fluorescent and can be used as a marker in living cells, allowing the localization of LBP in cortical organelles to be visualized. In cell sections, the same peripheral localization was observed using anti-LBP and immunofluorescence microscopy. The amount of LBP is ten-fold greater from cells from in night phase compared to those from in day phase, as determined both by immunoblots of cell extracts, and in vivo fluorescence. These changes correlate with the circadian changes in bioluminescence of living cells.  相似文献   

Some botanical aspects of cell-free protein synthesizing systems from cereal embryos have been investigated. The composition of the starting material determines both the stability and translation fidelity of the cell-free extracts. The active components of the extracts originate exclusively from the primary axes. Contamination with scutellum fragments does not affect the initial activity but results in a reduced stability. The presence of endosperm particles in the starting material leads to a strong decrease of the overall activity of the extracts and a loss of the capacity to synthesize large polypeptides.Abbreviations mRNA messenger RNA - AMV-RNA alfalfa mosaic virus RNA - TMV-RNA tobacco mosaic virus RNA - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - poly A+-RNA polyadenylic acid containing RNA - EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid - S.A. specific activity  相似文献   

Summary Quantitative morphometric studies with the electron microscope were made on the prolactin cells of wild freshwater sailfin mollies taken in Florida in August at four different times of day. The results indicate a circadian rhythm in the prolactin cell, the period of highest synthetic activity being from midday to evening, as indicated by the condition of nucleus, Golgi apparatus and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and by the incidence of granule release profiles. No circadian changes were detected in the ACTH cells.Several distinct sites of prolactin granule release were recognised. However, there was no conclusive evidence of granule release by any mechanism other than classical exocytosis.We thank Mr. W. Thomson for technical assistance and Ann Grier for help in collecting the fish. T.F.C. Batten is in receipt of an S.R.C. Research Studentship.  相似文献   

Adrenergic modification of membrane protein phosphorylation was studied in intact human erythrocytes. Micromolar norepinephrine increased 32P incorporation into Band 2 by 70%, and into Band 3 by 40%. Phosphorylation levels observed with a series of specific agonists and antagonists suggest that an α-adrenergic receptor is involved in this effect. The mechanism of linkage between this receptor and protein phosphorylation does not appear to involve modulation of intracellular concentrations of ATP, cyclic AMP, or cyclic GMP.  相似文献   

Biochemical circadian oscillation of KaiC phosphorylation, by mixing three Kai proteins and ATP, has been proven to be the central oscillator of the cyanobacterial circadian clock. In vivo, the intracellular levels of KaiB and KaiC oscillate in a circadian fashion. By scrutinizing KaiC phosphorylation rhythm in a wide range of Kai protein concentrations, KaiA and KaiB were found to be “parameter-tuning” and “state-switching” regulators of KaiC phosphorylation rhythm, respectively. Our results also suggest a possible entrainment mechanism of the cellular circadian clock with the circadian variation of intracellular levels of Kai proteins.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms control several behaviors through neural networks, hormones and gene expression. One of these outputs in invertebrates, vertebrates and plants is the stress resistance behavior. In this work, we studied the circadian variation in abiotic stress resistance of adult C. elegans as well as the genetic mechanisms that underlie such behavior. Measuring the stress resistance by tap response behavior we found a rhythm in response to osmotic (NaCl LC(50) = 340 mM) and oxidative (H(2)O(2) LC(50) = 50 mM) shocks, with a minimum at ZT0 (i.e., lights off) and ZT12 (lights on), respectively. In addition, the expression of glutathione peroxidase (C11E4.1) and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpdh-1) (genes related to the control of stress responses) also showed a circadian fluctuation in basal levels with a peak at night. Moreover, in the mutant osr-1 (AM1 strain), a negative regulator of the gpdh-1 pathway, the osmotic resistance rhythms were masked at 350 mM but reappeared when the strain was treated with a higher NaCl concentration. This work demonstrates for the first time that in the adult nematode, C. elegans stress responses vary daily, and provides evidence of an underlying rhythmic gene expression that governs these behaviors.  相似文献   

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