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During a vertical drop jump (VDJ), the human neuromuscular system absorbs and reuses external loads applied to the lower extremity by coordinating the musculoskeletal system. This study aims to investigate the influence of the eccentric strength of the knee extensor muscles on the biomechanical factors of a VDJ. Participants were divided into two groups based on the eccentric strength of their knee extension muscles: low eccentric (LECC) and high eccentric (HECC) strength groups. The VDJ joint kinematics and kinetics of the lower extremity, the fascicle behavior of the vastus lateralis, and the muscle activation of the knee extensor muscles were simultaneously recorded during maximum-effort VDJ. Compared with the LECC group, the HECC group showed a higher jump, greater knee and ankle joint stiffness, and smaller fascicle length change. These findings suggest that the eccentric strength capacity of the knee extensor muscles accounts for the different biomechanical strategies (bouncing-type for HECC and absorbing-type for LECC) observed between the groups. Consequently, the eccentric strength of the knee extensor muscle may be an essential factor in determining the biomechanical strategy for VDJ and should be considered in the jumping performance enhancement training paradigm.  相似文献   

The force velocity relationship of in vivo human muscle fibers has often been derived from the torque-angular speed relationship during maximal voluntary isokinetic contractions. However, the assumption of a close association between joint performance and muscle mechanics is questionable. We aimed to determine the relationship between knee extension angular speeds, vastus lateralis fascicle and muscle tendon unit (MTU) shortening speeds, and maximal knee extensor force for the entire range of knee joint movement, for the isokinetic range, and for the ranges before, after and at peak torque occurrence, with different commonly used pre-loading conditions. Higher peak forces were observed when knee extensions were preceded by a pre-load, despite the similarity in fascicle shortening speeds. For the entire and the isokinetic range, MTU always shortened faster than fascicles, and this difference increased as joint speed increased. Interestingly, fascicle shortening velocities were greater before compared to after peak torque occurrence while the opposite happened at the MTU level. Assuming a close relationship between joint and fascicle dynamics results in an overestimation of muscle contractile component shortening velocity or force production at peak torque. The force velocity relationships obtained in vivo depend crucially on the test conditions, and the movement range used for analysis.  相似文献   

It has been reported that there is a relationship between power output and fibre type distribution in mixed muscle. The strength of this relationship is greater in the range of 3–8 rad · s–1 during knee extension compared to slower or faster angular knee extensor speeds. A mathematical model of the force: velocity properties of muscle with various combinations of fast- and slow-twitch fibres may provide insight into why specific velocities may give better predictions of fibre type distribution. In this paper, a mathematical model of the force: velocity relationship for mixed muscle is presented. This model demonstrates that peak power and optimal velocity should be predictive of fibre distribution and that the greatest fibre type discrimination in human knee extensor muscles should occur with measurement of power output at an angular velocity just greater than 7 rad · s–1. Measurements of torque: angular velocity relationships for knee extension on an isokinetic dynamometer and fibre type distribution in biopsies of vastus lateralis muscles were made on 31 subjects. Peak power and optimal velocity were determined in three ways: (1) direct measurement, (2) linear regression, and (3) fitting to the Hill equation. Estimation of peak power and optimal velocity using the Hill equation gave the best correlation with fibre type distribution (r > 0.5 for peak power or optimal velocity and percentage of fast-twitch fibres). The results of this study confirm that prediction of fibre type distribution is facilitated by measurement of peak power at optimal velocity and that fitting of the data to the Hill equation is a suitable method for evaluation of these parameters.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the characteristics of the in vivo behaviour of human muscle architecture during a pre-motion silent period (PMSP) using ultrasonography. Subjects were requested to perform rapid knee extension with vertical jumping. Electromyographic signals were recorded from the vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis, and biceps femoris muscles. Ultrasonic images were recorded from the VL. We found that the cross point between the fascicle and deep aponeurosis in the VL moved to the distal side before the rapid vertical jumps with PMSP. This cross point movement with PMSP was of low amplitude (mean: 1.0 ± 0.3 mm) and velocity (22.2 ± 6.1 mm/s). The amplitude and velocity of the cross point movement were significantly positively related to the angular peak velocity of knee extensor during rapid vertical jumping in trials with PMSP. These results suggest that although low levels of pre-movement muscle architectural change with PMSP may be the result of muscle relaxation behaviour rather than the result of muscle stretching behaviour, this pre-movement effect can influence subsequent muscular performance during a rapid voluntary movement. PMSP may allow pre-movement muscle architectural change to generate a better muscular condition to increase neural activation during the subsequent rapid voluntary contraction.  相似文献   

There are several pathologies related to the patellofemoral joint, in which the patellofemoral syndrome is one of the most common and challenging to treat. The patellofemoral syndrome results from a malalignment of the knee extensor mechanism. The purpose of our study was to describe and compare EMG responses of the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles while walking up and down stairs and other clinical and functional responses in PFS subjects before and after a physical therapy intervention. Eleven subjects were studied and divided in two groups: six subjects with clinically diagnosed patellofemoral syndrome and five healthy control subjects. Subjects were evaluated by a functional and biomechanical evaluation protocol: postural evaluation, pain and knee function evaluation, and electromyographic activity of vastus medialis and lateralis muscles while walking up and down a staircase. Results showed higher efficiency of the vastus medialis muscle in carrying out eccentric exercises and increased muscle activity in both the vastus medialis and vastus lateralis muscles while climbing stairs after physical therapy treatment. We were able to identify an improvement in postural alignment of lower limb muscles and knee functionality among patellofemoral syndrome group subjects after treatment.  相似文献   

Bushbabies (Galago senegalensis) are renowned for their phenomenal jumping capacity. It was postulated that mechanical power amplification must be involved. Dynamic analysis of the vertical jumps performed by two bushbabies confirms the need for a power amplifier. Inverse dynamics coupled to a geometric musculo-skeletal model were used to elucidate the precise nature of the mechanism powering maximal vertical jumps. Most of the power required for jumping is delivered by the vastus muscle-tendon systems (knee extensor). Comparison with the external joint-powers revealed, however, an important power transport from this extensor (about 65%) to the ankle and the midfoot via the bi-articular calf muscles. Peak power output likely implies elastic recoil of the complex aponeurotic system of the vastus muscle. Patterns of changes in length and tension of the muscle-tendon complex during different phases of the jump were found which provide strong evidence for substantial power amplification (times 15). It is argued here that the multiple internal connective tissue sheets and attachment structures of the well-developed bundles of the vastus muscle become increasingly stretched during preparatory crouching and throughout the extension phase, except for the last 13 ms of the push-off (i.e. when power requirements peak). Then, tension in the knee extensors abruptly falls from its maximum, allowing the necessary fast recoil of the tensed tendon structures to occur.  相似文献   

The objectives were to examine knee angle-, and gender-specific knee extensor torque output and quadriceps femoris (QF) muscle recruitment during maximal effort, voluntary contractions. Fourteen young adult men and 15 young adult women performed three isometric maximal voluntary contractions (MVC), in a random order, with the knee at 0 degrees (terminal extension), 10 degrees, 30 degrees, 50 degrees, 70 degrees, and 90 degrees flexion. Knee extensor peak torque (PT), and average torque (AT) were expressed in absolute (N m), relative (N m kg(-1)) and allometric-modeled (N m kg(-n)) units. Vastus medialis (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and rectus femoris (RF) muscle EMG signals were full-wave rectified and integrated over the middle 3 s of each contraction, averaged over the three trials at each knee angle, and normalized to the activity recorded at 0 degrees. Muscle recruitment efficiency was calculated as the ratio of the normalized EMG of each muscle to the allometric-modeled average torque (normalized to the values at 0 degrees flexion), and expressed as a percent. Men generated significantly greater knee extensor PT and AT than women in absolute, relative and allometric-modeled units. Absolute and relative PT and AT were significantly highest at 70 degrees, while allometric-modeled values were observed to increase significantly across knee joint angles 10-90 degrees. VM EMG was significantly greater than the VL and RF muscles across all angles, and followed a similar pattern to absolute knee extensor torque. Recruitment efficiency improved across knee joint angles 10-90 degrees and was highest for the VL muscle. VM recruitment efficiency improved more than the VL and RF muscles across 70-90 degrees flexion. The findings demonstrate angle-, and gender-specific responses of knee extensor torque to maximal-effort contractions, while superficial QF muscle recruitment was most efficient at 90 degrees, and less dependent on gender.  相似文献   

With the aim of comparing kinematic and neuromuscular parameters of Bandal Chagui kicks between 7 elite and 7 subelite taekwondo athletes, nine Bandal Chaguis were performed at maximal effort in a selective reaction time design, simulating the frequency of kicks observed in taekwondo competitions. Linear and angular leg velocities were recorded through 3D motion capture system. Ground reaction forces (GRF) were evaluated by a force platform, and surface electromyographic (sEMG) signals were evaluated in the vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae lata, adductor magnus, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gastrocnemius lateralis muscles of the kicking leg. sEMG data were processed to obtain the cocontraction indices (CI) of antagonist vs. overall (agonist and antagonist) muscle activity. CI was measured for the hip and knee, in flexion and extension, and for hip abduction. Premotor, reaction (kinetic and kinematic), and kicking times were evaluated. Timing parameters, except kinetic reaction time, were faster in elite athletes. Furthermore, CI and angular velocity during knee extension, foot and knee linear velocity, and horizontal GRF were significantly higher in elite than in subelite athletes. In conclusion, selected biomechanical parameters of Bandal Chagui appear to be useful in controlling the training status of the kick and in orienting the training goal of black belt competitors.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the adjustment of running mechanics by wearing five different types of running shoes on tartan compared to barefoot running on grass focusing on the gearing at the ankle and knee joints. The gear ratio, defined as the ratio of the moment arm of the ground reaction force (GRF) to the moment arm of the counteracting muscle tendon unit, is considered to be an indicator of joint loading and mechanical efficiency. Lower extremity kinematics and kinetics of 14 healthy volunteers were quantified three dimensionally and compared between running in shoes on tartan and barefoot on grass. Results showed no differences for the gear ratios and resultant joint moments for the ankle and knee joints across the five different shoes, but showed that wearing running shoes affects the gearing at the ankle and knee joints due to changes in the moment arm of the GRF. During barefoot running the ankle joint showed a higher gear ratio in early stance and a lower ratio in the late stance, while the gear ratio at the knee joint was lower during midstance compared to shod running. Because the moment arms of the counteracting muscle tendon units did not change, the determinants of the gear ratios were the moment arms of the GRF's. The results imply higher mechanical stress in shod running for the knee joint structures during midstance but also indicate an improved mechanical advantage in force generation for the ankle extensors during the push-off phase.  相似文献   

Sarcomerogenesis, or the addition of sarcomeres in series within a fiber, has a profound impact on the performance of a muscle by increasing its contractile velocity and power. Sarcomerogenesis may provide a beneficial adaptation to prevent injury when a muscle consistently works at long lengths, accounting for the repeated-bout effect. The association between eccentric exercise, sarcomerogenesis and the repeated-bout effect has been proposed to depend on damage, where regeneration allows sarcomeres to work at shorter lengths for a given muscle-tendon unit length. To gain additional insight into this phenomenon, we measured fiber dynamics directly in the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle of rats during uphill and downhill walking, and we measured serial sarcomere number in the VL and vastus intermedius (VI) after chronic training on either a decline or incline grade. We found that the knee extensor muscles of uphill walking rats undergo repeated active concentric contractions, and therefore they suffer no contraction-induced injury. Conversely, the knee extensor muscles during downhill walking undergo repeated active eccentric contractions. Serial sarcomere numbers change differently for the uphill and downhill exercise groups, and for the VL and VI muscles. Short muscle lengths for uphill concentric-biased contractions result in a loss of serial sarcomeres, and long muscle lengths for downhill eccentric-biased contractions result in a gain of serial sarcomeres.  相似文献   

Fatigue resistance of knee extensor muscles is higher during voluntary isometric contractions at short compared with longer muscle lengths. In the present study we hypothesized that this would be due to lower energy consumption at short muscle lengths. Ten healthy male subjects performed isometric contractions with the knee extensor muscles at a 30, 60, and 90 degrees knee angle (full extension = 0 degrees ). At each angle, muscle oxygen consumption (m.VO2) of the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis muscle was obtained with near-infrared spectroscopy. m.VO2 was measured during maximal isometric contractions and during contractions at 10, 30, and 50% of maximal torque capacity. During all contractions, blood flow to the muscle was occluded with a pressure cuff (450 mmHg). m.VO2 significantly (P < 0.05) increased with torque and at all torque levels, and for each of the three muscles. m.VO2 was significantly lower at 30 degrees compared with 60 degrees and 90 degrees and m.VO2 was similar (P > 0.05) at 60 degrees and 90 degrees . Across all torque levels, average (+/- SD) m.VO2 at the 30 degrees angle for vastus medialis, rectus femoris, and vastus lateralis, respectively, was 70.0 +/- 10.4, 72.2 +/- 12.7, and 75.9 +/- 8.0% of the average m.VO2 obtained for each torque at 60 and 90 degrees . In conclusion, oxygen consumption of the knee extensors was significantly lower during isometric contractions at the 30 degrees than at the 60 degrees and 90 degrees knee angle, which probably contributes to the previously reported longer duration of sustained isometric contractions at relatively short muscle lengths.  相似文献   

From August of 1995 through July of 1998, 38 free anterolateral thigh flaps were transferred to reconstruct soft-tissue defects. The overall success rate was 97 percent. Among 38 anterolateral thigh flaps, four were elevated as cutaneous flaps based on the septocutaneous perforators. The other 34 were harvested as myocutaneous flaps including a cuff of vastus lateralis muscle (15 to 40 cm3), either because of bulk requirements (33 cases) or because of the absence of a septocutaneous perforator (one case). However, vastus lateralis muscle is the largest compartment of the quadriceps, which is the prime extensor of the knee. Losing a portion of the vastus lateralis muscle may affect knee stability. Objective functional assessments of the donor sites were performed at least 6 months postoperatively in 20 patients who had a cuff of vastus lateralis muscle incorporated as part of the myocutaneous flap; assessments were made using a kinetic communicator machine. The isometric power test of the ratios of quadriceps muscle at 30 and 60 degrees of flexion between donor and normal thighs revealed no significant difference (p > 0.05). The isokinetic peak torque ratio of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles, including concentric and eccentric contraction tests, showed no significant difference (p > 0.05), except the concentric contraction test of the quadriceps muscle, which revealed mild weakness of the donor thigh (p < 0.05). In summary, the functional impairment of the donor thighs was minimal after free anterolateral thigh myocutaneous flap transfer.  相似文献   

We describe the kinematics and performance of the natural jump in the weevil Orchestes fagi (Fabricius, 1801) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and its jumping apparatus with underlying anatomy and functional morphology. In weevils, jumping is performed by the hind legs and involves the extension of the hind tibia. The principal structural elements of the jumping apparatus are (1) the femoro-tibial joint, (2) the metafemoral extensor tendon, (3) the extensor ligament, (4) the flexor ligament, (5) the tibial flexor sclerite and (6) the extensor and flexor muscles. The kinematic parameters of the jump (from minimum to maximum) are 530–1965 m s?2 (acceleration), 0.7–2.0 m s?1 (velocity), 1.5–3.0 ms (time to take-off), 0.3–4.4 μJ (kinetic energy) and 54–200 (g-force). The specific joint power as calculated for the femoro-tibial joint during the jumping movement is 0.97 W g?1. The full extension of the hind tibia during the jump was reached within up to 1.8–2.5 ms. The kinematic parameters, the specific joint power and the time for the full extension of the hind tibia suggest that the jump is performed via a catapult mechanism with an input of elastic strain energy. A resilin-bearing elastic extensor ligament that connects the extensor tendon and the tibial base is considered to be the structure that accumulates the elastic strain energy for the jump. According to our functional model, the extensor ligament is loaded by the contraction of the extensor muscle, while the co-contraction of the antagonistic extensor and flexor muscles prevents the early extension of the tibia. This is attributable to the leverage factors of the femoro-tibial joint providing a mechanical advantage for the flexor muscles over the extensor muscles in the fully flexed position. The release of the accumulated energy is performed by the rapid relaxation of the flexor muscles resulting in the fast extension of the hind tibia propelling the body into air.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the power output and work done by different muscle groups at the hip and knee joints during a rising movement, to be able to tell the degree of activation of the muscle groups and the relationship between concentric and eccentric work. Nine healthy male subjects rose from a chair with the seat at knee level. The moments of force about the hip and knee joints were calculated semidynamically. The power output (P) and work in the different muscle groups surrounding the joints was calculated as moment of force times joint angular velocity. Work was calculated as: work = f Pdt. The mean peak concentric power output was for the hip extensors 49.9 W, hip flexors 7.9 W and knee extensor 89.5 W. This power output corresponded to a net concentric work of 20.7 J, 1.0 J and 55.6 J, respectively. There was no concentric power output from the knee flexor muscles. Energy absorption through eccentric muscle action was produced by the hip extensors and hip flexors with a mean peak power output of 4.8 W and 7.4 W, respectively. It was concluded that during rising, the hip and knee muscles mainly worked concentrically and that the greatest power output and work were produced during concentric contraction of the knee and hip extensor muscles. There was however also a demand for eccentric work by the hip extensors as well as both concentric and eccentric work by the hip flexors. The knee flexor muscles were unloaded.  相似文献   

Twitch tension and maximal unloaded velocity of human knee extensor muscles were studied under conditions of low phosphate content of the phosphorylatable light chains (P-light chains) of myosin and elevated phosphate content, following a 10-s maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC). After the MVC, twitch tension was significantly potentiated, with greater potentiation observed at a shorter muscle length (p less than 0.05). The MVC was associated with at least a twofold increase in phosphate content of the fast (LC2F) and two slow (LC2S and LC2S') P-light chains, but this increase was unrelated to muscle length. No significant differences in knee extension velocity were observed between conditions where P-light chains had low or elevated phosphate content. Positive but nonsignificant correlations were noted between the extent of twitch potentiation and phosphate content of individual P-light chains as well as the percentage of type II muscle fibres in vastus lateralis muscle. No significant relationships were determined for myosin light chain kinase activity and either P-light chain phosphorylation or type II fibre percentage. These data suggest that, unlike other mammalian fast muscles, P-light chain phosphorylation of mixed human muscles is not strongly associated with altered contractile performance.  相似文献   

Pain is a cardinal symptom in musculoskeletal diseases involving the knee joint, and aberrant movement patterns and motor control strategies are often present in these patients. However, the underlying neuromuscular mechanisms linking pain to movement and motor control are unclear. To investigate the functional significance of muscle pain on knee joint control during walking, three-dimensional gait analyses were performed before, during, and after experimentally induced muscle pain by means of intramuscular injections of hypertonic saline (5.8%) into vastus medialis (VM) muscle of 20 healthy subjects. Isotonic saline (0.9%) was used as control. Surface electromyography (EMG) recordings of VM, vastus lateralis (VL), biceps femoris, and semitendinosus muscles were synchronized with the gait analyses. During experimental muscle pain, the loading response phase peak knee extensor moments were attenuated, and EMG activity in the VM and VL muscles was reduced. Compressive forces, adduction moments, knee joint kinematics, and hamstring EMG activity were unaffected by pain. Interestingly, the observed changes persisted when the pain had vanished. The results demonstrate that muscle pain modulated the function of the quadriceps muscle, resulting in impaired knee joint control and joint instability during walking. The changes are similar to those observed in patients with knee pain. The loss of joint control during and after pain may leave the knee joint prone to injury and potentially participate in the chronicity of musculoskeletal problems, and it may have clinically important implications for rehabilitation and training of patients with knee pain of musculoskeletal origin.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn this study, we tested two assumptions that have been made in experimental studies on muscle mechanics: (i) that the torque-angle properties are similar among agonistic muscles crossing a joint, and (ii) that the sum of the torque capacity of individual muscles adds up to the torque capacity of the agonist group.MethodsMaximum isometric torque measurements were made using a specifically designed animal knee extension dynamometer for the intact rabbit quadriceps muscles (n = 10) for knee angles between 60 and 120°. The nerve branches of the vastus lateralis (VL), vastus medialis (VM) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles were carefully dissected, and a custom made nerve cuff electrode was implanted on each branch. Knee extensor torques were measured for four maximal activation conditions at each knee angle: VL activation, VM activation, RF activation, and activation of all three muscles together.ResultsWith the exception of VL, the torque-angle relationships of the individual muscles did not have the shape of the torque-angle relationship obtained when all muscles were activated simultaneously. Furthermore, the maximum torque capacity obtained by adding the individual torque capacities of VL, VM and RF was approximately 20% higher than the torques produced when the three muscles were activated simultaneously.DiscussionThese results bring into question our understanding of in-vivo muscle contraction and challenge assumptions that are sometimes made in human and animal muscle force analyses.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of graded conditioning contractions of the antagonist knee flexor muscles on the output characteristics of knee extensor muscles in healthy humans. Eight male university students performed maximum isometric contractions of knee extensors, preceded by isometric conditioning contractions of the antagonist knee flexors. The developed force and electromyographic (EMG) amplitudes of the knee extensors after the conditioning contraction were measured and compared with those of simple knee extension without conditioning. The forces of the conditioning flexor contraction were set at three levels: low (20% of maximum voluntary contraction: MVC), moderate (60% of MVC), and high (100% of MVC). The EMG amplitudes of the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris muscle were recorded and the root mean square amplitudes were calculated. The strongest enhancement of the extension force was obtained by moderate intensity conditioning contraction (108.95+/-1.87% of simple knee extension), although high intensity conditioning also induced a significant increase (105.41+/-2.69%). Low intensity conditioning did not cause a significant enhancement of the contraction force (103.17+/-2.99%). Similarly, the EMG amplitudes were significantly increased by moderate and/or high conditioning. These results suggest that antagonist conditioning contraction of moderate intensities is sufficient and may be optimal to potentiate knee extensor contraction.  相似文献   

Previous studies show that cessation of resistance training, commonly known as "detraining," is associated with strength loss, decreased neural drive, and muscular atrophy. Detraining may also increase the expression of fast muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms. The present study examined the effect of detraining subsequent to resistance training on contractile performance during slow-to-medium velocity isokinetic muscle contraction vs. performance of maximal velocity "unloaded" limb movement (i.e., no external loading of the limb). Maximal knee extensor strength was measured in an isokinetic dynamometer at 30 and 240 degrees/s, and performance of maximal velocity limb movement was measured with a goniometer during maximal unloaded knee extension. Muscle cross-sectional area was determined with MRI. Electromyographic signals were measured in the quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Twitch contractions were evoked in the passive vastus lateralis muscle. MHC isoform composition was determined with SDS-PAGE. Isokinetic muscle strength increased 18% (P < 0.01) and 10% (P < 0.05) at slow and medium velocities, respectively, along with gains in muscle cross-sectional area and increased electromyogram in response to 3 mo of resistance training. After 3 mo of detraining these gains were lost, whereas in contrast maximal unloaded knee extension velocity and power increased 14% (P < 0.05) and 44% (P < 0.05), respectively. Additionally, faster muscle twitch contractile properties along with an increased and decreased amount of MHC type II and MHC type I isoforms, respectively, were observed. In conclusion, detraining subsequent to resistance training increases maximal unloaded movement speed and power in previously untrained subjects. A phenotypic shift toward faster muscle MHC isoforms (I --> IIA --> IIX) and faster electrically evoked muscle contractile properties in response to detraining may explain the present results.  相似文献   

Lengths of muscle tendon complexes of the quadriceps femoris muscle and some of its heads, biceps femoris and gastrocnemius muscles, were measured for six limbs of human cadavers as a function of knee and hip-joint angles. Length-angle curves were fitted using second degree polynomials. Using these polynomials the relationships between knee and hip-joint angles and moment arms were calculated. The effect of changing the hip angle on the biceps femoris muscle length is much larger than that of changing the knee angle. For the rectus femoris muscle the reverse was found. The moment arm of the biceps femoris muscle was found to remain constant throughout the whole range of knee flexion as was the case for the medial part of the vastus medialis muscle. Changes in the length of the lateral part of the vastus medialis muscle as well as the medial part of the vastus lateralis muscle are very similar to those of vastus intermedius muscle to which they are adjacent, while those changes in the length of the medial part of the vastus medialis muscle and the lateral part of the vastus lateralis muscle, which are similar to each other, differ substantially from those of the vastus intermedius muscle. Application of the results to jumping showed that bi-articular rectus femoris and biceps femoris muscles, which are antagonists, both contract eccentrically early in the push off phase and concentrically in last part of this phase.  相似文献   

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