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It was shown that viable variants of the Y. enterocolitica microorganisms containing the plasmid of Ca-dependency (native one or from EV/ I Y. pestis cells) were more immunogenic to plague-infected guinea pigs than isogenic non-plasmid variant. As a result of studying the protective properties of the bacteria Y. enterocolitica sub-cellular fractions it was determined that the largest quantity of immunogen per unit of protein was accumulated in the cultures of bacteria's plasmid variant. The aggregate of the obtained experimental data suggested that there was a non-identified protective antigen (or antigens) for guinea pigs to be encoded by chromosome's DNA. Besides, the Ca-dependency plasmid gene products take part in its excretion and, as the factors of pathogenicity, provide survivability of the Y. enterocolitica microorganisms in the host organism, increasing thus the immunogen accumulation in it.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the role of immunity on the development of dermatitis in NC mice, the following experiments were carried out. In neonatal thymectomized NC, thymic reconstituted NC-nu/nu, and passively serum transferred NC-nu/nu mice, incidence of the dermatitis was examined. Immune response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and number of Thy-1 positive cells in mesenteric lymph node were used as indicators of the cell mediated immunity. Although antibody to SRBC and the number of Thy-1 positive cells in neonatal thymectomized NC mice were greatly reduced, development of the dermatitis in these mice was not suppressed at all. On the contrary, thymic reconstituted NC-nu/nu mice which recovered immune response to SRBC and number of Thy-1 positive cells to the normal levels did not develop the dermatitis. Passive transfer of the serum obtained from NC mice which developed severe dermatitis, could not induce the dermatitis in NC-nu/nu mice. These results suggest that the dermatitis in NC mice is not mediated by immune mechanisms but by other complexed factors. The absence of the dermatitis in NC-nu/nu mice may be due to nu gene effects other than those of immune defect.  相似文献   

To induce delayed hypersensitivity (DH) in mice, experimental local infection with a small dose of Staphylococcus aureus was used. The production of suppressor cells was shown to occur after the intravenous injection of a large dose of killed staphylococcal culture. Experiments with the use of cell transfer and the treatment of lymphocytes with Thy-1 antiserum in the presence of the complement demonstrated the T-lymphocytic nature of DH and its suppression. The study revealed that the role played by DH in antistaphylococcal immunity was different in the animals infected by the subcutaneous routes; besides, the regulatory action of T-suppressors of DH was established.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the complex of neutrophilokines whose synthesis was induced by Yersinia pestis vaccine strain EV on the production of lymphokines in the process of the formation of primary and secondary immunity to plague is presented. As revealed in this study, neutrophilokines regulate the synthesis of IL-2 by T helpers of type 1, IL-4 and IL-5 by T helpers of type 2, IL-1 by B lymphocytes, as well as the expression of receptors IL-2 by immunocompetent cells. The helper effect of neutrophilokines is more pronounced in the secondary immune response.  相似文献   

In human sera, studied with the use of the enzyme immunoassay, antidiphtheria postvaccinal antitoxic IgG and naturally acquired antibacterial IgG, IgM and IgA were detected. In the blood of children and adults aged up to 50 years antitoxic IgG were present at normal and high concentrations. In 50% of children antibacterial IgA were absent, while specific antibacterial IgM could be found at high concentrations. Changes in the content of antibacterial antibodies of different classes in sera were observed with age. More than 90% of adults had antibacterial IgA and IgG at normal and hig concentrations, while the level of IgM decreased. Under the influence of ecological, social, anthropogenic and other environmental factors the optimum levels of specific antibodies were replaced by anomalous ones, which led to an increased number of persons susceptible to diphtheria infection and in the intensity of the circulation of the infective agent. The deficiency of antidiphtheria antibacterial antibodies in the blood determined the necessity of correcting immunity by means of not only toxoid, but also bacterial antigens.  相似文献   

The generation of specific antitumor cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL) via 2-fold immunization in vivo and subsequent cultivation without tumor cells (in monoculture) was previously described. The spleen cells from B10 mice bearing progressively growing MX-11 sarcoma suppressed the maturation of CTL specific to MX-11 but not to EL-4 lymphoma in monoculture. It was observed, that the suppression was not the result of the inhibitory effect of suppressor cells upon the IL-2 production, because suppression took place in the presence of the exogenous IL-2 in monoculture. Since the treatment of the spleen cells with MoAb against both L3T4 and Lyt2.2 antigens plus C' considerably decreased the suppressive activity, it was suggested, that two distinct subsets of T-lymphocytes were required for suppression. It might be possible, that the presence of anti-idiotype on the effector suppressors was the cause of the suppressive specificity in the absence of tumor antigens in vitro.  相似文献   

Oxygen is an essential nutrient for eukaryotic life and in complex organisms a finely tuned system, based on Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF), has evolved to control the cellular, local and organism-wide responses to its availability. Cells of the immune system must function in a variety of local environments and it is now clear that oxygen availability is an important signal for the cells involved in immune defence. This review summarises the mechanisms by which activation of the HIF pathway influences, and is influenced by, both immune activation state and oxygen tension. It is likely that understanding how oxygen tension modulates immune function will provide insights into disease pathogenesis, and may offer new opportunities for treatment.  相似文献   

This review concerns the role of the fleas in survival and spread of the plague, their influence on the seasonal dynamics of the epizootics, and infection rates of these insects in different natural foci. The critical evaluation is given to the data which are used to calculate the flea transmission probability for mathematical simulation of plague epizootics.  相似文献   

Administration to mice of 10(5) syngeneic splenocytes modified with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid leads to the formation of a population of T suppressors which are capable to sorb on a specific antigen. In recipients, these cells suppress only one phase of the induction of delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH). Their precursors are sensitive to the action of low doses of cyclophosphamide. The formation of the suppressors in question occurs during the generation of T effectors of DTH. It is suggested that the suppressors described may be attributed to Tc3 which are activated in the lymph nodes as a result of subcutaneous sensitization with antigen, and which are similar to Tc1 but have the Ly 2+ phenotype.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G-proteins play an important regulatory role in multiple physiological processes, including the plant immune response, and substantial progress has been made in elucidating the G-protein-mediated defense-signaling network. This mini-review discusses the importance of G-proteins in plant immunity. We also provide an overview of how G-proteins affect plant cell death and stomatal movement. Our recent studies demonstrated that G-proteins are involved in signal transduction and induction of stomatal closure and defense responses. We also discuss future directions for G-protein signaling studies involving plant immunity.  相似文献   

The authors analyze the results of studies on the effect produced by the immunization of calves with paratyphoid vaccine on the production of agglutinins, changes in the blood serum immunoglobulin levels, and the specificity of IgM to Salmonella dublin and Salmonella typhimurium antigens. The highest level of agglutinins to paratyphoid antigens in the blood sera of the immunized calves was registered on days 14-21 after immunization, changes in the levels of different immunoglobulin classes being insignificant. The agglutination test and the enzyme immunoassay have revealed that antibodies to S. dublin anb S. typhimurium antigens belong to IgM.  相似文献   

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