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Sialate-O-acetylesterase was purified almost 900-fold from particle-free supernatants of horse liver by gel filtration, ion-exchange chromatography and isoelectric focussing. The native enzyme on gel filtration exhibits a molecular weight of 54,000 Da. It was separated by isoelectric focussing into two forms with pI values of 4.8 and 5.7, respectively. The esterase with a lower pI hydrolyses only 9-O-acetyl groups from sialic acids (KM 1.1 mM), while that with the higher pI esterifies both 4- and 9-O-acetylated monosaccharides at similar rates (KM 0.3 M and 1.3 mM, respectively). Both forms are inactive with 7-O-acetylated N-acetylneuraminic acid. Enzyme assays were carried out at the pH optimum (pH 8.4–8.6) using free O-acetylated sialic acids followed by direct analysis of the reaction products by isocratic anion-exchange HPLC. Glycosidically bound sialic acids can also be de-O-acetylated. Horse liver esterase seems to be an essential enzyme for the catabolism of 4-O-acetylated sialoglycoconjugates, since sialidase from this tissue cannot act on 4-O-acetylated sialic acids.  相似文献   

An enhanced linkage-specific 9-O-acetylated sialic acid (9-O-AcSA) on peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, ALL (PBMC(ALL), 9-O-AcSA+ cells) was demonstrated by using a lectin, Achatinin-H, whose lectinogenic epitope was 9-O-AcSAalpha2-6GalNAc. Our aim was to evaluate the in vitro contributory role of this glycotope (9-O-AcSAalpha2-6GalNAc) towards the survival of these 9-O-AcSA+ cells in ALL patients. For direct comparison, 9-O-AcSA- cells were generated by removing O-acetyl group of 9-O-AcSA present on PBMC(ALL) using O-acetyl esterase. An elevated level of serum interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) in affected children led us to think that PBMC(ALL) are continuously exposed specifically to this cytokine. Accordingly, 9-O-AcSA+ and 9-O-AcSA- cells were exposed in vitro to IFN-gamma. A twofold increased NO release along with inducible NO synthase (iNOS) mRNA expression by the 9-O-AcSA+ cells was observed as compared to the 9-O-AcSA- cells. The decreased viability of IFN-gamma exposed 9-O-AcSA- cells as compared to 9-O-AcSA+ cells were reflected from a 5.0-fold increased caspase-3-like activity and a 10.0-fold increased apoptosis in the 9-O-AcSA- cells when production of NO was lowered by adding competitive inhibitor of iNOS in reaction mixture. Therefore, it may be envisaged that a link exists between induction of this glycotope and their role in regulating viability of PBMC(ALL). Taken together, it is reasonable to hypothesise that O-acetylation of sialic acids on PBMC(ALL) may be an additional mechanism that promotes the survival of lymphoblasts by avoiding apoptosis via IFN-gamma-induced NO production.  相似文献   

We isolated several mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. that accumulated less anthocyanin in the plant tissues, but had seeds with a brown color similar to the wild-type. These mutants were allelic with the anthocyaninless1 (anl1) mutant that has been mapped at 15.0 cM of chromosome 5. We performed fine mapping of the anl1 locus and determined that ANL1 is located between the nga106 marker and a marker corresponding to the MKP11 clone. About 70 genes are located between these two markers, including three UDP-glucose:flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase-like genes and a glutathione transferase gene (TT19). A mutant of one of the glucosyltransferase genes (At5g17050) was unable to complement the anl1 phenotype, showing that the ANL1 gene encodes UDP-glucose:flavonoid-3-O-glucosyltransferase. ANL1 was expressed in all tissues examined, including rosette leaves, stems, flower buds and roots. ANL1 was not regulated by TTG1.  相似文献   

The maT clade of transposons is a group of transposable elements intermediate in sequence and predicted protein structure to mariner and Tc transposons, with a distribution thus far limited to a few invertebrate species. We present evidence, based on searches of publicly available databases, that the nematode Caenorhabditis briggsae has several maT-like transposons, which we have designated as CbmaT elements, dispersed throughout its genome. We also describe two additional transposon sequences that probably share their evolutionary history with the CbmaT transposons. One resembles a fold back variant of a CbmaT element, with long (380-bp) inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) that show a high degree (71%) of identity to CbmaT1. The other, which shares only the 26-bp ITR sequences with one of the CbmaT variants, is present in eight nearly identical copies, but does not have a transposase gene and may therefore be cross mobilised by a CbmaT transposase. Using PCR-based mobility assays, we show that CbmaT1 transposons are capable of excising from the C. briggsae genome. CbmaT1 excised approximately 500 times less frequently than Tcb1 in the reference strain AF16, but both CbmaT1 and Tcb1 excised at extremely high frequencies in the HK105 strain. The HK105 strain also exhibited a high frequency of spontaneous induction of unc-22 mutants, suggesting that it may be a mutator strain of C. briggsae.  相似文献   

We have investigated the floral ontogeny of Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis (of the eucalypt group, Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy and light microscopy. Several critical characters for establishing relationships between these genera and to the eucalypts have been determined. The absence of compound petaline primordia in Arillastrum, Allosyncarpia, Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis excludes these taxa from the eucalypt clade. Post-anthesis circumscissile abscission of the hypanthium above the ovary in Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia is evidence that these three taxa form a monophyletic group; undifferentiated perianth parts and elongated fusiform buds are characters that unite Stockwellia and Eucalyptopsis as sister taxa. No floral characters clearly associate Arillastrum with either the eucalypt clade or the clade of Stockwellia, Eucalyptopsis and Allosyncarpia.We gratefully acknowledge Clyde Dunlop and Bob Harwood (Northern Territory Herbarium) for collecting specimens of Allosyncarpia, and Bruce Gray (Atherton) for collecting specimens of Stockwellia. The Australian National Herbarium (CANB) kindly lent herbarium specimens of Eucalyptopsis for examination. This research was supported by a University of Melbourne Research Development Grant to Andrew Drinnan.  相似文献   

Zeng QL  Wang HQ  Liu ZR  Li BG  Zhao YF 《Amino acids》2007,33(3):537-541
Summary. Optically pure (S)-3-p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid derivatives are important intermediates of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α/γ dual agonists and heteropeptides. Many efforts have been made for synthesis of those intermediates, but there exist some flaws yet. We observed that dielectric constants of organic solvents drastically affected diazotization of O-benzyl-L-tyrosine. Optically pure (S)-3-p-benzyloxyphenyllactic acid was obtained by simple recrystallization when DMF or DMSO of higher dielectric constant was used as a co-solvent in diazotization of O-benzyl-L-tyrosine. It was easily turned into various optically pure (S)-3-p-hydroxyphenyllactic acid derivatives.  相似文献   

Long-term treatment of l-dopa for Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients induces adverse effects, including dyskinesia, on–off and wearing-off symptoms. However, the cause of these side effects has not been established to date. In the present study, therefore, 3-O-methyldopa (3-OMD), which is a major metabolite of l-dopa, was tested to determine whether it plays a role in the aforementioned adverse effects. The effects of 3-OMD on the dopaminergic nervous system in the brain were investigated, by examining behavioral, biochemical, and cellular changes in male Sprague–Dawley rats and catecholamine-producing PC12 neuronal cells. The results revealed that the intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of 1 μmol of 3-OMD impaired locomotor activities by decreasing movement time (MT), total distance (TD), and the number of movement (NM) by 70, 74 and 61%, respectively. The biochemical analysis results showed that a single administration of 1 μmole of 3-OMD decreased the dopamine turnover rate (DOPAC/DA) by 40.0% in the rat striatum. 3-OMD inhibited dopamine transporter and uptake in rat brain striatal membranes and PC12 cells. The subacute administration of 3-OMD (5 days, icv) also significantly impaired the locomotor activities and catecholamine levels. 3-OMD induced cytotoxic effects via oxidative stress and decreased mitochondrial membrane potential in PC12 cells, indicating that 3-OMD can damage neuronal cells. Furthermore, 3-OMD potentiated l-dopa toxicity and these toxic effects induced by both 3-OMD and l-dopa were blocked by vitamin E (α-tocopherol) in PC12 cells, indicating that 3-OMD may increase the toxic effects of l-dopa to some extent by oxidative stress. Therefore, the present study reveals that 3-OMD accumulation from long-term l-dopa treatment may be involved in the adverse effects of l-dopa therapy. Moreover, l-dopa treatment might accelerate the progression of PD, at least in part, by 3-OMD.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates stomatal closure in response to water loss. Here, we examined the competence of guard cells to synthesize ABA, using two Arabidopsis ABA biosynthetic enzymes. 35S pro::AtNCED3-GFP and AAO3-GFP were introduced into guard cells of broad bean leaves. AtNCED3-GFP expression was detected at the chloroplasts, whereas green fluorescent protein (GFP) and AAO3-GFP were in the cytosol. The stomatal aperture was decreased in AtNCED3-GFP- and AAO3-GFP-transformed guard cells. This indicated that ABA biosynthesis is stimulated by heterologous expression of AtNCED3 and Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase 3 (AAO3) proteins, which both seem to be regulatory enzymes for ABA biosynthesis in these cells. Furthermore, stomatal closure by the expression of AtNCED3 and AAO3 suggested that the substrates of the enzymes are present and native ABA-biosynthesis enzymes are active in guard cells. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. V. Melhorn and K. Matsumi contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine if susceptibility of the cereal aphid Metopolophium dirhodum to the fungus Pandora neoaphidis was affected by wheat expressing snowdrop lectin (GNA). Aphid infection did not differ significantly between the transgenic GNA and non-transformed lines (91 and 82%, respectively). Fecundity also did not differ between aphids on the two lines, and was ca. 18 nymphs adult−1. Time to infection was ca. 5 days for M. dirhodum on both lines in two of three assays. Our results indicate that wheat expressing GNA would not compromise the efficacy of P. neoaphidis as a biocontrol agent.  相似文献   

Lin X  Minamisawa N  Takechi K  Zhang W  Sato H  Takio S  Tsukaya H  Takano H 《Planta》2008,228(4):601-608
ANGUSTIFOLIA (AN), a plant homolog of C-terminal binding protein, controls the polar elongation of leaf cells and the trichome-branching pattern in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present study, degenerate PCR was used to isolate an ortholog of AN, referred to as LgAN, from larch (Larix gmelinii). The LgAN cDNA is predicted to encode a protein of 646 amino acids that shows striking sequence similarity to AN proteins from other plants. The predicted amino acid sequence has a conserved NAD-dependent 2-hydroxy acid dehydrogenase (D2-HDH) motif and a plant AN-specific LxCxE/D motif at its N-terminus, as well as a plant-specific long C-terminal region. The LgAN gene is a single-copy gene that is expressed in all larch tissues. Expression of the LgAN cDNA rescued the leaf width and trichome-branching pattern defects in the angustifolia-1 (an-1) mutant of Arabidopsis, showing that the LgAN gene has effects complementary to those of AN. These results suggest that the LgAN gene has the same function as the AN gene.  相似文献   

Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation system for perilla (Perilla frutescens Britt) was developed. Agrobacterium strain EHA105 harboring binary vector pBK I containing bar and γ-tmt cassettes or pIG121Hm containing nptII, hpt, and gusA cassettes were used for transformation. Three different types of explant, hypocotyl, cotyledon and leaf, were evaluated for transformation and hypocotyl explants resulted in the highest transformation efficiency with an average of 3.1 and 2.2%, with pBK I and pIG121Hm, respectively. The Perilla spp. displayed genotype-response for transformation. The effective concentrations of selective agents were 2 mg l−1 phosphinothricin (PPT) and 150 mg l−1 kanamycin, respectively, for shoot induction and 1 mg l−1 PPT and 125 mg l−1 kanamycin, respectively, for shoot elongation. The transformation events were confirmed by herbicide Basta spray or histochemical GUS staining of T0 and T1 plants. The T-DNA integration and transgene inheritance were confirmed by PCR and Southern blot analysis of random samples of T0 and T1 transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Floral development in three species each of Leptospermum and Kunzea, and one species of Agonis, is described and compared. Differences in the number of stamens and their arrangement in the flower at anthesis are determined by the growth dynamics of the bud. In Leptospermum, early expansion of the bud is predominantly in the axial direction and causes the stamen primordia to be initiated in antepetalous chevrons. In Kunzea, early expansion occurs predominantly in the lateral direction and successive iterations of stamen primordia are inserted alternately at more or less the same level. In both genera, further expansion in the lateral plane spreads the stamens into a ring around the hypanthium. Agonis flexuosa is similar to Leptospermum. Other variable factors include the timing at which stamen initiation commences (earlier in Leptospermum than Kunzea), the duration of stamen initiation (hence the total number of stamens produced – varies within genera), and very late differential expansion that forces stamens into secondary antesepalous groups in A. flexuosa and L. myrsinoides.The authors thank Dr H. Toelken for kindly providing some material and the impetus for this project. This research was supported by Australian Research Council grant AS19131815.  相似文献   

Yang J  Guo Z 《Plant cell reports》2007,26(8):1383-1390
Abscisic acid (ABA) regulates plant adaptive responses to various environmental stresses. Oxidative cleavage of cis-epoxycarotenoids catalyzed by 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) is the main regulatory step in the biosynthesis of ABA in higher plants. A NCED gene, SgNCED1, was cloned from the dehydrated leaves of Stylosanthes guianensis. The 2,241-bp full-length SgNCED1 had a 1,809-bp ORF, which encodes a peptide of 602 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of SgNCED1 protein shared high identity with other NCEDs. At the N-terminus of the SgNCED1 located a chloroplast transit peptide sequence. DNA blot analysis revealed that SgNCED1 was a single copy gene in the genome of S. guianensis. The relationship between expression of SgNCED1 and endogenous ABA level was investigated. The expression of SgNCED1 was induced in both leaves and roots of S. guianensis under drought stress. Dehydration and salt stress induced the expression of SgNCED1 strongly and rapidly. The ABA accumulation was coincidently induced with the SgNCED1 mRNA under drought, dehydration and salt stress. The expression of SgNCED1 and ABA accumulation were also induced under chilling condition.  相似文献   

The Alhambra ( Alh) gene is the Drosophila homologue of the human AF10 gene. AF10 has been identified as a fusion partner of MLL, a human homologue of the fly gene trithorax, in infant leukemias. The endogenous function of human AF10 is not known, but may be vital to its role in acute leukemia. This prompted us to analyse Alh function. We describe here the genetic organisation of the Alh locus in D. melanogaster. We show that an independent lethal complementation group encoding a muscle protein ( Mlp84B) is located within an Alh intron. We have already shown that the leucine zipper (LZ) domain of ALH activates several Polycomb group-responsive elements. We further demonstrate that the LZ domain on its own bears the Alh vital function, since it is necessary and sufficient for rescue of Alh mutant lethality. Finally, we demonstrate that, in contrast to a previous report, Alh does not affect position-effect variegation.Communicated by G. Reuter  相似文献   

Arachis correntina (Burkart) Krapov. & W.C. Gregory is a herbaceous perennial leguminous plant growing in the Northeast of the Province Corrientes, Argentina. It is important as forage. The development of new A. correntina cultivars with improved traits could be facilitated through the application of biotechnological strategies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the plant regeneration potential of mature leaves of A. correntina in tissue culture. Buds were induced from both petiole and laminae on 0.7% agar-solidified medium containing 3% sucrose, salts and vitamins from Murashige and Skoog (MS) supplemented with 0.5–25 M thidiazuron (TDZ). Shoot induction was achieved by transference of calli with buds to MS supplemented with 5 M TDZ. Fifty-four percent of the regenerated shoot rooted on MS + 5 M naphthaleneacetic acid. Histological studies revealed that shoots regenerated via organogenesis.  相似文献   

A lectin was isolated from the roots of Sesbania aculeata. This is a glucose specific lectin having 39 kDa subunit molecular weight. The expression of this lectin was found to be developmentally regulated and observed to be the highest in the second week. The lectin was purified by affinity chromatography using Sephadex G-50 and found to have 28% homology with Arabidopsis thaliana lectin-like protein (accession No. CAA62665). The lectin binds with lipopolysaccharide isolated from different rhizobial strains indicating the plants interaction with multiple rhizobial species. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2009, Vol. 74, No. 3, pp. 404–411.  相似文献   

Polycomb group (PcG) proteins are required to maintain a stable repression of the homeotic genes during Drosophila development. Mutants in the PcG gene Supressor of zeste 12 (Su(z)12) exhibit strong homeotic transformations caused by widespread misexpression of several homeotic genes in embryos and larvae. Su(z)12 has also been suggested to be involved in position effect variegation and in regulation of the white gene expression in combination with zeste. To elucidate whether SU(Z)12 has any such direct functions we investigated the binding pattern to polytene chromosomes and compared the localization to other proteins. We found that SU(Z)12 binds to about 90 specific eukaryotic sites, however, not the white locus. We also find staining at the chromocenter and the nucleolus. The binding along chromosome arms is mostly in interbands and these sites correlate precisely with those of Enhancer-of-zeste and other components of the PRC2 silencing complex. This implies that SU(Z)12 mainly exists in complex with PRC2. Comparisons with other PcG protein-binding patterns reveal extensive overlap. However, SU(Z)12 binding sites and histone 3 trimethylated lysine 27 residues (3meK27 H3) do not correlate that well. Still, we show that Su(z)12 is essential for tri-methylation of the lysine 27 residue of histone H3 in vivo, and that overexpression of SU(Z)12 in somatic clones results in higher levels of histone methylation, indicating that SU(Z)12 is rate limiting for the enzymatic activity of PRC2. In addition, we analyzed the binding pattern of Heterochromatin Protein 1 (HP1) and found that SU(Z)12 and HP1 do not co-localize.  相似文献   

Summary  Eleven species comprising the Madagascan genus Vaughania are subsumed within the large pantropical genus Indigofera. Six new combinations are made; the remaining species were originally described in Indigofera.  相似文献   

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