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The ultrastructure of nephrocytes during the post-larval development of the trombiculid mite Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Schluger) was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. Nephrocytes are situated either individually or in groups inside the haemocoelic space and are always ensheathed by a basal membrane. They contain numerous tubular elements, electron-dense inclusions and sometimes electron-lucent vacuoles. Invaginations of the plasma membrane, often in the form of labyrinthine channels, with coated pits of plasma membrane and characteristic slit diaphragms linking adjacent pedicels, typically occupy the peripheral parts of the cells. However, no distinct zonation of organelles in the nephrocytes of trombiculids was observed. The number of nephrocytes in the haemocoel and the intensity of development of their tubular elements and in particular of labyrinthine channels vary significantly during the ontogenesis of mites. The possible functions of nephrocytes and their structure and differentiation in comparison with other arachnids are discussed.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the integument of the quiescent reduced tritonymph of the trombiculid mite Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Schluger) was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. Mites were investigated daily during the 14–16 day tritonymphal period (imagochrysalis). This period includes the deutonymphal moult (1–3 days), the quiescent tritonymph period (2–4 days), and the tritonymphal moult into the adult mite (6–10 days). A distinct recognizable feature of the tritonymphal moulting cycle is a sequence of events independent of precise time intervals. This process involves partial destruction and reorganization of the hypodermis of the previous instar, and formation of a new hypodermis of the subsequent instar from islands of rudimentary hypodermal cells. The integument of the reduced tritonymph differs greatly from that of both larva and active deutonymph and adult. It consists of a simply organized hypodermal layer of varying thickness and a thick clear poorly lamellate cuticle with curved pore canals, and lacking setae. The epicuticle is very thin and without a clear protein layer. The tritonymphal instar as such with its own cuticle situated near the hypodermis is encased within the detached covering of the previous active deutonymph, and may be considered a calyptostasic and entirely pharate instar. There is a tendency for reduced tritonymphal stage to be eliminated from ontogenesis and this stage is not homologous to the pupa of insects.  相似文献   


Spermatogenesis and sperm ultrastructure of the trombiculid mite Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Schluger 1948) have been investigated using transmission electron microscopy and compared with other arachnids studied. Sperm differentiation takes place in groups of synchronously developed germ cells of the two large sac-like paired testes. Each testis is composed of a secretory epithelium, which occupies their medio-ventral regions, and of a germinative epithelium situated in the latero-dorsal parts of testes together with large somatic cells. The germ cells are represented on sections by spermatogonia, spermatocytes, early, middle and late spermatids, and mature spermatozoa. Spermatocytes and spermatids contain two centrioles, which disappear afterwards, and a small Golgi-like structure forming an acrosomal cistema. Mature spermatozoa, which lie both within the meshes of somatic cells and also free in the lumen of testes, are compact oval aflagellate cells provided with peripheral channels. They also contain an acrosome, flattened between the cell membrane and the round electron-dense chromatin body, an oval body of lesser density lying in close proximity to the chromatin body, and a group of 5–7 mitochondria with spherically arranged cristae situated immediately behind the nuclear bodies. An acrosomal filament may be sometimes seen beneath the acrosome in the middle spermatids and disappears in the mature spermatozoa. These findings show that the mode of differentiation and pattern of organization of the male sex cells in trombiculid mites are of rather primitive type compared with other acarine spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Mouthparts of Leptotrombidium larvae (Acariformes: Trombiculidae), potential vectors of tsutsugamushi disease agents, were studied in detail using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. The mouthparts incorporated within the pseudotagma gnathosoma are composed of the infracapitulum ventrally and the chelicerae dorsally. The ventral wall of the infracapitulum is formed by a wide mentum posteriorly and a narrowed malapophysis anteriorly. The malapophysis firmly envelops the distal cheliceral portions by its lateral walls. The lateral lips of the malapophysis are flexible structures hiding the cheliceral blades in inactive condition and turning back forming a type of temporary sucker closely applied to the host skin during feeding. The roof of the infracapitulum is formed by a weakly sclerotized labrum anteriorly and a cervix with the capitular apodemes extending posteriorly. The labral muscles are lacking. The capitular apodemes serve as origin for pharyngeal dilators running to the dorsal wall of the pharynx fused with the bottom of the infracapitulum. The basal cheliceral segments are separated from each other besides the very posterior portions where they are movably joined by the inner walls. The sigmoid pieces serve for insertion of the cheliceral elevators originating at the posterior portions of the basal segments. The movable digits reveal the solid basal sclerite and the cheliceral blade curved upward with a tricuspid cap on its tip. Dendrites of nerve cells run along the digits to their tips. The ganglia are placed within the basal segments just behind the movable digits. The chelicerae also reveal well developed flexible fixed digits overhanging the basal portions of the blades. The gnathosoma possesses several sets of extrinsic muscles originating at the scutum and at the soft cuticle behind it. Laterally, the gnathosoma bears five‐segmented palps with a trifurcate palpal claw. J. Morphol. 277:424–444, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Numbers of scutal, coxal and sternal setae were counted in 1393 specimens of 5 Hirsutiella species. All observed chaetotactic anomalies were classified into 3 groups: 1) "rare" anomalies, such as absence of one AL, AM, coxal or sternal setae, presence of additional AL, AM, coxal or anterior sternal setae; 2) presence of 1-2 post-posterolateral soutal setae (PPL); 3) presence of additional 1-3 posterior sternal setae. "Rare" anomalies were found in 2.8% of the specimens examined. They were observed usually in northern or alpine populations. Obviously, it is an effect of more frequent ontogenetic failures in rigorous climate conditions being out of optimum for trombiculids. The quota of the individuals with PPL in a set of H. steineri samples varied from 16 to 74%, while in the other samples of this species the presence of the single (and not more) PPL were found very seldom, as well as in the other species examined. In the similar way, the additional posterior sternal setae were found with the frequency up to 100% in the some samples of H. steineri, H. hexasternalis and H. alpina, but in other ones they were present only in few specimens. Since in a series of cases the ratio of the number of specimens with PPL to the number of specimens without PPL, as well as the ratio of the number of specimens with fSt = 2.4 to the number of specimens with fSt = 2.2 is almost equal to 2, one can suppose that the variance of this characters has a genetic basis. All samples having a high frequency of the PPL appearance or the appearance of additional posterior sternal setae were collected in the alpine zone. It is an evident example of the ecogeographical rules, which were reported previously by the author for the quantitative characters in species of the genera Neotrombicula (Stekolnikov, 1996, 1998, 1999) and Hirsutiella (Stekolnikov, 2001). It is possible that the PPL appearance is caused by the higher humidity of the climate, and the appearance of additional posterior sternal setae--by the low temperature. It is supported by the fact that the samples with high friquency of individuals having PPL are specific to damp areas of Western Caucasus, while the populations with high frequency of additional posterior sternal setae appear to be characteristic for regions with more dry climate (Daghestan, Turkey, Chelyabinsk Region of Russia). The fact, that in some populations of H. steineri, the individuals having PPL are prevalent, can serve as a serious argument for the abolishment of the genera Hoffmannina Brennan et Jones, 1959 and Aboriginesia Kudryashova, 1993 distinguished from related groups only by the presence of this setae.  相似文献   

Intraspecific variability in three closely related chigger mite species of the genus Hirsutiella Schluger et Vysotzkaya, 1970, H. steineri (Kepka, 1966), H. llogorensis (Daniel, 1960), and H. alpina Stekolnikov, 2001 has been studied based on materials collected in Caucasus and Turkey. It is established that both H. steineri and H. llogorensis include Western Caucasian and Asian forms, the first one being larger than the second one. Western Caucasian samples of H. steineri are also split into large and small forms. The large form inhabits screes with larvae occurring mainly on snow voles, and the small form inhabits meadows and forests with larvae parasitizing snow voles as well as mice of the genus Apodemus and pine voles. Asian population of H. steineri include small low-mountain form which is hard to distinguish from H. llogorensis. In the light of the new data on variability, morphological border between these two species are specified. Correlations between some characters and altitude above sea level are shown within the Western Caucasian and Asian forms of both species, and also in H. alpina. All the three species can occur together on the same individual hosts, but they have different sets of main hosts and different distribution among biotopes in the area of sympatria. The border between H. steineri and H. llogorensis in the places of sympatria can be indistinct owing to the presence of small ecological forms of H. steineri. Our results give a basis for the construction of alternative hypotheses concerning the processes of speciation in trombiculids. Chiggers species could be formed in allopatric way, on the base of such geographical forms, as Western and Asian forms of the Caucasian Hirsutiella species, but they could also be formed in sympatric way, distributing among neighbouring biotopes (e.g., screes and meadows, or screes and forests), as large and small forms of Western Caucasian H. steineri do.  相似文献   

The stylostome of larvae of the trombiculids Leptotrombidium scutellare (Nagayo et al.), Leptotrombidium fletcheri (Womersley et Heaslip) and Leptotrombidium deliense (Walch) was studied experimentally at different time intervals after larval attachment using the histological method. The stylostome of these species has the same organization and belongs to the epidermal combined with the mixed type, developing more in width than in length. Neither transverse nor conspicuous longitudinal layers are present within the stylostome walls, which stain predominantly in red with Azan, also showing longitudinal portions with blue staining. Larvae tend to attach closely to each other and scabs, consisting of the hyperkeratotic epidermal layers fusing with migrating inflammatory cells, develop around the attachment sites. The dermis shows inflammatory foci with dilated capillaries and inflammatory cells inserting in the connective tissue layer underneath the stylostome. The feeding cavity, which is moderately expressed, may be found either in the epidermis or in the dermis. It contains inflammatory cells and their debris in the liquefied host tissues. The stylostome length depends on the character of the attachment site (the thicker epidermis or scab the longer the stylostome), and does not directly correspond to the stages of larval feeding. Nevertheless, at the 48-h time interval, nearly all attached larvae are found to be fully fed and their midgut cells are filled with nutritional globules.  相似文献   

The immature stages of Protocalliphora maruyamensis Kano et Shinonaga are newly described and the third instar larva of P. azurea (Fallén) is redescribed from specimens collected in Japan. The larval morphology of Protocalliphora is discussed. A key to the third instar larvae of Japanese bird-parasitic blowflies is given.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were conducted with the sexually reproducing seed beetle Stator limbatus and its hosts in north-central Arizona to determine if it was substructured into units, each specialized for higher fitness on a specific host species. Unlike many studies, we incorporated scale, i.e., conducting experiments between and within beetle populations on seeds from within and between plant species. Of particular interest was whether intraspecific plant variability prevented beetle specialization within beetle populations. Results suggest that S. limbatus is specialized to certain hosts. On the palo verde Cercidium floridum, beetles originally reared from this host had significantly higher emergence compared to beetles transferred from other hosts. We did not test directly for a genetic basis for this. Alternative hypotheses of variation in symbiotic microorganisms in larval guts and maternal effects were assessed. Essentially no bacteria, yeast or protozoa were found, and maternal effects as expressed by varying egg weights were not detected; however, other microorganisms might have been present and maternal effects through inducible enzymes was possible. Caution, then, is needed in any genetic interpretations of our results. The differences on C. floridum were detected from tests between and within beetle populations. Evidence for specialization was not detected on the other hosts, Cercidium microphyllum and Acacia greggii. On the other hosts, beetles performed well regardless of their source. Significant differences were detected among individual plants of C. floridum as to the suitability of their seeds for deveoopment of S. limbatus. No such differences were detected among the other host plants. These patterns of conspecific plant variability are opposite of what is expected if plant variability prevents specialization of beetles to particular species of hosts. Thus, the data suggest seed variability among plants does not prevent specialization to host species in this system. We discuss how the patterns of host use in this study relate to the hypothesis of sympatric host race formation.  相似文献   

Species of the genus Pnigalio Schrank are ectoparasitoids on several pest insects. Most species are polyphagous parasitoids of lepidopteran and dipteran leafminers. Despite their potential economic importance, information on intraspecific phenotypic variability is insufficient. Pnigalio soemius (Walker) was reared at five different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, 30 degrees C) on mature larvae of one of its natural hosts, Cosmopterix pulchrimella Chambers (Lepidoptera: Cosmopterigidae), to investigate the influence of temperature on size, colour and other morphological traits, and to measure the range of variation of several characters. Thermal developmental reaction norms, which represent the effect of temperature during growth and development on the value of some adult traits, were produced. The results confirmed the influence of temperature on numerous characters and that these characters had a larger range of variation than realized previously in the construction of taxonomic keys to species. In particular, the number and position of the costulae on the propodeum and colour of the gaster were affected by rearing temperature.  相似文献   

Summary Interspecific heritability values were estimated using parent-offspring regression analyses for 11 morphological traits differentiating Clarkia nitens and C. speciosa subsp. polyantha. Estimates ranged from near 0 for anther color and germination percentage, to 0.8 for calyx length and petal tip color. Phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlation matrices were computed to determine the extent of interspecific correlations of traits. Cluster analyses of the genetic and environmental correlation matrices each resulted in three clusters of correlated traits; however, the clusters derived from the two matrices were different. The clusters produced by analysis of the environmental correlation matrix were similar to the factors obtained from principal component analysis of the phenotypic correlation matrix. Genetic correlations may result from strong linkage due to interspecific chromosomal differences.  相似文献   

【目的】对寄生鞘翅目幼虫蛴螬的虫生真菌标本GZUIFR-lgs-1进行描述和鉴定。【方法】基于形态特征比较结合系统发育分析进行鉴定。【结果】该种通过形态特征产孢细胞单生,透明,多数与营养菌丝成近直角,基部具疣且明显膨大(19-27)μm×(2.7-3.6)μm,颈部长(12.0-14.5)μm,顶端呈螺旋状扭曲,偶有再育;分生孢子透明、光滑,橘瓣状,单生或偶有双生,外具黏液,大小为(4.8-6.0)μm×(2.4-3.6)μm,而与被毛孢属已知种相区别。基于ITS位点的系统发育分析支持形态学鉴定的结果。【结论】综合形态特征比较及系统发育分析结果,该种为被毛孢属的一个新的分类单元,命名为雷公山被毛孢,Hirsutella leigongshanensis。  相似文献   

Twenty unfed larvae of Neotrombicula autumnalis (Acari: Trombiculidae) collected on vegetation in the north of Spain were examined by polymerase chain reaction for Borrelia burgdorferi (s.l.). rickettsiae, and the Ehrlichia phagocytophila genogroup. At least 10% of the larvae were found to contain granulocytic ehrlichiae. Because the larvae were unfed, they would necessarily have inherited the bacteria through a transovarian transmission pathway.  相似文献   

Stylostomes of the trombiculid mite larvae Neotrombicula pomeranzevi (Schluger), Hirsutiella zachvatkini (Schluger), Miyatrombicula esoensis (Sasa and Ogata) and Euschoengastia rotundata (Schluger) (Acariformes: Trombiculidae), formed in the host skin during feeding of the parasites on their natural hosts (voles) were studied histologically and histochemically. A stylostome is a variously shaped tube formed of solidified mite saliva that extends from the mouthparts of the parasite through the epidermis into the dermis of the host, and allows the mite to obtain its liquid food. The first step of stylostome formation is deposition of an eosinophilic cone, to which the larva’s chelicerae are glued. Organization of the stylostome depends on the mite species, and its walls may show weakly expressed longitudinal or transverse stratification. Histochemically, the stylostome is composed of complex glycoprotein with varying tinctorial properties through the width or the length of the stylostome’s walls. Beneath the distal end of the stylostome, irrespectively of its localization either in the epidermis or in the dermis of the host, a feeding cavity is formed as a result of the action of the hydrolytic components of the mite’s saliva forced through the stylostome into the wound. An inflammatory dermal reaction of moderate intensity is evolved during larval feeding and stylostome formation. It is manifested by the infiltration of the foci with neutrophiles, lymphocytes and macrophages and by dilation of capillaries of the terminal vessel bed and filling them by erythrocytes and other blood elements. Around the stylostome, necrosis of the epidermal cells occurs, leucocytes come to the damaged area and fuse with the necrotic epidermal cells, leading to the formation of the large scabs on the surface of the host’s skin. In the case of E. rotundata, single capsules having a terminal opening and containing feeding larva are formed on the abdomen of the hosts. The walls of the capsules are composed of the mite’s saliva flowing upon the surface of the host’s skin. At the bottom of the capsule, a stylostome perforating the epidermis is also present.  相似文献   

We compared parasite load (prevalence and mean intensity) of Eutrombicula alfreddugesi larvae on the lizard Liolaemus tenuis sampled during January 2006 and 2007 from the interior and edges of large forest tracts in the coastal Maulino Forest (35 degrees 59'S, 72 degrees 41'W) and from nearby forest fragments (1.5-20 ha). All lizards were parasitized by chiggers regardless of location (prevalence, 100%); however, mean intensity of infestation was significantly lower at forest fragment edges compared with either large forest interiors or forest edges. We attribute differences in mean intensity to differences in microclimate among localities; maximum air temperature was significantly higher and relative humidity significantly lower in fragment edges compared with either large forest tract interior or edges.  相似文献   

  • 1 Dispersion patterns of the protelean parasite, Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing, among individuals of an aphid host, Aphis gossypii Glover, were examined during spring 1991 in several cotton fields in Jiangsu Province, China.
  • 2 The variance-to-mean ratios (i.e. dispersion index) of larval mites per host were greater than 1, indicating that the mite parasites were overdispersed among aphid hosts. The variance increased with the mean according to the power law, variance = 1.51 mean106, which explained 99.7% of the variation in the data.
  • 3 The negative binomial distribution adequately describes the patterns of larval mite dispersion among aphid hosts in eight out of ten populations. The degree of clumping (1/k) decreased curvilinearly with parasite density (mites per host).
  • 4 Mites were more clumped among adult aphids than among immature ones.
  • 5 Ecological and evolutionary consequences of mite overdispersion within host populations are discussed. The role of Allothrombium in pest control is also discussed.

Nematodes belonging to the genus Hysterothylacium (family Raphidascarididae) infect various species of marine fish in both the larval and adult stages. Humans can be accidentally infected upon eating infected seafood. In spite of their importance, relatively little is known of their occurrence and systematics in Australia. An examination of various species of marine teleosts in Australian waters revealed a high prevalence of Hysterothylacium larval types. In the present study, seven previously undescribed Hysterothylacium larval morphotypes (V to VII and IX to XII) were discovered. In total we found 10 different morphotypes and we genetically characterised nine morphotypes identified. A morphological dichotomous identification key has been established to differentiate these morphotypes. Since some larvae of Hysterothylacium from marine fishes cannot be differentiated morphologically from other nematode larvae, such as Paraheterotyphlum, Heterotyphlum, Iheringascaris and Lapetascaris, the first and second internal transcribed spacers (ITS-1 and ITS-2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA) of these larvae were characterised to confirm their taxonomic status. This genetic characterisation implied that some distinct morphotypes belong to different developmental stages of the same species. In addition, it revealed that some morphotypes can comprise distinct genotypes. No match was found between ITS-1 and ITS-2 sequences obtained from larvae in the present study and those from adults available in the GenBank, highlighting the lack of knowledge on occurrence of adult nematodes infecting Australian fish.  相似文献   

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