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Conditions were established for recovery of active schistosomules of Schistosoma mansoni after cryopreservation and storage in liquid nitrogen (?196 C). Schistosomules prepared from cercariae by a shear pressure technique were subjected to a two-step cooling process consisting of a slow cooling rate to an intermediate temperature, followed by rapid quenching of the sample in liquid nitrogen. Overall averages of 39 and 44% of the schistosomules, with a maximum of 88%, were recovered retaining normal activity with cooling rates of 0.4 C/min to ?32 C or 0.8 C/min to ?35 C, respectively. Methanol at 17.5% in Earle's lactalbumin hydrolysate was the freezing medium. As compared with 24 hr storage in liquid nitrogen, no loss in schistosomule motility was observed after 1 month. Following cryopreservation, attenuated schistosomules derived from 60Co-irradiated cercariae (50 kR) exhibited structure and activity equivalent to that of unattenuated schistosomules. Infectivity for mice of unattenuated schistosomules derived from 60Co-irradiated cercariae (50 Krad) exhibited structure and activity of unfrozen schistosomules ranged from 0.4 to 15.2%.  相似文献   

Against the background of cercarial fine structure, ultrastructural changes were compared in schistosomules of Schistosoma mansoni 30 min and 1 hr after their production in vivo by skin penetration and in vitro by shear pressure. The same developmental pattern was observed in schistosomules of both derivations. In vitro schistosomules, however, developed more slowly, resembled cercariae more closely, and varied less among organisms than did in vivo schistosomules. The greatest morphological changes were observed in the 1-hr in vivo schistosomules. These were as follows: (1) in tegument, formation of transient microvilli, a hepatalaminate outer membrane and accented surface invaginations, loss of glycocalyx, movement outward of cyton vesicles via bridges, accumulation of multilaminate bodies around bridge openings; (2) in the anterior organ (oral sucker), movement of head gland vesicles via the ducts into tegument followed by collapse of the gland fundus, disappearance of the circumfundal cells and two large support cells, and the appearance in these areas of membranes and parenchymal cells; (3) secretion of the acetabular gland contents, collapse of the glands and replacement by membranes and parenchymal cells; (4) peristaltic activity of the digestive tract as shown by alternate areas of lumen constriction and dilation; (5) loss of bladder and contraction of the small aboral collecting tubules; and (6) conversion of heterochromatic parenchymal cell nuclei to euchromatic. In contrast, the 1-hr in vitro shear schistosomules resembled 30-min in vivo schistosomules, retaining many cercarial features.  相似文献   

The uptake and fate of the hemeproteins horseradish peroxidase (HRPO) and hemoglobin (Hb) by schistosomules of Schistosoma mansoni maintained in vitro were studied by electron microscopy and cytochemical techniques. After administration of HRPO, reaction product was observed initially in the lumen of the digestive tract, and, after 2 hr of feeding, reaction product was also visible in the cytoplasm of the gastrodermis. There was no evidence of pinocytosis. After administration of Hb, reaction product was observed only in the lumen of the digestive tract. As is found following red blood cell feeding, digestive pigment was formed in the lumen of the gut following Hb feeding. The possible significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The concentration-dependent action of alkyl-isothiouroniums on Schistosoma mansoni cercariae, ranging from partial to total abolition of locomotor and flame cell movements, and/or suppression of virulence, is due to H1-histamine receptor inhibition. Correspondingly, H1-receptor inhibitors of widely different chemical structure, such as clemizol, diphenhydramine, brompheniramine, and promethazine, in 0.03-0.06 nM concentrations, induced an analogous cercarial immobilization reversed by addition of excess histamine. In contrast, the H2-receptor inhibitors cimetidine and metiamide did not immobilize cercariae. Histamine, acetylcholine, and serotonin, added to cercarial suspensions, showed no direct activity. Their participation in the mechanism of cercarial mobility was shown by the dose-dependent effects of antagonists, such as the serotonin antagonist methysergide and the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor physostigmine. These effects were not reversible by addition of serotonin and acetylcholine, respectively. A histamine-irreversible cercarial immobilization induced by the H-liberator 48/80 suggested that, besides H1-receptor inhibition, H-liberation and/or depletion also participated in mobility and survival. The detection of histamine in the cercaria corroborated the participation of histaminergic mechanisms. S. mansoni schistosomules collected from the mouse lung reacted to H1 antihistamines like cercariae, with a dose-dependent reduction of mobility and somatic deformation, such as vacuolization, granulation, and caecal enlargement.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni schistosomules prepared from cercariae by seven in vitro techniques had not all reached the same state of development at the end of the incubation period as scored by seven parameters: water tolerance; Cercarienhüllen Reaktion; presence of the glycocalyx; condition of the surface membrane; nuclear state; granule migration; and cryopreservability. At the end of the specific incubation period for each technique, the level of development was judged with respect to schistosomules which had developed in situ for 1 hr after penetration of the ear skin of mice. In descending order of their correspondence to in vivo schistosomules, those derived in vitro (by the procedures listed) ranked as follows: first, penetration of dried rat skin; second, centrifuging and vortexing, or incubation in serum-supplemented medium; and third, syringe passage, omnimixing, centrifuging, and incubating, or incubating alone. The only treatment common to all techniques was incubation in 37 C culture medium for 2 hr or more. This is suggested as the stimulus for the cercaria-to-schistosomule transformation.  相似文献   

In our earlier experiments, NIH/Nmri (CV) mice developed protective immunity to a Schistosoma mansoni cercarial challenge when previously exposed percutaneously to highly 60Co-irradiated homologous cercariae. Experiments reported here were conducted to assess the immunogenicity of unfrozen and frozen and thawed schistosomules derived from 60Co-irradiated cercariae (irradiated schistosomules). Immunization of NIH/Nmri (CV) mice by 60Co-irradiated unfrozen schistosomules reduced worm burdens from a subsequent percutaneous challenge with normal cercariae by 41 to 72%. Immunogenicity was not narrowly dependent on irradiation dose rates between 1 and 8 kR/min, or on the total dose of irradiation given the schistosomules between 25 and 50 kR. Comparable protective immunity developed after injection of irradiated schistosomules which had been frozen to ?196 C in liquid nitrogen and thawed. Cryopreservation appears to offer a solution to the problem of storage of attenuated, immunogenic S. mansoni schistosomules.  相似文献   

The head gland of the cercaria of Schistosoma mansoni appears to be a relatively large unicellular entity consisting of a fundus tapering into a system of multiple ducts that opens into the integument at the anterior end of the oral sucker. The fundus is located in the posteriodorsal area of the oral sucker and contains most of the secretory granules. The ducts are usually narrow and devoid of secretory granules especially near their integumental junctions in the cercaria. In Schistosomules of S. mansoni the fundus is reduced and the ducts are distended as secretory granules move en masse into the integument during the penetration of cercaria into their host where they may provide material for repair of the integument of the oral sucker damaged during penetration. The head gland has a strong affinity for luxol fast blue and acid hematin stains which suggests the presence of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Protection against a Schistosoma mansoni cercarial challenge was evaluated in mice immunized with a vaccine composed of 10-krad-irradiated, cryopreserved schistosomules. The level of resistance induced in C57B1/6 or NMRI (CV) mice increased with the number of schistosomules injected. Up to 83% reduction in challenge worm burden was achieved when 5000 schistosomules were injected per mouse. Intramuscular injection of the vaccine was superior to subcutaneous. Multiple immunizations, up to 3 at 4-week intervals, did not increase the resistance induced by a single immunization. A high level of protection developed in as little as 2 weeks and was maintained through at least 12 weeks postimmunization. The vaccine irradiated with 10 krad from either a 60-cobalt or 137-cesium source induced equivalent levels of resistance, and no differences were found in the immunogenicity of vaccines comprised of organisms irradiated as cercariae or as 1- to 3-hr-old schistosomules. These findings are basic to the development of a cryopreserved, live vaccine against schistosomiasis of humans or domestic animals.  相似文献   

Invasion of the outer layers of the epidermis of mouse ear skin by cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni within 7 min of their application to it has been studied with the optical and the scanning and transmission electron microscopes.Entrance of cercariae was under the edges of the dead flattened keratinized cells of the horny layer (squames), and penetration through this layer was by disarticulation of the stacks of squames at their interdigitations. Mucus from the postacetabular glands was recognized with the light and electron microscopes on the skin surface, especially at squame edges and between layers of squames and along the keratogenous zone. The findings suggested that disarticulation of the squames was not effected solely by the muscular probing and pushing of the parasite, but that it might be aided by swelling of the mucus secretion deposited in the area from the postacetabular glands. Loosening of the interlocked edges of the squames by enzymatic action is also a possibility, but was not evaluated for this report.The migration path along the keratongenous zone was marked by extensive damage to the transitional cells of the granular layer subjacent to the squames. Packets of secretion from the cercarial preacetabular glands were identified below the horny layer in the cytoplasm of these cells. It was considered that the host tissue damage in this area was the result not only of tearing of the tissues by passage of the spiny schistosomules, but also of enzymatic activity, the enzyme source being the granules in the packets of preacetabular gland secretion.  相似文献   

The in vitro effects of suramin and trypan blue on schistosomules of Schistosoma mansoni were examined by light and electron microscopy. The drugs were administered to 12-day cultures of schistosomules produced by the penetration method. The larvae were maintained on mouse red blood cells for 5 days prior to addition of the drugs. At the concentrations used, the morphological changes attributable to the drugs were identical for the two drugs. The first signs of anomaly were observable at 8 hr after exposure. At this time, the digestive system showed signs reminiscent of early starvation effects such as alterations of the Golgi and an increase of autophagy. After 36 hr, a rapid disintegration of the gastrodermis became evident. It was hypothesized that the drugs initially inhibit the digestive enzymes and, subsequently, labilize the luminal plasma membrane of the gastrodermis. By 48 hr after exposure, the larvae were dead.  相似文献   

The hemoglobin in mouse reticulocytes was labeled in vitro with either [3H], [14C] aminolevulinic acid (ALA), or [3H] leucine. Specific labeling of the globin moiety with labeled leucine, and the heme moiety with labeled ALA, was confirmed by carboxymethylcellulose chromatography and cyclohexanone extraction. Most of the leucine label recovered from reticulocytes that were incubated for 4 hr was incorporated in hemoglobin. However, 2 hr incubation of reticulocytes in the presence of labeled ALA followed by 4 hr in cell incubation medium in the absence of ALA was required for sufficient incorporation of the radionuclide into reticulocyte hemoglobin. In all reticulocyte labeling experiments, regardless of the radionuclide used, label was also observed in non-hemoglobin heme-containing molecules. Schistosoma mansoni schistosomules fed reticulocytes in vitro in which the heme moiety of hemoglobin was labeled displayed radioactivity in the protein fraction of the organisms, as determined by TCA precipitation, and in the ethanol-soluble component. In comparison, schistosomules fed reticulocytes containing globin-labeled hemoglobin displayed radioactivity only in the protein component. Pre-incubation of the schistosomules in puromycin prior to exposure to lyophilized, [14C] ALA-labeled hemoglobin partially inhibited incorporation of label. These results suggest that the organism utilizes not only the globin moiety of hemoglobin in its nutritional requirements, but the heme moiety as well.  相似文献   

The main effect of antimonial treatment in the early phases of schistosome infection is due to an interference with the development of the worm. This effect manifests itself in two different forms: one is a temporary (reversible) delay of development and/or growth, the other, an irreversible blocking of development, leading to the reduction of worm recovery. The antimonials, besides their lethal and toxic effects on the adult worm, exert in vivo a “schistosomistatic” action of variable intensity and duration. The earlier the treatment, the more pronounced is this action, reaching its maximum at the time of cercarial exposure. As a consequence of the temporary delay of the development, the number of the worms became higher in the autopsies conducted at longer intervals from the cessation of treatment. The delay in growth in some cases was followed by a lethal action.  相似文献   

The effects of various salts on the proteolytic activity of extracts from Schistosoma mansoni cercariae were tested. Using an Azocoll substrate, stimulation (2 to 2.5-fold) of activity by the monovalent cations Na+ and K+ was demonstrated, with maximum stimulation at 20–40 mM concentrations. The divalent cations Mg2+ and Ca2+ stimulated proteolytic activity at low concentrations (between 0 and 10 mM) but inhibited activity at higher concentrations. The divalent cations Zn2+, Cu2+, Fe2+, and Co2+ were inhibitory even at very low concentrations. The results presented here are discussed in relation to previously described ion effects on cercarial infectivity.  相似文献   

Proteolytic activity was demonstrated in secretions from the preacetabular glands of cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni. Thin gelatin film substrates were lysed by living cercariae stimulated to penetrate by application on the films of skin surface lipid. Lysis was directly related to number of cercariae, time, and temperature of incubation and pH of the medium. Gelatinase activity in unfixed frozen sections of cercariae incubated on the gelatin films was in the preacetabular glands which are the source of the secretion emptied into skin during penetration. Protease activity, therefore, appears to be related to penetration. The schistosome larvae which made the penetration attempt satisfied the accepted criteria for schistosomules, and therefore appeared to have transformed into schistosomules even though they did not successfully penetrate anything.  相似文献   

The teguments of developing and mature cercariae, recently transformed, and 1-wk-old schistosomula and adult worms were examined for the ultrastructural location of macromolecular carbohydrates and polyelectrolytes. The surface of mature cercariae within sporocysts and cercariae released from the snail is covered by a filamentous coat which reacts with cytochemical reagents for the demonstration of vicinal glycols, but neither the coat nor the surface of the tegument plasmalemma binds cationic colloidal iron at low pH.Upon penetrating mammalian skin, the cercaria sheds its surface coat; the tegument surface of newly transformed schistosomula, older schistosomula and adult worms stains en bloc with acidic colloidal iron, as does the tegument plasmalemma of mature cercariae if the overlying filamentous coat is first removed by physicochemical means. The cercarial coat thus serves to mask anionic groups at the surface of the tegument plasmalemma which become functionally exposed after penetration of the mammalian host. The distribution of colloidal iron binding sites coincides with those for the carbohydrate-complexing phytohemmagglutnin, concanavalin A, which suggests that these membrane-fixed anions are acid mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins or glycolipids. Carbohydrate-containing material was also localized within membrane-bound vesicles of the tegument matrix and perikarya of developing cercariae and postcercarial schistosomes, suggesting that surface mucosubstances contributing to the tegument glycocalyx of these worms are elaborated, at least in part, by the tegument itself.  相似文献   

The effect of light, oxygen tension, reducing conditions and thermal shock on egg hatching in Schistosoma mansoni were examined. Hatching was found to be unaffected by light or dark conditions or aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Cold shock from 15 to 120 sec was also ineffective in stimulating hatching. The reducing agents ascorbic acid and cysteine inhibited egg hatching. However, the oxidized forms of these compounds inhibited hatching as well, indicating that the reducing conditions they provided were not responsible for the inhibition.  相似文献   

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