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The aggressive behaviour of hybrids between an epigeous and a cave-dwelling form of the toothcarp Poecilia sphenops was investigated in order to test whether a genetically determined reduction of aggressive behaviour exists in the cave population. The scores for five different elements of this behaviour as well as for the duration of fights support this hypothesis and suggest that aggressive behaviour in Poecilia spbenops is controlled by a closely linked polygenic system. On the basis of laboratory and field investigations, to aggressive behaviour is attributed the function of giving large ♂♂ a reproductive advantage within the framework of a body-size dependent rank order. Small ♀♀ appear to counteract this onesided selective advantage through a special strategy of sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

After 14 days of social isolation, half-grown Poecilia sphenops still showed no sexual activity but an increase in biting and tail beating. In relation to this result data on diurnal rhythms of the observed activities, the biological significance of the aggressivity in immature fish, and the ontogeny of the aggressive and sexual behaviour are presented. In contrast to the aggressive behaviour no sexual activity could be observed before maturity.  相似文献   

  • 1 Die ♂♂ dreier Teilpopulationen der Höhlenform von Poecilia sphenops zeigen im Vergleich zu zwei oberirdischen Populationen eine graduelle Rückbildung des Aggressionsverhaltens bis hin zum völligen Verlust bei der extremen Höhlenform, obgleich die optische Orientierung offensichtlich ungestört ist.
  • 2 Das Reduktionsphänomen bleibt auch nach jahrelanger Aufzucht bei Licht sowie nach gemeinsamem Aufwachsen mit der oberirdischen Form erhalten. Beim Zusammentreffen mit dieser reagieren die Höhlenfische fast ausschließlich sexuell.
  • 3 Im Dunkeln, bei Verwendung eines Infrarotgerätes, sind auch beim oberirdisch lebenden Vertreter keine aggressiven Handlungen mit Ausnahme des Schwanzschlages mehr zu beobachten. Deshalb wird eine vorwiegend optische Auslösung aggressiver Elemente angenommen.
  • 4 Damit verlor nach Besiedlung des lichtlosen Biotops die Aggression bei P. sphenops offensichtlich ihren biologischen Sinn und konnte — wie dies auch entsprechend für morphologische Strukturen gilt — zurückgebildet werden.
  • 5 Es wird versucht, diesen Reduktionsprozeß als Folge des Fehlens eines die Aggression erhaltenden Selektionsdruckes auf Grund von allgemeinen Vorstellungen regressiver Höhlentierevolution (Kosswig 1960, 1963) zu erklären.

DARWIN's statement, that rudimentary parts of organisms are apt to be highly variable, is also true for the regressive structures of cavernicolous animals. On the other hand, adaptive traits develop under cave conditions, the variability of which is lowered rather than increased, compared to that of their precursors in the epigean population. These differences in the genetically controlled variability of constructive and degenerative features indicate action and nonaction of natural selection.  相似文献   

The fleshy genital-pad in females and the number of taste-buds in males and females of the cave-living M. sphenops show constructive tendencies in comparison with its epigean ancestor and M. velifera.  相似文献   

We inferred the phylogenetic relationships among members of the Poecilia sphenops species complex to resolve the colonization process and radiation of this group in Central America. We analyzed 2550 base pairs (bp) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), including ATP synthase 6 and 8, cytochrome oxidase subunit I and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 genes, and 906 bp of the nuclear S7 ribosomal protein of 86 ingroup individuals from 61 localities spanning most of its distribution from Mexico to Panama. Our mitochondrial data rendered a well-supported phylogeny for the P. sphenops complex that differed with the nuclear data set topology, which did not recover the monophyly of the P. mexicana mitochondrial lineage. Coalescent-based simulations tests indicated that, although hybridization cannot be completely ruled out, this incongruence is most likely due to incomplete lineage sorting in this group, which also showed the widest geographic distribution. A single colonization event of Central America from South America was estimated to have occurred between the early Paleocene and Oligocene (53–22 million years ago). Subsequently, two largely differentiated evolutionary lineages diverged around the Early Oligocene–Miocene (38–13 million years ago), which are considered two separate species complexes: P. sphenops and P. mexicana, which can also be distinguished by their tricuspid and unicuspid inner jaw teeth, respectively. Ultimately, within lineage diversification occurred mainly during the Miocene (22–5 million years ago). All major cladogenetic events predated the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama. The allopatric distribution of lineages together with the long basal internodes suggest that vicariance and long term isolations could be the main evolutionary forces promoting radiation in this group, although dispersal through water barriers might also have occurred. Lastly, our results suggest the need to review the current species distribution and taxonomy of the P. sphenops complex sensu lato.  相似文献   

The inheritance of sexual behaviour patterns was studied in species hybrids of Poecilia mexicana and Poecilia velifera. In addition, the aggressive behaviour and some morphological characters have been investigated and checked for a possible correlation between and within these three different traits studied. All the characters are inherited polygenically. The minimum genetic factors could be estimated only for some characters.  相似文献   

Between September and November of 1998, 1 432 females of Poecilia reticulata were collected in a pond in Santo Domingo, Heredia, Costa Rica. The average total length of females was 34.43 +/- 7.26 mm (range 17.80 and 51.50 mm) and the average total weight of 0.69 +/- 0.48 g (range 0.06 and 2.32 g). This species is a viviparous matrotrofic and the specimens were sexually mature. The total length-fertility relationship was F = 0.527e 0.1171Lt (r2 = 0.9404). The average fertility was 56.1 +/- 43.6 (eggs + embryos) (range 8.0 and 197.6). The total length-fecundity relationship was Fo = 0.695e(0.1076Lt (r2 = 0.9376). The average fecundity was of 49.0 +/- 36.0 (oocytes + ova) (range 7.0 and 179.0). The total length-gonadosomatic index relationship was IGS = 0.0014 e0.134 Lt (r2 = 0.8581). The average gonadosomatic index was 0.25 +/- 0.27% (range 0.02 and 1.31%).  相似文献   

T. Haaf  M. Schmid 《Chromosoma》1984,89(1):37-41
The mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of the American cyprinodont fish Poecilia sphenops var. melanistica were analysed. All 46 chromosomes are telocentric. By specific staining of the constitutive heterochromatin with C-banding and various AT-specific fluorochromes, the homomorphic chromosome pair 1 could be identified as sex chromosomes of the ZW/ZZ type. All female animals exhibit a W chromosome with a large region of telomeric heterochromatin that is not present in the Z chromosome. These sex chromosomes cannot be distinguished by conventional staining; they represent the first demonstration of sex chromosomes in fishes in an early stage of morphological differentiation. The W heterochromatin and the telomeric heterochromatin in the two autosomes 18 show a very bright fluorescence when stained with AT-specific fluorochromes. This allows the direct identification of the chromosomal sex by examining the interphase nuclei: females exhibit three, males only two brightly fluorescent heterochromatic chromocenters in their nuclei. The significance of these ZW/ ZZ sex chromosomes and their specific DNA sequences, the dose compensation of the Z-linked genes, and the experimental possibilities using sex-reversed ZW males are discussed.  相似文献   

Natural populations of triploid females resembling the gynogenetic teleost, Poecilia formosa (Girard), occur in northeastern Mexico where they intermingle with diploid populations of this species and the members of congeneric bisexual species such as P. mexicana or P. latipinna. Mitotic configurations from gill epithelial cells show 46 chromosomes for the diploid fishes, but 69 chromosomes for members of the triploid clones associated with P. formosa. Triploid females have erythrocytes that are significantly larger than those from diploid specimens and also show a roughly 50% elevation in the average DNA content of their somatic nuclei. Similar analyses of two functionally incompetent males of P. formosa, of a number of bisexual F1 and F2 hybrid offpsring from P. latipinna x P. mexicana, and of females from several other poeciliid species consistently show only diploid DNA levels and somatic chromosome complements where 22N=46. Demonstration of cytogenetic criteria by which females from triploid clones may be clearly distinguished from sympatric diploid specimens of P. formosa or P. mexicana leaves unresolved, for the present, problems of an appropriate systematic designation for natural populations of triploid gynogenetic fishes. The role of sympatric speciation in the evolution of poeciliid genomes is discussed in terms of alternative mechanisms to account for the persistence in nature of a vertebrate triploid of hybrid origin.This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (GB 7393) and from the U.S. Public Health Service (GM 14644).Recipient of a Research Career Development Award from the U.S. Public Health Service (1 K3 GM 3455).  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(2):497-509
Sailfin mollies, Poecilia latipinna, exhibit remarkable levels of intraspecific variation in reproductive behaviour. Larger males exhibit higher rates of courtship and lowered rates of gonoporal nibbling and gonopodial thrusting (forced copulation attempts). Larger males have relatively longer and higher dorsal fins than smaller males. The dorsal fin is a prominent component of the courtship display. Variation in fin measurements, behaviour patterns, and body size of mature males is continuous, and fin shape and behaviour patterns are allometrically related to body size. The allometric pattern is displayed by individual traits as well as by the morphological or behavioural traits in ensemble. Eight populations of mollies from markedly distinct habitats exhibited similar consistent levels of intrademic variation in the size of mature males. Detailed studies on three populations showed that dorsal fin shape could be described by the same regression relationship in all populations, and indicted that a male's shape was determined by his absolute body size. By contrast, there was some variation among populations in the relation of behaviour patterns to male body size. The pattern of this interdemic variation indicated that a male's behaviour patterns were influenced by his relative size in a population. Successful inseminations following forced copulations were rare. The average size of successful males was smaller than the average size of unsuccessful males in all three populations. These results indicated that successful insemination through forced copulation was, like behaviour patterns generally, more a function of the relative size of the male, than his absolute size.  相似文献   

Ghazi  C.  Bachir  A. Si  Idder  T. 《Journal of Ichthyology》2019,59(4):602-609
Journal of Ichthyology - This study reports data on the first observation and biology of the Molly Poecilia sphenops, an exotic fish species recently introduced into two natural and artificial...  相似文献   

This is the first study to demonstrate significant differences between two natural Trinidadian guppy populations in susceptibility to a pathogenic monogenean parasite, Gyrodactylus turnbulli . Following experimental infection with an isogenic laboratory culture of G. turnbulli , fish from the Upper Aripo (UA) lost parasites more slowly and carried up to three times as many parasites at peak infection than did those from the Lower Aripo (LA). The UA population appeared to be more susceptible than the LA fish, even though fish of both populations were naïve to this particular laboratory strain of G. turnbulli and had not encountered any gyrodactylid infection for at least 65 days. The parasite infection reduced the feeding response and feeding activity of UA and LA fish to a similar extent. Our findings suggest that this ectoparasite may have an important impact on the evolutionary biology of guppies (and possibly of other teleosts), particularly as the prevalence of Gyrodactylus infection in natural populations may be as high as 50%. We discuss the role of parasite infections on natural and sexual selection, the good genes model and the implications for immunogenetics in small genetically isolated host populations.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79 , 645–651.  相似文献   

Synopsis Aquatic respiration at the air-water interface, herein termed aquatic surface respiration (ASR), is used by the guppy,Poecilia reticulata (Poeciliidae) to meet oxygen demand in hypoxid water. A specific position in which the head contacts the surface and the jaws open just beneath the surface is adopted. ASR is initiated at a P02 of about 50 torr and the percent time spent rises in a steep, linear fashion as PO2 decreases. Below 4 torr more than 90% of the animal's time is spent in ASR. Males spend less time in ASR than do females. The percent time in ASR increases with increasing size of female guppies, but decreases with increasing size of male guppies. At low oxygen (18 torr) laboratory-born guppies derived from stocks likely to experience deoxygenation spend less time in ASR than do guppies derived from stocks less likely to experience deoxygenation. The percent time in ASR increases with temperature when PO2 is held constant. Acclimation to low oxygen decreases the percent time in ASR.Guppies not permitted ASR die in 6–41 h at 14–17 torr and 10–15 min at 1–4 torr. Guppies performing ASR survive the duration of experiments at 13–35 torr (13 days), 14–17 torr (96 h), and 1–4 torr (9.5 h). Activity, courtship, and dive duration in response to a shadow stimulus are all reduced by low oxygen. ASR is an effective alternative to aerial respiration as an adaptation to hypoxic waters, but is probably energetically and temporally more costly.  相似文献   

Synopsis Reznick and Endler investigated natural variation in life-history traits of populations of Trinidad guppies exposed to one of three intensities of predation: (i) high predation directed primarily at adults, (ii) moderate predation directed primarily at juveniles, and (iii) low predation. They were able to document significant interpopulational differences in life-history traits associated with this differential predation on a trait-by-trait basis. However, the present extended multivariate analysis indicates that (1) life-history traits do not differ significantly between populations exposed to moderate versus low predation, although both differ greatly from high-predation populations; (2) life-history variation is strongly unifactorial; and (3) despite the importance of predation effects, approximately 17% of the variation in life-history variables cannot be accounted for by predation intensity. Residual variation has no obvious geographical patterns, but instead seems to reflect local environmental variability. Life-history differences between predation regimes are consistent with residual patterns of variation within regimes, suggesting that local variation provides the raw material for extrapolation in response to predation, but also that it influences the direction of correlated change in life-history traits.  相似文献   

This study reports significant differences between the gynogenetic Amazon molly Poecilia formosa and one of its sperm hosts, and the sexual sailfin molly Poecilia latipinna in the critical temperatures at which individual fishes lost motion control. Based on these measurements, it is suggested that cold snaps occurring in winter, but not summer temperatures, can significantly change population composition of these closely related fishes by inflicting higher mortality on P. formosa .  相似文献   

Using the polyandrous livebearing guppy Poecilia reticulata, this study revealed no main effects of carotenoids in the diet on ejaculate traits, but significant main effects of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) on sperm viability and weak but significant interacting effects of both nutrients on sperm length. Collectively, these findings not only add evidence that PUFAs are critical determinants of sperm quality, but also provide tentative evidence that for some traits these effects may be moderated by carotenoid intake.  相似文献   

The cave molly, Poecilia mexicana, from the Cueva del Azufre, a sulfur cave in Tabasco, Mexico, ranks among the best-studied cave fishes worldwide, despite being known from a single population only. Here we describe a newly discovered second population of cave-dwelling P. mexicana from a nearby, but mostly non-sulfidic cave (Luna Azufre). Despite apparent similarities between the two populations (such as reduced eye diameter and reduced pigmentation), a geometric morphometric analysis revealed pronounced morphological differentiation between the two cave forms.  相似文献   

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