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Summary The chemical shifts of CH protons have been calculated for 9 proteins, based on coordinates taken from high-resolution crystal structures. Chemical shifts were calculated using ring-current shifts, shifts arising from magnetic anisotropies of bonds, and shifts arising from the polarizing effect of polar atoms on the C-H bond. The parameters used were refined iteratively to give the best fit to (experimental — random coil) shifts over the set of 9 proteins. A further small correction was made to the averaged Gly CH shift. The calculated shifts match observed shifts with correlation coefficients varying between 0.45 and 0.86, with a standard deviation of about 0.3 ppm. The differences between calculated and observed shifts have been studied in detail, including an analysis of different crystal structures of the same protein, and indicate that most of the differences can be accounted for by small differences between the structure in solution and in the crystal. Calculations using NMR-derived structures give a poor fit. The calculations reproduce the experimentally observed differences between chemical shifts for CH in -helix and -sheet. Most of the differentiation in secondary structure-dependent shifts arises from electric field effects, although magnetic anisotropy also makes a large contribution to the net shift. Applications of the calculations to assignment (including stereospecific assignment) and structure determination are discussed.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine dehydrogenase (PheDH) plays an important role in enzymatic synthesis of l-phenylalanine for aspartame (sweetener) and detection of phenylketonuria (PKU), suggesting that it is important to obtain a PheDH with excellent characteristics. Gene fusion of PheDH and formate dehydrogenase (FDH) was constructed to form bifunctional multi-enzymes for bioconversion of l-phenylalanine coupled with coenzyme regeneration. Comparing with the PheDH monomer from Microbacterium sp., the bifunctional PheDH–FDH showed noteworthy stability under weakly acidic and alkaline conditions (pH 6.5–9.0). The bifunctional enzyme can produce 153.9 mM l-phenylalanine with remarkable performance of enantiomers choice by enzymatic conversion with high molecular conversion rate (99.87 %) in catalyzing phenylpyruvic acid to l-phenylalanine being 1.50-fold higher than that of the separate expression system. The results indicated the potential application of the PheDH and PheDH–FDH with coenzyme regeneration for phenylpyruvic acid analysis and l-phenylalanine biosynthesis in medical diagnosis and pharmaceutical field.  相似文献   

Aldolase C is a brain-specific glycolytic isozyme whose complete repertoire of functions are obscure. This lack of knowledge can be addressed using molecular tools that discriminate the protein from the homologous, ubiquitous paralog aldolase A. The anti-aldolase C antibodies currently available are polyclonal and not highly specific. We obtained the novel monoclonal antibody 9F against human aldolase C, characterized its isoform specificity and tested its performance. First, we investigated the specificity of 9F for aldolase C. Then, using bioinformatic tools coupled to molecular cloning and chemical synthesis approaches, we produced truncated human aldolase C fragments, and assessed 9F binding to these fragments by western blot and ELISA assays. This strategy revealed that residues 85–102 harbor the epitope-containing region recognized by 9F. The efficiency of 9F was demonstrated also for immunoprecipitation assays. Finally, surface plasmon resonance revealed that the protein has a high affinity toward the epitope-containing peptide. Taken together, our findings show that epitope recognition is sequence-driven and is independent of the three-dimensional structure. In conclusion, given its specific molecular interaction, 9F is a novel and powerful tool to investigate aldolase C’s functions in the brain.  相似文献   

Aldolase C is a brain-specific glycolytic isozyme whose complete repertoire of functions are obscure. This lack of knowledge can be addressed using molecular tools that discriminate the protein from the homologous, ubiquitous paralog aldolase A. The anti-aldolase C antibodies currently available are polyclonal and not highly specific. We obtained the novel monoclonal antibody 9F against human aldolase C, characterized its isoform specificity and tested its performance. First, we investigated the specificity of 9F for aldolase C. Then, using bioinformatic tools coupled to molecular cloning and chemical synthesis approaches, we produced truncated human aldolase C fragments, and assessed 9F binding to these fragments by western blot and ELISA assays. This strategy revealed that residues 85–102 harbor the epitope-containing region recognized by 9F. The efficiency of 9F was demonstrated also for immunoprecipitation assays. Finally, surface plasmon resonance revealed that the protein has a high affinity toward the epitope-containing peptide. Taken together, our findings show that epitope recognition is sequence-driven and is independent of the three-dimensional structure. In conclusion, given its specific molecular interaction, 9F is a novel and powerful tool to investigate aldolase C’s functions in the brain.  相似文献   

A partition study with peptides and recombinant proteins in poly(ethylene glycol)4000–potassium phosphate aqueous two-phase systems has been performed. The aim was to study to what extent the insertion of charged residues could affect protein partition in addition to the already observed effects of tryptophan residues. The model proteins used are based on a staphylococcal protein A derivative, Z, and modified by the insertion of peptide tags close to the C-terminus. The tags differed with respect to their content of both Trp, negatively (Asp) and positively charged (Lys) amino acid residues. The same partitioning trends were observed for the peptides and fusion proteins. The effect of Trp residues was to direct the partitioning towards the PEG phase. The insertion of two negatively charged (Asp) residues into a Trp4-tag enhanced the partition towards the PEG phase even more. The introduction of positively charged (Lys) residues in addition to Trp residues, on the other hand, pulled the peptide or protein towards the potassium phosphate phase. The partitioning of peptides gave a good qualitative picture of the effect of the peptide on partitioning when fused to the protein. The efficiencies of the tags were calculated based on partitioning of tags and fusion proteins, and tag efficiencies generally varied between 60 and 85%.  相似文献   

The Lees–Edwards boundary condition (LEbc) is widely used in particle-based simulation for producing shear flow. Application of traditional LEbc in dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) method may encounter certain problems, e.g. it will destroy the momentum conservation law at the near boundary region, and the coordinate system gives an incorrect end-to-end vector for polymer beads. Special treatments of the implementation of LEbc in DPD method are introduced in this paper. A single side ghost layer is used to keep the momentum conservation, and the global coordinate system is employed to obtain a correct calculation of the spring force between polymer beads. The simulation results give a good prediction of velocity profile and system temperature, and the elastic dumbbell model for current method can well represent the Oldroyd-B fluid.  相似文献   

Pathological angiogenesis is crucial in tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. Previous studies demonstrated that the vascular endothelial growth inhibitor (VEGI), a member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily, can be used as a potent endogenous inhibitor of tumor angiogenesis. Molecular probes containing the asparagine–glycine–arginine (NGR) sequence can specifically bind to CD13 receptor which is overexpressed on neovasculature and several tumor cells. Near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) optical imaging for targeting tumor vasculature offers a noninvasive method for early detection of tumor angiogenesis and efficient monitoring of response to anti-tumor vasculature therapy. The aim of this study was to develop a new NIRF imaging probe on the basis of an NGR–VEGI protein for the visualization of tumor vasculature. The NGR–VEGI fusion protein was prepared from prokaryotic expression, and its function was characterized in vitro. The NGR–VEGI protein was then labeled with a Cy5.5 fluorophore to afford Cy5.5-NGR–VEGI probe. Using the NIRF imaging technique, we visualized and quantified the specific delivery of Cy5.5-NGR–VEGI protein to subcutaneous HT-1080 fibrosarcoma tumors in mouse xenografts. The Cy5.5-NGR–VEGI probe exhibited rapid HT-1080 tumor targeting, and highest tumor-to-background contrast at 8 h post-injection (pi). Tumor specificity of Cy5.5-NGR–VEGI was confirmed by effective blocking of tumor uptake in the presence of unlabeled NGR–VEGI (20 mg/kg). Ex vivo NIRF imaging further confirmed in vivo imaging findings, demonstrating that Cy5.5-NGR–VEGI displayed an excellent tumor-to-muscle ratio (18.93 ± 2.88) at 8 h pi for the non-blocking group and significantly reduced ratio (4.92 ± 0.75) for the blocking group. In conclusion, Cy5.5-NGR–VEGI provided highly sensitive, target-specific, and longitudinal imaging of HT-1080 tumors. As a novel theranostic protein, Cy5.5-NGR–VEGI has the potential to improve cancer treatment by targeting tumor vasculature.  相似文献   

How to choose the computational compartment or cell size for the stochastic simulation of a reaction–diffusion system is still an open problem, and a number of criteria have been suggested. A generalized measure of the noise for finite-dimensional systems based on the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix of the number of molecules of all species has been suggested as a measure of the overall fluctuations in a multivariate system, and we apply it here to a discretized reaction–diffusion system. We show that for a broad class of first-order reaction networks this measure converges to the square root of the reciprocal of the smallest mean species number in a compartment at the steady state. We show that a suitably re-normalized measure stabilizes as the volume of a cell approaches zero, which leads to a criterion for the maximum volume of the compartments in a computational grid. We then derive a new criterion based on the sensitivity of the entire network, not just of the fastest step, that predicts a grid size that assures that the concentrations of all species converge to a spatially-uniform solution. This criterion applies for all orders of reactions and for reaction rate functions derived from singular perturbation or other reduction methods, and encompasses both diffusing and non-diffusing species. We show that this predicts the maximal allowable volume found in a linear problem, and we illustrate our results with an example motivated by anterior-posterior pattern formation in Drosophila, and with several other examples.  相似文献   

RNA–LIM is a procedure that can analyze various pseudo-potentials describing the affinity between single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) ribonucleotides and surface amino acids to produce a coarse-grained estimate of the structure of the ssRNA at the protein interface. The search algorithm works by evolving an ssRNA chain, of known sequence, as a series of walks between fixed sites on a protein surface. Optimal routes are found by application of a set of minimal “limiting” restraints derived jointly from (i) selective sampling of the ribonucleotide amino acid affinity pseudo-potential data, (ii) limited surface path exploration by prior determination of surface arc lengths, and (iii) RNA structural specification obtained from a statistical potential gathered from a library of experimentally determined ssRNA structures. We describe the general approach using a NAST (Nucleic Acid Simulation Tool)-like approximation of the ssRNA chain and a generalized pseudo-potential reflecting the location of nucleic acid binding residues. Minimum and maximum performance indicators of the methodology are established using both synthetic data, for which the pseudo-potential defining nucleic acid binding affinity is systematically degraded, and a representative real case, where the RNA binding sites are predicted by the amplified antisense RNA (aaRNA) method. Some potential uses and extensions of the routine are discussed. RNA–LIM analysis programs along with detailed instructions for their use are available on request from the authors.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, there has been an increased frequency and duration of cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in freshwater systems globally. These can produce secondary metabolites called cyanotoxins, many of which are hepatotoxins, raising concerns about repeated exposure through ingestion of contaminated drinking water or food or through recreational activities such as bathing/swimming. An ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS/MS) multi-toxin method has been developed and validated for freshwater cyanotoxins; microcystins-LR, -YR, -RR, -LA, -LY and -LF, nodularin, cylindrospermopsin, anatoxin-a and the marine diatom toxin domoic acid. Separation was achieved in around 9 min and dual SPE was incorporated providing detection limits of between 0.3 and 5.6 ng/L of original sample. Intra- and inter-day precision analysis showed relative standard deviations (RSD) of 1.2–9.6% and 1.3–12.0% respectively. The method was applied to the analysis of aquatic samples (n = 206) from six European countries. The main class detected were the hepatotoxins; microcystin-YR (n = 22), cylindrospermopsin (n = 25), microcystin-RR (n = 17), microcystin-LR (n = 12), microcystin-LY (n = 1), microcystin-LF (n = 1) and nodularin (n = 5). For microcystins, the levels detected ranged from 0.001 to 1.51 μg/L, with two samples showing combined levels above the guideline set by the WHO of 1 μg/L for microcystin-LR. Several samples presented with multiple toxins indicating the potential for synergistic effects and possibly enhanced toxicity. This is the first published pan European survey of freshwater bodies for multiple biotoxins, including two identified for the first time; cylindrospermopsin in Ireland and nodularin in Germany, presenting further incentives for improved monitoring and development of strategies to mitigate human exposure.  相似文献   

A method for fluorescence detection of a protein's redox state based on resonance energy transfer from an attached fluorescence label to the prosthetic group of the redox protein is described and tested for proteins containing three types of prosthetic groups: a type-1 copper site (azurin, amicyanin, plastocyanin, and pseudoazurin), a heme group (cytochrome c550), and a flavin mononucleotide (flavodoxin). This method permits one to reliably distinguish between reduced and oxidized proteins and to perform potentiometric titrations at submicromolar concentrations.  相似文献   

Network Genomics studies genomics and proteomics foundations of cellular networks in biological systems. It complements systems biology in providing information on elements, their interaction and their functional interplay in cellular networks. The relationship between genomic and proteomic high-throughput technologies and computational methods are described, as well as several examples of specific network genomic application are presented.  相似文献   

Immobilized protein receptors and enzymes are tools for isolating or enriching ligands and substrates based on affinity. For example, glutathione S-transferase (GST) is fused to proteins as a tag for binding to its substrate glutathione (GSH) linked to solid supports. One issue with this approach is that high-affinity interactions between receptors and ligands require harsh elution conditions such as low pH, which can result in leached receptor. Another issue is the inherent nonspecific chemical conjugation of reactive groups such as N-hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) that couple lysines to solid supports; the nonspecificity of NHS may result in residue modifications near the binding site(s) of the receptor that can affect ligand specificity. In this study, a simple conjugation procedure is presented that overcomes these limitations and results in immobilized GST fusion proteins that are functional and specific. Here, the affinity of GST for GSH was used to generate an enzyme–substrate site-specific cross-linking reaction; GSH–Sepharose was preactivated with 1-ethyl-3-(dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDC) and then incubated Fc gamma receptor IIIa (FcγRIIIa)–GST. The immobilized FcγRIIIa–GST more specifically bound glycosylated immunoglobulin G1s (IgG1s) and was used to enrich nonfucosylated IgG1s from weaker binding species. This technique can be used when modifications of amino acids lead to changes in activity.  相似文献   

G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are involved in a variety of disease processes and comprise major drug targets. However, the complexity of integral membrane proteins such as GPCRs makes the identification of their interacting partners and subsequent drug development challenging. A comprehensive understanding of GPCR protein interaction networks is needed to design effective therapeutic strategies to inhibit these drug targets. Here, we developed a novel split-ubiquitin membrane yeast two-hybrid (MYTH) technology called CHIP-MYTH, which allows the unbiased characterization of interaction partners of full-length GPCRs in a drug-dependent manner. This was achieved by coupling DNA microarray technology to the MYTH approach, which allows a quantitative evaluation of interacting partners of a given integral membrane protein in the presence or absence of drug. As a proof of principle, we applied the CHIP-MYTH approach to the human β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR), a target of interest in the treatment of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), neurological disease, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. A CHIP-MYTH screen was performed in the presence or absence of salmeterol, a long-acting β2AR-agonist. Our results suggest that β2AR activation with salmeterol can induce the dissociation of heterotrimeric G-proteins, Gαβγ, into Gα and Gβγ subunits, which in turn activates downstream signaling cascades. Using CHIP-MYTH, we confirmed previously known and identified novel β2AR interactors involved in GPCR-mediated signaling cascades. Several of these interactions were confirmed in mammalian cells using LUminescence-based Mammalian IntERactome (LUMIER) and co-immunoprecipitation assays. In summary, the CHIP-MYTH approach is ideal for conducting comprehensive protein-protein interactions (PPI) screenings of full-length GPCRs in the presence or absence of drugs, thus providing a valuable tool to further our understanding of GPCR-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Background The cost–benefit model for the evolution of botanical carnivory provides a conceptual framework for interpreting a wide range of comparative and experimental studies on carnivorous plants. This model assumes that the modified leaves called traps represent a significant cost for the plant, and this cost is outweighed by the benefits from increased nutrient uptake from prey, in terms of enhancing the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf mass or area (AN) in the microsites inhabited by carnivorous plants.Scope This review summarizes results from the classical interpretation of the cost–benefit model for evolution of botanical carnivory and highlights the costs and benefits of active trapping mechanisms, including water pumping, electrical signalling and accumulation of jasmonates. Novel alternative sequestration strategies (utilization of leaf litter and faeces) in carnivorous plants are also discussed in the context of the cost–benefit model.Conclusions Traps of carnivorous plants have lower AN than leaves, and the leaves have higher AN after feeding. Prey digestion, water pumping and electrical signalling represent a significant carbon cost (as an increased rate of respiration, RD) for carnivorous plants. On the other hand, jasmonate accumulation during the digestive period and reprogramming of gene expression from growth and photosynthesis to prey digestion optimizes enzyme production in comparison with constitutive secretion. This inducibility may have evolved as a cost-saving strategy beneficial for carnivorous plants. The similarities between plant defence mechanisms and botanical carnivory are highlighted.  相似文献   

Allopurinol is a prodrug converted to oxypurinol by xanthine oxidase, a process followed by an efficient enzyme inhibition. Using a lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence method, we found that, under alkaline conditions, superoxide radicals are produced in large amounts in the first step of the interaction between the enzyme and the inhibitor. A comparison between lucigenin and cytochrome c as final detectors revealed that only the chemiluminescence technique is able to detect the superoxide anions from allopurinol oxidation. The allopurinol–xanthine oxidase–lucigenin system can be used for the quantification of various free-radical scavengers, in particular superoxide dismutase mimics. Three manganese compounds from different structural classes [manganese(II) chloride, manganese N,N′-bis(salicylidiene)ethylenediamine chloride, and manganese(III) meso-tetrakis(N-ethylpyridinium-2-yl)porphyrin] were compared at five concentrations (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 μM). The method is fast, 16 times more sensitive than the cytochrome c assay at pH 10.1 and could be used for in vivo investigations avoiding the lucigenin redox cycle. If the concentrations of the reagents are increased and Tween 20 is added, the method is also operative at pH 7.4.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel base substitution at codon 247 in the -chain of the haptoglobin 2 (Hp2) allele in a Ghanaian with the Hp0 (ahaptoglobinemic) phenotype. The heterozygous TC substitution caused reduced expression of the protein when the mutant was transfected into COS7 cells. The base substitution resulted in a missense change of the non-polar amino acid isoleucine to the polar amino acid threonine at a position in the -chain that is highly conserved among several species. We had previously identified a mutation in the Hp gene promoter region for the same individual, which gives her genotype as –61CHp2/–61CHp2(I247T). Since the –61C mutation also leads to low Hp expression, the genotype represents the first and most definitive ahaptoglobinemic case reported in Africa.  相似文献   

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