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Periodicity in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. smolt migration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behavioural and physiological mechanisms postulated for the control of downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts are reviewed briefly, and some new evidence is presented for their refusal to undergo sustained swimming. Although these mechanisms imply passive displacement as the primary means of emigration, it is likely that active components must also exist as the rates of travel of smolts through loch systems are only slightly slower than those recorded for river systems. The timing of these movements within 24 h periods is reviewed and it is shown that the predominantly nocturnal emigration pattern is evident on occasions in alevin, fry and parr stages also. Thus at migration the diel periodicity probably represents a seasonal locomotor rhythm which, under changed behavioural and physiological circumstances, results in downstream displacement.  相似文献   

The production of Atlantic salmon gynogenomes by the combined use of a novel method for sperm irradiation and differently timed high hydrostatic pressure shocks is described. Sperm solutions were exposed to UV irradiation in a temperature-controlled flow-through device. Eggs fertilised with such sperm were exposed to shocks of 9500 psi at 30 min or approximately 7 h after fertilisation in order to produce meiotic and mitotic gynogenomes respectively. Yields of meiotic gynogenomes were generally high (up to 95%); those of mitotic gynogenomes were lower (range 2–20%). Analyses of the offspring by ploidy status and fingerprinting confirmed their gynogenetic origin. Small numbers of mitotic gynogenetic fish were grown on for 2 years in fresh and salt water. S1/S2 ratios were lower in gynogenetic fish and mean age at maturity was greater. Of the presumptive gynogenetic fish subjected to destructive sampling (n = 87) all were female.  相似文献   

Movement rhythms in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nocturnal downstrean migration of juvenile Atlantic salmon is usually interpreted as increased locomotor activity. The frequency of downstream passages of 0–1 + salmon in an endless stream channel was greater by night than by day in both smoking and non-smolting fish in autumn and spring. Movement increased at dusk, and decreased after dawn. Mature male 1 + fish moved slightly less than immatures in October, but significantly more in November. Total movement frequency was lower at full moon than at other moon phases, and movement was reduced when the moon was up. Under turbid conditions by day, the threshold water velocity inducing nett downstream movement was 8.2 cm s−1, and the relative velocity of fish swimming downstream was never more than one third that of fish holding station at the normal maximal flow of 25–30 cm s−1.
At the end of their first growing season in October, fish which had been offered food continuously through 24 h did not differ in size from those fed by day only, but the latter were significantly larger than those offered food only at night.
We conclude that: (1) the fish fed actively by day, and not by night; (2) station-holding represented activity, and downstream nocturnal movement represented relative inactivity (displacement) which occurred on loss of visual orientation, hence migration resulted from reduced activity; (3) lack of displacement in early autumn has adaptive value for maturing fish, but not for non-spawners.  相似文献   

Nine antiseptic compounds, at concentrations ranging from O.1 to 0.0001 %, were tested in vitro for their ability to inhibit the growth of Saprolegnia . This fungus was isolated from suspected UDN-infected Atlantic salmon. Malachite green was the most effective antiseptic. Fungal growth was completely inhibited at all the concentrations tested.  相似文献   

Hypo-osmoregulatory ability in juvenile Atlantic salmon, Sulrno salur L., was improved by cortisol treatment. Implantation of a vegetable shortening pellet containing cortisol (50 mg kg−1) resulted in elevated plasma cortisol titres. Maximum cortisol levels (160–170ngml−1) were observed at days 6 and 12 after the implantation and dropped significantly by day 55. Cortisol-implanted fish in fresh water developed a twofold increase in gill Na+/K+-ATPase activity at days 6 and 12, and a threefold increase by day 55. Intestinal mucosa Na+/K+-ATPase activity was not affected by cortisol. Cortisol-implanted fish exposed to 28 ppt sea water for 48 h tended to show an improved ability to regulate their plasma osmolarity and reduce their ionic load. The osmo-regulatory ability attained at days 12 and 55 was further evaluated by exposing fish to 37 ppt sea water for 96 h. While all the control fish died relatively early in these tests, cortisol-implanted fish showed a clear reduction in their mortality rate. These results indicate that cortisol can induce biochemical and organismal changes during winter months that typify preadaptive events normally occurring in the spring.  相似文献   

Furunculosis (Aeromonoas salmonicida) is an important disease in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farming. Vaccination and selective breeding for increased resistance to the disease on the basis of challenge tests of unvaccinated fish are used as complementary prophylactic methods. An important issue is whether genetic predisposition to infection is consistent across vaccinated and unvaccinated fish. Hence, the main objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of the genetic associations (correlations) between resistance to furunculosis in vaccinated and unvaccinated fish, and to estimate the magnitude of the correlation of resistance to furunculosis with resistance to the viral diseases infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) and infectious salmon anaemia (ISA). Sub-samples of unvaccinated and vaccinated salmon from 150 full-sib families were subjected to separate cohabitation challenge tests. Substantial genetic variation was found in resistance to furunculosis in both the unvaccinated (heritabilities of 0.51 ± 0.05) and vaccinated (0.39 ± 0.06) fish. However, the genetic correlation between resistance to furunculosis in the two groups was low (0.32 ± 0.13), indicating a weak genetic association between resistance in the two groups. Hence, the current selection strategy on the basis of challenge tests of unvaccinated fish is likely to produce low genetic improvement in resistance to furunculosis under field conditions, where fish are vaccinated with an effective vaccine. Evidence was found of significantly favourable genetic associations of resistance to furunculosis in unvaccinated (but less so for vaccinated) fish with resistance to both IPN and ISA (unvaccinated fish), indicating that vaccination 'mask' genetic associations between resistance to different diseases.  相似文献   

The overwinter mortality rate of underyearling S2 Atlantic salmon parr (fish that will remain in fresh water for at least two years prior to smoltification) was almost ten times greater than that of S1 parr (fish that will smoltify after 1 year in fresh water) kept under similar conditions. The loss of condition ( K factor) of the S2 parr was proportionally greater than that of S1 parr during the early winter months and this coincided with a marked lymphocytopenia and thrombocytopenia in the S2 parr. Limited evidence indicates that S2 parr have chronically elevated blood cortisol levels during the winter months. It is suggested that chronic stress resulting (in part) from nutritional deficiency has a debilitating effect on the defence systems of these fish. The ultimate cause of mortality in most cases was bacterial fin-rot and/or fungal ( Saprolegnia ) infection. These findings are discussed in relation to the habitat requirements of overwintering salmonid fish.  相似文献   

Mucous glucose, protein and osmolality significantly decreased in freshwater bathed marine Atlantic salmon by 1 h, irrespective of water hardness. Mucous viscosity significantly decreased in soft fresh water by 1 h, while hard fresh water significantly decreased mucous viscosity by 3 h.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in Scotland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chromosome numbers for Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., from ten populations in Scotland were ascertained. The majority of fish had 2n = 58, NF = 74 karyotypes, and no polymorphisms between populations were found. The findings suggest that Atlantic salmon in Scotland are cytogenetically homogeneous.  相似文献   

This study assessed the hepatic portal vein cannulation technique and surgical recovery in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. Haematocrit levels were maintained and blood variables, including cortisol, returned to baseline levels within 1–3 days post-surgery, indicating that this technique is a viable, useful method to study the digestive physiology of fishes.  相似文献   

In Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, the mineral rate of vertebrae in a given fish varies according to the position of the vertebra along the rachidian axis. Indeed, the mean rate goes from 49% in the anterior vertebrae and raises to 51% in post-truncal vertebrae. Although no significant difference in the mineral rate was noticed between males and females either in the lower river basin or after spawning, the mineral rate of vertebral bone decreased significantly (1-2%) during spawning migration. Vertebrae, like scales, are an important reservoir of calcium from which fasting salmon draws the minerals and organic materials necessary for the substantial remodeling of cranial bones in males and for sexual maturation. We hypothesize that mineral decrease in vertebrae may be the result of a halastasic demineralization of the vertebral tissues.  相似文献   

Cranial nodules are described from Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar fry hatched from certain egg batches. Conspicuous, smooth, mostly unilateral nodules were recorded on the cranium. Histologically, the cerebellum appeared normal, but was displaced dorsally. Karyorhectic malpighian cells were absent from the epidermis and the meninges appeared normal. There was no apparent contact of the cerebellum with the water, or evidence of fungal, bacterial or parasitic infection. Mortality of up to 15% as recorded. The aetiology of this condition is currently unknown.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. parr and pre-smolts from 2 Norwegian hatcheries showed reduced weight gain, abnormal behaviour and signs of circulatory disturbances. Necropsy revealed conspicuous fat deposits around the heart to be the most consistent finding. Furthermore, the ventricle/atrium ratio was altered, with the size of the ventricle significantly smaller than normal in affected fish. Histology showed poor development or absence of the outer, compact myocardium, large numbers of fat cells and melanomacrophages in the epicardium, fibrosis, and inflammation of the compactum/spongiosum interphase. Nuclei of the inner spongious myocardium showed signs of compensatory hypertrophy. The cause(s) of this malformation is(are) unknown, but a high prevalence of other malformations in fish from the same population indicates high temperature during incubation of the eggs as a possible aetiology.  相似文献   

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