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Compact structure of ribosomal chromatin in Xenopus laevis.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Micrococcal nuclease digestion was used as a tool to study the organization of the ribosomal chromatin in liver, blood and embryo cells of X. laevis. It was found that in liver and blood cells, ribosomal DNA is efficiently protected from nuclease attack in comparison to bulk chromatin. Although ribosomal chromatin is fragmented in a typical nucleosomal pattern, a considerable portion of ribosomal DNA retains a high molecular weight even after extensive digestion. A greater accessibility of the coding region in comparison to the non-coding spacer was found. In embryos, when ribosomal DNA is fully transcribed, these genes are even more highly protected than in adult tissues: in fact, the nucleosomal ladder can hardly be detected and rDNA is preserved in high molecular weight. Treatment of chromatin with 0.8 M NaCl abolishes the specific resistance of the ribosomal chromatin to digestion. The ribosomal chromatin, particularly in its active state, seems to be therefore tightly complexed with chromosomal proteins which protect its DNA from nuclease degradation.  相似文献   

Assembly of nucleosomes on relaxed, covalently closed DNA has been studied in a nuclear extract of Xenopus laevis oocytes. Nucleosomes containing the four histones H3, H4, H2A and H2B but lacking histone H1 are readily assembled on the DNA. The pattern of micrococcal nuclease digestion shows that the nucleosomes assembled in the absence of ATP and Mg (II) are closely packed, with a periodicity of 150 base pairs (bp). In contrast, in the presence of ATP and Mg (II) the spacing of the nucleosomes is 180 bp, similar to that observed for nucleosomes assembled on DNA microinjected into oocyte nuclei. The ATP and Mg (II) requirements for the assembly of correctly spaced nucleosomes are unrelated to the activity of the ATP and Mg (II) dependent DNA topoisomerase II in the extract; addition of specific inhibitors of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase II has no effect on the spacing of the reconstituted nucleosomes. The ATP requirement in the assembly of correctly spaced nucleosomes can be substituted by adenosine 5'-O-3'-thiotriphosphate (gamma-S-ATP) but not by adenyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate (AMP-P-(NH)-P).  相似文献   

We have assayed a series of linker scanner mutants which cover the Xenopus laevis ribosomal gene promoter at approximately ten base pair intervals. All of these mutations adversely affect promoter activity with the exception of one mutation which stimulates activity. Thus, none are neutral. We show that most of the mutations can be partially rescued by ligating a block of enhancer elements upstream of the promoter. In addition, we have made extracts from liver nuclei which produce DNaseI protection footprints over the promoter. Analysis of both strands reveals a prominent footprinting domain from about -5 to -30. However, lesser changes in the digestion pattern are detected over most of the promoter. Previously published analyses have suggested that this promoter might be composed of three functional domains. The experiments presented here suggest that either 1) the three putative domains are so closely arranged that the boundaries are difficult to discern, or 2) the situation is more complex.  相似文献   

With the aid of a novel poly-dA tailing-partial restriction technique and S1-protection mapping, the 5' terminal coding sequence for the 40S precursor ribosomal RNA of Xenopus laevis has been exactly identified. Since the promoter sequence for the 40S RNA should lie close to its 5' terminal coding sequence, we are able to conclude that the "Bam-Island" sequence reduplication (1) almost certainly represents a promoter reduplication.  相似文献   

The chromatin structure of the ribosomal DNA in Xenopus laevis was studied by micrococcal nuclease digestions of blood, liver and embryonic cell nuclei. We have found that BglI-restricted DNA from micrococcal nuclease-digested blood cell nuclei has an increased electrophoretic mobility compared to the undigested control. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of liver cell nuclei causes a very slight shift in mobility, only in the region of the spacer containing the "Bam Islands". In contrast, the mobility of ribosomal DNA in chromatin of embryonic cells, under identical digestion conditions, remains unaffected by the nuclease activity. Denaturing gels or ligase action on the nuclease-treated DNA abolishes the differences in the electrophoretic mobility. Ionic strength and ethidium bromide influence the relative electrophoretic migration of the two DNA fragment populations, suggesting that secondary structure may play an important role in the observed phenomena. In addition, restriction analysis under native electrophoretic conditions of DNA prepared from blood, liver and embryonic cells shows that blood cell DNA restriction fragments always have a faster mobility than the corresponding fragments of liver and embryo cell DNA. We therefore propose that nicking activity by micrococcal nuclease modifies the electrophoretic mobility of an unusual DNA conformation, present in blood cell, and to a lesser extent, in liver cell ribosomal chromatin. A possible function for these structures is discussed. The differences of the ribosomal chromatin structures in adult and embryonic tissues may reflect the potential of the genes to be expressed.  相似文献   

A cluster of Xenopus laevis U7 snRNA genes has been isolated and sequenced. The gene structure is more compact than, but otherwise comparable to, the major U snRNA genes since the distal sequence element (DSE) is located only 4 nt upstream of the PSE. The corresponding RNA is present in the oocyte and accumulates early in oogenesis.  相似文献   

In Xenopus laevis, genes encoding tRNAPhe, tRNATyr, tRNA 1 Met , tRNAAsn, tRNAAla, tRNALeu, and tRNALys are clustered within a 3.18-kb (kilobase) fragment of DNA. This fragment is tandemly repeated some 150 times in the haploid genome and its components are found outside the repeat only to a limited extent. The fragment hybridizes in situ to a single site very near the telomere on the long arm of one of the acrocentric chromosomes of the group comprising chromosomes 13–18. All the chromosomes of this group also hybridize with DNA coding for oocyte-specific 5S RNA. The tRNA gene cluster is slightly proximal to the cluster of 5S RNA genes.We respectfully dedicate this paper to Prof. H. Bauer on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

Global gene expression profiling and cluster analysis in Xenopus laevis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have undertaken a large-scale microarray gene expression analysis using cDNAs corresponding to 21,000 Xenopus laevis ESTs. mRNAs from 37 samples, including embryos and adult organs, were profiled. Cluster analysis of embryos of different stages was carried out and revealed expected affinities between gastrulae and neurulae, as well as between advanced neurulae and tadpoles, while egg and feeding larvae were clearly separated. Cluster analysis of adult organs showed some unexpected tissue-relatedness, e.g. kidney is more related to endodermal than to mesodermal tissues and the brain is separated from other neuroectodermal derivatives. Cluster analysis of genes revealed major phases of co-ordinate gene expression between egg and adult stages. During the maternal-early embryonic phase, genes maintaining a rapidly dividing cell state are predominantly expressed (cell cycle regulators, chromatin proteins). Genes involved in protein biosynthesis are progressively induced from mid-embryogenesis onwards. The larval-adult phase is characterised by expression of genes involved in metabolism and terminal differentiation. Thirteen potential synexpression groups were identified, which encompass components of diverse molecular processes or supra-molecular structures, including chromatin, RNA processing and nucleolar function, cell cycle, respiratory chain/Krebs cycle, protein biosynthesis, endoplasmic reticulum, vesicle transport, synaptic vesicle, microtubule, intermediate filament, epithelial proteins and collagen. Data filtering identified genes with potential stage-, region- and organ-specific expression. The dataset was assembled in the iChip microarray database, , which allows user-defined queries. The study provides insights into the higher order of vertebrate gene expression, identifies synexpression groups and marker genes, and makes predictions for the biological role of numerous uncharacterized genes.  相似文献   

S L Biroc  R H Reeder 《Biochemistry》1976,15(7):1440-1448
The reaction of calf thymus and Xenopus laevis histones with radioactive iodine has been studied under various conditions that affect chromatin structure. All histones from both species contain at least one tyrosine residue and, in a denaturing solvent, all the the histones react with iodine. Histone F2a1 has been studied in detail. Calf thymus F2a1 is known to contain four tyrosyls and all four react with iodine. In high voltage paper electrophoresis, the tyrosine-containing peptides from calf co-migrate with those from Xenopus F2a1, suggesting that the amino acid sequence is strongly conserved between these two species. Therefore, the published calf thymus F2a1 sequence has been used to order the Xenopus F2a1 peptides within the molecules. When gently isolated native chromatin is iodinated in a low ionic strength medium 60% of the radioactivity in F2a1 is in tyrosyl 88, 30% in tyrosyl 51, and tyrosyl 72 and 98 have almost no radioactivity. Reagents which remove the protein from the DNA (2 M NaCl) or partially disrupt protein tertiary structure (5 M urea) increase the reactivity of each of the four tyrosyls five- to tenfold, suggesting that all four are protected about equally by the overall folding of the chromatin. Isolated F2a1 iodinated in the presence of 10 M urea shows uniform labeling in each of the four peptides, suggesting that tyrosyl 72 and 98 are afforded some protection solely by protein-protein interactions. The stepwise removal of histones in increasing NaCl concentrations differentially increases the availability of each F2a1 tyrosyl. The preferential exposure of tyrosyl 88 coincides with the removal of the majority of F1 histones at 0.5 M NaCl while the gradual and stepwise increase in reactivity of tyrosyl 51, 72, and 98 correlates with the gradual removal of histones other than F1. Radioactive iodination of chromatin has been shown to be a sensitive probe for detecting changes in the association state (or conformation) of histone F2a1.  相似文献   

Accessible single-strand bases in Xenopus laevis 28 S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) Domain V, the peptidyl transferase region, were determined by chemical modification with dimethylsulfate, 1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinoethyl-carbodiimide metho-p-toluene sulfonate and kethoxal, followed by primer extension. The relative accessibilities of three rRNA substrates were compared: deproteinized 28 S rRNA under non-denaturing conditions (free 28 S rRNA), 60 S subunits and 80 S ribosomes. Overall, our experimental results support the theoretical secondary structure model of Domain V derived by comparative sequence analysis and compensatory base-pair changes, and support some theoretical tertiary interactions previously suggested by covariation. The 60 S subunits and 80 S ribosomes generally show increasing resistance to chemical modification. Bases which are sensitive in free 28 S rRNA but protected in 60 S subunits may be sites for ribosomal protein binding or induced structural rearrangements. Another class of nucleotides is distinguished by its sensitivity in 60 S subunits but protection in 80 S ribosomes; these nucleotides may be involved in subunit-subunit interactions or located at the interface of the ribosome. We found a third class of bases, which is protected in free 28 S rRNA but sensitive in 60 S subunits and/or 80 S ribosomes, suggesting that structural changes occur in Domain V as a result of subunit assembly and ribosome formation. One such region is uniquely hypersensitive in eukaryotic ribosomes but is absent in Escherichia coli ribosomes. Sites that we determined to be accessible on empty 80 S ribosomes could serve as recognition sites for translation components.  相似文献   

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