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Analysis of perfluorochemical elimination from the respiratory system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shaffer, Thomas H., Raymond Foust IIII, Marla R. Wolfson,and Thomas F. Miller, Jr. Analysis of perfluorochemicalelimination from the respiratory system. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(3): 1033-1040, 1997.We describe asimple apparatus for analysis of perfluorochemicals (PFC) in expiredgas and thus a means for determining PFC vapor and liquid eliminationfrom the respiratory system. The apparatus and data analysis are basedon thermal conduction and mass transfer principles of gases. In vitrostudies were conducted with the PFC vapor analyzer to determinecalibration curves for output voltage as a function of individualrespiratory gases, respiratory gases saturated with PFC vapor, andvolume percent standards for percent PFC saturation (%PFC-Sat) in air.Voltage-concentration data for %PFC-Sat of the vapor from the in vitrotests were accurate to within 2.0% from 0 to 100% PFC-Sat, linear(r = 0.99, P < 0.001), and highly reproducible.Calculated volume loss of PFC liquid over time correlated well withactual loss by weight (r = 0.99, P < 0.001). In vivo studies withneonatal lambs demonstrated that PFC volume loss and evaporation ratesdecreased nonlinearly as a function of time. These relationships weremodulated by changes in PFC physical properties, minute ventilation,and postural repositioning. The results of this study demonstrate thesensitivity and accuracy of an on-line method for PFC analysis ofexpired gas and describe how it may be useful in liquid-assistedventilation procedures for determining PFC volume loss, evaporationrate, and optimum dosing and ventilation strategy.


This study compares the effects of perfluorochemical artificial blood versus whole blood on the systolic and diastolic function of regionally ischemic myocardial preparations. Regional ischemia was produced by ligation of the circumflex coronary artery in isolated, blood-perfused rabbit hearts. Three minutes after occlusion, half the hearts were switched from the blood perfusate to perfluorochemical artificial blood; the other half continued to be perfused with blood. Isovolumic left ventricular (LV) developed pressure, dP/dt and resting pressure were monitored before, and for 2 hours after coronary occlusion. After 90 minutes of regional ischemia, perfluorochemical-treated hearts exhibited significantly greater developed pressure than those perfused with blood (78 +/- 6% versus 61 +/- 5% of preligation values; P less than 0.05). At the end of the experiment, LV dP/dt was 21% greater in the perfluorochemical-perfused group than in the blood-perfused group (74 +/- 8% versus 53 +/- 10%; P less than 0.01). Perfluorochemical perfusion also preserved diastolic function by preventing the 58% increase in left ventricular chamber stiffness (i.e., resting pressure; P less than 0.01) associated with circumflex ligation. Thus, in the present model of regional ischemia, perfluorochemical artificial blood is significantly better than blood at maintaining both systolic and diastolic myocardial function after a major coronary artery has been occluded.  相似文献   

The roles of acyl chain unsaturation and curvature in the excimer formation efficiency (EFE) of site-specific conjugated pyrene molecules in lipid membranes have been investigated by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Six 1-2-(pyrenyl-n-acyl)-phosphatidylcholine (dipy(n)PC) probes, with pyrenyl chains of varying methylene units n from 4 to 14 carbons, were incorporated separately into dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) or dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) lipid membranes at 0.1 mol%. Both the excimer-to-monomer fluorescence intensity ratio and association-to-dissociation rate constant ratio of conjugated pyrenes were used to quantify EFE. At all temperatures (T = 0-30 degrees C) and for n = 4 and 6, the EFE for DOPE was always smaller than EFE for DOPC. At T < 10 degrees C (where DOPE and DOPC are in the liquid crystalline L alpha phase) and for n > 8, the EFE for curvature frustrated DOPE was significantly greater than EFE for nonfrustrated DOPC (control), and the difference increased gradually with n. At T> 18 degrees C (where DOPE is in the inverted hexagonal H(II) phase and DOPC is in the L alpha phase) and for n > 8, EFE for the curvature-relaxed DOPE was again smaller than the EFE for DOPC control. The contributions of splay conformation and internal dynamics of pyrenyl chains to EFE were examined separately using a lattice model. Our results suggest that i) the cis double bonds of the host lipid matrix strongly perturb both the conformation and dynamics of conjugated pyrenes at the specific location around n = 8, and ii) the lateral stress at the upper part (n < 8) of the curvature frustrated bilayer membranes (DOPE) may be significantly relaxed once the membrane surface adopts a favorable negative interfacial curvature.  相似文献   

The absorption, distribution and elimination of 14C- and 3H-azidomorphine, 3H-14-OH-azidomorphine, 14C- and 3H-azidocodeine and 3H-azidoethylmorphine were studied in comparison to 14-C-morphine. Whole body autoradiography of pregnant mice, quantitative estimations of tissue radioactivity in male mice, brain autoradiography, subcellular distribution in rat brain and elimination studies in rats were performed. Azidomorphine and morphine are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract at the same rate but the absorption of 14-OH-azidomorphine, azidocodeine and azidoethylmorphine exceeds that of the formers. The azidomorphines pass across the blood-brain barrier more readily than does morphine. In rats treated with azidomorphines, 30--50% of the doses given were excreted with the urine the first 4 hours and about 90% within 48 hours; whereas 2--5% were recovered from the collected stools.  相似文献   

Whole-genome clustering of the two available genome sequences of Helicobacter pylori strains 26695 and J99 allows the detection of 110 and 52 strain-specific genes, respectively. This set of strain-specific genes was compared with the sets obtained with other computational approaches of direct genome comparison as well as experimental data from microarray analysis. A considerable number of novel function assignments is possible using database-driven sequence annotation, although the function of the majority of the identified genes remains unknown. Using whole-genome clustering, it is also possible to detect species-specific genes by comparing the two H.pylori strains against the genome sequence of Campylobacter jejuni. It is interesting that the majority of strain-specific genes appear to be species specific. Finally, we introduce a novel approach to gene position analysis by employing measures from directional statistics. We show that although the two strains exhibit differences with respect to strain-specific gene distributions, this is due to the extensive genome rearrangements. If these are taken into account, a common pattern for the genome dynamics of the two Helicobacter strains emerges, suggestive of certain spatial constraints that may act as control mechanisms of gene flux.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that most nuclear proteins, including histone H1 and HMG are highly mobile and their interaction with chromatin is transient. These findings suggest that the structure of chromatin is dynamic and the protein composition at any particular chromatin site is not fixed. Here we discuss how the dynamic behavior of the nucleosome binding HMGN proteins affects the structure and function of chromatin. The high intranuclear mobility of HMGN insures adequate supply of protein throughout the nucleus and serves to target these proteins to their binding sites. Transient interactions of the proteins with nucleosomes destabilize the higher order chromatin, enhance the access to nucleosomal DNA, and impart flexibility to the chromatin fiber. While roaming the nucleus, the HMGN proteins encounter binding partners and form metastable multiprotein complexes, which modulate their chromatin interactions. Studies with HMGN proteins underscore the important role of protein dynamics in chromatin function.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive heart failure (SHHF) rats develop hypertension and heart failure. We hypothesized that induction of hyperthyroidism should accelerate development of heart failure in male SHHF rats. Male and female SHHF rats received diets containing desiccated thyroid glands (DTG) or a control diet for 8 wk. Male and female Wistar-Kyoto rats were used as normotensive controls. DTG treatment reduced body weight in male, but not female, SHHF rats but increased body temperature and heart weight-to-body weight ratio in both genders. In DTG-treated male SHHF rats, serum triiodothyronine levels doubled relative to SHHF controls, whereas O2 consumption increased in DTG-treated SHHF rats. Frequency of breathing in air increased in DTG-treated female rats, and ventilation increased in DTG-treated male rats. Ventilatory equivalents exhibited gender differences in SHHF rats, were decreased in both genders by DTG treatment, and reached levels similar to those of Wistar-Kyoto rats. DTG increased heart rate, right ventricular pressure, and contractility in both genders and increased left ventricular pressure in SHHF male rats. These results refute our hypothesis and suggest that cardiopulmonary function of SHHF male rats may be improved by DTG treatment.  相似文献   

To study the effect of ventilation strategy on perfluorochemical (PFC) elimination profile (evaporative loss profile; E(L)), 6 ml/kg of perflubron were instilled into anesthetized normal rabbits. The strategy was to maintain minute ventilation (VE, in ml/min) in three groups: VE(L) (low-range VE, 208 +/- 2), VE(M) (midrange VE, 250 +/- 9), and VE(H) (high-range VE, 293 +/- 1) over 4 h. In three other groups, respiratory rate (RR, breaths/min) was controlled at 20, 30, or 50 with a constant VE and adjusted tidal volume. PFC content in the expired gas was measured, and E(L) was calculated. There was a significant VE- and time-dependent effect on E(L.) Initially, percent PFC saturation and loss rate decreased in the VE(H) > VE(M) > VE(L) groups, but by 3 h the lower percent PFC saturation resulted in a loss rate such that VE(H) < VE(M) < VE(L) at 4 h. For the groups at constant VE, there was a significant time effect on E(L) but no RR effect. In conclusion, E(L) profile is dependent on VE with little effect of the RR-tidal volume combination. Thus measurement of E(L) and VE should be considered for the replacement dosing schemes during partial liquid ventilation.  相似文献   

We studied the cardiopulmonary response to endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) in sheep with and without the administration of a thromboxane synthase inhibitor, OKY-046. The animals were instrumented for crystalographic dimension analysis of the left ventricle (LV) and for measurement of LV, aortic, left atrial, and pulmonary arterial pressures and cardiac index, as well as lung lymph flow. They received 1.0 micrograms/kg of Escherichia coli LPS with (n = 8) and without (n = 8) OKY-046 (10 mg/kg bolus, then 10 micrograms.kg-1.min-1). OKY-046 prevented the increase of pulmonary arterial pressure and the decrease of cardiac index that occurred during the early phase of endotoxemia. Between 8 and 12 h after LPS, cardiac index increased from 6.8 +/- 0.7 to 8.9 +/- 0.51.min-1.m-2. Concomitantly, the end-systolic pressure-diameter relationship (ESPDR, sensitive myocardial contractility index) significantly decreased from 14.7 +/- 0.6 to 7.7 +/- 0.7. Other indexes of the LV contractility (+dP/dtmax) were also reduced. OKY-046 prevented the decreases of ESPDR and +dP/dtmax. OKY-046 also attenuated the increased lung lymph flow changes seen with LPS.  相似文献   

Blood galactose clearance after an intravenous galactose load has been widely used for years as an index of liver function. We developed a noninvasive [13C]galactose breath test, which explores galactose oxidative metabolism; this test is well correlated with liver fibrosis in patients with chronic viral hepatitis. The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of nonhepatic factors such as diabetes and ethanol on whole-body galactose clearance (measured as the serum galactose elimination capacity test) and oxidative metabolism (measured as the [13C]galactose-induced breath 13CO2 production) in rats. Acute ethanol administration induced a significant decrease of galactose clearance and 13CO2 production. There was a significant correlation between the amount of ethanol given and the inhibition of galactose metabolism (R2 = 0.72, p < 0.0001). In streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, the [13C]galactose-induced breath 13CO2 production was significantly reduced (p < 0.0001) and normalized by insulin treatment. However, diabetes did not decrease whole-body galactose clearance, indicating an isotopic dilution of [13C]glucose produced from [13C]galactose metabolism into the enlarged glucose pool. These results must be taken into account when using the [13C]galactose breath test as a quantitative liver function test.  相似文献   

Effects of caffeine on neuromuscular function.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This double-blind, repeated-measures study examined the effects of caffeine on neuromuscular function. Eleven male volunteers [22.3 +/- 2.4 (SD) yr] came to the laboratory for control, placebo, and caffeine (6 mg/kg dose) trials. Each trial consisted of 10 x 1-ms stimulation of the tibial nerve to elicit maximal H reflexes of the soleus, four attempts at a maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) of the right knee extensors, six brief submaximal contractions, and a 50% MVC held to fatigue. Isometric force and surface electromyographic signals were recorded continuously. The degree of maximal voluntary activation was assessed with the twitch-interpolation technique. Single-unit recordings were made with tungsten microelectrodes during the submaximal contractions. Voluntary activation at MVC increased by 3.50 +/- 1.01 (SE) % (P < 0. 01), but there was no change in H-reflex amplitude, suggesting that caffeine increases maximal voluntary activation at a supraspinal level. Neither the force-EMG relationship nor motor unit firing rates were altered by caffeine. Subjects were able to hold a 50% MVC for an average of 66.1 s in the absence of caffeine. Time to fatigue (T(lim)) increased by 25.80 +/- 16.06% after caffeine administration (P < 0.05). There was no significant change in T(lim) from pretest to posttest in the control or placebo trials. The increase in T(lim) was associated with an attenuated decline in twitch amplitude, which would suggest that the mechanism is, at least in part, peripheral.  相似文献   






观察组患者治疗后I-FABP和DAO水平低于对照组(t = 17.533、8.469,均P<0.05)。观察组患者治疗后WBC、CRP和PCT水平低于对照组(t = 14.997、18.710、23.197,均P<0.05)。观察组患者治疗后PA和ALB水平高于对照组(t = 8.083、7.292,均P<0.05)。观察组患者治疗后LVEF水平高于对照组(t = 3.862,P<0.05)。观察组患者治疗后VO2、VCO2、RQ、VE和TN-proBNP水平均低于对照组(t = 3.923、12.569、7.292、3.095、10.079,均P<0.05)。观察组患者腹胀、腹泻、胃潴留发生率均低于对照组(χ2 = 4.441、4.821、4.216,均P<0.05)。




Phagosome dynamics and function   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Phagocytosis of microorganisms and other particles is mediated most efficiently by receptors such as Fc-receptors (FcR) and complement-receptors (C3R). Interaction between these receptors and ligands on the particle results in signal transduction events that lead to actin polymerisation and phagosome formation. The phagosome then undergoes a maturation process whereby it transforms into a phagolysosome. Phagosome maturation depends on interactions (fusion events) with early and late endosomes as well as with lysosomes. The fusion processes are regulated by small GTP-binding proteins and other proteins that are also involved in fusion processes in the endocytic pathway. Although most phagocytosed microorganisms are killed in the lysosome, some pathogens have developed survival strategies and are able to live in the harsh conditions in the phagolysosome or interfere with the maturation process and thereby evade destruction by acid hydrolases.  相似文献   

O Schaefer  R D Eaton  F J Timmermans  J A Hildes 《CMAJ》1980,123(10):997-1004
Spirometry, roentgenography and electrocardiography were performed during community health surveys in 1976-78 in 176 Inuit and other long-time residents of the northeastern (Arctic Bay) and western (Inuvik) Canadian Arctic, and the results were related to age, ethnic origin, occupation and history of climatic exposure, smoking and hospitalization for tuberculosis. In Arctic Bay the young men showed excellent respiratory function, normal-sized pulmonary arteries and normal electrocardiograms, but abnormalities of all three types were increasingly frequent and severe after age 25. The forced mid-expiratory flow (FMF) fell to less than 50% of the norm by age 40, and dilatation of the pulmonary artery, hypertrophy of the right ventricle, right bundle branch block and a pseudoinfarction pattern on the ECG were frequently associated. In contrast, the men in Inuvik, an urbanized centre, maintained above normal respiratory function until age 40, and the FMF and pulmonary artery diameter remained normal in the older men except for Inuit and white trappers over 60 years old who had run fox trap lines along the Arctic coast in the 1920s and 30s. These data suggest that inhalation of extremely cold air at maximum ventilation may be a prime factor in the chronic obstructive lung disease of Inuit hunters, whereas smoking has only a minor role and hospitalization for tuberculosis appears to protect from rather than contribute to this disorder.  相似文献   

Raising progesterone concentrations in young adult mice by subcutaneous implants resulted in ovulation being blocked and the cessation of oestrous cycles. The effect of this treatment on the numbers and dynamics of preantral follicles during 36 days of treatment was studied using a compartmental model to analyse differential follicle counts. Changes in growth and/or death rates were detected at all stages of follicular development. An increased rate of growth through preantral stages was predicted in the treatment group when compared with the controls, but most of these follicles did not reach the antral stage of development as an increased death rate was observed at large preantral stages (stage IV). Antral follicles were formed in the treatment group, but all succumbed to atresia. Increased atresia in the antral population of follicles in the treatment group was observed directly.  相似文献   

The effects of the combination of a perfluorochemical emulsion (Fluosol DA, 20%) and carbogen (95% O2, 5% CO2) on the response of BA1112 rat rhabdomyosarcomas to continuous low-dose-rate irradiation were examined. Tumors were irradiated locally in unrestrained, unanesthetized rats at a dose rate of 0.98 Gy/h, using a specially designed 241Am irradiator system. Cell survival was measured using a colony formation assay. The tumor cell survival curves were fitted to linear relationships of the form ln S = - alpha D, where alpha for air-breathing rats was 0.104 +/- 0.005 Gy-1, as compared to 0.137 +/- 0.009 Gy-1 for rats treated with Fluosol plus carbogen. The increase in the slope of the survival curve produced by the treatment with Fluosol and carbogen was highly significant with a P value of 0.0015. The radiosensitization factor for the combination of Fluosol/carbogen plus continuous low-dose-rate irradiation was 1.32 +/- 0.11. Slightly less radiosensitization was observed with continuous low-dose-rate irradiation than in previous experiments using acute high-dose-rate irradiation. The diminished sensitization with Fluosol/carbogen during continuous low-dose-rate irradiation probably reflects the intrinsically lower oxygen enhancement ratio (OER) of low-dose/low-dose-rate irradiation, reoxygenation of the tumors during the prolonged treatment times used for continuous low-dose-rate irradiation, and the decrease in the levels of circulating perfluorochemicals during the 30-h irradiations. More importantly, the significant level of radiosensitization observed in the experiments with continuous low-dose-rate irradiation suggests that hypoxic cells persist in BA1112 tumors during continuous low-dose-rate irradiations and that the response of these tumors to continuous low-dose-rate irradiation can be improved by adjunctive treatments which oxygenate these radioresistant hypoxic tumor cells.  相似文献   

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