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Five weeks after the in vivo inoculation of potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum L.) with Agrobacterium. tumefaciens strain B6S3, bacteria were found in the non-differentiated cells of tumors (formed from xylem parenchyma or other living cells), in xylem cells at the site of inoculation, as well as in xylem cells of the adjacent stem.
Bacteria were attached by fibrillar aggregates to the tumor cell walls. They were also attached to a fibrillar mass which arose from agrobacteria connected to this mass in the tumor. Agrobacteria, singly or in pairs, were attached to an electron dense formation (possibly bacterial extracellular polysaccharides) found both inside the xylem cells of the stem adjacent to the tumor and at the site of inoculation. Some A. tumefaciens cells were attached by means of a pedestal-like structure at the inoculation site.
A possible function of the different means of attachment of A. tumefaciens in both nontransformed plant cells and tumors is discussed.  相似文献   


Conventional Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is limited by artefacts from sample preparation, while Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM) permits observations of hydrated, non-conductive samples without any preparation. In this short review, the two systems are described and some examples given. In addition, a study of trace element localization by X-ray ESEM microanalysis in Azolla caroliniana cultured in the presence of trace elements is presented. The highest concentration occurred in roots and stem. Leaves showed lower accumulation, with concentrations decreasing from the base to the apex of the shoot, and sharp differences between ventral and dorsal lobes of single leaves, the former accumulating more than the latter. The epidermal cells in the ventral lobes of basal leaves were largely lost in treated plants. The differential localisation of trace elements in the plant protected the dorsal lobes, which are the main photosynthetic part of the plant, the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterial colonies and the apical meristems from potentially adverse effects of trace elements.  相似文献   

The structure of the cells forming the primitive streak was examined by SEM in a series of embryos at Hamburger and Hamilton's stages 2–5. Specimens were prepared by stripping the endoderm from fresh embryos in New Culture and by fracturing whole fixed embryos along and at right angles to the primitive streak. At all stages of examination the SEM appearance of cells within the primitive streak was quite different from that of ectodermal, endodermal or mesodermal cells away from the streak. Streak cells were closely packed, lay with their long axes directed from ectoderm to endoderm and possessed many flat leaf-like processes. By contrast the ectoderm formed a columnar epithelium, the endoderm a flat epithelium and the mesoderm was a layer of loosely arranged cells with long, thin processes.
Within the streak SEM did not show any differences between cells that could identify them specifically as future endoderm or mesoderm cells. It was concluded that during gastrulation all the cells migrating through the primitive streak have the same appearance regardless of their eventual destination in the embryo. This structure may be attributable to the type of movement made by cells during invagination.  相似文献   

Scanning Electron Microscopy of Plant Roots   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A glycol methacrylate infiltration and polymerization techniquewas used to prepare clover roots inoculated with Rhizobium forscanning reflection electron microscopy. Root hairs and epidermalcells were coated with many bacteria; some bacteria seemed tobe embedded in the wall surface. Root hair tips were often smoothbut some older root hair surfaces showed a fibrillar meshworkpattern. Small granules c. 0.18 µm diameter were presenton the root hair and epidermal cell walls. The root cap, someroot hairs, and some epidermal cells were covered by an amorphousfilm thought to be the mucigel.  相似文献   

罗敏蓉  张静 《西北植物学报》2020,40(11):1874-1880
毛茛科天葵属为东亚特有类群,但其花器官的发生过程仍不清晰。该研究利用扫描电子显微镜观察了天葵[S. adoxoides (DC.) Makino]花器官的发生过程,以揭示毛茛科花形态的多样性和演化规律,为进一步探讨天葵属与近缘类群的亲缘关系提供发育形态学证据。结果表明:(1)天葵萼片、花瓣和雄蕊均为螺旋状发生,轮状排列;不育雄蕊的数目和位置不定,心皮轮状发生。(2)天葵萼片原基为宽阔的新月形,其他花器官为窄的半球形。(3)天葵花发育后期,花瓣有延迟发育现象,花瓣原基基部发育为浅囊状,心皮原基马蹄形对折,胚珠倒生、双珠被、具胎座附属物。(4)天葵属与耧斗菜属、尾囊草属的花发育性状存在相似性,支持分子系统学证据的三者近缘的观点;天葵属的花性状的特殊表现为:花直径较小,雄蕊、不育雄蕊和心皮数目较少,花器官没有形成明显的直列线,内珠被较长等。  相似文献   

The ability to localize proteins precisely within subcellular space is crucial to understanding the functioning of biological systems. Recently, we described a protocol that correlates a precise map of fluorescent fusion proteins localized using three-dimensional super-resolution optical microscopy with the fine ultrastructural context of three-dimensional electron micrographs. While it achieved the difficult simultaneous objectives of high photoactivated fluorophore preservation and ultrastructure preservation, it required a super-resolution optical and specialized electron microscope that is not available to many researchers. We present here a faster and more practical protocol with the advantage of a simpler two-dimensional optical (Photoactivated Localization Microscopy (PALM)) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) system that retains the often mutually exclusive attributes of fluorophore preservation and ultrastructure preservation. As before, cryosections were prepared using the Tokuyasu protocol, but the staining protocol was modified to be amenable for use in a standard SEM without the need for focused ion beam ablation. We show the versatility of this technique by labeling different cellular compartments and structures including mitochondrial nucleoids, peroxisomes, and the nuclear lamina. We also demonstrate simultaneous two-color PALM imaging with correlated electron micrographs. Lastly, this technique can be used with small-molecule dyes as demonstrated with actin labeling using phalloidin conjugated to a caged dye. By retaining the dense protein labeling expected for super-resolution microscopy combined with ultrastructural preservation, simplifying the tools required for correlative microscopy, and expanding the number of useful labels we expect this method to be accessible and valuable to a wide variety of researchers.  相似文献   

食蚜瘿蚊触角的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张洁  杨茂发 《动物学研究》2008,29(1):108-112
用扫描电子显微镜对食蚜瘿蚊角角进行了观察.结果显示,雌雄触角都为14节,其中雄性约为2000μm,雌性约为1 050μm.电镜下可观察到食蚜瘿蚊触角有6种类型的感受器,即:刺形感受器、毛形感受器、锥形感受器、腔形感受器、柱形感受器和环丝.刺形感受器较长,约67.5μm,基部有膜状的窝.毛形感受器长约61μm,末端弯曲.锥形感受器呈钉状着生在表皮上,长约4.7μm.腔形感受器呈凹陷状,腔的直径约为1.2μm.柱形感受器着生在雄虫鞭节的第二亚节,长约21μm,直径约为1.5μm.环丝,是瘿蚊类昆虫触角中特殊的结构,它通过着生在一系列腔中的的短梗,连结成环状附着在触角各亚节的表面.刺形和锥形感受器在数量上,雌雄之间差别不大;柱形感受器只在雄虫中发现;雄虫触角上的腔形感受器在数量上要比雌虫多.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma is a genus of bacterial pathogen that causes disease in vertebrates. In humans, the species Mycoplasma pneumoniae causes 15% or more of community-acquired pneumonia. Because this bacterium is tiny, corresponding in size to a large virus, diagnosis using optical microscopy is not easy. In current methods, chest X-rays are usually the first action, followed by serology, PCR amplification, and/or culture, but all of these are particularly difficult at an early stage of the disease. Using Mycoplasma mobile as a model species, we directly observed mycoplasma in buffer with the newly developed Atmospheric Scanning Electron Microscope (ASEM). This microscope features an open sample dish with a pressure-resistant thin film window in its base, through which the SEM beam scans samples in solution, from below. Because of its 2-3μm-deep scanning capability, it can observe the whole internal structure of mycoplasma cells stained with metal solutions. Characteristic protein localizations were visualized using immuno-labeling. Cells were observed at low concentrations, because suspended cells concentrate in the observable zone by attaching to sialic acid on the silicon nitride (SiN) film surface within minutes. These results suggest the applicability of the ASEM for the study of mycoplasmas as well as for early-stage mycoplasma infection diagnosis.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Developing 2nd- and 3rd-generation schizonts of Eimeria tenella were found in the ceca of chicks infected orally with sporulated oocysts. Several free 2nd-generation schizonts, which varied in diameter from 11 to 21.6 μm, were found on the epithelial surface of the cecum. Some schizonts appeared to have lost merozoites. Other schizonts were intact, one of which was surrounded by an unbroken membrane that followed the contours of the merozoites. Third-generation schizonts, much smaller than 2nd-generation schizonts and with fewer merozoites, were found only on cut or fractured surfaces of the cecal tissue. Third-generation merozoites appeared shorter and thicker than those of the 2nd-generation and were attached to the schizont residuum. A form with conical protuberances and another with 4 triangular segments were found; they were believed to be developing stages 3rd-generation schizonts.  相似文献   

Scanning Electron and Phase-Contrast Microscopy of Bacterial Spores   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The three-dimensional immages of free and intrasporangial spores produced by scanning electron microscopy show surface structures not visible by phase-contrast microscopy. Although fine surface detail is not elucidated by scanning electron microscopy, this technique does afford a definitive picture of the general shape of spores. Spores of Bacillus popilliae, B. lentimorbus, B. thuringiensis, B. alvei, B. cereus, and Sarcina ureae have varying patterns of surface ridge formation, whereas spores of B. larvae, B. subtilis, and B. licheniformis have relatively smooth surfaces.  相似文献   

Cryo-Preservation of Roots for Scanning Electron Microscopy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SARGENT  JOHN A. 《Annals of botany》1986,58(2):183-185
Fully hydrated roots can be examined in the scanning electronmicroscope after cryo-preservation. Shrinkage associated withdehydration by freeze-drying or critical point drying, to whichroot hairs and secreted mucigel are particularly vulnerable,is avoided. Roots, Lepidium sativum, scanning electron microscopy, cryo-preservation, fully hydrated  相似文献   

Scanning Electron Microscopy of Intact Trichoderma Colonies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Scanning electron microscopy revealed a clear distinction between hyphal types and enabled early detection of hyphal initiation. Stages in the photoinduced differentiation in Trichoderma leading to conidiation could thus be studied.  相似文献   

Two proteins of low molecular weight, which bind cadmium and are rich in cysteine were isolated from kidneys of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, and identified as metallo-thioneins I and II. The two isoforms closely resembled horse renal isometallothioneins both in chromatographic behaviors and chemical compositions. The molecular weights of performic acid-oxidized proteins were estimated to be 6,800. Twenty to 21 cysteine residues and about 6 g-atoms of heavy metals (Zn, Cd, Cu, and Hg) were present per mole of each isomer.  相似文献   

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) is a unique method for investigating biological structure-function relations. With CLEM protein distributions visualized in fluorescence can be mapped onto the cellular ultrastructure measured with electron microscopy. Widespread application of correlative microscopy is hampered by elaborate experimental procedures related foremost to retrieving regions of interest in both modalities and/or compromises in integrated approaches. We present a novel approach to correlative microscopy, in which a high numerical aperture epi-fluorescence microscope and a scanning electron microscope illuminate the same area of a sample at the same time. This removes the need for retrieval of regions of interest leading to a drastic reduction of inspection times and the possibility for quantitative investigations of large areas and datasets with correlative microscopy. We demonstrate Simultaneous CLEM (SCLEM) analyzing cell-cell connections and membrane protrusions in whole uncoated colon adenocarcinoma cell line cells stained for actin and cortactin with AlexaFluor488. SCLEM imaging of coverglass-mounted tissue sections with both electron-dense and fluorescence staining is also shown.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Budding and metamorphosis in the suctorian ciliate, Discophrya collini, have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy. The adult body form, tentacles, stalk, and attachment disk are described. A field of depressions or small pits was observed in the pellicle of adult suctorians in the early stages of bud formation. These pits deepen and coalesce until one large pore, the birth pore, remains. Cilia protrude through the pore, and as eversion of the bud proceeds the meridional arrangement of the larval ciliation is evident. After eversion is completed, a pronounced division furrow is found between the adult and soon-to-be-released swarmer. The stalk-forming region is seen on swarmers. Metamorphosing swarmers produce tentacles upon settling before any indication of ciliary resorption. Resorption of cilia and change in body form occur progressively with the production of the attachment disk and stalk.  相似文献   

Scanning Electron Microscopy of Intact Colonies of Microorganisms   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Colonies of S. mutans OMZ61, Streptococcus sp. D182, Staphylococcus aureus Oxford NCTC 6571, and Candida albicans type A, MRL 3153 were grown on various media. Cubes of agar bearing two to three colonies were excised and processed for scanning electron microscopy. The characteristic shape of the colonies was seen when examined at low magnifications. At a magnification of 2,000 diameters, the arrangement of individual organisms within the colonies was observed. Plano-convex colonies consisted of uniformly distributed organisms, whereas S. mutans colonies presented a more complex arrangement possibly associated with the production of extracellular polysaccharides. Certain colonies were totally or partially covered by an adherent film through which the outline of the organisms could be distinguished.  相似文献   

The ellipsoidal dormant spores of Dictyostelium dicoideum prepared by freeze-drying had a uniform, compact appearance with fine wrinkles or ridges on the surface. Swollen spores were uneven in appearance, without fine wrinkles but with a seemingly expanded surface covering. The surfaces of the postgermination spore husks appeared unaltered except for a single straight exit slit along the longitudinal plane.  相似文献   

A double fixation method of preparing platelet suspensions for both scanning and transmission electron microscopy is outlined. Prefixation in 0.1% glutaraldehyde allows for immediate preservation of morphologic characteristics induced by experimental procedures, but does not completely destroy platelet surface stickiness. Preservation of surface stickiness allows subsequent production of a platelet pellet for processing for transmission electron microscopy. This pelleting cannot be achieved when higher initial concentrations of glutaraldehyde are used for prefixation. Prefixation in 0.1% glutaraldehyde is also an appropriate initial step for preservation of platelets in suspension for scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

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