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Bisphenol A was efficiently removed by the polymerization and precipitation method using Coprinus cinereus peroxidase. The removal efficiency was optimal between pH 9–10 and at 40 °C with a molar ratio of H2O2 to bisphenol A of about 2. To remove 100 mg bisphenol A l–1, peroxidase was required 5 U ml–1 at pH 7 and 25 °C and 3 U ml–1 at pH 10 and 40 °C.  相似文献   

Park JC  Joo JC  An ES  Song BK  Kim YH  Yoo YJ 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(7):4901-4904
The characteristics of the oxidative polymerization of alkyl phenol derivatives catalyzed by Coprinus cinereus peroxidase (CIP) were studied qualitatively and quantitatively using a combined approach of experiments and computational docking simulations. As determined by docking study of CIP and alkyl phenols, the binding interaction was found to be important for the determination of substrate specificity. The distant binding and indirect orientation of o-isopropyl phenol and o-tertiary butyl phenol to the catalytic residue (56His) could explain the inability of CIP to polymerize these substrates. Three hydrophobic residues (156Pro, 192Leu, and 230Phe) at the entrance of the binding pocket were also found to be crucial in binding and orientation of alkyl phenols. A two-parameter QSAR equation with the binding distance and the molecular volume of the substrates was proposed and the polymerization yield was accurately predicted by two-parameter QSAR equation.  相似文献   

Two irreversible inhibitors, iodoacetamide and diethylpyrocarbonate, were used to select intraspecific fusion products of two mushroom species, Coprinus cinereus and Schizophyllum commune. Iodoacetamide was the more suitable inhibitor because it gave a low breakage frequency and low survival rate of the cells in the inactivation experiments. Fusion-induced by polyethylene glycol and electro-fusion were compared and, under optimal conditions, gave fusion frequencies of 16.7% to 50.0% and 6.9% to 8.4%, respectively. All fusion progeny were heterokaryons (dikaryons) and had clamp connections. There were no differences in the morphology and fruiting ability of the fusion progeny and those of the heterokaryons generated from mating.  相似文献   

171 mutations conferring resistance to the indole analogue 5-fluoroindole (5 FI) were isolated in the filamentous basidiomycete fungus Coprinus cinereus. 5 FI is thought to be toxic because it is converted intracellularly to 5-fluorotryptophan (5 FT) which feedback inhibits the first enzyme of the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, anthranilate synthase. Mutations were assigned to five loci, iar-1-iar-5 on the basis of functional analyses and mapping experiments. iar-5 mutations mapped in the anthranilate synthase structural gene and gave rise to an enzyme feedback resistant to tryptophan and its analogue. Mutants at other loci had regulatory changes. iar-1 and iar-3 mutants had elevated levels of two pathway enzymes measured (anthranilate synthase and tryptophan synthase) and were cross resistant to analogues of other aromatic amino acids suggesting that the entire aromatic pathway was derepressed. iar-3 mutants were unable to degrade metabolically derived typtophan to anthranilic acid unlike iar-1 mutants which excreted high levels of anthranilic acid. iar-2 mutants appeared to have a constitutive degradative pathway. iar-4 mutants had a blocked degradative pathway and unusual levels of tryptophan pathway enzymes.Abbreviations 5 FI 5-fluoroindole - 5 FT 5-fluorotryptophan - pFP para-fluorophenylalanine - mFT meta-fluoro-tyrosine  相似文献   

The quantitative relationships between removal efficiency of phenol and reaction conditions were investigated using Coprinus cinereus peroxidase. The most effective ratio of hydrogen peroxide to phenol was nearly 1/1 (mol/mol) at an adequate enzyme dose. 12.2 U of the enzyme was needed to remove 1 mg of phenol when our peroxidase preparation was used. At an insufficient peroxidase dose, the optimum pH value was 9.0, and lowering the reaction temperature led to the improvement of removal efficiency. At an excess peroxidase dose, almost 100% removal of phenol was obtained over a wide range of pH (5-9) and temperature (0-60 degrees C). Despite the presence of culture medium components, it was shown that Coprinus cinereus peroxidase had the same phenol polymerization performance as horseradish peroxidase or Arthromyces ramosus peroxidase.  相似文献   

A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of the genomic DNA of Coprinus cinereus strain MP#2 was constructed using the BAC vector pBACTZ, which carries the C. cinereus trp1 gene. The library consists of 1536 clones. Analysis of inserts in some of the clones suggested that the library covers five times the C. cinereus genome. Screening of the BAC clones using ten markers mapped on nine different chromosomes also indicated that the library is likely to cover the whole length of the genomic DNA. We show an example of transformation of C. cinereus with BACs containing inserts of longer than 170kb.  相似文献   

In heme peroxidases, a distal His residue plays an essential role in the initial two electron oxidation of resting state enzyme to compound I by hydrogen peroxide. A distal Arg residue assists in this process. The contributions of the charge, H-bonding capacity, size, and mobility of this Arg residue to Coprinus cinereus peroxidase (CIP) reactivity and stability have been examined by substituting Arg51 with Gln (retains H-bond donor at N epsilon position), Asn (small size, H-bond donor and acceptor), Leu (similar to Asn, but hydrophobic), and Lys (charge and H-bond donor, but at N zeta position). UV-visible spectroscopy was used to monitor pH-linked heme changes, compound I formation and reduction, fluoride binding, and thermostability. (1)H NMR spectroscopy enabled heme pocket differences in both resting and cyanide-ligated states of the enzymes to be evaluated and compared with wild-type CIP. We found that the H-bonding capacity of distal Arg is key to fast compound I formation and ligand binding to heme, whereas charge is important for lowering the pK(a) of distal His and for the binding and stabilisation of anionic ligands at heme iron. The properties of the distal Arg residue in CIP, cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) differ significantly in their pH induced transitions and dynamics.  相似文献   

Hormographiella-like strains, isolated from different natural substrates and producing sclerotia and occasionally basidiomata of Coprinus cinereus, were compared morphologically and using molecular techniques with clinical strains of Hormographiella aspergillata and H. verticillata. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms of ribosomal and mitochondrial-like DNA confirmed interspecific differences between H. aspergillata and H. verticillata, supporting the morphological data, and helped demonstrate that H. aspergillata is the anamorph of C. cinereus. The latter was confirmed also by crossing tests. The analysis of the mtDNA restriction profiles revealed intraspecific variability in C. cinereus, which allowed differentiation of clinical and environmental strains. Due to the implication of C. cinereus and Hormographiella in human opportunistic infections, the antifungal susceptibility test is included. Results show that all strains were susceptible to miconazole, itraconazole and ketoconazole but not to flucytosine and fluconazol. Susceptibility against amphotericin B was variable; while H. verticillata was susceptible, four out of seven C. cinereus strains tested were resistant.  相似文献   

MTPC (Methylene tri p-cresol) and m-cresol were copolymerized by Coprinus cinereus peroxidase in aqueous acetone. Although MTPC did not dissolve completely in the aqueous acetone, copolymerization was achieved owing to the radical transfer between solute and solid surface. Various polymerized products with different molecular weights and hydroxyl values were synthesized depending upon reaction compositions (ratio of MTPC to m-cresol and buffer to acetone). Poly(MTPC–m-cresol), a copolymer of MTPC and m-cresol, was mixed with a diazonaphthoquinone derivative to form a new type of photoresist, a thin film of which was formed on a silicon wafer and immersed in alkaline solution (tetramethylammonium hydroxide) to measure speed of dissolution. Poly(MTPC–m-cresol), with higher hydroxyl value (over 80%), showed remarkably improved dissolution characteristics (dark loss in alkaline solution decreased by almost half), which is prerequisite for sensitive photoresist polymer.  相似文献   

来源于灰盖鬼伞长度为1 092 bp的CiP目的基因与AOX1启动子一起整合进酵母染色体基因组中。重组蛋白CiP在酿酒酵母信号肽的引导下成功分泌到胞外,质谱鉴定为目的蛋白,成功在毕赤酵母中表达灰盖鬼伞过氧化物酶(CiP)。将伴侣蛋白内质网氧化还原酶1(Ero1)、二硫键异构酶(PDI)分别单独及同时转入CiP酵母受体菌中,研究它们对CiP在毕赤酵母中表达的影响。结果表明:在摇瓶中,相对于无分子伴侣的菌株,单独整合PDI及同时整合Ero1、PDI菌株的CiP酶活分别提高了2.43和2.62倍,活力达到316 U/m L和340 U/m L。挑选同时整合Ero1、PDI伴侣蛋白的CiP菌株,5 L发酵罐进行高密度发酵,酶活最高达到3 379 U/m L,比摇瓶提高约10倍。本实验结果较目前已报道的1 200 U/m L已是最高水平。  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the homobasidiomyceteCoprinus cinereus to the benzimidazole fungicide benomyl allowed us to isolate β-tubulin mutants as strains resistant to benomyl. To understand the molecular basis for the interaction between benomyl and β tubulin and for cellular defects in the β-tubulin mutants, we first analyzed the wild-type β1-tubulin gene (benA) ofC. cinereus, revealing thatbenA contains eight introns and encodes a 445 amino-acid protein. We then characterized 16 β1-tubulin mutants. The 16 mutations involved 11 different amino-acid substitutions at 10 different residues in β1 tubulin. The mutated residues were widely distributed along the primary sequence of β1 tubulin, from residue 3 in the N-terminal domain to residue 350 in the intermediate domain, but half of them appeared to be close to the αβ intradimer interface in an atomic model determined by electron crystallography. The benomyl resistant strain BEN 193, which exhibits clear heat sensitivity for hyphal growth and defects in various cellular processes, had a novel mutation, i.e., the Leu to Phe substitution at residue 350. Benomyl resistance and the heat sensitivity in BEN 193 were suppressed by additional amino-acid substitutions at various residues in β1 tubulin, suggesting that conformational changes of β1 tubulin are involved in the alterations. The DDBJ/GeneBank/EMBL accession number for the sequence reported in this paper is AB000116.  相似文献   

The removal of phenol by peroxidase-catalyzed polymerization was examined using the Coprinus cinereus peroxidases at different levels of impurity with respect to contamination. The phenol removal efficiency was improved by lowering the peroxidase purity. Acidic and high molecular weight proteins present as impurities in the peroxidase solution had some positive effect on the phenol-polymerizing reaction. The residual enzyme activity, either only in the solution or both in the solution and on the precipitate during the polymerizing reaction, was measured. The results indicate that the main effect of impurities in the peroxidase solution was the suppression of the adsorption of peroxidase molecules on the polymerized precipitate.  相似文献   

For the first time, oxidative polymerization of cardol derived from cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL), which is a cheap, useful, and renewable substance, has been carried out using a fungal peroxidase from Coprinus cinereus (CiP). Cardol, one of the major components of CNSL, is a resorcinol derivative mainly having a C15 unsaturated hydrocarbon chain with 1–3 double bonds at a meta position. To date cardol has not been completely exploited as a monomer for enzymatic polymerization. Enzymatic polymerization of cardol proceeded with higher yield in an equivolume mixture of tert-butanol and phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). The yield and molecular weight of polycardol depended on the hydrogen peroxide concentration. Polycardol was rapidly cured at room temperature within 4 h to give harden dry and dark brown color coatings. Pencil scratch hardness data indicated that the curing rate of polycardol was superior to those of polycardanol. Thermogravimetric analysis implied that the cured product from polycardol was thermally more stable than that from polycardanol. We expect that polycardol from renewable resources, which is similar to or superior to polycardanol, can find many applications in the near future.  相似文献   

The sexually compatible strains ofCoprinus cinereus 5302 and Dd 13 revealed chromosome length polymorphisms in their electrophoretic karyotypes. The dikaryon derived from two monokaryons contained a mixture of the two electrophoretic patterns. F1 progenies were isolated by crossingC. cinereus 5302 and Dd 13 strains and it showed unique karyotypes. Chromosome length polymorphisms of both parental strains were inherited at random in the F1 progenies. As a result, several novel electrophoretic karyotypes which had not been observed in either parental strains were found in the F1 progeny. The rDNA probe hybridized with one chromosome in both parental strains, with two chromosomes in the hybridization pattern of both parental strains in the dikaryon, and with one to two chromosomes in the F1 progenies. The relation between mating type and hybridization pattern has thus not been made clear in the case of F1 progeny.  相似文献   

We first examined the changes in distribution of F-actin during conjugate division in the apical cells of the dikaryon ofCoprinus cinereus using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, then followed hyphal tip growth and the movement of the two nuclei in the apical cells using differential interference contrast microscopy (DIC). In apical cells with interphase nuclei, F-actin occurred solely as peripheral plaques, which were distributed along the whole length of the cell and were more concentrated at the tips, where they formed caps. In the early prophase of conjugate division, F-actin was transiently concentrated, as diffused form and plaques, at hyphal regions where the two nuclei sit, and this was accompanied by transient disappearance of the actin cap at the hyphal tip in the majority of cells. The actin cap was also present at the tips of growing clamp cells from late prophase through metaphase and disintegrated during anaphase. In telophase, actin rings formed at the future septa. DIC revealed that, in early prophase, when the F-actin array occurs around the two nuclei and the actin cap is absent at hyphal tips, hyphae kept growing and the second nucleus accelerated its forward movement to catch up with the leading nucleus, which was still moving forward.  相似文献   

Soybean seed coat peroxidase (SBP; EC was immobilised on its natural support, soybean seed coats, anticipating its use in phenol removal. Periodate and glutaraldehyde chemistries were assayed. Periodate failed to immobilise any SBP, whereas glutaraldehyde was effective. The optimum concentration of glutaraldehyde was found to be 1%. Immobilisation shifted the optimum pH for phenol removal from 4.0 to 6.0. Treated seed coat retained its activity over a 4-week period, and reusability assays showed that treated seed coats could be reused once for phenol removal. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) increased the stability of phenol degradation activity. In addition, the phenolic polymer was adsorbed on to seed coats, thus making removal of the polymeric product easier.  相似文献   

Soybean seed coat peroxidase (SBP; EC was immobilised on its natural support, soybean seed coats, anticipating its use in phenol removal. Periodate and glutaraldehyde chemistries were assayed. Periodate failed to immobilise any SBP, whereas glutaraldehyde was effective. The optimum concentration of glutaraldehyde was found to be 1%. Immobilisation shifted the optimum pH for phenol removal from 4.0 to 6.0. Treated seed coat retained its activity over a 4-week period, and reusability assays showed that treated seed coats could be reused once for phenol removal. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) increased the stability of phenol degradation activity. In addition, the phenolic polymer was adsorbed on to seed coats, thus making removal of the polymeric product easier.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA (cDNA) encoding the new versatile peroxidase from the ligninolytic basidiomycete Pleurotus eryngii has been expressed in the ascomycete Emericella nidulans. In recombinant E. nidulans cultures, the pH reached values as high as 8.3, correlating with a sharp decrease in peroxidase activity. Peroxidase was rapidly inactivated at alkaline pH, but was comparatively stable at acidic pH. The peroxidase inactivation in alkaline buffer could be reversed by adding Ca2+ and lowering the pH. However, reactivation did not result after incubating the enzyme in non-buffered E. nidulans cultures that reached pH 7.5. To optimize recombinant peroxidase production, the effect of controlling the pH in E. nidulans bioreactor cultures was studied. An extended growth period, and a significant increase in the recombinant peroxidase level (5.3-fold higher activity than in the bioreactor without pH control) was obtained when the pH was maintained at 6.8, showing that culture pH is an important parameter for recombinant peroxidase production.  相似文献   

Four Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes were grown at 14 degrees C and 22 degrees C under two light conditions (300 microE m-2 s-1 or 150 microE m-2 s-1) and the effect of temperature on their growth and flowering time was studied. Flowering occurred within 31 days (experimental period) at 22 degrees C, whereas a decrease in growth temperature resulted in a delay in flowering (63 days) under both light conditions. At 14 degrees C, membrane-bound APX (tAPX) activity decreased and total chlorophyll (Chl) content increased with growth under both light conditions. However, at 22 degrees C, the tAPX activity increased and total Chl content decreased with growth under both light conditions. These results suggest that at 22 degrees C oxidative stress was high under both light conditions and consequently Chl content decreased under stressful conditions or vice versa for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Under both the temperature and light conditions, soluble APX activity showed an irregular pattern of growth. The increase in tAPX activity, with growth only at 22 degrees C but not at 14 degrees C, suggests increased H2O2 formation in flowering plants at 22 degrees C for all the four A. thaliana ecotypes studied. Before flowering, the tAPX activity showed a significantly negative correlation with flowering time. Higher oxidative stress in the lower-latitude ecotypes might induce earlier flowering than the higher-latitude ecotypes. From these results, we propose a hypothesis that H2O2 is one of the possible factors in flower induction.  相似文献   

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