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Four genetic loci were tested for linkage with loci that control genetic resistance to lethal ectromelia virus infection in mice. Three of the loci were selected because of concordance with genotypes assigned to recombinant inbred (RI) strains of mice derived from resistant C57BL/6 and susceptible DBA/2 (BXD) mice on the basis of their responses to challenge infection. Thirty-six of 167 male (C57BL/6 x DBA/2)F1 x DBA/2 backcross (BC) mice died (22%), of which 27 (75%) were homozygous for DBA/2 alleles at Hc and H-2D. Twenty-eight percent of sham-castrated and 6% of sham-ovariectomized BC mice were susceptible to lethal mousepox, whereas 50% of gonadectomized mice were susceptible. There was no linkage evident between Hc or H-2D and loci that controlled resistance to lethal ectromelia virus infection in 44 castrated BC mice. Mortality among female mice of BXD RI strains with susceptible or intermediate male phenotypes was strongly correlated (r = 0.834) with male mortality. Gonadectomized C57BL/6 mice were as resistant as intact mice to lethal ectromelia virus infection. These results indicate that two gonad-dependent genes on chromosomes 2 and 17 and one gonad-independent gene control resistance to mousepox virus infection, that males and females share gonad-dependent genes, and that the gonad-independent gene is fully protective.  相似文献   

Genetic resistance to clinical mousepox (ectromelia virus) varies among inbred laboratory mice and is characterized by an effective natural killer (NK) response and the early onset of a strong CD8(+) cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response in resistant mice. We have investigated the influence of virus-expressed mouse interleukin-4 (IL-4) on the cell-mediated response during infection. It was observed that expression of IL-4 by a thymidine kinase-positive ectromelia virus suppressed cytolytic responses of NK and CTL and the expression of gamma interferon by the latter. Genetically resistant mice infected with the IL-4-expressing virus developed symptoms of acute mousepox accompanied by high mortality, similar to the disease seen when genetically sensitive mice are infected with the virulent Moscow strain. Strikingly, infection of recently immunized genetically resistant mice with the virus expressing IL-4 also resulted in significant mortality due to fulminant mousepox. These data therefore suggest that virus-encoded IL-4 not only suppresses primary antiviral cell-mediated immune responses but also can inhibit the expression of immune memory responses.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance of enterobacterial strains from population isolated in Krasnodar region is rather often controlled by the "plasmid" genes. The conclusion is based on using the colony hybridization with [32P]-DNA fragments of plasmids, carrying the genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance, as a method for antibiotic resistance, genes screening. Kanamycin resistance in the majority of strains is coded by APH (3') II gene, streptomycin resistance by APH (3") gene, chloramphenicol resistance by CATI, sulphonilamide resistance by DHPS type II gene. Tetracycline resistance of the studied enterobacterial strains is not connected with the widespread genetic determinants of a new class tetracycline resistance.  相似文献   

Ectromelia virus was shown to replicate in vitro in all lymphoma cell lines and in a small proportion of hybridoma lines tested. It was demonstrated that certain hybridoma cell lines, which were passed in ectromelia virus-infected mice, yielded ectromelia virus infectivity on explantation into tissue culture. This finding further substantiated the belief that ascitic fluid and hybridoma cell lines exposed to virus during mouse-passage could be important in the epidemiology of mousepox.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of feline leukemia virus (FeLV)-induced lymphoma was investigated in a series of 63 lymphoid tumors and tumor cell lines of presumptive T-cell origin. These were examined for virus-induced rearrangements of the c-myc, flvi-2 (bmi-1), fit-1, and pim-1 loci, for T-cell receptor (TCR) gene rearrangements, and for the presence of env recombinant FeLV (FeLV-B). The myc locus was most frequently affected in naturally occurring lymphomas (32%; n = 38) either by transduction (21%) or by proviral insertion (11%). Proviral insertions were also common at flvi-2 (24%). The two other loci were occupied in a smaller number of the naturally occurring tumors (fit-1, 8%; pim-1, 5%). Examination of the entire set of tumors showed that significant numbers were affected at two (19%) or three (5%) of the loci. Occupation of the fit-1 locus was observed most frequently in tumors induced by FeLV-myc strains, while flvi-2 insertions occurred with similar frequency in the presence or absence of obvious c-myc activation. These results suggest a hierarchy of mutational events in the genesis of feline T-cell lymphomas by FeLV and implicate insertion at fit-1 as a late progression step. The strongest links observed were with T-cell development, as monitored by rearrangement status of the TCR beta-chain gene, which was positively associated with activation of myc (P < 0.001), and with proviral insertion at flvi-2 (P = 0.02). This analysis also revealed a genetically distinct subset of thymic lymphomas with unrearranged TCR beta-chain genes in which the known target loci were involved very infrequently. The presence of env recombinant FeLV (FeLV-B) showed a negative correlation with proviral insertion at fit-1, possibly due to the rapid onset of these tumors. These results shed further light on the multistep process of FeLV leukemogenesis and the relationships between lymphoid cell maturation and susceptibility to FeLV transformation.  相似文献   

DBA/2 (D2) mice are susceptible and C57BL/6 (B6) mice are resistant to lethal mousepox. A congenic resistant strain, D2.B6-Rmp-4r (D2.R4), was developed by serially backcrossing male mice that survived ectromelia virus infection with D2 mice, beginning with (B6 x D2)F1 mice. Male D2.R4 mice were at least 300-fold more resistant to lethal mousepox than male D2 mice. Female D2.R4 mice were 100-fold more resistant than male D2.R4 mice and 500-fold more resistant than female D2 mice. Neonatal gonadectomy prevented development of resistance in D2.R4 mice of both sexes. Differences in resistance between strains and between sexes correlated with restriction of virus replication in spleen and liver, but gender differences were less evident in liver than in spleen. High-resolution interval mapping of the 19 autosomes of D2.R4 mice using dispersed informative microsatellites as marker loci revealed a segment of distal chromosome 1 to be of B6 origin. Haplotypes for a marker locus, D1Mit57, from the differential segment were determined in (D2.R4 x D2)F1 x D2 backcross mice, which were then infected with ectromelia virus. Significantly more heterozygotes than homozygotes survived ectromelia virus infection in both sexes. Whereas nearly all surviving males were heterozygotes, 44% of surviving females were homozygotes. These results indicate that resistance in D2.R4 mice is determined by a gonad-dependent gene on distal chromosome 1, provisionally named Rmp-4, and by an ovary-dependent factor that is not genetically linked to Rmp-4.  相似文献   

Modern data on spreading, structural and functional organization and evolution of the genetic determinants of antibiotic resistance in the gram-negative bacteria are reviewed. Some mechanisms for resistance to trimethoprime, sulphonamides, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol aminoglycosides, beta-lactam antibiotics controlled by the plasmid and chromosomal genes are presented. The problem of using the molecular DNA-probes containing the genetical determinants for antibiotic resistance in the practical work of clinical laboratories is discussed.  相似文献   



Mate choice is of central importance to most animals, influencing population structure, speciation, and ultimately the survival of a species. Mating behavior of male brachionid rotifers is triggered by the product of a chemosensory gene, a glycoprotein on the body surface of females called the mate recognition pheromone. The mate recognition pheromone has been biochemically characterized, but little was known about the gene(s). We describe the isolation and characterization of the mate recognition pheromone gene through protein purification, N-terminal amino acid sequence determination, identification of the mate recognition pheromone gene from a cDNA library, sequencing, and RNAi knockdown to confirm the functional role of the mate recognition pheromone gene in rotifer mating.  相似文献   

Administration of neutralizing monoclonal antibody to gamma interferon increased Theiler's virus-induced demyelination and virus antigen persistence in the spinal cord in susceptible SJL/J mice and completely abrogated resistance such that all C57BL/10SNJ mice developed demyelination. These experiments support the hypothesis that gamma interferon is critically important for resistance to Theiler's virus-induced disease but is not required for myelin destruction.  相似文献   

Research was undertaken to answer basic questions on susceptibility, clinical response and transmission of ectromelia virus in selected strains of inbred mice. C57BL/6J and AKR/J were found to be markedly more resistant to a virulent strain of ectromelia virus (isolated during the 1979-80 outbreak at the National Institutes of Health) than C57LJ, BALB/cByJ, DBA/2J, A.By/SNJ and C3H/HeJ when infected by footpad inoculation. In C57BL/6J and AKR/J the LD50 was about 7 logs higher than the ID50. With one exception, C57LJ, the LD50 and ID50 titers in the other strains were about equal. In C57LJ the LD50 titer was intermediate. Following intragastric inoculation, virus was isolated from feces of C57BL/6J mice for as long as 46 days and up to 29 days from BALB/cByJ mice. Transmission to cage mates from intragastrically infected C57BL/6J and BALB/cByJ occurred up to 36 and 30 days respectively after infection. Virus was isolated from the spleen in 2 of 5 BALB/cByJ mice and 1 of 7 C57BL/6J mice tested 95 days after gastric inoculation. Following footpad inoculation, BALB/cByJ mice consistently transmitted virus to cage mates before death at 10-12 days. C57BL/6J mice transmitted between days 8 and 17, but not beyond. Virus was maintained in C57BL/6J mice by exposure to infected cage mates for seven passages, which was the most attempted. Clinical signs in infected C57BL/6J mice were usually subtle or inapparent.  相似文献   

The frequency of chloramphenicol-sensitive variants (Cmls) in Streptomyces lividans 66 is very high (0.57%). Correlation between chloramphenicol sensitivity and deamplification of PstI fragment with the length of 4.82 kb (RES1 genetic element) was shown. However, in some Cmls variants there was no RES1 deamplification. It was noted that in the cells of the Cmls variants isolated the levels of kanamycin and neomycin resistance determined by the Kanr determinant in the pSU17 plasmid were different. Expression of Kanr and Neor determinants inserted via pSU17 plasmid into the cells of Cmls variants was studied and three classes of chloramphenicol-sensitive variants were defined. After transformation of pSU17 plasmid into cells of Cmls variants of the class I, expression of Kanr and Neor genes, similar to that in S. lividans 66, was observed. The resistance level in Cmls variants of the class II was intermediate. In the cells of the class III no expression was noted. Cmls strains of classes I and II were unstable and those of the class III with impaired expression of Kanr and Neor genes were formed with high frequency. Cmlr variants formed from Cmls strain of the class III were studied. Two types of Cmlr variants were detected. Variants of the first type were identical to S. lividans 66 by their properties. The frequency of Cmls variants occurring in the cells of the first type was similar to that in S. lividans 66. The second type included pseudo-revertants. They were unstable and generated amplifications of the 5.7 kb fragment with high frequency.  相似文献   

Genetic determinants of bone mass.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A genetic contribution to bone mass determination was first described in the early 70s. Elucidation of gene contribution to this has since been attempted through studies analyzing associations between bone mass acquisition and/or maintenance and polymorphic variations of several genes. The first to be described was the vitamin D receptor gene (VDR), initially claimed to contribute to almost 75% of the genetic variation in bone mineral density (BMD) in twin and general population studies. Not all of the studies published to date conclude that a clear relationship exists between polymorphic VDR alleles and BMD, and the molecular basis for the VDR gene polymorphisms influence on bone mineralization has not yet been clarified. Since then, other genes with a significant role in bone metabolism such as estradiol receptor, collagen type 1alpha1, TGF-beta1, interleukin-6, calcitonin receptor, alpha2-HS-glycoprotein, osteocalcin, calcium-sensing receptor, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist, beta3-adrenergic receptor, apolipoprotein E, PTH, IGF-I and glucocorticoid receptor have been analyzed. Some polymorphic variations in these genes have been associated in some works with significant differences in BMD, with even more significant contributions when associations of different gene polymorphisms were analyzed. Again, the molecular basis for the contribution of these alleles to bone mass determination has not yet been described. A different approach has been attempted by linkage analysis of loci involved in bone density in pedigrees with low BMD using BMD as a quantitative trait. Recent results do not confirm, in these families, any association with any of the previously reported genes, but rather with other as yet unidentified genes. The genetic contribution to mild variations in the general population, as a result of environmental and endogenous individual influences, probably differs completely from that providing a pathologic BMD.  相似文献   

B P Kopnin  A A Stavrovskaia 《Genetika》1979,15(12):2233-2236
The studies of the high level of colchicine resistance of mouse L cells have shown that two mutagens (EMS and NMM) do not induce cell variants resistant to 8 microgram/ml of colchicine in the population of mouse heteroploid L-53 cells (subline of L cells, the level of colchicine resistance 140) and that colchicine resistance of L-53 cells gradually diminishes when cells are propagated in non-selective conditions: after 1 month it diminishes 2-fold, after 3 month--9-fold. The extent of the decrease of the drug resistance was the same in 6 independent cultures obtained from the inoculum of 200 cells and in control cultures propagated by large quantities of cells. These data coincide with the results of the previous studies of lower level of colchicine resistance. In both studies the frequency of the occurrence of colchicine resistant variants in selective medium was about 2.10(-4). These data are consistent with the hypothesis that colchicine resistance of mouse L cells is not due to a gene mutation.  相似文献   

At least three genes from C57BL/6 mice that mediate dominant resistance to lethal mousepox were isolated and transferred onto a susceptible DBA/2 background. Three [(C57BL/6 x DBA/2)F1 x DBA/2] male mice that survived infection were selected as founders on the basis of different complements of marker loci for two resistance genes, Rmp-2r (Hc1) and Rmp-3r (H-2Db). They were crossed with DBA/2 mice, male progeny were infected with ectromelia virus, and the cycle was repeated with surviving male progeny through seven backcross generations. Two founders carried a marker locus for Rmp-2r or Rmp-3r, and the third carried neither marker locus. Resistance pedigrees were analyzed for passage of marker loci. From the three founders, resistance was passaged through multiple generations, producing backcross lines with intermediate-male-resistance phenotypes (20% resistant). Females of backcross lines with intermediate male resistance had high resistance (> 50%). High-resistance backcross lines (40% male resistance) also developed from the founders that carried marker loci for Rmp-2r and Rmp-3r, and marker loci were passaged through all generations of high resistance but not intermediate-resistance lines. About one-third of all resistant mice in high-resistance lines sired by mice that carried marker loci for Rmp-2r and Rmp-3r did not carry the respective marker locus. In lines that carried Rmp-2r, this was apparently not the result of recombination between Rmp-2r and Hc1, because Rmp-2 was not in the predicted location on chromosome 2 and because mice that did not inherit Hc1 transmitted significantly less male resistance than Hc1-positive mice, although female resistance remained high. These results confirmed that C57BL/6 mice have redundant resistance mechanisms, two of which are controlled at least in part by Rmp-2r and Rmp-3r, and provided evidence for a fourth resistance gene, herein presumptively named Rmp-4, which protects females more than males and which may be epistatic to Rmp-2.  相似文献   

Genetic determinants of Sindbis virus neuroinvasiveness.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

N L Brown  D A Rouch  B T Lee 《Plasmid》1992,27(1):41-51
Copper is an essential trace element that is utilized in a number of oxygenases and electron transport proteins, but it is also a highly toxic heavy metal, against which all organisms must protect themselves. Known bacterial determinants of copper resistance are plasmid-encoded. The mechanisms which confer resistance must be integrated with the normal metabolism of copper. Different bacteria have adopted diverse strategies for copper resistance, and this review outlines what is known about bacterial copper resistance mechanisms and their genetic regulation.  相似文献   

A spontaneously arising murine plasmacytoma, HPC-202, derived from a BALB/c.H-2b congenic mouse that lacks any detectable H-2 determinants on its cell surface is described. However, the expression of H-2 determinants is inducible by interferon-gamma. The H-2 negative cell surface phenotype permits the HPC-202 tumor to escape H-2 allospecific cytotoxic cell lysis but not NK cell lysis, as well as to grow, to varying degrees, in some H-2 incompatible hosts. In those strains which exhibit a resistance to HPC-202 growth, resistance does not map to a single gene within the major histocompatibility complex of the mouse. Resistance is also radiosensitive and is therefore presumably due to a rapidly dividing cell population. The utility of this tumor as a model system to study both the non-H-2-restricted natural resistance to tumor growth, and the mechanism by which H-2 genes are regulated by cells is discussed.  相似文献   

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