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Bovine X hamster and bovine X mouse hybrid somatic cells have been used to investigate the syntenic relationship of nine loci in the bovine that have homologous loci on human chromosome 12. Eight loci, including A2M, GLI, HOX3, IFNG, INT1, KRAS2, NKNB, and PAH, were assigned to the previously identified bovine syntenic group U3 represented by GAPD. However, a single locus from the q-terminus of HSA 12, ALDH2, mapped to a new, previously unidentified autosomal syntenic group. These results indicate the existence of a very large ancestral syntenic group spanning from the p-terminus to q24 of HSA 12 and containing over 4% of the mammalian genome. Additionally, the results predict that ALDH2 is distal to PAH and IFNG on HSA 12, the type II keratin gene complex will reside between q11 and q21 of HSA 12, A2M will map to MMU 6, and LALBA and GLI will map to MMU 15.  相似文献   

A phage library of bovine genomic DNA was screened for hybridization with a human HSP70 cDNA probe, and 21 positive plaques were identified and isolated. Restriction mapping and blot hybridization analysis of DNA from the recombinant plaques demonstrated that the cloned DNAs were derived from three different regions of the bovine genome. One region contains two tandemly arrayed HSP70 sequences, designated HSP70-1 and HSP70-2, separated by approximately 8 kb of DNA. Single HSP70 sequences, designated HSP70-3 and HSP70-4, were found in two other genomic regions. Locus-specific probes of unique flanking sequences from representative HSP70 clones were hybridized to restriction endonuclease-digested DNA from bovine-hamster and bovine-mouse somatic cell hybrid panels to determine the chromosomal location of the HSP70 sequences. The probe for the tandemly arrayed HSP70-1 and HSP70-2 sequences mapped to bovine chromosome 23, syntenic with glyoxalase 1, 21 steroid hydroxylase, and major histocompatibility class I loci. HSP70-3 sequences mapped to bovine chromosome 10, syntenic with nucleoside phosphorylase and murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene (v-fos), and HSP70-4 mapped to bovine syntenic group U6, syntenic with amylase 1 and phosphoglucomutase 1. On the basis of these data, we propose that bovine HSP70-1,2 are homologous to human HSPA1 and HSPA1L on chromosome 6p21.3, bovine HSP70-3 is the homolog of an unnamed human HSP70 gene on chromosome 14q22-q24, and bovine HSP70-4 is homologous to one of the human HSPA-6,-7 genes on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

To establish syntenic relationships of phototransduction genes, we have mapped the genes encoding the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits of rod cGMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) (PDEA, PDEB, PDEG), the alpha'-subunit of cone PDE (PDEA2), and the rod cGMP-gated channel (CNCG) to bovine syntenic groups. The rod cGMP PDE alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunit genes map to bovine syntenic groups U22, U15 (chromosome 6), and U21 (chromosome 19), respectively. The rod cGMP-gated channel gene also maps to syntenic group U15, and the bovine cone alpha'-subunit gene maps to U26 (chromosome 26). With the exception of the cone PDE alpha'-subunit gene, which has not been mapped in other mammals, all of these genes have been assigned to conserved chromosomal regions shared among bovine, human, and mouse. A compilation of currently known syntenic assignments and predictions regarding future assignments of phototransduction genes in human, mouse, and cattle is presented.  相似文献   

By using three gene probes, one derived from the porcine major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and two from bovine cytokeratin genes, type I (KRTA) and type II (KRTB), the hypothesis of conservation of genome structure in two members of the family Bovidae was examined. Gene mapping data revealed the MHC to be in chromosome region 23q15----q23 in cattle (BOLA) and 20q15----q23 in sheep (OLA). KRTA was localized to chromosome region 19q25----q29 in cattle and 11q25----q29 in sheep and KRTB to 5q14----q22 in cattle and 3q14----q22 in sheep. The banding patterns of the chromosome arms to which the loci were assigned were identical in both species. Moreover, the resemblances of GTG- or QFQ-banding patterns between the cattle and sheep karyotypes illustrated further chromosome homologies. These studies, based on gene mapping comparisons and comparative cytogenetics, document that within bovid chromosomes, homology of banding patterns corresponds to a homologous genetic structure. Hence, we propose that gene assignments on identified chromosomal segments in one species of the Bovidae can be extrapolated, in general, to other bovid species based on the banding homologies presented here.  相似文献   

Somatic cell genetics coupled with enzyme electrophoresis has facilitated the mapping of PRGS and PAIS genes in cattle. Individual cow-hamster hybrid cell lines established by fusion of mutant CHO cells, ade-C and ade-G, with cattle leukocytes required complementing bovine genes for PRGS and PAIS, respectively, when propogated on selective media. Homogenates of 12 PRGS+ hybrid clones and 12 PAIS+ hybrid clones retained the bovine electromorph of SOD1 while extensively segregating 14 biochemical markers of other cattle syntenic groups. Secondary cattle-hamster hybrid subclones which segregated bovine PRGS and PAIS in late passages on nonselective media concordantly segregated bovine SOD1. These data support a syntenic relationship among PRGS, PAIS, and SOD1 on cattle syntenic group U10. An interferon receptor locus, IFREC, is also syntenic with SOD1. This synteny represents an extensive conservation of bovine U10 and the Down syndrome region of human chromosome 21.This work was supported in part by USDA Grants 83-CRSR-2-2234 and 85-CRCR-1-1699 and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station Project RI 6718 (J. E. Womack) and by NIH Grants HD 17449 and HD13423 (D. Patterson).  相似文献   

T G Tsvetkova  M F Iankova 《Genetika》1979,15(10):1858-1869
Routine polymorphic variants of chromosomes of 58 married couples with reproductive failure (two or more spontaneous abortions, stillbirths and malformed children) and 48 control couples, having two or more normal children and no spontaneous abortions and stillbirths, were investigated by conventional staining technique. Extreme variants of chromosomes 1, 9, 16, 17, 13--15, 21--22 and Y were found in 17.2% of subjects with reproductive loss and in 15.6% of control individuals. No significant differences in frequencies of scored routine variants were noted between married couples with reproductive failure and couples with normal reproduction.  相似文献   

RNA synthesis almost ceases in mitosis. It is ambiguous whether this temporal, negative control of RNA synthesis is solely because of the nature of chromosomes per se, (i.e., their condensed state), or to a physical loss of RNA polymerases along with other nuclear proteins which have been shown to pass into the cytoplasm in mitosis, or to their combined feature. Aside from such regulatory considerations, a question has also been raised as to whether RNA polymerases are constituents of metaphase chromosomes. To clarify these aspects of RNA polymerase-chromatin interaction in mitosis, the enzymes in chromosomes were quantitated and their levels compared to those in interphase nuclei and cells at various phases of the cell cycle. The results show that the amounts of form I, form II, and probably form III enzymes bound to a genome-equivalent of chromatin stay constant during the cell cycle. Thus, the mechanism for the negative control of RNA synthesis in mitosis appears to exist in the chromosomes per se, but not to be directly related to the RNA polymerase levels. This quantitative conservation of chromatin-bound RNA polymerases implies that they may persist as structural components of the chromosomes in mitosis.  相似文献   

CD19 is a B lymphocyte cell surface protein expressed from the earliest stages of B lymphocyte development unitl their terminal differentiation into plasma cells. In this report the human CD19 gene (hCD19) was localized to band p11.2 on the proximal short arm of chromosome 16 by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes, using hCD19 cDNA as probe. hCD19 gene localization was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction based analysis with hCD19-specific primers, using a panel of human/hamster somatic cell hybrid DNA as templates. The mouse CD19 gene (MCd19) was mapped to bands F3-F4 of chromosome 7 by in situ hybridization to metaphase chromosomes, using a mCD19 cDNA probe. Segregation analysis of nucleotide sequence polymorphisms in inter-specific backcross progeny revealed linkage of mCd19 with hemoglobin (Hbb), Int-2, and H19, other loci previously mapped to the same region of mouse chromosome 7, confirming the localization of mCd19 to this region. The order of these loci was determined to be centromere — HbbmCd19H19Int-2 —telomere. The genetic distance between the loci examined, calculated from the recombination frequencies, suggested that mCd19 was located centrally between Hbb and H19. This region of mouse chromosome 7 is homologous to the region of human chromosome 16 to which the hCD19 gene maps. Multiple genes with a lymphocyte-related function also map to this conserved region including genes encoding the IL-4 receptor, CD11a, CD11b, CD11c, CD43 (leukosialin), and protein kinase C polypeptide.  相似文献   

Splicing of rare, U12-type or AT-AC introns is mediated by a distinct spliceosome that assembles from U11, U12, U4atac, U6atac, and U5 snRNPs. Although in human cells the protein composition of minor and major snRNPs is similar, differences, particularly in U11 and U12 snRNPs, have been recently described. We have identified an Arabidopsis U11 snRNP-specific 35K protein as an interacting partner of an RS-domain-containing cyclophilin. By using a transient expression system in Arabidopsis protoplasts, we show that the 35K protein incorporates into snRNP. Oligo affinity selection and glycerol gradient centrifugation revealed that the Arabidopsis 35K protein is present in monomeric U11 snRNP and in U11/U12-di snRNP. The interaction of the 35K protein with Arabidopsis SR proteins together with its strong sequence similarity to U1-70K suggests that its function in splicing of minor introns is analogous to that of U1-70K. Analysis of Arabidopsis and Oryza sativa genome sequences revealed that all U11/U12-di-snRNP-specific proteins are conserved in dicot and monocot plants. In addition, we have identified an Arabidopsis gene encoding the homolog of U4atac snRNA and a second Arabidopsis gene encoding U6atac snRNA. Secondary structure predictions indicate that the Arabidopsis U4atac is able to form dimeric complexes with both Arabidopsis U6atac snRNAs. As revealed by RNaseA/T1 protection assay, the U4atac snRNA gene is expressed as an ~160-nt RNA, whereas the second U6atac snRNA gene seems to be a pseudogene. Taken together, our data indicate that recognition and splicing of minor, AT-AC introns in plants is highly similar to that in humans.  相似文献   

Human chromosome abnormalities revisited.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



The pufferfish Fugu rubripes (Fugu) with its compact genome is increasingly recognized as an important vertebrate model for comparative genomic studies. In particular, large regions of conserved synteny between human and Fugu genomes indicate its utility to identify disease-causing genes. The human chromosome 12p12 is frequently deleted in various hematological malignancies and solid tumors, but the actual tumor suppressor gene remains unidentified.


We investigated approximately 200 kb of the genomic region surrounding the ETV6 locus in Fugu (fETV6) in order to find conserved functional features, such as genes or regulatory regions, that could give insight into the nature of the genes targeted by deletions in human cancer cells. Seven genes were identified near the fETV6 locus. We found that the synteny with human chromosome 12 was conserved, but extensive genomic rearrangements occurred between the Fugu and human ETV6 loci.


This comparative analysis led to the identification of previously uncharacterized genes in the human genome and some potentially important regulatory sequences as well. This is a good indication that the analysis of the compact Fugu genome will be valuable to identify functional features that have been conserved throughout the evolution of vertebrates.

Uniparental disomy for chromosome 16 in humans.   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10  
The association between chromosomal mosaicism observed on chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and poor pregnancy outcome has been well documented. CVS mosaicism usually represents abnormal cell lines confined to the placenta and often involves chromosomal trisomy. Such confined placental mosaicism (CPM) may occur when there is complete dichotomy between a trisomic karyotype in the placenta and a normal diploid fetus or when both diploid and trisomic components are present within the placenta. Gestations involving pure or significant trisomy in placental lineages associated with a diploid fetal karyotype probably result from a trisomic zygote which has lost one copy of the trisomic chromosome in the embryonic progenitor cells during cleavage. Uniparental disomy would be expected to occur in one-third of such cases. Trisomy of chromosome 7, 9, 15, or 16 is most common among the gestations with these dichotomic CPMs. Nine pregnancies with trisomy 16 confined to the placenta were prenatally diagnosed. Pregnancy outcome, levels of trisomic cells in term placentas, and fetal uniparental disomy were studied. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), low birthweight, or fetal death was observed in six of these pregnancies and correlated with high levels of trisomic cells in the term placentas. Four of the five cases of IUGR or fetal death showed fetal uniparental disomy for chromosome 16. One of the infants with maternal uniparental disomy 16 had a significant malformation (imperforate anus). All infants with normal intrauterine growth showed term placentas with low levels of trisomic cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A comparative study of human chromosome 17 (HSA17) and pig chromosome 12 (SSC12) was conducted using both somatic cell hybrid panel (SCHP) and radiation hybrid (RH) panel analysis. Sequences from an expressed sequence tag (EST) project in pig reproduction were examined and six genes and ESTs originally believed to map to HSA17 were selected for this study. The genes/ESTs were TATA box binding protein-associated factor (TAF2N/RBP56), alpha-2-plasmin inhibitor (SERPINF2/PLI), H3 histone family 3B (H3F3B), aminopeptidase puromycin sensitive (NPEPPS), an expressed sequence tag (ESTMI015) and P311 protein (P311). The SCHP analysis mapped five genes/ESTs (TAF2N, H3F3B, SERPINF2, NPEPPS and ESTMI015) to SSC12q11-q15 and SSC12p11-p15 with 100% concordance, and assigned P311 to SSC2 (1/2q24)-q29 with 100% concordance. Radiation hybrid analysis of all six genes confirmed the SCHP mapping results, with average retention frequency of 25%. Recent human sequence data demonstrated that P311 is actually located on HSA5q. As HSA5q and SSC2q show conserved syntenic regions predicted from bi-directional painting, our P311 mapping data is consistent with these results. An expanded comparative SSC12 RH map integrating the five new type I markers and 23 previously mapped loci was established using a LOD score threshold of 4.8. The gene order of the five genes/ESTs on the SSC12 framework RH map (H3F3B-ESTMI015-NPEPPS-TAF2N-SERPINF2) is identical to the HSA17 GB4 map but with inversion of the map as conventionally drawn.  相似文献   

In a previous work we showed a remarkable conservation of the general structure of the genome (chromo-some number and synteny) among different pathogenic species of Old World Leishmania, indicating the absence of major interchromosomal rearrangements during evolution. In the present study, we have compared the fine structure of chromo-some 5 among two of these divergent species (Leishmania major and Leishmania infantum) by means of physical mapping. Remarkably, the 42 markers jointly mapped on these two chromosomes were found in an identical order along the chromosome. This perfect colinearity of the markers is in striking contrast to the large genetic distance that separates these species and suggests that conservation of the fine-scale organisation of chromosomes may be critical in Leishmania. If this colinearity is confirmed on the whole of the chromosome set, the current systematic sequencing programme of the genome of L.major should greatly help in the development of comparative genetics between different species of Leishmania.  相似文献   

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