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Phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs) function as important second messengers in many cellular events. In the human intestinal protist Entamoeba histolytica, where phagocytosis/trogocytosis plays an indispensable role in proliferation and pathophysiology during infection, various PIPs are involved in multiple steps of phago/trogocytosis. PI3‐phosphate (PI3P) plays a pivotal role in the biogenesis of phagosome/trogosomes via recruitment of PI3P effectors. Because no known PI3P downstream effectors are conserved in E. histolytica, we exploited a unique method to identify the proteins PI3P dependently recruited to phagosomes. We rationalised that overexpression of PI3P‐binding GFP‐HrsFYVE competes for PI3P on phagosomal membranes and results in dissociation of PI3P effectors from phagosomes. EhVps26 and EhVps35, but not sorting nexins (SNXs), of the retromer complex were detected from phagosomes only without GFP‐HrsFYVE overexpression. Two potential SNXs, EhSNX1 and EhSNX2, identified in the genome, possess only phox homology domain and specifically bound to PI3P, but retromer components, EhVps26 and EhVps35, did not bind to PI3P. Live and immunofluorescence imaging showed that EhSNX1 was recruited to the trogocytic cup and tunnel‐like structures, and subsequently, EhSNX2 was recruited to trogosomes. Furthermore, EhSNX1, but not EhSNX2, specifically bound to Arp2/3 and EhVps26, which were localised to the tunnel‐like structures and the trogosomes, respectively. EhSNX2 gene silencing increased trogocytosis, suggesting that EhSNX2 plays an inhibitory role in trogocytosis.  相似文献   

Movement and phagocytosis are clue events in colonisation and invasion of tissues by Entamoeba histolytica, the protozoan causative of human amoebiasis. During phagocytosis, EhRab proteins interact with other functional molecules, conducting them to the precise cellular site. The gene encoding EhrabB is located in the complementary chain of the DNA fragment containing Ehcp112 and Ehadh genes, which encode for the proteins of the EhCPADH complex, involved in phagocytosis. This particular genetic organisation suggests that the three corresponding proteins may be functionally related. Here, we studied the relationship of EhRabB with EhCPADH and actin during phagocytosis. First, we obtained the EhRabB 3D structure to carry out docking analysis to predict the interaction sites involved in the EhRabB protein and the EhCPADH complex contact. By confocal microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and immunoprecipitation assays, we revealed the interaction among these proteins when they move through different vesicles formed during phagocytosis. The role of the actin cytoskeleton in this event was also confirmed using Latrunculin A to interfere with actin polymerisation. This affected the movement of EhRabB and EhCPADH, as well as the rate of phagocytosis. Mutant trophozoites, silenced in EhrabB gene, evidenced the interaction of this molecule with EhCPADH and strengthened the role of actin during erythrophagocytosis.  相似文献   

Vesicular trafficking plays a pivotal role in the virulence of the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica. In the present study, we showed that one isotype of the small GTPase Rab11, EhRab11B, plays a central role in the secretion of a major virulence factor, cysteine proteases. EhRab11B did not colocalize with markers for the endoplasmic reticulum, early endosomes and lysosomes, but was partially associated with non-acidified vesicles in the endocytic pathway, likely recycling endosomes. Overexpression of EhRab11B resulted in a remarkable increase in both intracellular and secreted cysteine protease activity, concomitant with an augmentation of cytolytic activity as demonstrated by an increased ability to destroy mammalian cells. The oversecretion of cysteine proteases with EhRab11B overexpression was neither sensitive to brefeldin A nor specific to a certain cysteine protease species (e.g. CP1, 2 or 5), suggesting that these three major cysteine proteases are trafficked via an EhRab11B-associated secretory pathway, which is distinct from the classical brefeldin-sensitive pathway. Overexpression of EhRab11B also enhanced exocytosis of the incorporated fluid-phase marker, supporting the notion that it is involved in recycling. This is the first report demonstrating that Rab11 plays a central role in the transport and secretion of pathogenic factors.  相似文献   

Rab7 is a small Rab GTPase that regulates vesicular traffic from early to late endosomal stages of the endocytic pathway. Here we report the cloning and characterization of a novel Rab7-like GTPase, which shares highest homology with Rab7 and thus is designated as Rab7b. Northern blot analysis shows that Rab7b mRNA is expressed in human heart, placenta, lung, skeletal muscle, and peripheral blood leukocyte. RT-PCR or Western blot analysis of Rab7b expression shows that Rab7b is selectively expressed in monocytes, monocyte-derived immature dendritic cells (DCs), and promyeloid or monocytic leukemia cell lines. In the peripheral blood, Rab7b is specifically detected in CD14(+) cells, but not in CD4(+), CD8(+), CD19(+) or CD56(+) cells. When immature DCs are matured with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), Rab7b expression is gradually downregulated, while Rab7b is upregulated when monocytes are activated by LPS treatments. In acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) HL-60 and NB4 cell lines, Rab7b expression is upregulated after phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced monocytic differentiation. By immunofluorescence confocal microscopy, we demonstrate that Rab7b is associated with lysosomal organelles. Our data suggest that Rab7b is a lysosome-localized monocytic cell-specific small GTPase, and is involved in PMA-induced APL cell differentiation and possibly in regulation of monocyte functions.  相似文献   

Vesicular trafficking plays an important role in a virulence mechanism of the enteric protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica as secreted and lysosomal cysteine protease (CP) contributes to both cytolysis of tissues and degradation of internalized host cells. Despite the primary importance of intracellular sorting in pathogenesis, the molecular mechanism of CP trafficking remains largely unknown. In this report we demonstrate that transport of CP is regulated through a specific interaction of Rab7A small GTPase (EhRab7A) with the retromerlike complex. The amoebic retromerlike complex composed of Vps26, Vps29, and Vps35 was identified as EhRab7A-binding proteins. The amoebic retromerlike complex specifically bound to GTP-EhRab7A, but not GDP-EhRab7A through the direct binding via the carboxy terminus of EhVps26. In erythrophagocytosis the retromerlike complex was recruited to prephagosomal vacuoles, the unique preparatory vacuole of digestive enzymes, and later to phagosomes. This dynamism was indistinguishable from that of EhRab7A, and consistent with the premise that the retromerlike complex is involved in the retrograde transport of putative hydrolase receptor(s) from preparatory vacuoles and phagosomes to the Golgi apparatus. EhRab7A overexpression caused enlargement of lysosomes and decrease of the cellular CP activity. The reduced CP activity was restored by the coexpression of EhVps26, implying that the EhRab7A-mediated transport of CP to phagosomes is regulated by the retromerlike complex.  相似文献   

Rab-interacting lysosomal protein (RILP) has been identified as an interacting partner of the small GTPases Rab7 and Rab34. Active Rab7 recruits RILP on the late endosomal/lysosomal membrane and RILP then functions as a Rab7 effector controlling transport to degradative compartments. Indeed, RILP induces recruitment of dynein-dynactin motor complexes to Rab7-containing late endosomes and lysosomes. Recently, Rab7 and RILP have been found to be key proteins also for the biogenesis of phagolysosomes. Therefore, RILP represents probably an important factor for all endocytic routes to lysosomes. In this study, we show, using the yeast two-hybrid system, that RILP is able to interact with itself. The data obtained with the two-hybrid system were confirmed using co-immunoprecipitation in HeLa cells. The data together indicate that RILP, as already demonstrated for several other Rab effector proteins, is capable of self-association, thus probably forming a homo-dimer.  相似文献   

Metronidazole (MNZ), the first line drug for amoebiasis and auranofin (AF), an emerging antiprotozoan drug, are both inhibiting Entamoeba histolytica thioredoxin reductase. The nature of oxidised proteins (OXs) formed in AF‐ or MNZ‐treated E. histolytica trophozoites is unknown. In order to fill this knowledge gap, we performed a large‐scale identification and quantification of the OXs formed in AF‐ or MNZ‐treated E. histolytica trophozoites using resin‐assisted capture coupled to mass spectrometry (MS). We detected 661 OXs in MNZ‐treated trophozoites and 583 OXs in AF‐treated trophozoites. More than 50% of these OXs were shared, and their functions include hydrolases, enzyme modulators, transferases, nucleic acid binding proteins, oxidoreductases, cytoskeletal proteins, chaperones, and ligases. Here, we report that the formation of actin filaments (F‐actin) is impaired in AF‐treated trophozoites. Consequently, their erythrophagocytosis, cytopathic activity, and their motility are impaired. We also observed that less than 15% of OXs present in H2O2‐treated trophozoites are also present in AF‐ or MNZ‐treated trophozoites. These results strongly suggest that the formation of OXs in AF‐ or MNZ‐treated trophozoites and in H2O2‐treated trophozoites occurred by two different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Entamoeba invadens is a reptilian enteric protozoan parasite closely related to the human pathogen Entamoeba histolytica and a good model organism of encystation. To understand the molecular mechanism of vesicular trafficking involved in the encystation of Entamoeba, we examined the conservation of Rab small GTPases between the two species. E. invadens has over 100 Rab genes, similar to E. histolytica. Most of the Rab subfamilies are conserved between the two species, while a number of species-specific Rabs are also present. We annotated all E. invadens Rabs according to the previous nomenclature [Saito-Nakano, Y., Loftus, B.J., Hall, N., Nozaki, T., 2005. The diversity of Rab GTPases in Entamoeba histolytica. Experimental Parasitology 110, 244-252]. Comparative genomic analysis suggested that the fundamental vesicular traffic machinery is well conserved, while there are species-specific protein transport mechanisms. We also reviewed the function of Rabs in Entamoeba, and proposed the use of the annotation of E. invadens Rab genes to understand the ubiquitous importance of Rab-mediated membrane trafficking during important biological processes including differentiation in Entamoeba.  相似文献   

Rab7 small GTPase plays a crucial role in the regulation of trafficking to late endosomes, lysosomes and phagosomes. While most eukaryotes encode a single Rab7, the parasitic protist Entamoeba histolytica possesses nine Rab7. In this study, to understand the significance of the presence of multiple Rab7 isotypes, a role of two representative Rab7 isotypes, EhRab7A and EhRab7B, was investigated. EhRab7B was exclusively localized to acidic vacuoles containing lysosomal proteins, e.g. amoebapore-A and cysteine protease. This lysosome localization of EhRab7B was in good contrast to EhRab7A, localized to a non-acidic compartment in steady state, and only partially colocalized with lysosomal proteins. Overexpression of EhRab7B resulted in augmentation of late endosome/lysosome acidification, similar to the EhRab7A overexpression. Expression of EhRab7B-GTP mutant caused dominant-negative phenotypes including decrease in late endosome/lysosome acidification and missecretion of lysosomal proteins, while EhRab7A-GTP enhanced acidification but did not affect either intracellular or secreted cysteine protease activity. Expression of either EhRab7B or EhRab7B-GTP mutant caused defect in phagocytosis, concomitant with the disturbed formation and disassembly of prephagosomal vacuoles, the compartment previously shown to be linked to efficient ingestion. Altogether, these data indicate that the two Rab7 isotypes play distinct but co-ordinated roles in lysosome and phagosome biogenesis.  相似文献   

One of the major activities of melanocytes in skin is to produce melanin and transport it via dendrites to neighboring keratinocytes. Here, we present evidence that Rab8, a member of the small GTPase superfamily, is present in purified melanosomal fractions, and is upregulated by pigmentogenic agents like melanocyte-stimulating hormone/isobutylmethyl xanthine (MSH/IBMX) and ultraviolet radiation B (UVB). Confocal immunofluorescence microscopic studies revealed that Rab8 is colocalized with Mel5, a melanosomal protein, at the trans-Golgi area and in the cytoplasmic vesicles of B16 cells. During MSH/IBMX treatment, while a number of dendrites with numerous processes are formed, colocalization is extended towards the tips of protrusions. Since process formation is supported by cytoskeletal assembly as well as membrane transport, we tested the colocalization of Rab8 with actin filaments in B16 cells. Rab8, indeed, colocalized with phalloidin, mostly at the periphery, but when irradiated with UVB, cells were rounded instead of dendritic, and colocalization was found predominantly at the cytoplasmic area. Further, suppression of Rab8 expression by its antisense oligonucleotide revealed the reduction in staining intensity of Rab8 but not of Mel5, dendrite formation and melanosome transport towards the tips of the dendrites in B16 melanoma cells. Taken together, it is suggestive that Rab8, in B16 melanoma cells, might have a role in melanosome traffic and dendrite extension, both in constitutive and regulated fashion.This investigation was supported in part by Grants-In-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, and Culture, Japan (grant 15591176)  相似文献   

Intracellular membrane trafficking regulates a wide variety of developmental processes, including cell and tissue morphogenesis. Here we report developmental expression of Drosophila Rab11, a small GTP‐binding protein, required for both endocytic recycling and exocytosis. Rab11 is expressed in the epithelial cell types of diverse lineages at all developmental stages, beginning from the cellular blastoderm in early embryos to adult primordia and adult tissues, like the columnar epithelia lining male ejaculatory bulb. A robust expression of Rab11 is seen both in the amnioserosa and in the lateral epidermis during embryonic dorsal closure, a morphogenetic event that involves spreading and fusion of the contra‐lateral sides of epidermis. Rab11 mutant embryos fail to display the characteristic morphological changes in these two epithelial tissues during dorsal closure, providing a strong basis to dissect the role of Rab11 in coordinated epithelial sheet movements. genesis 47:32–39, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Rab35 is one of the first discovered members of the large Rab GTPase family, yet it received little attention for 10 years being considered merely as a Rab1‐like GTPase. In 2006, Rab35 was recognized as a unique Rab GTPase localized both at the plasma membrane and on endosomes, playing essential roles in endocytic recycling and cytokinesis. Since then, Rab35 has become one of the most studied Rabs involved in a growing number of cellular functions, including endosomal trafficking, exosome release, phagocytosis, cell migration, immunological synapse formation and neurite outgrowth. Recently, Rab35 has been acknowledged as an oncogenic GTPase with activating mutations being found in cancer patients. In this review, we provide a comprehensive summary of known Rab35‐dependent cellular functions and detail the few Rab35 effectors characterized so far. We also review how the Rab35 GTP/GDP cycle is regulated, and emphasize a newly discovered mechanism that controls its tight activation on newborn endosomes. We propose that the involvement of Rab35 in such diverse and apparently unrelated cellular functions can be explained by the central role of this GTPase in regulating phosphoinositides and F‐actin, both on endosomes and at the plasma membrane.   相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Small GTPase Rab (products of ras genes from rat brain) is a widely conserved molecular switch among eukaryotes and regulates membrane trafficking pathways. It is generally considered that the number of Rab encoded in the genome correlates with multicellularity; however, we found that unicellular ciliates Tetrahymena thermophila (Tt) and Paramecium tetraurelia (Pt) possess many more Rab genes in their genome than the 64 HsRab genes in the human genome. We succeeded in isolating 86 cDNA clones of 88 TtRab genes in the Tetrahymena genome. By comparing the amino acid sequence of Rab in humans and the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 42 TtRab belonged to subfamilies functionally characterized and designated as conventional Rab, while the remaining 44 TtRab were considered to be species‐specific. To examine the diversity of Rab in ciliates, we searched for Rab genes in the genome database of P. tetraurelia. Overall, 229 PtRab genes were found and categorized as 157 conventional and 72 species‐specific PtRab, respectively. Among them, nine PtRab genes showed high homology to seven TtRab, suggesting the conservation of ciliate‐specific Rab. These data suggested that the range of Rab is markedly amplified and diversified in ciliates, which may support the elaborate cellular structures and vigorous phagocytosis of those organisms.  相似文献   

Acidic extracellular pH (pHe) has been shown to stimulate peripheral lysosome trafficking, resulting in cathepsin B secretion and tumor invasion. In addition, inhibitors of sodium‐proton exchangers (NHE) such as EIPA, cariporide and s3226, as well as the non‐specific NHE inhibitor, troglitazone (Tro), blocked these changes. In this paper, we report a differential ability of the thiazolidinedione (TZD) family of compounds to induce a time‐dependent retrograde aggregation of lysosomes over the microtubule‐organizing center (MTOC) in tumor cells exposed to acidic pHe. This trafficking event depended on microtubules and the MAP‐Kinase pathway, but was independent of Rho GTPase activity. Expression of shRNA implicated Rab7 in this process, and subcellular fractionation revealed that levels of Rab7, RILP and Erk1/2 were increased on lysosomes purified from cells treated with Tro. In addition, DN‐RILP overexpression studies indicated that this Rab7 effector also played a role in TZD‐induced retrograde trafficking. Tro was able to prevent acidic pHe‐induced cell invasion. Finally, DU145 prostate tumor cells stably over‐expressing WT‐RILP, a condition where lysosomes aggregate to the MTOC in the absence of Tro, did not invade in response to acidic pHe, suggesting that the regulation of lysosome trafficking is an inherently important aspect of tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

Membrane trafficking in male germ cells contributes to their development via cell morphological changes and acrosome formation. TBC family proteins work as Rab GTPase accelerating proteins (GAPs), which negatively regulate Rab proteins, to mediate membrane trafficking. In this study, we analyzed the expression of a Rab GAP, TBC1D9, in mouse organs and the intracellular localization of the gene products. Tbc1d9 showed abundant expression in adult mice testis. We found that the Tbc1d9 mRNA was expressed in primary and secondary spermatocytes, and that the TBC1D9 protein was expressed in spermatocytes and round spermatids. In 293T cells, TBC1D9-GFP proteins were localized in the endosome and Golgi apparatus. Compartments that were positive for the constitutive active mutants of Rab7 and Rab9 were also positive for TBC1D9 isoform 1. In addition, TBC1D9 proteins were associated with Rab7 and Rab9, respectively. These results indicate that TBC1D9 is expressed mainly in spermatocytes, and suggest that TBC1D9 regulates membrane trafficking pathways related to Rab9- or Rab7-positive vesicles.  相似文献   

The pathogenic amoeba Entamoeba histolytica is one of the causative agents of health hazards in tropical countries. It causes amoebic dysentery, colitis and liver abscesses in human. Iron is one of the essential nutritional resources for survival and chronic infection caused by the amoeba. The parasite has developed multiple ways to import, sequester and utilize iron from various iron‐binding proteins from its host. In spite of its central role in pathogenesis, the mechanism of iron uptake by the parasite is largely unknown. Here, we carried out a systematic study to understand the role of some of the amoebic homologues of mammalian endocytic Rab GTPases (Rab5 and Rab21, Rab7A and Rab7B) in intracellular transport of human holo‐transferrin by the parasite. Flow cytometry and quantitative microscopic image analysis revealed that Rab5 and Rab7A are required for the biogenesis of amoebic giant endocytic vacuoles (GEVs) and regulate the early phase of intracellular trafficking of transferrin. Rab7B is involved in the late phase, leading to the degradation of transferrin in the amoebic lysosome‐like compartments. Using time‐lapse fluorescence imaging in fixed trophozoites, we determined the kinetics of the vesicular transport of transferrin through Rab5‐, Rab7A‐ and Rab7B‐positive compartments. The involvement of Rab7A in the early phase of endocytosis by the parasite marks a significant divergence from its host in terms of spatiotemporal regulation by the Rab GTPases.  相似文献   

The vesicular soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin‐insensitive vesicle‐associated membrane protein (TI‐VAMP/VAMP7) was previously shown to mediate an exocytic pathway involved in neurite growth, but its regulation is still largely unknown. Here we show that TI‐VAMP interacts with the Vps9 domain and ankyrin‐repeat‐containing protein (Varp), a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) of the small GTPase Rab21, through a specific domain herein called the interacting domain (ID). Varp, TI‐VAMP and Rab21 co‐localize in the perinuclear region of differentiating hippocampal neurons and transiently in transport vesicles in the shaft of neurites. Silencing the expression of Varp by RNA interference or expressing ID or a form of Varp deprived of its Vps9 domain impairs neurite growth. Furthermore, the mutant form of Rab21, defective in GTP hydrolysis, enhances neurite growth. We conclude that Varp is a positive regulator of neurite growth through both its GEF activity and its interaction with TI‐VAMP.  相似文献   

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