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Capsule Timing of breeding influenced wing-length at fledging, and egg size may be an indicator of fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks.

Aims To investigate chick growth, temporal patterns of chick food provisioning and the importance of indices of parental condition or quality, egg size and hatching date, to predict nestling body mass and wing-length at fledging, and compare breeding and chick feeding characteristics between colonies in the northeast Atlantic.

Methods A survey of Cory's Shearwater nests was carried out at Vila islet. A sample of 52 chicks, ringed and weighed at hatching, was selected to study chick growth and food provisioning.

Results Hatching success (51%) was much lower than fledging success (87%). Both hatching date and egg size contributed to explain wing-length at fledging, but hatching date, which was negatively correlated with wing-length at fledging, had the most important contribution (22%). There was some indication that egg size may explain variation in fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks. Food delivery and feeding frequency of chicks varied throughout the chick development stage and three phases were distinguished: (1) 0–29 days, the highest feeding frequency values and a linear increase in food delivery; (2) 30–69 days, an oscillation in food delivery and medium feeding frequencies; (3) 70–90+ days, a sharp decrease in both food delivery and feeding frequency.

Conclusion Variation in food availability did not seem sufficient to override the overall importance of indices of parental quality in determining reproductive measures and chick provisioning. Breeding and feeding characteristics were similar between colonies in the northeast Atlantic, with variability in chick provisioning higher further south.  相似文献   


El Niño and La Niña climate perturbations alter sea currents and food availability for seabirds in many areas of the world. This changes their breeding success and mortality. Blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) breeding success is dependent upon whether one or two clutches per season are laid, and the hatching and fledging success of these clutches. This study uses six years of data from five blue penguin breeding colonies, three from Taiaroa Head, Otago Peninsula and two from Oamaru, to examine whether annual variation in breeding success correlates with El Niño/La Niña perturbations. When La Niña conditions prevailed, penguins started breeding later, and there was a lower proportion of double breeders than in El Niño and normal years. The probability of a newly hatched chick surviving to fledging was also dependent on whether large‐scale climatic conditions prevailed, whereas hatching success and overall breeding success (number of fledged chicks per breeding pair) showed no correlation with climate perturbations.  相似文献   

Capsule The best estimate of breeding success was a mean of 0.57 fledglings per pair, which when combined with adult survival rates, successfully explained the observed population trend.

Aims To quantify Golden Plover breeding success on a moor managed for shooting Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus.

Methods An intensive study recorded the fate of individual Golden Plover nests and, using radiotelemetry, chicks. The factors associated with mortality were examined, allowing the construction of a model of breeding success. Adult survival was estimated from return rates of colour-ringed birds.

Results Estimated rates of daily nest survival during laying (0.8636) were significantly lower than during incubation (0.9913). The daily survival rate of chicks less than nine days (0.8868) was significantly lower than for older chicks (0.9792). A population model based on these parameters overestimated the rate of nest losses, but accurately described brood survival and fledging success. Although predation rates were low, poor survival of young chicks through starvation or exposure suggest other factors were limiting breeding success at the study site.

Conclusions Predation rates of Golden Plover nests and chicks can be low on moorlands managed for shooting Red Grouse. However, in the absence of predation, other factors may still reduce chick survival and limit breeding success.  相似文献   


Annual counts of nests with eggs or chicks (known nests) were made at blue penguin (Eudyptula minor) breeding sites on the Otago Peninsula in each November from 1994 to 1997. Although the population has doubled to an estimated 600 known nests over this period, the number of breeding sites on the Otago Peninsula has reduced since the 1970s. Breeding success at three areas at Taiaroa Head were monitored by regular nest checks in the breeding season from 1992 to 1998. At Taiaroa Head reproductive success ranged from 41 to 78% at the three sites during the seven‐year study and was generally higher for pairs nesting in nest boxes than for those in burrows. The percentage of breeding pairs that laid a second clutch after fledging at least one chick from their first clutch (double brooded) varied between seasons (0–48%) and was correlated with the date of the onset of breeding. Egg loss, possibly through predation by Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus), influenced the significantly lower reproductive success at one area (Area A) at Taiaroa Head during the 1996 season.  相似文献   


A study of the nesting habits and breeding biology of blue penguin Eudyptula minor was undertaken over the 1995–96 and 1996–97 breeding seasons on Matiu‐Somes Island, Wellington, New Zealand. Male and female blue penguins tended to be faithful to both mates and nest sites, although there was insufficient evidence to detect any association between a bird's breeding success in 1995 and a subsequent change of mate or nest in 1996. Over the 1995 and 1996 seasons the recorded hatching success (0.51 ±0.11 and 0.63 ± 0.10 respectively), fledging success (0.81 ±0.12 and 0.85 ±0.10 respectively) and reproductive success (0.41 + 0.11 and 0.54 ± 0.11 respectively) were similar each season. There was no significant difference between the proportion of eggs laid, or eggs hatched and chicks fledged, between the two seasons. The mean number of chicks raised over the two seasons was 0.94 ± 0.05 per nest. Replacement clutches were laid by 11 per cent of failed breeders in each season, but only in 1996 were they successful in fledging chicks.

No significant difference was found between the breeding success of the Matiu‐Somes Island blue penguin colony recorded during this study and a previous study undertaken on the island 40 years ago.  相似文献   


The biology of two species of diving petrel (Pelecanoides georgicus and P. urinatrix exsul) was studied at Bird Island, South Georgia. Existing criteria (bill shape and morphology, wing length) for distinguishing these species are reviewed, and several new characters are recognised. For adults bill depth, the colour of the posterior part of the tarsus, and vocalisations are distinctive; chicks have down of different colours (pale grey in P. u. exsul, dark grey in P. georgicus). At South Georgia the species breed in different habitats and at different times - P. u. exsul nests in steep tussock slopes in very early summer, P. georgicus in fine scree slopes in midsummer. P. georgicus lays a proportionately larger egg, and has an incubation period of 46 days (c.54 days in P. u. exsul) and a chick fledging period of 46 days. The fledging period of P. u. exsul is 54 days, very similar to recorded values for P. u. urinatrix (53.5 days) and P. u. chathamensis (56 days). Data on feeding frequency and feed size were derived from daily chick weighings and from twice-daily weighing during 30 days preceding fledging. In both species chicks are fed every night, and often by both parents. In P. georgicus true mean chick feed size is c.37 g; in P. u. exsul it may be slightly less. Analysis of chick stomach contents suggests that P. u. exsul feeds extensively on copepods, whereas P. georgicus largely takes krill (Euphausia superba). P. u. exsul breeding adults commence moulting before their chicks have fledged; P. georgicus moults exclusively in the non-breeding season. Ectoparasites were collected, and the feather louse Pelmatocerandra setosa was found to be restricted to P. u. exsul, and Pelmatocerandra enderleini to P. georgicus. P. georgicus, which breeds later and whose chicks fledge faster, is suggested to be better adapted to the climatic and marine environmental conditions than P. u. exsul, which may be the more recent colonist of these high latitudes.  相似文献   

The time between egg laying and chick fledging is of crucial importance for the survival of young birds. I analyzed breeding output at consecutive phases of growth of young Coots (Fulica atra) relative to the clutch size and laying date. Considering the specific breeding biology of the Coot, I tested whether chick survival reveals clutch size-dependent variability. Clutch size did not affect hatching success; it only affected brood size, and that merely temporarily. During the first 20 days after hatching, i.e. during the time of the highest chick mortality, birds with larger clutches lost chicks at a higher rate. As a result, the number of fledged chicks was independent of the initial number of chicks, and pairs with different clutch sizes had a similar number of fledglings. The laying date had no effect. This pattern of age-related chick survival points to the greater role of the type of chick growth (semi-precocial) and behavior in their survival.  相似文献   

Capsule Repeated counts of fledged broods can provide a useful estimate of breeding success for most common woodland birds.

Aims To assess the efficacy of comparing fledged-brood survey data with territory mapping using simple mark–recapture analysis techniques to provide an estimate of breeding success for common woodland birds that does not involve finding nests.

Methods Three observers undertook territory mapping surveys of adults, followed by counts of fledged broods four times a week during May–July 2007 in two 15 ha woods each, both in southern England. Using known fledging to maturity periods, these counts were used to calculate daily detection probabilities for broods of ubiquitous species. These enabled fledged brood territory occupancy probabilities (i.e. brood to territory ratios) to be estimated that take account of the possibility that broods were present but missed by surveys.

Results Of the 19 species found in all six woods, mean daily detection probability estimates for fledged broods of 17 species ranged from 0.17 to 0.50 with significant variation between woods for 12 species, but within region/observer for four species. The mean probability of detecting a brood at least once was over 75% using four visits per week and over 50% using two visits. Only for Great Spotted Woodpeckers Dendrocopos major and Garden Warblers Sylvia borin was the fledging period too short and the daily detection probability too low to provide a reasonable estimate of the territory occupancy probability.

Conclusion Daily detection probabilities for fledged broods of most common woodland birds were sufficiently high to enable useable estimates of fledged-brood territory occupancy probabilities to be made based on a survey programme involving two or three visits per week between late May and the end June. The method used may have application as a means of providing a relatively easily derived productivity index for woodland bird monitoring programmes or for research studies.  相似文献   

Capsule Crèches formed early in the season lasted longer than those formed later, but a longer crèching period did not appear to confer higher chick survival.

Aims To investigate the ecological factors influencing the benefit to parents of crèching behaviour by measuring chick survival.

Methods Mark–recapture was used to model apparent daily survival of 505 chicks during the crèching period in three different crèches. We contrasted models with different tipping points to assess possible differences across crèches in chick survival during the first week and in the moment at which chick departures began.

Results We did not find a clear difference across crèches on daily chick survival during the first stages of the crèche. By modelling chick apparent survival as a linear function of time we showed that the latest formed crèche dispersed more rapidly.

Conclusions The two crèches formed early in the season lasted longer than the one formed later but chicks did not appear to have a higher survival over the first week of crèching. We suggest that a longer period at the crèche should result in a higher survival in the period soon after fledging because chicks leave the crèche 4–7 days older than other chicks. Furthermore, early crèches are synchronous with those of other species breeding in the same area, thus perhaps diluting predation. We discuss the limitations of our analysis and the possible implications for the community of waterbirds breeding at our study site.  相似文献   

We present data from an extensive study of Bearded Vulture Gypaetus barbatus breeding biology in the Pyrenees from 1992 to 1999. Average laying date was 6 January (range 11 December to 12 February, n  = 69) with no significant differences between years. Eighty per cent of clutches were of two eggs ( n  = 20) and average incubation was 54 days (range 52–56, n  = 14). Hatching occurred on average between 21 February and 3 March (range 5 February–7 April) and the first and last chicks fledged in 21–27 May and 20 July, respectively. The average chick age at fledging was 123 days (range 103–133, n  = 20). Bearded Vulture density increased significantly during the study period. Breeding success and productivity declined apparently as a consequence of the increase in the percentage of breeding failures during incubation and chick rearing, most during the hatching period. The factors that may determine breeding failure and the decline in breeding performance are analysed and management recommendations for more effective conservation measures are discussed.  相似文献   

Capsule: The diet of Black Guillemot Cepphus grylle grylle chicks in the Baltic Sea region was dominated by Viviparous Eelpout Zoarces viviparus. Risk of nest predation by avian and mammalian predators was perceived to be low, and hatching and fledging success were high.

Aims: To gain insight into the ecology of nestling Black Guillemots in the Baltic Sea region to fill knowledge gaps and benefit its conservation.

Methods: Two island groups in the Baltic Sea were visited several times during the breeding season of 2014 and 2015 to monitor nestling survival and fledging. In addition, camera traps were used in 2014 to monitor prey brought to chicks by adults and record possible nest predation events.

Results: Hatching success was 0.89 and 0.73 in 2014 and 2015, respectively, and fledging success was very high (0.95 and 0.97). No incidences of avian or mammalian predation were observed. Chicks fledged at night between 32 and 38 days after hatching. Viviparous Eelpout made up 95% of the prey items brought to the chicks by adults.

Conclusions: The hatching rate and fledging rate of the Black Guillemot was high in our study region. Juveniles seemed highly dependent on the availability of eelpout. Changes in the abundance of this species may therefore have negative effects on chick survival.  相似文献   


Capsule: There has been no trend in nest survival of Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dryobates minor in the 70 years since the 1940s whereas the numbers of young per nesting attempt has declined. Late nests in any year are now significantly less productive than early ones.

Aims: To test whether there has been a long-term decline in the nest survival and productivity of the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in Britain.

Methods: Breeding data from 331 nests over the period 1949–2019 have been analysed. There were three sources – nest records submitted to the British Trust for Ornithology, a study by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds from 2006 to 2009 and records submitted to the Woodpecker Network from 2015 to 2019. Generalized linear models were used to analyse the records for first egg date, clutch size, numbers of young fledged, and numbers of nest days for which the nest was under observation. Data were grouped into three periods reflecting population trends of the bird (pre-1980, 1980–1999, 2000–2019) and we also analysed trends with year and spring temperature.

Results: There was no trend in first egg date up to 1980 but subsequently it has advanced by 13 days. The mean clutch was 5.3 with no trend with period or year. There were no trends in nest survival during the egg stage or chick rearing. The mean number of young fledged was 2.6, with nests since 1980 fledging lower numbers of young than those pre-1980 and a decline with year. Loss of chicks, probably to starvation, was the main cause of low productivity. In the last period (2000–2019) nests started early in the season fledged more young than those started later, a trend not apparent in the earlier periods.

Conclusions: Low productivity is a widespread problem for the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker which has probably been exacerbated by the trend towards warm springs.  相似文献   

Capsule Annual breeding success was relatively constant and is shown to be related to clutch size and growth rate and to be positively affected by rain during egg-laying and advanced chick-rearing phase.

Aims To provide the first long-term data on breeding success of Black-headed Gulls in the Wadden Sea, to analyse its intrinsic and environmental co-variates, and to re-assess the significance of the severe winter 1995/96 on reproduction.

MethodsIn a relatively small colony at the Wadden Sea coast, clutches were selected randomly and enclosed to determine clutch size, egg biometrics, hatching and breeding success, and chick development in 1991 and from 1994 to 1997. Weather data (temperature, rain, wind) were related to life-history traits (clutch size, egg volume, chick development) and reproductive success.

Results Mean annual breeding success was 0.7 fledglings per pair. In 1996, breeding success tended to be lower and chick growth rate was significantly lower. Hatching success was lower in small clutches, chick mortality increased with decreasing chick growth rate. Rain during the egg-laying phase increased clutch size and decreased clutch predation. Rain during the early post-natal phase impaired chick growth. Rain during the phase of linear growth affected chick growth and fledging success positively and brood predation negatively.

Conclusions Breeding success of Black-headed Gulls breeding in the Wadden Sea is relatively constant between years, probably due to the use of terrestrial and marine feeding habitats. Rain may increase the availability of intertidal and terrestrial prey and thus may affect time budgets and food provisioning of parents positively. Lower breeding success in 1996 might have been caused by a relatively dry breeding season and possibly by the preceding severe winter.  相似文献   

Fledging is a major life transition for birds, when juveniles move from the safety of a nest into an environment where they must find food and avoid predators. The timing of fledging within a season can have significant effects on future survival and breeding success. Proximate triggers of fledging are unknown: though wing development is likely a primary factor, other physiological changes, such as elevated plasma corticosterone (CORT), may affect fledging behavior. Laysan Albatross (Phoebastria immutabilis) chicks have an extended post−hatching period during which they reach 150% of adult mass. However, approaching fledging, chicks fast for days to weeks and lose mass while still putting energy into feather growth. We evaluated chick morphology and physiology to elucidate proximate triggers of fledging. As in some other species, CORT increased as chicks fasted and lost body mass. At the same time, corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG) declined, thus amplifying free CORT prior to fledging. Once chicks reached a morphological threshold, free CORT levels predicted how long they stayed at the colony: chicks with higher free CORT fledged sooner. To perturb the relationship between body condition, endocrine physiology, and fledging behavior, we supplementally fed chicks for the month before fledging. Fed birds had a slower decrease in body mass, slower decrease in CBG, slower increase in free CORT, and stayed at the colony longer after reaching a morphological threshold. Our study suggests that as chicks lose mass, free CORT acts as a signal of energetic or nutritional state to adjust the timing of fledging.  相似文献   

We have studied brown noddies Anous stolidus breeding on Cayo Noroeste in the Culebra National Wildlife Refuge for the past five years (1985–1989). Daily visits during our residence there each year permitted collection of precise data on arrival chronology, egg-laying and incubation patterns, egg morphometries, chick growth rates, food delivered to chicks and breeding success. Over 150 adults are now individually colour-banded, and each annual chick cohort has been uniquely marked. Some features of the breeding biology of Culebran brown noddies were similar to those reported for pairs at Atlantic and Pacific Ocean colonies; these included duration of egg development, mass of newly hatched chicks, chick growth rates and fledging periods. Other features appear unique to Culebra. These include a tightly synchronous arrival (range of first egg dates: 29 April-4 May) and short egg-laying period (about six weeks), a consistently high breeding success each year (average 84% hatching success, 88% chicks fledged from eggs hatched, 0.79 chicks fledged per pair), and an unusually narrow range of food items (two fish species) taken by adults for their own needs and those of chicks. Observations of the direction taken by adults departing the colony suggest a predictable and productive foraging area along a prominent east-west shelf-break located c. 20 km to the north. We conclude that during these five years, brown noddies on Cayo Noroeste were not limited by food during the breeding season.  相似文献   

We studied breeding success, chick growth, parental effort and chick behaviour in two groups of Lesser Black-backed Gulls Larus fuscus whose chicks were provided with additional food until 7 days after hatching or until fledging. These data were compared with those from control pairs which we studied simultaneously to test the hypotheses that food was in short supply during the chick stage at the colony site and that in such circumstances the behaviour of adults and young is mainly responsible for the low success. Pairs whose chicks were fed with additional food until fledging showed a higher fledging success than control pairs (intermediate for pairs of first experimental group). During the first week after hatching, experimental adults of both groups were present together at the territory for longer than control pairs. In adult females of experimental pairs, the length of feeding trips was shorter than in females of control pairs, whilst the rate of chick feeding was more frequent in the experimental broods. After the chicks were 7 days old, differences were significant only for the experimental pairs whose chicks were provided with additional food until fledging. Chicks fed until fledging showed a higher daily mass and wing-length increments and reached a higher fledging mass at an earlier age than both control chicks and chicks which were provided with additional food until day 7. Starvation occurred only in control chicks and in chicks of the first experimental group after we had stopped providing food. When food was in short supply, fledging success of gulls was adversely affected as a result of both starvation (because of the lower feeding rates of chicks) and a higher predation rate (arising from changes in behaviour of both adults and chicks).  相似文献   

The northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) is a common seabird of the North Atlantic Ocean, with breeding colonies broadly dispersed between 45°N and 80°N. At higher latitudes, breeding fulmars experience extensive sea-ice and presumably snow and low temperatures which do not affect fulmars in the southern part of the breeding range. We studied the relationship between weather and reproductive success of northern fulmars breeding at two colonies in the Canadian high Arctic. Collectively, hatching success, fledging success, and productivity (chicks fledged per egg laid) were similar between our study and results from colonies located south of the Arctic. However, a larger proportion of fulmars at apparently occupied sites (AOS) in high Arctic colonies appeared to forego egg-laying, resulting in lower proportions of chicks fledged per AOS. Extreme inclement weather was the major factor influencing nesting success, resulting in pulses of egg or chick loss during or immediately following major storms, although the mechanism of effects appeared to differ between the two colonies. For Arctic fulmars, the risks of nest failure due to stochastic, deleterious weather events may be offset by the predictable abundance of food supplies during chick-rearing in Arctic waters.  相似文献   

CLARE S. LLOYD 《Ibis》1979,121(2):165-176
A study of the breeding biology of the Razorbill was carried out on Skokholm (South Wales) during 1971-73. Birds ringed or colour ringed before the study began provided additional information upon the effects of age on breeding. Mean laying date was delayed in 1972, compared with 1971; the effect is attributed chiefly to stormy weather which upset colony attendance. Eggs were also smaller in 1972. A seasonal decline in egg size (volume) was noted in all three years, attributed mainly to the later laying of young birds. Egg size increased with age, at least up to the fifteenth year. Eggs lost totalled 30% of those laid; 73% of this total was due to predation by Herring Gulls and of Jackdaws. Most losses (45%) occurred during the first 10 days after laying. Of lost eggs, 25% were replaced, usually 14 days after the loss of the original; only eggs laid and lost early in the season could be replaced. Only 7% of the chicks which hatched failed to fledge. Most (62.5%) chick losses occurred in the first week of nestling life, when chick weight was related to egg size. Afterwards, both growth rate and fledging weight were independent of egg size. The chicks fledging early in the season were heavier than later chicks. Failure to fledge was mainly due to a breakdown in behaviour between parent and young, rather than to predation. Breeding success was highest for birds breeding early in the season, most of which were older, more experienced breeders. These laid early enough to replace an egg if it was lost; they produced large eggs, and their chicks were therefore both heavier than average during the critical first 7–10 days of life, and fledged at a high weight. Thus experience accumulated with age, and the ability to lay early in the season are important for successful breeding in the Razorbill.  相似文献   

Food supplements placed daily beside the nests of herring gulls, Larus argentatus, for the first 5 days after the first chick hatched produced improved weight gains over this initial period and higher fledging success, particularly in the third chick. The fledging success of the fed group appears to be due to increased weight gain and not to increased parental protection in the supplemented period. Since there is indirect evidence that food is available this suggests that the parents are putting less effort into foraging for their chicks than they are able to, and less than is in the interests of the third chick, in the first days after hatching. On a separate colony we found that having three chicks in the brood for more than 5 days resulted in lower weight gains for the second chick, but not the first. We suggest that fledging three chicks rather than one or two greatly increases the parents' reproductive effort, and consequently interpret the third egg as primarily insurance against the loss of the first or second.  相似文献   

We studied the consequences of differences in growth rate on the subsequent survival of Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus chicks. Fledging success increased sharply with growth rate, from zero in chicks growing at less than 6 g per day to about 85% in chicks growing at more than 10 g per day. The age at which chicks fledged varied from 27 to 52 days. Chicks which fledged at an early age displayed a much faster growth rate than later fledging chicks. Although slow growth resulted in a considerable prolongation of the period before fledging, slow-growing chicks fledged at a smaller size and with a lower body-weight than fast-growing chicks. After fledging, all chicks remained almost completely dependent on their parents up to an age of 3 months and often longer.
Almost 40% of the fledglings eventually returned to the breeding area. This figure probably reflects post-fledging survival. Age and size at fledging had no effect on a chick's probability of return. Body-weight at fledging had a small positive correlation with the return probability, but this was not statistically significant. We conclude that although slow growth severely reduces a chick's chance of fledging, it probably does not result in irreversible damage causing an increased risk of mortality during the first years after fledging. Apparently, any possible disadvantage associated with small size or low body-weight could be compensated for after fledging.  相似文献   

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