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We assessed whether populations of the migratory, philopatric, territorial Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina are regulated through territoriality and density‐dependent reproduction rates. In the north‐western part of the distribution to the east of the Baltic Sea, territories were spaced regularly and consistently between years. We did not find strong support for an improvement of reproductive output with an increase in distance to the nearest neighbour or with a decrease of the number of conspecifics within a 2‐km radius around nest‐sites. Eagles differed greatly in territory spacing across three studied geographical areas, but breeding performance did not follow the same pattern. Performance of birds at the northern limit of their distribution did not differ from that in an adjacent southern area. Moreover, breeding performance fluctuated synchronously across different geographical areas, perhaps indicating climatic spatial autocorrelation or trophic interactions with synchronous vole population fluctuations over large areas. Our data suggest population regulation through territoriality but do not identify density‐dependent breeding performance in this internationally protected raptor. Population density may be a good criterion for the selection of priority sites for conservation, but synchronous fluctuations in reproductive success over large geographical areas suggest that habitat conservation should similarly be focused at large scales.  相似文献   

Capsule The breeding biology of the Spotted Eagle was studied and we analysed results from direct observations at a nest in Estonia.  相似文献   

Hybridization is a significant threat for endangered species and could potentially even lead to their extinction. This concern applies to the globally vulnerable Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga, a species that co‐occurs, and potentially interbreeds, with the more common Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina in a vast area of Eastern Europe. We applied single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and microsatellite markers in order to study hybridization and introgression in 14 European spotted eagle populations. We detected hybridization and/or introgression in all studied sympatric populations. In most regions, hybridization took place prevalently between A. pomarina males and A. clanga females, with introgression to the more common A. pomarina. However, such a pattern was not as obvious in regions where A. clanga is still numerous. In the course of 16 years of genetic monitoring of a mixed population in Estonia, we observed the abandonment of A. clanga breeding territories and the replacement of A. clanga pairs by A. pomarina, whereby on several occasions hybridization was an intermediate step before the disappearance of A. clanga. Although the total number of Estonian A. clanga × A. pomarina pairs was twice as high as that of A. clanga pairs, the number of pairs recorded yearly were approximately equal, which suggests a higher turnover rate in interbreeding pairs. This study shows that interspecific introgressive hybridization occurs rather frequently in a hybrid zone at least 1700‐km wide: it poses an additional threat for the vulnerable A. clanga, and may contribute to the extinction of its populations. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 725–736.  相似文献   

The diet of Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos in Scotland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
J. WATSON  A. F. LEITCH  S. R. RAE 《Ibis》1993,135(4):387-393

Capsule: In the migratory Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina, colour rings and Global Positioning System transmitters indicated annual survival rates similar to other large raptors, but the rate suggested by wing-tags was significantly lower due to the higher rate of tag loss.  相似文献   

Capsule?Five Booted Eagles breeding in Spain were tracked by GPS during migration. Autumn routes were generally more eastern than spring routes, showing a typical loop migration. Birds covered on average ca. 200 km/day, and only one individual used a long-term stopover site (for up to 4 weeks). All but one used a single wintering area, located in Sub-Saharan Africa, at 2800–3500 km from their nests. Eagles were forced to stop migration at the Strait of Gibraltar for up to 6 days.  相似文献   

The demographic consequences of within-population variability in predator foraging are not well understood. We assessed the relationship between the degree of diet specialization and two demographic parameters, population density and reproductive output, within a single population of Imperial Eagles Aquila heliaca at a nature reserve in north-central Kazakhstan. Nearest-neighbour distances between eagle nests throughout the reserve, and thus population density, were correlated with the degree to which diets were specialized. Diet diversity showed an extensive regional variability that was linked to prey distributions, but within-year analyses of reproductive output did not show similar linkages. However, multi-year analyses of breeding performance showed inter-regional differences in nesting success that were paralleled, and probably driven by, similar trends in diet diversity. In contrast, brood size at fledging was not linked to diet diversity and was more probably driven by reserve-wide influences such as weather. Finally, the decision to initiate breeding was associated neither with diet diversity nor with environmental variability. Our results indicate that the degree of dietary specialization is linked to the demographics of Imperial Eagle populations. For these and other raptor populations, it is possible that management could be used separately to increase or decrease nesting success, brood size at fledging, and the likelihood that a pair will initiate breeding.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the concentrations of Pb in foods and the potential health risk from Pb exposure via surveys and a literature review. It was shown that the mean Pb concentration in different food groups was in the following decreasing order: marine products > meat > egg > vegetable > cereal > bean> dairy > fruit. More precisely, on average the weekly Pb intake (mg kg?1 bw week?1) for men, women, 2–3-year-old children, and 4–17-year-old children was 0.0055, 0.0059, 0.0145, and 0.0091, respectively. We used both deterministic and probabilistic methods to estimate the target hazard quotients (THQs) by comparing the dietary Pb intake estimation with respect to the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). The result showed that THQ values were lower than 1 in most cases, except the 97.5th percentile THQ values for 2–3-year-old children, and the probability of greater dietary Pb exposure than the tolerant weekly intake (THQ > 1) were 0.2%, 0.6%, 3.7%, and 1.2% for adult men, women, 2–3-year-old children, and 4–17-year-old children, respectively, indicating a low health risk for Chinese consumers. Among all groups, children, especially 2–3-year-old children were the most sensitive sub-population with regard to Pb exposure. Finally, it still appeared necessary to continue undertaking efforts to reduce exposure to Pb.  相似文献   

Capsule: The nesting habitat of the Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina extensively overlap, indicating that they exploit similar resources.

Aim: We aimed to determine the overlap in the nest platforms, nest trees and nest stands used by these raptors, find any evidence for the avoidance of the larger Lesser Spotted Eagle by the smaller Common Buzzard, and provide conservation implications for habitat protection of the former species in habitats that overlap extensively.

Methods: Nest sites were mapped during 2012–2014 in the Bir?ai Forest Spatial Protection Area, northern Lithuania. Fifty-three nest sites occupied by Common Buzzards and 26 by Lesser Spotted Eagles were compared.

Results: The nest platforms of both raptors were similarly placed in the tree canopies. Most Lesser Spotted Eagle nests were built in spruce, while the Common Buzzard usually nested in birch. The nest stands of the eagles were on wetter soil and located closer to the forest edge than those of the buzzards, otherwise, the nest stands did not differ significantly. There was no evidence for spatial avoidance of the larger raptor by the Common Buzzard.

Conclusions: The different components of the nesting habitats extensively overlapped, and the distribution of the interspecific pairs lacked spatial avoidance. We suggest that the nest sites of both raptors were a largely shared resource, especially if located close to the forest edges. We propose, as a rule of thumb, applying protection by way of buffer zones around buzzard nest sites if they are located close to eagle nest sites and the forest edge.  相似文献   

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